A/N: This will be the last chapter. In this update, Jaina and Poe are finally on the same page. Finn, Rey, and their sons leave Endor searching for the truth. Leia's true power is revealed. And then later, peace is fleeting but it is attainable. Please read, and I hope you enjoy this final chapter.
Chapter 9: Everything You Are
The next day, after the Council meeting:
Poe and Jaina met up for a short walk and to talk. Mace had been so excited about his Jedi name, that he told Jaina about it. She was happy for him, of course, but she couldn't help but wonder about all the time lost if only.
After walking for a bit, she then told Poe about the Council meeting and Luke or Mace, as he's called now, has a Jedi name and where Mace's Father came from. After she had stopped speaking, Poe pondered her words.
He shook his head but he wasn't completely surprised. "Finn is Force-sensitive because his Grandfather was a Jedi Master? Unbelievable."
"Everyone was shocked, apparently, but Mace and Finley were taken completely off-guard." She watched him closely. "Are you thinking about what I said before about you being Force-sensitive?"
"No, not really. I mean, I don't feel any differently. My parents weren't Jedi Knights or anything like that. They did fight in the Resistance."
"How about your grandparents?"
"No, I don't think so," he replied and thought about that. His Mother's parents were hardly ever mentioned. Was it possible? He thought.
"You should find out more about them." She didn't want to push the issue so they talked about more important matters, like their relationship. Poe was a true gentleman. He held her hand, he kissed her goodnight, but he never made any moves on her. She wondered if he just wanted to remain friends but nothing more, but no, that wasn't true. It was in his eyes whenever he would look at her or smiled at her. And she answered that look with her own need to get closer.
Thinking of his family, he frowned and shook his head to clear it. "About Finn, I wonder why he never told them the truth about his family."
"I think I know why," Jaina said and pondered his reasons. "Finn felt that they were far too young when he found out, but I think he didn't want it to influence them in any way."
"You may be right, but I don't think that's the reason," Poe thoughtfully said.
"What do you think it is?" She asked, but was surprised when he didn't answer her but took her hand instead.
Hand in hand, they strolled along the lakeside. It was a beautiful night; the stars were shining; the moon glowed down upon their heads. He squeezed her hand.
"I think he wanted to protect his family from that particular path. A Jedi's life is full of danger and uncertainty about the future." He paused at her look of sadness. "You know what; I don't want to talk anymore." He came closer and touched her cheek. She leaned into his hand then he kissed her slowly at first then more deeply, pulling her into his arms.
She kissed him back and wondered what would happen next. They did love each other; oh, they hadn't spoken the words, but there was no rush, was there? After a few minutes, he pulled away and rested his forehead against hers.
He opened his eyes, then, "Jaina, I …" He hesitated.
She touched his lips and looked into his eyes. "I want you too."
That wasn't what he was going to say, but then he smiled and then he kissed her again. She responded to him in such a way that his head was spinning with his need to get closer. After the kiss, he smiled and took her hand and took her to his private quarters.
He was a Captain now with privileges meaning his own private quarters. It wasn't the first time in his quarters but they had just talked and kissed a few times, but she knew now that he wanted her and she wanted him too.
He closed and locked the door. Jaina sensed something there in his eyes. "Poe, what is it?"
He closed his eyes for a moment and knew he couldn't hold it in any longer. "I … I needed you not to leave me, not to go away. I kept telling myself, if it was what she wanted, then I could live with it, but … my heart refused to accept it," he managed to say, as he touched her cheek and smoothed her hair behind her ear, needing to touch her.
"I'm not going anywhere, Okay?" She paused. "I'm glad you listened to your heart, Poe. That's all that matters. You know that, don't you?" Jaina said coming closer, touching his chest. "Tell me," she said as she looked up into his face.
He needed to say it so she would understand. "I love you, Jaina."
She went into his arms then, "I know you do and I love you too."
Poe felt like the luckiest man in the world; no he was the luckiest man alive. Jaina loved him and he loved her. He knew how valuable love could be and he wouldn't take their feelings lightly but cherish every minute they could share. Standing there with Jaina looking at him like she was the lucky one; no they both were extremely blessed. Of course, he knew their lives would not be easy. He had watched Rey and Finn over the years, but the love their shared, far outweighed the bad times.
