Chapter Five - Too Many Questions

Dreaming about it was one thing but actually doing it had been beyond his basic form of comprehension. Waking up that morning had been a drag, quite frankly. Seeing her melt like she had in his hands had been an entirely different feeling than he had thought it would be. It left him feeling both hungry and needy for more.

At first, spending some one on one time in the limousine had been a surprise, caught off-guard when he unwittingly mentioned that he was actually paying attention to her entries to the various contests. Chat was the one who knew that, not him, and he was extremely relieved that he had managed to pull that out of his butt because honestly, Alya and Nino had not exactly mentioned those things since he rarely talked to Alya. Though, it was on the sparse occasions when they were meeting up in the very little free time he had in between shoots and takes for filming that they did talk.

And then her disappointment afterward. Well, that was a surprise. He, himself, didn't expect to be disappointed by her "let-down" voice when news of her progress had been passed by word of mouth rather than himself watching out for her. His lie had backfired and he was feeling terrible about that.

Then, just as quickly, she lit up like the stars and was inwardly relieved he didn't have to continue messing up this strange relationship he had with her when Crystal mentioned her private line. But then he was quickly escorted, a behavior he was entirely used to (with surprising distaste), and was put into a room where he was asked by a male in his early to mid-thirties to change his clothes into the one in the box placed before him. He was wary since he had never modeled clothes that were well… less than clothes when he picked them up. But this was a favor, one that Crystal would be sure to pay back since she should know better than to mess with Gabriel's son. Especially since Adrien was quickly getting the hang of things as he aged.

And then they were shoved into a dark room together.

And then she called him Chat.

He probably would've died then if he hadn't been trying so hard not to do something stupid. He almost thought she knew who he was, even though he had asked why she thought them the same. (However, it's quite obvious they are...) But when she immediately began to insist that he wasn't, he was startled to find that he was disappointed that Marinette hadn't found out.

What happened after made him want to seriously consider leaving and just becoming Chat Noir so he could run away in embarrassment or hide. Either option would've been good. For there was Marinette, clad only in lingerie.

Like holy hell, lingerie.

Marinette. Lingerie. Seriously.

It made him really rethink her in a way he hadn't thought of before, though, thinking back, it was probably out of a surprising burst of lust more than anything else. After all, he had been strangely dreaming about her the night before and the same day he woke up, she's dressed up provocatively in garments that not only resembled a Ladybug pattern (dear god help him), but she was extremely sexy for it. However, these thoughts conflicted with the mannered and polite gentleman that he should portray and be. Falling to the whims of what his body demanded was, as much as he hated the idea, very against what Gabriel had taught him to be. As demanding as his father was, Adrien was aware that it could be worse, but it still doesn't excuse it either.

Then when he finished changing, he departed for the party that Crystal mentioned. He handed off the bag of clothes he had changed out of to a woman of her thirties dressed in almost all black. There was a note, reminding him to keep it (along with those "tattoos" of his) and that he should wear it whenever he needed a boost in confidence. He didn't need a boost, he just needed to change into Chat and he'd be fine…

The party was, well, as he expected. What he didn't expect was when Marinette started to laugh more than he was used to. And then things moved so fast that he didn't even get the chance to retort that he didn't want to play spin the bottle. But he did when Elise pushed him to being seated in a circle with a few other people that he recalled meeting earlier.

Bewildered since the wine barely had any effect, he blinked with wide eyes when he watched the bottle spin until it came to a stop with almost a sense of dread. And his eyes lifted to see it land on Marinette—

Only to be rushed off and shoved into a very tiny and cramped closet. Honestly, one would think that someone thought this through, but they didn't since there were dozens of boxes inside. It allowed very little space between him and a very giggly Marinette.

