((A/N: Hello, hello! This is a new fic! This story is actually a continuation of the last story in Bedtime Stories. For those who have already read that fic, this chapter is exactly the same as it was in there. If you want to re-read it, do as you please! I want to say, that this fic was published because of your possitive reaction towards my announcement of a possibility. Of course, this fic has no reaction from Lucy/Natsu/Happy/anyone else. This is like any other lovely Jerza/Nalu fic.

I'm kinda Nervous, you know, it might be a little different of what you all expected...


The Wolf who Fell in Love with Little Red Riding Hood.

First Visit: Monday Morning

It was a lovely Sunday morning. There were soft winds that blew the hung clothes and made the trees dance. The sun was shining brightly but the temperature was nice. Birds sang, you could see more than many butterflies flying around in their beautiful wings so delicately decorated, and there was a gentle buzz caused by the cicadas.

Holding tightly to her brown old basket, the young lady who was able to see these things for merely ten minutes, walked through the darkest of forests. The tree tops were so many and so big, that they allowed at most three, four or five sunshines pass through.

Her scarlet hair was barely visible for someone seven feet away from her, unlike half of her life. She spent most of her time receiving compliments from either strangers or being judged as daughter of the devil by her neighbors.

Erza walked through the forest almost daily since she was seven or so.

She remembered her mother's first warnings once upon a time, "Erza, be careful while walking through the forest, dear," she would plead her right before she left with the same basket she was currently carrying on her hands, "be careful of the thieves and criminals, who hide there. Oh, Erza, is it absolutely necessary to visit your friend at the other side of the woods?"

Even as a child, Erza was perfectly able to defend herself, her father had taught her the moment she was able to hold a sword how to use one.

After he passed away, his lessons were engraved in her mind.

But after her mother did, she would still go to the woods.

She had thought she should stop, but she wasn't able after all.

Because she had to see someone.

It had all started on a Monday, ten years ago. It was the first time she would venture into the woods on her own. Her mother began what would then become a tradition. Her advices and not entirely rhetorical questions, right in front of the door. She would open the door, covering herself with a riding hood that matched her hair, and walked through the woods in falsely secured way. She was seven and terrified of the forest, well, in the beginning at least.

Inside her newly bought basket, there was some cake for her and her friend, and a couple of milk and juice bottles for both of them. She hoped her friend was alright, being both sick and alone was not good for her. Bringing along some medicine, she hoped little Lucy would cure rapidly. Her parent was always busy , and even if he wanted to, he wasn't capable of taking care of both Lucy and the company.

The house wasn't that far away, actually, it was closer than one would have had thought.

When Erza knew the house was coming closer, she heard many dead leaves and branches breaking, along with the sound of someone shouting in surprise. Not much time after that, she heard someone falling on a bunch of accumulated reddish leaves, on the floor.

"Who's there?" Asked Erza.

"Aw, aw, aooooooow!" Howled the being behind the bushes.

"I know you're not a wolf" she said before giggling.

The first thing Erza saw from the other side of the huge tree between then was something blue... Blue? She thought. "Come out, it's okay"

Walking around the tree there was a young boy around her same age. The blue thing was actually his hair, and he had a strange mark on his face. "It's okay, I won't hurt you" continued the red haired.

That's when the boy laughed softly, "How do you know I'm not going to hurt you?"

Erza shrugged, and tilted her head to a side, "Are you?"

"No, I'm not... Is that thing over there yours?" He asked, and few seconds later he had gone and come back with an apple in his hands.

"It is, thank you..?" she said, asking for his name indirectly.

"Oh, my name's Jellal. You are?"


"Where are you going, Erza?" Asked the young boy as he walked right next to her through the only path seen for miles.

"To a friend's home, she's sick"

"That's very thoughtful from you"

"I know" Erza shrugged and smiled when she heard him chuckling. "So, what are you doing in the woods?"

"I live here" he replied, when he saw Erza's seven year old surprised look he continued quickly, "well, for the moment, I plan on leaving this place and getting myself a nice house somewhere far from any tree" nodded the blue haired boy to himself, apparently liking the sound of that.

"The moment my friend gets better, we're both going on an adventure, you should join us" she offered with a timid smile.

"Hmm," he thought, "that sounds great!"

Few moments later they arrived at Lucy's house, the door was opened, and you could hear laughter from the inside. "And then, Happy runs with the fish in his mouth, only to fall in a bucket with water!" A loud voice was heard, Erza looked at Jellal puzzled and walked in. Not before he told her "I'll stay here, shout my name and I'll be there"

The warm place Lucy lived in wasn't that different from hers. It was small and cozy, Lucy lived there with one servant that spent most of her time out with her boyfriend. Therefore, Lucy lived mostly alone. In a house in the woods. Woods that were said to be filled with thieves and criminals. And there was someone with her right now, and it was not Aquarius nor herself. Grabbing a knife from her basket, she walked towards the door and slowly put her hand on the handle.

Erza opened the door softly and saw her friend sitting on her bed, covered in her sheets, as usual. But there were two huge differences. One, there was big smile on her face, one Erza had never seen before. And second, there was a pinkhead right next to her.

Erza burst in pointing the knife at the stranger, "Who are you and what are you doing here?" She said in a low menacing voice.

"Erza!" Exclaimed Lucy, surprised with her friend's sudden appearance.

"She's Er...Za?" Says the stranger, looking from Lucy to Erza. He a bit scared, but mostly confused.

"Natsu, she's my friend, the one I told you about"

"Nat...Su?" Said Erza.

"Erza, he's my friend" Lucy told her.

"So... He's not a thief?" Asked Erza.

Lucy giggled at Natsu's indigned look, "no, he was just walking through the forest looking for his father and found this place, so then we met"

"Do I look like a criminal?" He asked Lucy, who shook her head with a smile.

"Well, I just came to check on you, and give you your medicine, do you want me to stay with you?"

"It's fine, Erza. I know how your mum gets when you don't go back for dinner. Natsu here promised to stay the night"

"Ehm, Natsu, mind if I talk to you in private?"

He looked at Lucy nod at him before he replied "Sure"

They walked outside Lucy's room and Erza closed the door. "How long?"

"How...long?" He looked confused.

"How long since you met her?"

"Five days" he replied, "and I swear to Mavis I would never do anything to hurt her"

"Really, now..? You better not, because in a week I'll return and teach you a lesson if necessary" said the young Erza, her knife still with her.


"Good. I'll be leaving then, here's her medicine, some food and water"

"Just like that?" Asked shocked Natsu.

"My instincts tell me I can trust you" nodded Erza.

Then, Erza said goodbye to her friend promising to come back the next day to check. Lucy bid farewell and Erza walked outside Lucy's home.

But when she looked around, Jellal was nowhere to be found.

But what she could find was an apple with a bite right below an oak tree, and some words carved into that tree.

We'll meet again, Little Red Riding Hood,

The Wolf

"Little..?" Muttered with a slight pout Erza, walking back towards her home, eager for that next time.




((A/N: That was the first chapter/trip of a hopefully good fic. Thanks for reading, and patience for the next chapter! See you later. While you are waiting, you can read my other stories! (Like, ehm, Bedtime Stories?) It is awesome to see you guys again in other fics!))