"What are you thinking?" She asked.
He stroked and smoothed her hair. "Let's enjoy ourselves, and don't think about the past, the future, just us for now, Okay?"
"I was thinking the exact same thing. We are what matters, nothing else. Now kiss me."
Staring into her eyes, he leaned down and kissed her slanting his mouth against hers pulling her tight against him. They both moaned into each others mouths as tongues clashed and accepted the warm intrusions. His kisses wandered across her cheek to her ear and then back to her mouth again. He picked her up and headed to the bedchamber.
Jaina held him tightly around the neck as she kissed his throat, his ear, needing him with a passion she'd never felt for anyone. Her heart soared inside her chest. It was amazing and intoxicating.
As soon as he entered the chamber, he set her down and helped her remove her clothes as she helped him remove his clothes as well. She couldn't help but notice the scar on his forehead. She touched it softly.
"I'll tell you about it one day," he said and smiled at her. Poe was also thinking of his long ago feelings for Finn but he was with the one person he loved and he would never come between them.
He closed his eyes as her fingers moved over his face touching his cheek, his nose, his lips. He has no idea how handsome he is. "I'm so glad you told me how you felt. Never be afraid to tell me the truth, Okay?"
"Yes, I promise," he said as he picked her up and laid her on the bed. Both naked, he joined her there, as he pulled her into his arms. They both sighed content to be together like this. Poe captured her mouth in a deep consuming kiss, moaning as the pleasure rushed through him when he tasted her tongue, so warm and sweet in his mouth.
Jaina felt desire course through her veins, his passionate kisses were as welcome as a summer rain. She clung to his shoulders pulling him atop her. The feeling of his weight pressing her into the mattress inflamed her, as she arched her hips against his.
Her responsive moans and busy hands was making it impossible for him to slow the pace of their lovemaking. Her fingers closed around his hard length and then smoothed over the tip causing him to moan into her mouth. He tried to slow things down a little by kissing his way down her throat to her chest. He took a pebbled nibble in his mouth, drawing on the tight bud and flicking his tongue back and forth. His leg slid between hers and she rubbed her moist curls against his thigh, needing the pressure to ease the ache he had created there.
Poe's hands continued to roam over her body, igniting even more moans of pleasure from her. Despite his raging need, he took his time loving her thoroughly, wanting to ready her fully for the moment when he joined their bodies. His mouth slanted against hers again, lips tugging and teasing as he continued to kiss her.
Jaina broke his consuming kiss on a gasp when his fingers thrust smoothly inside her body. She opened her eyes to watch him pleasuring her and saw the concentration on his face. His breath came in sharp pants against her face.
He needed to be inside of her then he thrust home, and quickly found the rhythm that had her writhing in his arms. She felt so good around him that the pressure began to build almost immediately. He buried his face in her neck as he pulsed inside of her. All too soon, it was over.
Poe raised his head to look at her and she was a beautiful sight to behold. Her hair was strewn about the pillow and her eyes were closed as she licked her dry lips. She slowly opened her eyes and gazed at her lover. A shock of damp, ebony hair curled down on his forehead and she reached up to smooth it back again.
Smiling, he kissed her repeatedly never tiring of it. She kissed him back. Minutes later, he rested his head on her chest and wondered again at his luck.
She smoothed and stroked his hair. "What are you thinking?"
"I don't know; I'm kind of in a daze about you and me."
"I am too. I never expected this to happen. I mean, I thought I would be alone all of my life." Her eyes watered.
He leaned up and looked into her shining eyes. "Oh Jaina. I did too," he admitted it.
"That's over now, isn't it?" She hopefully asked.
He chuckled. "You better believe it."
She smiled and pulled him closer. "I do; I do believe it."
"Good to know." She nestled back into her arms, and a little while later, they both fell asleep.
Early morning, the next day:
"Finn?" Rey whispered, awakened by her husband hurriedly packing. She sat up and wiped the sleep from her eyes. "What's going on; what are you doing?"
"I'm sorry, Rey, but this feeling; it wouldn't let me sleep." He continued to pack. The light saber was still on the dresser; he placed it inside his bag.
