Two opposites: Hot and Cold

He was soft,

She was rough,

They say opposites attract,

That causes them to interact,

His eyes showed love, hers hate,

He wanted to give her love, at any rate,

He came closer and took her hand,

And with a quick motion, she caused it to bend,

As if nothing happened, he moved towards her lips,

While kissing her, he moved up her hips,

His lips were crushed by agony,

But she still couldn't get free,

He licked off his blood in slow motion,

Her vicious nature was his obsession,

Instead of getting another kiss, he was sent against the wall,

He loved how she stood so tall,

Slowly taking off her jacket, he whispered into her ear:

"I won't hurt you. There's nothing to fear,"

He let her jacket drop to the ground,

Almost revealing her chest – they seemed perfectly round,

Blinded by fury, she ripped his jacket off,

And punched him in his face – pretty rough,

He smirked:"Two can play that game,"

He pressed his body against hers – with no shame,

She jerked him back by his hair,

His hands continued to explore her – he didn't care,

He carefully removed her of her belt,

When suddenly, a whip on his hand he felt,

"I told you to stay away,"

"You just want me to prolong our foreplay,"

How dare he say this in her face!

"To make this interesting, why don't you wear this as a lace?

And play as my pussycat,

And maybe…have a more intimate chat,"

Her belt hit his cheek,

How her torture made him weak!
Placing a hand onto her cheek, he looked into her eyes,

"I never knew that torture…could feel so nice,"

She beat him up,

But he didn't stop,

It hurt to see him hurt,

She turned around; she couldn't say a word,

He hugged her tight,

"Don't go! I'm alright,"

She felt relieved – in a strange way,

How did he make her want to stay?

His hand moved to her pants,

And opened her button when he saw his chance,

She dropped her belt when she felt his touch,

Why did she like it so much?
While he was stroking her private spot,

She began to feel hot,

"You're just like melting steel,

So why don't you tell me how you feel?"

She felt him licking her ear,

And felt his hip against her rear,

Her pants fell to her feet,

And, ironically, she felt more heat,

He removed the cloth that covered her chest,

And took his time when inspecting her breasts,

Her cheeks turned red,

Dirty thoughts running through her head,

All of a sudden, she couldn't feel his touch,

Why did she miss it so much?

She turned around in confusion,

Strangely, wanting more of this intrusion,

She saw that he removed his shirt,

Realizing, that he wanted more than just to flirt,

His eyes flashed red,

"You want me. I can read your head,"

The veins near her eyes bulged out,

"Keep going and I'll make you scream – loud,"

He placed her hand against his chest,

To see if she could pass this test,

Her anger – she couldn't hide,

He was right,

She was getting pissed,

She couldn't resist,

His eyes turned black,

She also reverted back,

But still stared at his well-formed abs,

And allowed him to close the gap,

His kisses were soft,

Her kisses were rough,

She got rid of his pants surprisingly quick,

Her fingers did the trick,

He rid her of her underwear at last,

She did the same – just as fast,

No piece of cloth was left to cover their skin,

But that was the beauty of this sin,

He felt her painful bite on his lip,

But enjoyed it each trip,

He slowly pulled away,

Filled with anger, she asked:"Do you want to end our fray?"

She shoved him onto his bed,

What she did was completely paradoxical to what she just said,

"You might think that everything that happened is a fight,

But I think of them as affection - even your bite,"

He motioned for her to come and sit,

And strangely, she just did,

"I guess this is your first time. Are you scared?"

"That's a stupid question," she sneered and pretended she didn't care,

"Then let me put you at ease,"

And gradually separated her knees,

He couldn't help but stare at her womanhood,

Seeing the look his in eyes, she understood,

"I know what you're up to,"

"This will make it a lot easier on you,"

She felt his tongue caress her private part,

She shivered with a start,

It tickled her to no end,

Yet, she liked the shivers he sent,

He kept licking her lips,

She started to move her hips,

She clasped her legs around his neck –tight,

Now he was convinced that it felt right,

She pulled on his hair,

Telling him to keep it there,

He tasted her fluid on his tongue,

He was doing nothing wrong,

He stopped and sat back up,

"Why…did you stop?"