Which was amusing to say the least. However, it wasn't helpful that she kept moving every few seconds on both rubbing against him and… god, whatever else she kept doing because she didn't stop. It was quickly becoming warm in too many ways and as much as he wished he wasn't influenced by the warmth and the godfriggin'damn wiggling, he was. His fingers itched to react, to touch her and mold her against him in ways he wasn't even sure of what they were. Well, he was aware, but it was a dark path that he scarcely wanted to try again. Mostly because of what Chloé had made him feel during those moments of intimacy… or weakness. He wasn't sure which it was.

Being realistic, his small talk was terrible to say the least, and the fact he managed a small conversation was perhaps a miracle in itself. Then their shifting happened and then...

He grunted, throwing a pillow onto his face with a muffled groan. Adrien wanted to bury himself. Well, he could, but the next best thing was to lie awake in bed and stare at the bloody ceiling. Plagg had already made a mockery of him when they returned to the room last night and it didn't feel like the memory would go away anytime soon, even after a whole (failed) night's rest. In fact, it probably made it worse.

He had no idea why or what possessed him to transform and go visit Marinette. When she was clearly drunk after that little spectacle in the closet. He shouldn't be getting so close to Marinette… He… shouldn't. It was Chat that was getting close to her, not him. Er, both of them were him, but how does it explain this strange feeling that was growing in his desire to see her? To see that uplifted eyebrow and pink lips retort something smart to him when he was being overconfident? To see her eyes light up like the stars when they were talking about her dreams? To see her eyes alight with a cheer and amusement that he knew only he could give her?

He didn't quite understand the feeling. After all, he loved Ladybug, his "mistress" and "lady" and would do anything for her. Sacrificing his life was the least he could do whenever they got into danger.

Adrien sat up, running his fingers through his hair in frustration for what appeared to be the millionth time that morning, and rubbed them against his face. "What am I doing, honestly?" he mumbled.

Plagg rolled over on the pillow next to him, snoring obnoxiously that he felt rather less inclined on staying in bed. Adrien lifted a brow of part disbelief and part envy. The kwami didn't have to worry about such feelings like he had to. It was almost enviable.

Rubbing the back of his neck, he swung his legs out from underneath the plush blankets and washed up in the bathroom. Wearing only the t-shirt and pants given, he padded across the tiled floors of the mansion. He peeked into the party room from last night, noting the large number of people curled up comfortably on the oversized bean bags. Somehow, all of them had blankets draped over them and not a mess was to be seen. (Though, he made note of the mysterious staff that appeared and disappeared.) Not seeing anyone familiar, he continued until he found the kitchen.

It was top of the line, similar to the one at home that it made the teen sigh. Opening and closing the many cupboards in his endeavors to try to find something familiar, he eventually pulled out a tea bag and a ceramic white mug. After finding the hot water dispenser, he let the tea bag sit inside the mug while he continued to mull over the events of last night.

Her question had left him almost regretting what he had answered. What he had wanted to say to her when he saw her hadn't been to see her like that, but it had simply because he desired to be near her, to be close, even though he didn't understand why. She made him feel things, feel a warmth that he wanted to cling to without leaving it, and made him feel okay.

He was so deep in thought with a faint blush on his cheeks that he didn't hear her come in. He didn't see her eyes widen and frantically look side to side like she once did frequently before taking a deep breath for calm, her lips moving rapidly as if to assure herself something. She greeted him for a moment, but he didn't seem to register his name being called several times as he took a slow and steady sip.


He blinked, starting when the girl in question appeared next to him, surprisingly closer than he thought that he almost juggled the mug out of his hands in surprise. "M-Marinette, you scared me," he said, cradling the mug to make sure none of the tea spilled out.

She giggled and he turned to her, smiling against the lip of the mug. "I called you before but you seemed to be very deep in thought." She leaned against the granite grey and black granite top edge next to him. Her fingers linked themselves together in front of her.

"Ah, sorry, I… yeah, jumbled thoughts," he managed weakly. He was pathetic, he thought with a mental smack.

Her bright blue eyes turned to him, "Are you drinking tea?"

His cheeks flushed, recalling her expression from the night before when she leaned close to note the string still hanging over the mug's lip.