Now Rey was worried. She got out of bed and slipped on a robe. He grabbed his arm and pulled him over to the bed. "Stop that; listen to me and tell me what's got you so upset. I've never seen you like this before."
"It's the disk, Rey. Ever since I revealed it to everyone, including our Sons, I just can't get it out of my mind that … my parents; they could still be alive."
She blinked and shook her head. "Finn, I know these feelings may be new to you but the disk said," she hesitated.
"I know what the disk said, that they were dead, but maybe my Father said that to keep me away, to not search for them because it was too dangerous for me and for them."
She thought about it. "Well, that does make a crazy kind of sense, but," Rey said and stopped at his look. She wanted to talk him out of it. "You're determined to do this; search for them?"
"Yes, I am. I have to go." She looked doubtful. "Do you remember that my Grandfather, Mace Windu revealed himself?" She nodded. "Maybe it was a sign that I should search for them."
"I don't know, Finn. It sounds dangerous and you certainly can't go alone," she said, but then she realized that he was thinking of going alone. "Don't even think about it."
He stood up. "I can't ask you to come, I mean, you're a Jedi and you'll draw attention to yourself and I need to be incognito and under the radar, so to speak."
Her back went up. "That's ridiculous, so I'm coming," she said and pulled out her bag.
He stopped her from packing. "No, Rey, you have to stay here and look after the boys."
"They're not children; they can take care of themselves. They are Jedi Knights, or did you forget?"
"No, but knowing them; they'll want to come too."
A knock came at the door. He opened it. It was them; their sons, rubbing sleep from their eyes. Finley saw the bags. "Are you two planning on a trip?"
"What's going on?" It was Mace, right behind him.
Finn and Rey glanced at each other. "Yes, we are. We never had a honeymoon, so," Rey started.
"Seriously?" Finley asked, not believing it. More secrets, he wondered.
"Where are you going and please tell us the truth?" Mace asked not believing it either.
Rey raised an eyebrow. Finn looked at the ceiling. "Go ahead; tell them."
Rey sighed. "Your Father got a 'feeling' that his parents, your Grandparents, may still be alive."
The boys glanced at each other. "I can't believe it. And were you going to leave without telling us the real reason, or not give us the option of coming with you?"
Finn rubbed the back of his neck. "Yes, we were, but it's too dangerous and we can't put either of you at risk or anything like that."
"Oh, so it's Okay if you take care of family business without us? We are not children. We're coming with you." He turned and left the room. "Come on Mace, we're packing."
"That went well. You can't be surprised they would want to come; same as me," Rey said. "I'll go tell Leia and Ben so they won't worry."
"Fine, I'll meet you and the boys on the Falcon in an hour."
Once on board, Finn did a bit of research. The disk had been vague but Coruscant was a huge planet and having just names will not be an easy search.
Of course, Chewbacca and Leia tried to talk them out of it. The First Order could still be on the planet and if they spotted Rey or him, it could spell disaster for the entire family.
Rey reassured her they would be dressed as upscale travelers to the outer rim, meaning they wouldn't be questioned.
Rey was very worried about her entire family. The fact that they were all Force-sensitive did reduce her worry somewhat but they were not invincible, not in the least.
"Any leads?" She asked her husband. He'd been at the computer during their entire trip. Chewbacca had insisted on coming, so he piloted the ship along with her Sons who had inherited Rey's rather unique instincts of being able to maneuver any ship in the galaxy.
"No, not really?" Finn was frustrated. He knew it would be a long shot but the feeling would not go away.
"You know, Finn, when we talked the other night, I thought you were worried about Jaina and how she came to us and now this?"
"I know, but it may all be connected in some strange way. I have no idea why I was worried about her, but we'll find out soon enough."
"We're here," Finley announced. They landed in a rather obscure part of the planet. Once they left the ship, they headed toward the heart of the city. It was late evening so not many people were out and about. Storm troopers were out but they paid them no mind. Relieved, but soon they came upon a rather unique spot.
Rey pointed to a rather tall building and she had a thought. "Could it be?"
"What is it Mother?" Mace asked.
"I think it's the Jedi Temple? I can't believe it's still standing."
