A/N: Sorry it took me so long to post this, guys! I haven't had too much time. I won't bore you any longer, please read and enjoy!

I woke up in my bed. My muscles ached really bad, and I had a pounding headache. I sat up with a groan, and looked out the window. The sun was setting. Had I really slept the whole day? Wasn't there school today? They probably couldn't wake me up. Mono again.

Yeah, right.

"Susannah," I heard Jesse say. He had materialized, sitting on the bay window. I smiled at him.

"Hey," I said.

"I…" He didn't seem to know what to say. "Uh…are you feeling okay?"

I sighed. Well, what had I expected? For him to profess his undying love to me (again) and leap into a make-out session?

"Yeah, I'm way better."

"Good," he said. His gaze lingered on me for another moment, then he looked out at the sunset. It didn't look like he was going to say anything alse.


He looked at me again. "Yes, querida?"

"Do you know…what all that light is? I mean - Paul said that I was 'of the light'. Does that mean I'm an…an angel?"

Jesse looked thoughtful for a moment, then he smiled at me, and got up. He came and sat beside me on the bed. "An…angel, querida?"

I looked down, kind of embarrassed. I didn't mean to flatter myself or anything. "Um…it was just a thought…" I murmured.

Jesse hand touched my chin, lifting my face to look at his still smiling face. "Of course you're an angel, Susannah. What else could you be?"

"Oh," I said, my mouth suddenly dry. I could feel myself blushing. "So…then mediators are either angels or demons. Is that what it is?"

Jesse's hand slipped away. "I don't know. But…your gift must come from somewhere. And considering what happened last night…it seems to be the logical explanation."

We were silent for a while. Then I said, "What happened to Paul?"

"After you passed out," Jesse answered, "He just walked out. He said something about the Gateway only being one method of getting what he wants."

"Only one method…" The sun was casting beautiful orange and red colors on my bedroom walls. I got up, still feeling a little weak, but much stronger than before. I went to the bay window, opened it, and climbed out. I felt like watching the sun go down. Jesse followed me, and we both sat together on the edge of the roof, our feet dangling down.

We watched the sun go down together. We didn't say anything, but it was a comfortable silence. At some point, Jesse fingertips touched mine. He tried to pull his hand away.

Oh, no you don't!

I grabbed his hand, just like the night before. He looked at me, surprised for a moment, then he smiled, and I smiled back. I felt so happy there, sitting on the roof with Jesse. I started to hum to myself. He pulled me into his embrace, and I sunk back onto his chest with a sigh of content.

It seemed like today, all of my dreams were coming true.

And all of my nightmares.

"Jesse?" I said, once the sun had set and there was nothing left but the red streaks on the clouds.

"What is it, querida?" he whispered into my hair.

I snuggled closer to him. I suddenly felt this horrible sadness in me.

"I - wish -" To my dismay, my voice was already choking up. "I wish - we could -"

"I know," Jesse said, and to my surprise, his voice cracked. "I know. I wish it, too. But…we can't…"

"Yes we can," I whispered, my eyes filling with tears. "I'll find a way, Jesse. I promise."

He didn't say anything. I don't know how long we sat there on the roof, but we stayed there until the sky darkened, and the full moon rose. I looked up at Jesse. He looked back at me.

He was so damn hot.

He kissed my forehead, then looked into my eyes, his eyes shining, and I thought he was going to kiss me, so I let my lids drop, and let my lips relax…

Then he said, "Susannah, were you ever attracted to Paul?"

My eyes snapped open, the romantic atmosphere totally shattered. "What???"

"You heard me," he said, frowning now. "Paul - were you ever attracted to him?"

I gawked at him. I mean…helloooo? This is the part where you kiss me!!!!

"Susannah," he said, sternly, "answer me."

I was pissed off now.

"Why?" I said, lifting myself from his arms to glare at him. "You jealous?" I said with a grin.

Jesse's eyes widened. "There's nothing to be jealous of!"

"Oh, yeah?" I said. I was suddenly feeling very malicious. "Well, what if I told you we had ###?"

Jesse's eyes literally bugged out of his head. "You WHAT???? Susannah, you gave yourself to a man out of wedlock???" He looked like he was about to have a heart attack. "You gave yourself to - to - PAUL?????"

"You're jealous!" I said. Then I started laughing. It was the funniest thing in the world, seriously, to see Jesse standing there with that expression on his face. He must have realized I was joking, because he suddenly looked furious. I mean, I would have been scared if I wasn't laughing quite so hard.

"Susannah," he said, very quietly. "Susannah, I'm warning you -"

This only made me laugh harder.

I should have kept my mouth shut.

Because what he did next totally blew my mind. I mean, was this guy really a "pure soul"? Because he sure wasn't acting like one.

Jesse - you know, innocent, girls-shouldn't-wear-skirts-that-are-higher-than-their-knees Jesse - ripped his shirt off.

I am not even kidding.

He stood over me, like that, holding his shirt in one hand, smirking wickedly at me. I sucked in my breath. My laughter had suddenly caught in my throat. I started at his abs, so strong-looking and well-defined, at his broad chest, then back at his abs. My face was totally burning up. It was the weirdest moment of my weird life.

"Up here, Susannah," Jesse said. I looked up at his face. He was giving me this incredibly smug, incredibly HOT look. "That's what I thought," He said. He said it in the deepest, sexiest voice I had ever heard.

Then he dematerialized.


And that was just my first day of school. Jeez.

A/N: Well, so ends this fic. I hope that ending shocked you, because it sure shocked me. It came out of nowhere. OMG, what have I done to Jesse????
Anyway, I'll probably do a sequel, so keep your eyes open for it. Hope you guys enjoyed!
Oh, do I really have to say it...okay...
Oh, and thanks to everyone who reviewed. You guys really kept me going. And just so you know, whether or not I do a sequel mostly depends on the reviews.