"Y-Yeah," Adrien replied, trying not stare. He honestly shouldn't be so pathetic. Maybe it was the first time he felt this way that he wasn't entirely sure what to make of it. Taking a breath, he should try channeling some of his bravado from Chat into himself now. "Would you like some?"

She nodded quickly, smiling broadly as she watched him pick up a matching white mug and the same tea bag he had pulled out for himself. Preparing it, Adrien listened as Marinette spoke rather thoughtfully.

"You know, it had been such a long time since we got to talk like this since you've been so busy," she mused softly.

Adrien tightened his grip on the mug's handle before releasing it. It wasn't intentional for him to not see his friends. Especially Nino, who taught him what it felt like to have them in the first place. Though he was understanding in Adrien's search for freedom and recognition, it still hurt them both to have one or the other busy as they were. Maybe he could ask his manager if his friends are allowed to join him for a day on the set of the upcoming movie he was starring in. Or maybe reserve a day off where he could go hang out with them for a while.

Anything would do as long as he could.

"Yeah…" Absently, he finished making her tea and again, did not notice her glance of concern shot his way. He turned to her, smiling politely, "Here, it's ready."

"Oh, thank you," she said, taking the mug into her hands. After blowing on it and taking a sip, Marinette continued watching him. "Adrien, are you alright? You seem… distracted."

He flushed, not wanting to think about the variety of distractions he could have and swallowed the random train of thoughts that just crashed into his mind at that moment when he noted the look in her eyes. Especially since he took notice of the attire she wore. She wore a fitted v-neck t-shirt that conformed to her form that did not help stifle his remembrance of the previous night. Ignoring the need to touch like he had been all night, he gripped his mug tighter. His green eyes averted from her gaze.

"I… just have a lot on my mind," he said softly. He didn't want to admit that it was she that currently occupied his mind and was now distracting him. After all, last night had left rather mixed feelings.

She tilted her head, but didn't seem to push it. Sipping her tea, she leaned against the counter across from him so they were facing each other. "Adrien, I'm here if you need an ear, okay?"

He smiled gratefully, knowing full well that she genuinely meant it. That's just how she is and something about that warmed his chest.

"Mhmm, thanks, Marinette," he nodded. How was it that he can talk so casually with her being hyper aware of him? He recalled briefly their time together when he went over to her house to train for the Ultimate Mecha Strike 3 tournament and how awkward it had felt for a moment. It was years ago but it had been the first time he had ever been inside a girl's room that wasn't Chloé's. Marinette was an exceptional friend at that time.

But now, it's up in the air. He still doesn't know why her behavior changed, why she was so melancholy, and why she avoided talking to him. Alya said nothing and for a while, she gave him mere shrugs to his inquiries about Marinette. Maybe with him spending more time with her, he can find out why. He had felt so helpless as a friend then, not knowing what to do or say to comfort her when she wasn't even talking to him. But the question was whether or not she would open up to him about that sort of thing.

They fell into a comfortable silence, drinking their tea and Adrien glancing every so often in Marinette's direction. Her hair was down, passed her shoulders and down her back and front. It curled around her, giving the impression she simply ran her fingers through her hair. Over the years, her hair had grown longer and longer, making her appear more feminine. It reminded him of Ladybug, who had her own hair grown in the same time frame.

His thoughts paused before he shook his head. No, it couldn't be.



"How do you know when you like someone?"

He coughed, essentially choking on the drink he just swallowed seconds ago. When he managed to breathe again, he cleared his throat, "I'm sorry, but come again?"

She blushed, her hands fiddling either the tag that hung over the side of her mug, appearing sheepish and a sense of familiarity washed over him. "Well, there's kinda been someone in my life that I… well, did something with and I'm not sure if I care for them or not. I… I mean, I guess what I mean to say is, how do you know when you've moved on from someone to liking someone else?"

