author note: happy new year, everyone!

Toy Bonnie and Toy Chica had been together for a week now. They loved each other, even though they were almost opposites, Toy Bonnie being really shy and Toy Chica really outgoing.

Toy Bonnie was in the parts/service room, talking to his older brother, the old Bonnie from Fredbear's Family Diner.

"s-s-so... how are y-y-y-you doing with T-Toy Chica?" asked the old Bonnie, stuttering because of the dust on his voice box.

"well... we're good... I guess..." responded Toy Bonnie.

"I think I've made some progress with her... We held hands and... we talked and... I didn't blush in front of her today!" he completed, looking proud of himself.

"T-t-that's g-good. But have you k-k-kissed her again?" asked old Bonnie.

"I... well... I haven't kissed her since that day we started dating" responded Toy Bonnie.

"oh, little guy, y-y-you must be a-a-a little less shy! j-just to take t-t-the first step!" said the old Bonnie.

"I'm sorry"

"T-t-there's n-no need for saying sorry, it's j-just my advice" said the old Bonnie, patting his little brother's head.

Meanwhile, Toy Chica was in the Kid's cove with her best friend, Mangle.

"Mangle, do you know what day is tomorrow?" asked Toy Chica, excited.


"No, silly, it's Valentine's Day!" said Chica, smiling.

"So you're expecting your boyfriend to give you a gift or take you out?" asked Mangle.

"of course I do!"

"Chica..." started Mangle.


"You're dating Toy Bonnie!"

"I know! Isn't he so cute?"

"Do you really think he won't be shy as always and not do anything?" asked Mangle.

"oh Mangle, you're being too pessimist! he's getting better! I know he'll come up with something!" said Toy Chica.

"Have you ever kissed him?" asked Mangle.

"uuh... yes! When we started dating we..."

"And after that? I see you two just hold hands. Have you ever kissed after that? Or have you done anything other than talking? Have you ever... slept with him?!" asked Mangle.

"I... I... no, I haven't but I'm working on that with him..."

Mangle started laughing.

"I'm just bragging, hehehe, I know he'll do something. He loves you, after all" said Mangle, smiling.

"oh you silly fox..." said Toy Chica, hugging her friend.

In the parts/service room, Toy Bonnie noticed old Chica talking to Foxy.

"what will you do for me tomorrow, Foxy?" she asked.

"oh, I have a surprise fer ye, lass, hehehe" responded Foxy. Toy Bonnie got up, standing in front of Chica and Foxy.

"uuh... what's so special about tomorrow, guys?" asked Toy Bonnie to them.

"don't ye know, lil' lad?" asked Foxy.


"hehe, it's Valentine's day, Toy Bonnie." said Chica.

"And talking about that, what will you do for my little sister?" she asked.

"I... I didn't know that there was a day for valentines..." said Toy Bonnie.

"well, ye better have something t' give t' yer girl, lad!" said Foxy.

"I'll think of something" he said, leaving the parts/service room.

"Bonnieee..." he heard someone calling him. Suddenly he saw Toy Chica running at him and then hugging him.

"hi, BonBon! What are we gonna do today?" she asked.

"oh... uh... hi, Chica... I... well..." Toy Bonnie was trying to think of something to say.

"oh, you're stuttering again, you look like your brother, hehehe" she said, hugging him even stronger.

"aren't you gonna hug me?" she asked.

"sorry" he said, hugging her as well. They spent some time staring at each other, until Bonnie realized he was staring too much.

"uuh... let's go?" he asked.

"ok, but what will we do?"

"let's... uh... talk?"

"no, talking is getting boring! I want to do something else!" said Chica.

"something else? What do you want to do, then?" asked Toy Bonnie.

"I don't know... let's get something to eat! I'm hungry!" she said.

"uuh... ok, let's go" said Toy Bonnie.

They got the pizza, while eating, Chica started talking.

"Bonnie..." she called.


"do you love me?" she asked, Bonnie started to blush.

"I... well..." Bonnie tried to say something, but he was too shy.

"I'm... uh... preparing something for you, for tomorrow" said Bonnie.

"oh, you remembered tomorrow is Valentine's day! I can't wait to see what you've prepared!" she said, hugging him.

"it was a nice night, I loved having dinner with you, Bonbon!" said Chica, hugging Toy Bonnie and then kissing him in the cheek. He never felt so good.

"I love you, Chica, I just wish I had the courage to tell you..." thought Toy Bonnie, watching her leave.