A/N: Something silly and short. You can thank Dia for bringing up the race until I got inspired to write something. ;)

Disclaimer: I don't own Castle. But I do live in the country that comes up with races like this. (Yes, it's really a thing over here.)

Carry Your Wife

"You signed us up for what?" Kate asked, turning from the view to gape at her husband.

"A wife carrying race," Castle repeated, his grin threatening to widen into the over-eager territory.

"Okay, so I didn't mishear you the first time," she muttered, lifting her hand to pinch the bridge of her nose. "And here I thought you wanted to come to Finland for our honeymoon to make it our place."

"That was my original thought, I swear," he was quick to assure, as he walked over and placed his hands on her hips. "But then, one day, I was on YouTube and..."

"You mean the day when you stayed home 'to catch up on your writing'?" She grinned when he tried - and failed - to look innocent.

"And…" he continued, "I found this BBC clip about the race."

"And instead of thinking 'Hey, let's go watch that'," she imitated him, as she crossed her arms, "you signed us up. Why exactly?"

"Well, you are my wife." A smile broke through, and despite her irritation, she unfolded her arms to wrap them around his middle.

"And I've been known to carry you from time to time."

She rolled her eyes at his dancing eyebrows. "Yes, a few feet at a time. Mostly to our bed. Somehow I doubt that's all there is to this race."

"It does require a bit more, yes," he admitted, then rushed to continue. "But it's the World Championships! We could become World Champions, Kate!"

"Which just happens to be one of your bucket list items." He really needed to work on his innocent look.

"So? Can we do it?" It was unfair how adorable he was when he got excited.

"Yes, Castle," she sighed in mock annoyance. "You can carry me all the way to the podium."

He let out a whoop, causing the laughter she'd been fighting back to bubble up. "You'll love it!"

"Sure. Is that why you didn't tell me until after we'd flown to Finland, checked into our hotel and finished unpacking?" she raised her eyebrow.

"Instead of insignificant details like that, I think we should focus on practicing," he said, his fingers nudging their way under her shirt.

"Is that so?" The flanell was soft under her fingers as her hands traveled up to his shoulders.

"I mean, we have World Championships coming up in a few days. Can't go in unprepared." With that, he scooped her into his arms and raced to the bedroom of their suite.

"Castle," she hissed three days later at the competition center. "They gave me a helmet."


"Why do I need a helmet for a simple piggyback race across the field?"

"Okay, don't get mad…" he began and she closed her eyes. "There might be a few obstacles on the track."

"I knew I shouldn't have trusted you. I should have googled it," she shook her head.

"It's not…"

"Show me," she interrupted, holding out her hand.


"Show me. Now, or I swear I'll…"

"Okay, okay!" He handed his phone over and waited in silence while she watched the clip.

"Kate?" he started, once it was over.



"If you think I'm going to hang upside down on your back while you race through water and sand and climb over obstacles, you're out of your mind," she growled, ending her speech with a poke to his chest.

"That's just one strategy," he tried to mollify, rubbing his chest. "Although, it seems to be the most successful…"

"Castle…" she began in warning.

"Is that Perlmutter?"

The total 180 in the subject threw her for a moment, but she was quick to regain her footing. "That has to be the worst distraction tactic…"

"Detective Beckett, fake-detective Castle."

There was no mistaking the voice, the slightly bored tone, as she turned to face the M.E.

"Perlmutter. What… You're racing?" she asked, after noticing the racing bib attached to his shirt.

"Of course I am," Perlmutter sighed. "Why else would I be here, in the middle of nowhere, getting eaten alive by mosquitos?"

"Just didn't know you had a…" human wife, she almost said, but caught herself just in time. "A competitive side."

"For your information, my wife and I have placed second for the past three years. But this is our year," the M.E. said confidently, before switching his attention to Castle. "Apparently they have added a clown league this year." With that, he turned on his heels and walked away, leaving the others no time to reply.

After Perlmutter had disappeared into the crowd, Castle turned to her.

"It's okay if you don't want…"

"Come on, Castle," she cut him off, placing the helmet on her head and giving him a nudge towards the starting area. "Let's go kick some M.E. ass."