Adrien blinked. He wasn't sure what to feel since a mixture of feelings conflicted with what he should feel. Disappointment? Hopeful? Hurt? Happy? He didn't know. Who was it that she may possibly "like"? But if she did like someone else, then why did she allow him to kiss her?

"Uh, well…" Technically, he really wasn't the person to ask about this sort of thing since he had yet to move on from his love for Ladybug. It's only been lately that Marinette had been on his mind, and apparently last night, on his body too. Ah, crap, wrong direction for that train of thought to go.

He rubbed the back of his neck, and gave an awkward smile, "Honestly speaking, I don't know. I mean, when you like them, don't you want to do everything for that person? To do whatever you can to be with them? Or really, to just be with them…?" Like his Lady. He always wanted to be with her, despite her thinking and wanting it to be otherwise.

Marinette nodded, thoughtful as her fingers rubbed against the rim. "Yeah, I… that much I know, but… liking someone again is new and I don't know what I'm doing. Like, I'm used to him being all mister confident and not so serious but he's changed and become different somehow..." her cheeks darkened.

Oh dear god, wait a friggin' second — was she talking about their kiss last night? No, was she talking about him?

She shook her head quickly, waving her one hand rapidly in front of her to dissuade him from answering, "Uh, actually, no, you can forget I said anything."

Despite how incredulous he felt, he really couldn't help but note that her blushing face was really cute. He could feel the Chat inside him awaken to urges he wasn't sure he wanted to try again. Remembering how she pressed herself against him had been so nice, especially when he had essentially kissed her senseless… Okay, seriously, snap out of it.

"Are you sure?" he asked, unable to hide to amusement in his tone. Inwardly, he tried to quiet that Chat Noir. He wasn't trying to be Chat, he was Adrien right now. It was strangely easy to be more of himself around Marinette. It was possible that all his time spent as other self made it habit whenever he was around her as Adrien.

"Y-Yes! Please! Oh god, I'm so embarrassed, I'm so sorry," she rushed out. "I just… I don't know, wanted a guy's opinion of… something, I guess." She groaned, "I don't know! I'm just confused… probably." Her eyes shifted, staring down at her mug while biting her lower lip, a habit he observed when she was anxious.

While he would have liked nothing more than to push her buttons, he knew he couldn't. He wished he could, given that in all of the time that he had spent with her as Chat Noir, he enjoyed teasing her the most.

"Marinette, it's not that embarrassing to ask a friend for an opinion on something," he assured her despite her thinking otherwise.

"Easy for you to say," she mumbled. She seemed to have retorted something smart in her head, given how she glared at the mug.

He laughed, ignoring the strange feeling that he's heard that line one too many times, "So even you can be embarrassed."

Marinette shot him a look, but she couldn't help but relax and her lips curved ever so slightly. "Yes, even I can be. But compared to you, I think even I would be embarrassed wearing such a strange outfit on the show." She bit her lower lip and glanced down at her cup.

A brow lifted, "Well, it's for my character in my upcoming role for Game of Magic… So," Adrien shrugged, "it's something I was going to have to wear anyway."

"Sounds like fun." She appeared to have finished off the rest of her tea as she straightened. "I-I think I should get—"

"Would you like to hang out with me this weekend?" When she gave him a look, he added, "With Nino and Alya of course. I mean, I don't want to pressure you with anything."

She gave him a long look, but wasn't able to answer him when Vincent entered the kitchen, holding a mug himself and a newspaper rolled up under his arm. He canted his head, "Mornin'." He took a quick glance around the kitchen before settling himself down on the bar.

"Not staying in your room anymore?" Adrien asked curiously, straightening and a little disappointed that he didn't get to see her answer.

He shrugged, "Most of everyone slept in the party room. They should all be waking up to continue the party. I know Elise would."

"Do you have any idea where Crystal is?" Marinette placed her mug in the sink, appearing unsure of what to do with the mug otherwise.

Another shrug, "She said that she'll be done to collect you and Adrien after everyone has breakfast. That or she'll do what she needs to do, as she often does."