"Amazing," Finley commented.
"Come on, this way," Finn said and headed in the direction of buildings rather reserved for 'above average' families, mainly those close to the Order, meaning under their control.
"Why come here?" Rey asked.
"Well, my research did indicate that my Father was rather wealthy. He actually managed to sell Cloud City." At Rey's raised eyebrows, he continued, "Yes, it's true. I was shocked as well."
"I see," Rey said and followed him. "I wonder who bought it."
Finn had to tell her the truth of what he had found out. "The First Order."
Rey was shocked. "I'm assuming he had no choice."
"Yes, he was forced to sell, but to kidnap me and goodness knows how many other children, makes me feel sick inside."
Rey was thinking maybe Finn was sold to the Order for money. The thought made her sick as well. She would hate to think that his parents would do such a thing.
"What's that look?" Finn asked his wife as they turned a corner, but before she could reply, they spotted about ten storm troopers in formation. They ducked inside an alley, just in time.
They walked right by them, but then the last one stood there for a minute as if waiting for something. They were beginning to worry. "You can come out now."
The voice sounded familiar. "No, it can't be," Finn murmured and walked over to him. "Is it you FN-2221?"
They stared at each other. "Hello, old friend," he said and watched as Rey and their Sons, walked up behind Finn. "Is this your family?" He sounded envious.
Finn backed up in a protective stance. "Yes, it is." He paused. "Can we pass?"
"Yes, you may pass, but you should get off the streets. It's getting dark and storm troopers are everywhere."
"Thank you," Finn said. They headed toward their destination. His friend watched them for a bit then he continued on his way.
"Is this the place?" Rey asked as they came upon a very nice building. It was well lit and no one was around, meaning it wasn't a place for 'unwelcome visitors.' Finn's parents seem to be doing rather well.
"I suppose so," Finn replied, now having doubts about this entire trip. They climbed the stairs then he hesitated.
"Father, aren't you going to knock?" Finley asked.
They'd come all this way. "Of course," he said and knocked several times.
A minute then someone called from the other side. "Whose there?"
"My name is Finn, I mean, Mace …Mace Calrissian."
The door opened and a woman, younger than Finn but not by much, and she seemed a bit stunned. "What did you say?"
"Who's at the door?" Another woman asked and came up behind her.
Finn and his family stared at the woman. She was older but still very beautiful.
"Mother, this man says his name is Mace Calrissian. It can't be; can it?"
She didn't hesitate. "Please come inside and hurry."
Finn stepped aside as Rey and his Sons entered the house. Everyone walked into the living area.
"Anna, what's going on? I heard voices, and," Lando said then stopped walking and stared at their guests.
Anna knew immediately who he was. Her eyes watered. "It's him; he's come home."
"I can't believe it," Lando said shocked and terribly worried. "You're really here." He pulled himself together. "You shouldn't have come."
Finn was struck at their immediate need to protect him. "I'm sorry, but I had to come." He turned to Rey. She took his hand. "This is my family: my wife Rey, and my twin sons, Mace and Finley. This is Lando Calrissian, my Father, this is my Mother, Anna, and who are you?"
She put her hand around her daughter's shoulder. "It's alright, Maia, this is Mace, your brother and his family," Anna told her daughter.
"Hello, I know about you," Maia said stunning her brother.
"Hi, Maia," Finley and Mace spoke to their Aunt.
"Everyone, please sit down," Lando said then he walked for a minute. "I'm sorry, my Son, but you can't stay here."
Rey was really worried about all of this. "And why is that?" Her voice was clipped and short.
Finn glanced at his wife. "Please excuse my wife. She didn't want me to come here, but I couldn't ignore these feelings that you may be alive, and I had to find you."
Anna and Lando glanced at each other. Lando then tried to make his Son understand. "Mace, my Son, you have to understand that your Mother and I made a pact with the Republic. They knew that you were Force-sensitive and they wanted you for their 'new storm trooper program.' We had no choice. We disappeared for a time, but they found us and brought us back here. Your Mother was already pregnant with Maia, so we let them take you."
Finn was beginning to understand. "So you made a choice: your freedom for me."