He licked his lips with a soft moan,

More fluid escaped her when hearing his tone,

"Because now you're prepared,

And you won't feel so hurt,"

She knew what he was talking about,

And her voice accidentally became timid but loud,

"Don't dare to finger-"

"I promise the pain won't linger,"

"I'm not scared of that little bit of agony,"

"So you dare me to go slowly?"

She nodded and didn't say another thing,

He carefully rubbed his index finger against her opening,

She focused her attention on his face,

As her heart began to race,

His finger slowly began to enter her,

But the pain was also there,

She began groaning – just as he thought,

She grabbed the sheets as she fought,

He entered her once again,

But it didn't hurt as it did back then,

She slowly began to open her eyes,

As the pleasure began to rise,

By the 3rd time, gone was the pain,

And pleasure was her only gain,

"I…told you…I-I wasn't scared,"

She gasped before low moans were heard,

He let another finger join the first,

Adding to her incredible thirst,

She felt his fingers explore her inside,

How good it felt when he made them slide!

Slowly, they moved in and out,

Making her noises become quite loud,

By the time he finished, she was completely wet,

He licked his finger; they were almost set,

He showed her a small package in his hand,

"Here comes the next step." he said and she began to understand,

She first stroked him with her tongue,

Causing a low moan to escape his lungs,

She continued working on his member,

He blushed; it felt as hot as ember,

She continued her sucking,

Gradually, he felt it stiffening,


She let it drop,

She helped him cover it with the 'sheet',

He already felt the oncoming heat,

In her mouth, she felt some sort of liquid,

Giving him wet kisses, she covered his tongue with it,

"Are you ready for the final round?"

As an answer, she pushed him down,

"I guess you want to be the one to dominate,"

"In return, you'll feel better than during any of your dates,"

They kissed again,

Their tongues would meet every now and then,

Her tongue lashed out like a whip,

He let his tongue merely slip,

She crashed her hip against his,

It started to slip inside – what bliss!

Once, fully inside,

Did they finally enjoy the ride,

"Hinata…don't be so wild,"

"You're…boring me being so mild,"

With that she bit him on his ear,

Causing him to almost cry a tear,

He gave her soft kisses on her neck and cheek,

To calm her inner freak,

She tore his skin from his neck,

Nothing could keep her in check,

His injury caused him to cry out in pain,

He bit his lip but all his efforts were in vain,

The speed of her shoving rose,

As she felt the climax drawing close,

She moved too fast; he couldn't breathe,

Did she love to see him grieve?

The climax came and hit them both,

She clawed his back as she enjoyed each shove,

3 seconds passed and she stopped her rocking,

But she still wanted more; it was quite shocking,

"I-I'm…not satisfied. It went too fast,"

He smirked and said:"I know how to make the climax last,"

"And how do you think we should go?"

"Let me take the lead and we'll take it slow,"

But she had no time to respond,

Already pinned down, she was too stunned,

She felt him enter her once more,

But much slower than before,

A low gasp escaped her throat – it felt so good!

As he gradually move deeper into her womanhood,

Feeling her squirm under his weight,

He continued to mate,

The softness of his bed was nothing compared to his push,

But she still missed the sudden rush,

"Faster," she hissed almost with hatred,

He only pushed harder, showing that she was still being dominated,

She gasped and groaned his name,

"Are you enjoying my game?"

"Shut up, Sasuke…and speed up your pace,"

But he did not pretend it was a race,

She felt shivers running down her spine,

He was intoxicating as pure wine,

"Purr for me…my little kitty,"

"Just because you change the subject…doesn't make you witty,"

He gave out a low, seductive growl,

She replied with a short howl,

She felt his tongue on her neck, cheek and chest,

She couldn't restrain herself, even if she tried her best,

Angrily, she grabbed his neck and held it tight,

Instead of being afraid, he smiled with pride,

"I thought you wanted to help me get you high,

If you still feel the urge, try to act shy,"