So, it sounded as though they were stuck here until someone said differently. Adrien finished the rest of his tea, "But I need to get to a meeting today — does she really need me here?" He gave a glance to Marinette before turning his attention back to the model.

"She said your driver was coming to get you when the shoot would start since she was partially in charge of it," Vincent took another sip of his drink. Despite his age, it looked as if he was older than he actually was given his mannerisms of being quite stoic. His amber colored eyes shot to Marinette. "You… I think you're free the rest of the day until tomorrow since there was nothing on the schedule that needed you specifically. You're the contest winner right?"

She nodded, albeit hesitantly.

"Then yes, you're free to do as you please for today before coming back to the set tomorrow for your next part of the prize." A faint smile lingered that Adrien wasn't sure if he was smiling or not. "I look forward to working with you both."

Wait, what? Vincent was working with him?

"Hold on, you're one of the actors in the—"

"Yes, I am," he folded the newspaper closed. "I'm going to be, ah… I suppose that's a spoiler, isn't it?" He tapped the folded newspaper against his chin. "Something Ariel often says."

Adrien had yet to meet all of the actors for the movie, but today was when he was supposed to meet all of them. Were some of the models here specifically so he would meet them before they started filming together? Who? Which one? Why was this happening now when he had already established himself as an actor? Did the others not yet trust him and his talent to act in the way they desire? Did they think that he became an actor on his father's name?

A hand touched his arm and he blinked, glancing to Marinette who smiled at him in reassurance. He wasn't even aware but his fist had been holding onto his mug a little more tightly than he had originally. Relaxing his grip, he said politely, "So I assume the shoot today is with all of us?"

Vincent nodded, "Yes, that much, I can tell you, since it is what they need before we start. Teasers, if you will. If you will excuse me, I must collect my brother and be heading out." He nodded his head slightly, rising and left the kitchen to Adrien and Marinette.

Seconds pass before Marinette squeezed his arm, "Are you alright…?" she asked softly.

"I… I'm fine, yeah," he replied weakly. If he wasn't nervous before, he was nervous now and quite frankly, he wasn't when this day started. When this day started, all he had been thinking about was the girl next to him, but now it's as though something was closing in on him.

No, not quite. Well, yes, he was thinking about her, but he needed to get his head in gear. He shook his head, shaking off the momentary sense of self-doubt.

"No, I am fine; thanks, Marinette," he smiled.

She seemed relieved. "Good."

He placed a hand on her shoulder, "Again, thanks."

Just then, his phone rang and flicking the screen open, it revealed his driver calling. After making arrangements for them to meet up in an hour, he hung up. It was enough time for him to collect his things and get washed up for the shoot. Excusing himself, he took a quick shower and packed his belongings and set them down by the door. With that done, he wondered where Marinette had wandered off to and set off looking for her. He discovered her in a plush living room with Nicholas and Vincent, both conversing with her in what appeared to be an energetic matter on Marinette's part. A feeling he isn't sure of what to describe boiled inside him and was quickly stomped out before he could think too hard about it. He was Adrien, Adrien, Adrien…

"Marinette?" He called out, approaching them.

Nicholas gave an easy smile whereas Vincent merely regarded him with a nod. Marinette, however, gave him a bright grin. "Adrien!"

Let it never be said that his heart didn't skip a beat at her lovely smile, though, it's not as if he's entirely aware of it.

"Hey, what are you guys talking about?" he asked curiously.

"Oh! Well, they were telling me about some of the things they get to do as models and some of the people they know that can really help me learn a thing or two in fashion design. I mean, no one could ever be as good as your dad, of course, but still, any step in that direction is good," she rambled.

He nodded, understanding where she was coming from, but could not understand why he felt a sense of… resentment? Irrational anger? Irritation? He wasn't sure, but it was something along those lines at seeing her talk so happily to someone else. But it's… not right for him to feel this way when he had no right to. Marinette was free to talk to whoever she wanted to. He had to remain being a gentleman.