Lando never wanted this. "Please, Mace, try to see what we went though. Giving you away was the hardest thing we ever had to do. But they threatened us. They were going to kill us all. Please, please don't hate us."
"I see," Finn said. Rey squeezed his hand. Finley and Mace didn't know what to say. "We should go." Finn stood up and wished he had never come.
Anna stood up. "Mace, just please wait for a moment." She walked over to him; tears blinded. "I never thought I would ever see you again." Her eyes roamed over his face. "You're so handsome. You resemble my Father. He would have been so proud of you. I know this."
"Anna," Lando whispered; they were both holding back tears. He put his arm around her shoulder. "Your family is beautiful. Keep them close, Okay?"
Finn swallowed and tried hard not to cry. "I will and thank you ... Mother." He took one last look at his parents. "I don't hate you, not at all."
They headed to the door. After all this time, Finn had thought the worst of his parents, but he wouldn't judge them for what they thought would save their lives and the life of their remaining child. He couldn't do it.
"Goodbye Mother," Finn said. He turned to go.
"Mace, wait. I know you're searching for answers, but you don't have to search any more. Your life is complete. Just think of your … your beautiful family and how much you love them."
Finn nodded; he knew that was true. "I will."
"Goodbye, Son." Lando said.
"Goodbye, Father," Finn said.
Then, they were gone. Rey squeezed his hand, and together with their Sons, headed back to the ship.
The trip back home was quiet and thoughtful. While Chewbacca and the twins guided the ship, Rey and Finn, in the med lab sat down and tried to figure out how to move on from what they had found out.
"Are you Okay?" Rey asked. He was so quiet. "Did you mean it when you said you didn't hate them?"
"I have no idea," he thoughtfully replied. "I meant it when I said it, so it must be true, right?"
"Yeah, it's true. It's not in you to hate anyone and certainly not your parents."
His eyes watered. "They were so beautiful, weren't they?"
She went to him and pulled him close. "Yes they were. They loved you very much." She pulled away. "You believe that don't you?"
He sniffed. "Yeah, I do believe that."
"Then, that's all you need to know."
"Yeah," he said and held her close. He sniffed again.
"It's Okay, I'm here."
A little while later, Finley knocked then opened the door. "We're home."
"Home," Rey said and smiled at her husband.
He smiled in return.
Eight Months later:
The birth of a child is always a joy and celebrations of this blessed event was not to be taken lightly. Ben's daughter was born and she would be called Leia. Weighing in at a healthy eight pounds and six ounces, but there was no doubt she would be strong in the Force.
One evening, Ali was resting, so Ben fed and changed his daughter. "Hey little one," he spoke to his daughter, but soon though, she fell asleep in her Father's arms.
Tears sprang into his eyes, but suddenly he sensed something. It called to him and so he followed it. Placing the baby in the bassinet beside her Mother, he followed his feelings.
Once outside, he didn't sense it anymore. "What is happening?" He spoke to himself.
"Ben, what are you doing out here?" It was Rey and Finn was with her.
"Me, what are you two doing out here?"
"We sensed something," Rey replied.
Soon though, they were joined by Leia. With her cane, she slowly approached them. "I see I wasn't the only one."
"What is it Mother?" Ben asked becoming worried. "Are you Okay?"
"I'm fine, Son, but this peace that we enjoy, it's not going to last."
Everyone closed their eyes and then they all looked up into the sky. Finn and Rey held hands and glanced at each other.
"How long; how long do we have?" That was Rey.
"I can't say but we have to be prepared," Leia replied.
"We are prepared, Mother," Finn said firmly. He loved calling her that.
"I know and we will defeat them just as before," Leia also said firmly.
"Yes, we will," Ben agreed.
"Plageuis is dead, isn't he?" Finn asked.
"Yes, he's dead so it's not him," Ben replied.
Suddenly, Jaina and Poe joined their group. "I know who it is," she said.
Poe took her hand. "Who is it?"
She turned to Rey. "It's your Father's former apprentice, Rey."
"Who is it?" She exclaimed, shocked to hear this. "I can't believe this."
Leia was thinking. "Luke told me about him. His name is Kyp Durron. He trained Jaina when she was a child."