Her pride was hurt and she let go,

She needed excitement even if he had to go slow,

While closing in on her face, her pink lips came into his view,

People as attractive and with lipstick as durable as hers were few,

He slowly brushed his lips against hers,

Soon she'll feel how much he cares,

He let his tongue take a peek,

At the color he seeked,

Strawberry or perhaps the taste of gum,

Was in his mouth – with a hint of his cum,

He stroked her lips and asked for entrance,

She let him in and he continued with his dirty romance,

The way his tongue played her was a thrill,

"You shouldn't be rough, but neither did I tell you to stay still,"

Reluctantly, she agreed to make him her guide,

And after some seconds her pace was just right,

Gradually, the tingling feeling began to increase,

Meanwhile their wet kisses began to cease,

But he never stopped to move in and out,

Yet, she didn't scream or shout,

She'd just moan and groan,

Telling him indirectly she was his own,

Friction, when he rubbed himself against her walls,

Was the feeling that made them so tall,

"S-sasuke…more!" she breathed in a bossy tone,

But her blushing face caused her cover to be blown,

His pushes were still slow but hard,

Yet, she was satisfied only at the start,

He felt her hands at his cheeks, trying to push him deeper in,

But she was too late and couldn't win,

He whispered:"Open your eyes,

And look at me before the feeling dies,"

He licked her cheek in a quite erotic way,

His tongue was as hot as a summer day,

Again came the highest point of their sin,

They gazed at each other while taking the feeling in,

It felt smooth like silk and soft like cotton,

It felt so good to be rotten,

Neither felt the cooling sweat,

Nor the comfortableness of his bed,

All they felt was the moment and the heat,

And the slow quenching of their need,

She kept counting the seconds but stopped at ten,

She didn't care how it started or when,

How high or hot could she feel, she thought with fear,

But her heavy breathing and heaving chest told her she was already here,

Sensual and deep – their moans would drown out their pants every now and then,

While he kept caressing her g-spot again and again,

It was beautiful – how his rocking never ceased,

And how he still continued to please,

She ran her hands through his hair,

Feeling shudders here and there,

How she loved the feeling whenever it slipped,

Yet, she was jealous how he had her in his grip,

"It feels…nice, doesn't it?"

His hot breath tickled her ear a bit,

"Shut up…playboy,"

He was wrong to think she was becoming coy,

He hoped to turn her meek,

But at least he made her weak,

A wave of dizziness swept over them and their eyes became unfocused,

Slowly closing their eyes, they fully gave in to their lust,

He listened to her heavy breathing,

Did she know they were arousing?

But why did she hate him, this…bitch?

But his anger faded when he heard her breath hitch,

A minute passed and the climax started to fade,

But surprisingly, she still felt great,

With one final, hard thrust, he ended the ride,

And dropped by her side,

Silence helped them to make them calm,

And wipe the sweat off their palms,

Time helped to calm their racing hearts,

And he helped her wipe the blood off her private part,

With her mouth, she removed the 'cover',

Few would do so with their lover,

"I told you I would make it work,

And I didn't need to give you hurt,"

"You cannot hurt. It was just taking long,"

He viciously bit her lip and proved her wrong,

"Your blood is proof that I gave you pain,

Can you prove you can be soft and plain?"

She gave him a French kiss,

Deliberate and yielding – it was pure bliss,

She dressed up and turned to leave,

Why did she feel this grief?

He was good, she was bad,

Yet, she was the one that seemed sad,

He was sure –she'll beg for more,

But he wondered what she was pretending for,

Yet, he felt it – that bond,

If he kept going, she'll grow fond,

He was tempted to trap her in an illusion all night,

But he didn't need to – she did everything right,

He was mild,

She was wild,

She liked it fast, he preferred it slow,

And he didn't mind getting a blow,

He gave her love, she gave him hate,

But either way, it felt great,

He did it tender, she violent,

It's surprising how smooth it went,

He was hot, she was cold,

But when it comes to love, both were quite bold,

"Next time, we'll reverse the roles,"

He thought as the door closed,

Because there is only 'giving' and 'taking',

During the act of lovemaking.