"Sounds like you're really going somewhere," Adrien said thoughtfully, shoving those feelings aside like he did frequently when he was "Adrien".

"We were just wondering what she was going to do for the rest of the day when you came in." Nicholas shrugged in his light blue dress shirt. "I'm surprised she has nothing to do."

"It's not entirely surprising. More often than not, it's difficult for the contest winner to get their prize so early on when some of it isn't even ready to be shown," Vincent explained with indifference.

"Ah," Nicholas seemed to understand. "Well, aren't we allowed a guest today?"

"A guest where?" Marinette sounded curious.

"Onto our photo shoot today."

Adrien blinked, surprised. He didn't hear anything about this, otherwise he would've brought Nino along.

Vincent shook his head. "You aren't but I am," his brow rose skeptically. "Remember the last time you brought a guest on set?"

Adrien vaguely recalled a situation where Nicholas wouldn't leave his trailer for unknown reasons, but the adults talked about it just enough for him to get the gist of it. It was confirmed when Nicholas smirked and crossed his arms in mock disappointment.

"Well, I would've taken you with me, dear Marinette," Nicholas said.

"Not if I don't instead," Vincent's brow rose even higher. Adrien didn't even think of the protective tone Vincent had for Marinette and instead tried to intervene in the twins' argument.

"Guys, she hasn't even responded if she wants to go with you guys or not," Adrien said, putting a hand on her shoulder. This caused Nicholas and Vincent to shoot a glance in his direction.

"Thank you for the offer, but we've just met and I don't want to hinder your work." Marinette finally spoke with her hands clasped together in front of her chest.

Nicholas sighed. "Ah well, okay."

"We have to be going so we'll see you around." Vincent bowed his head and turned to the door with Nicholas waving leisurely.

Now alone as two, Adrien remarked, "Friendly, isn't he?"

Marinette heaved a breath. "Oh, I suppose so. But it's something I'm used to, unfortunately."

He turned to her, disbelieving. She was used to guys flirting with her?

She crossed her arms, "Though, I'll admit, I am a bit sad that I said no to going with them to their photoshoot. I've never seen one before."

Scratching the back of his head absently, "If you still want to go, you could come with me," he blurted before he could even think about what he was saying. Her eyes shot to him, eyes wide.

"Are you sure? I won't be a bother?" she asked hesitantly.

He nodded, "Yeah, you won't. I mean, that is, if you're okay with spending some more time with me." He smiled awkwardly.

"I mean, I only said no to them because I don't know them that well, but… yeah! I'd love to go! It sounds fun." She clasped her hands together with her palms and fingers touching. "Ah, I better grab my things and meet you… where are you meeting your driver?"

"Oh, in the lobby." Adrien was beginning to feel like this was going to be both a bad and a good idea.

She nodded quickly, "Okay! I'll meet you in a minute!" And then she dashed off, leaving Adrien alone with his thoughts. Tapping a finger to his chin, he made his way out of the living room to the lobby, partially wondering if Crystal really didn't have any plans for Marinette for the day or if Vincent was messing with him. Normally, Vincent wasn't the type to do so since he was a rather serious guy, compared to his brother. In what did he hope to gain by inviting Marinette?

As he thought that over and completely missing the core of who Vincent was, Marinette was busy quickly packing what little things she had and changed into her clothes from the day before. Part of her was extremely happy that Adrien asked her to come and that this would have been a dream come true years ago had she still been in love with him. Now that she wasn't, it felt strange and tingly that she was doing something with the boy she once considered the love of her life. But the other part of her felt guilty that she was doing something with Adrien instead of things like she normally did with Chat. Though, things that might be considered normal isn't "normal" by regular standards. She shook her head and finished the last of her packing.

"Aren't you glad you get to spend more time with Adrien?" Tikki squeaked, popping out of the small pink bag that was strapped at her hip.