"Darth Plageuis reminded me about him, but only once. He wanted me to forget him and think of him as my only Master," Jaina said.
"I can't believe this," Rey said it again and left the group. Finn followed her.
"Jaina, do you remember the last time you saw him?" Poe asked hoping for some clues.
"After the Jedi purge, I managed to escape, then I pushed him from my mind. After I arrived here, I began to remember him, but that was only a few months ago. We were all so happy and I didn't want it to end." Her eyes watered.
He pulled her close. "I understand. We'll get through this."
"Yes, we will," Ben said. "Goodnight, everyone. The Jedi Council will meet first thing tomorrow."
"Ben, wait," Leia called to her Son. "Believe me, I do not want to ask this, but is it possible that the Knights of Ren have reunited with this Durron character?"
"No, Mother, I haven't been in contact with them since the purge. We separated knowing we would be hunted down like dogs."
She stiffened. "I want to believe you, Ben, but," she hesitated.
He sighed but he didn't blame her. She was worried for all of them. "I know you're worried, Mother, but I am telling you the truth."
"Alright, we'll prepare as best we can. We know nothing about this guy and if Jaina doesn't remember any specifics, we have to train everyone, everyone old enough to fight, everyone."
"Even Finn?" He asked and smiled at her knowing look.
"Yes, even Finn." She relaxed for a minute. "Goodnight, Son."
He kissed her cheek. "Night, Mother. Are you coming?"
"I'll be along in a minute," Leia replied.
He left her alone. "Well, Luke, your instincts were right all along."
"Sorry sis," Luke said just behind her.
"Luke?" She turned and there he stood before her. She couldn't believe it.
"Yes, it's me."
When he just stood there, she said, "Well, what else can you tell me about this man?"
"There truly isn't much else I can say. He was extremely gifted, and I treated him as my own son. Now he's a Sith Lord and he hates me; he hates all of us."
"But why does he hate you?" Leia was at a loss.
"I suppose it may have something to do with Rey. Once she arrived, I left him to his own devices, meaning Jedi Knights who weren't as strong as me, it seems, and that was that. Being a father for the first time was overwhelming for me."
Leia understood. She closed her eyes and took a deep breath. "How old is he?"
"A few years older than Rey," he sadly replied.
Leia was silent trying to come to grips with this new problem. This place could be gone in … who knew how much time they had?
"I know this is hard to accept, but he isn't unreachable, the same as Ben."
"You know what we went through with Ben." She sighed and wiped her tired eyes. "I'm going to bed."
"Goodnight, Leia."
"Goodnight, Luke." He disappeared. Leia stood there and watched the spot where Luke had disappeared and then she sensed something and straightened her back.
"You won't defeat us." Looking up toward the sky, she had a feeling; a feeling so strong that she gasped. "Luke, are you still there?"
"Leia," someone spoke her name and the way it sounded brought tears to her eyes. "Whose there?"
"You're not alone. We're here for you; don't ever forget it." Her vision revealed himself along with so many others.
"Oh my goodness," she murmured and put her hand over her mouth.
There before her was: Her Father and Mother; Luke, Obi Wan, Yoda, Mace, and lastly, her husband ... Han.
"Thank you," she managed to say, eyes brimming with tears. "Thank you all."
There is no end!
Famous Quote: Human Beings, indeed all sentient beings, have the right to pursue happiness and live in peace and freedom. - Dalai Lama
Song Inspiration: You Are Loved (Don't Give Up), Josh Groban.
A/N: I love that quote, but I have so many feels that won't stop with this story. I never intended to end the story this way, with the threat of war, but it seemed fitting somehow especially with what came before. There is always hope, but sadness and uncertainty, which defines our lives, will ultimately bring peace and security. I wanted to thank all my readers for taking this journey with me and thank you for reading and for those that commented thank you so much. Bring on Episode VIII!
A/N(2): Looking back at what I've written, I just added a small thought from Poe about his 'long-ago' feelings for Finn. Poe realized that Finn never expressed any interest in him, as more than a friend, so he moved on or he tried to do that. I'm curious how the saga will continue. I do want Finnrey in the worst way. Poe may be bisexual or not, but he is in my story. Bye for now.