"Well, not really? I mean, I am, but that was the me years ago rather than the me now." Marinette sighed, wondering what she should feel regarding this whole thing. Should she be happy? There was a part of her that was happy about spending time with the rising actor, that little bit of her that still liked Adrien in some fashion. But she wasn't infatuated like she had been before.

"But you still like him?" Tikki asked, sounding a little unsure.

"Yeah, I guess," Marinette shrugged half-heartedly. Though, part of her was trying to forget and forgo the feeling of guilt that ate at her for what happened last night...

Finished, she prepared herself for the future that may very well change as she knew it, both with Adrien Agreste and Chat Noir.

Downstairs, Adrien sat on the steps of the grand staircase that led to the second floor. With his chin in his palm, the other hand held the grey metallic cellphone, browsing the Web for news of anything going awry while they're away from their city. So far, it'd seem as though everything was peaceful.

For the moment.

Plagg muttered from the inside of his bag sitting beside him, popping out his head, "Aren't you glad you get to have both ladies?"

Adrien could see the waggle of the kwami's brow and decided to ignore it.

"Marinette is coming because I asked her," he defended. "That's it. We're just friends."

"Uh huh, sure, whatever you say," he popped another piece of cheese into his mouth. "That's not what happened last night, though, was it?"

He immediately blushed, feeling the burn go to his ears and neck to the point of rubbing it. He shot Plagg a glare, similar to the one time he couldn't find his cell phone many years ago before it mysteriously reappeared in his bag.

"What? I'm only stating facts." Plagg bit off another piece of cheese, chewing contently before swallowing.

Adrien flicked off his phone and slid it back into his pocket. With his fingers splayed and pressed against the other, he pressed them against his chin in thought. He had been deliberately avoiding the necessity of having to think even more on his conversation with Marinette just now and why it both thrilled him and dreaded it. He didn't know what it was he was doing but he was sure that this would be his downfall somewhere in the future. It was highly unlikely that he liked Marinette that way… right?

And yet…

Plagg said something about Adrien being more popular than ever when the sound of a door closing forced the kwami back into hiding and Adrien moved to standing when Marinette exited the halls and onto the stairs.

His phone vibrated in his pocket as she descended, pulling it out to glance at the text received from his driver, and it gave notice that he had arrived. The doors swung open by two largely built men and let the driver in. He lifted Adrien's bag and glanced to Marinette's, switching gears when his eyes subtly darted to Adrien. With a vague nod, he took Marinette's bag as well and headed out with the expectation that the two would follow.

"Shall we go?" Adrien had to stop his habit, biting it down inwardly when the words of "my lady" echoed in his head right after those words. Rubbing the back of his neck, he gestured for her to go on first with him following right after.

Now comfortably seated inside the car, the television was on simply for the sake of background noise. Somehow, this sort of silence was comfortable that Adrien didn't feel pressured to converse with the future fashion designer. Her eyes were glued to the outside of the window, watching the scene fly by in a blur of color, but the further out scenery was picturesque with the sun gleaming over a pretty lake that had been just south of the mansion. Surrounded by trees and flowers of various kinds, it was the epitome of romantic.

He watched her, noting how into looking out the window had her eyes alight with wonder. Her fingers clutched together tightly, however, and it left the youth contemplating on what the reason could be for her being so tense.

Crossing his arms while leaning back in his seat, he tore his gaze reluctantly away from her, and admired absently the pretty blue sky that they drove under. It was a beautiful day and it couldn't have been more perfect.

They finally arrived at their destination and interestedly, Crystal was there to greet them with a cheerful grin. Adrien had asked her why she left them at the house if she was going to be here anyway, and she made some mention about other appointments.

Shuffled off to get ready for the shoot, Adrien led Marinette to his fitting room, where his hairstylist and costume designer were to prepare him in his get-up. She sat down on the couch in the trailer while Adrien sat in the chair to get ready.

When he was done, he had to hide his surprise at the similarities that his character for Game of Magic and him had in common simply from looks alone. He only hoped that Marinette wouldn't recognize him as Chat Noir with how blatantly similar they are dressed.