How did things end up like this? Canada thought as England's hand slammed onto the table, causing the soft-spoken country to flinch and hug Kumajirou a little tighter.

"We obviously need to think up of plans to keep those bloody twits from bothering us! Thus, let us commence the first meeting of the 'Better Than The Bad Touch Trio' Trio." England announced.

Canada glanced around the conference room they were occupying -wondering how England had managed to reserve it- as the last occupant of the room spoke.

"The 'BTTBTTT'? Doesn't that seem too long, bastard?" Romano asked.

A few minutes ago Canada had just been peacefully walking through the hallways of the hotel, wasting away the hour before the world meeting. And then as he walked by one of the doors, he had heard muffled whispers of "What are we doing again, bastard?" and "Belt up, I see him coming this way", and with that, a hand had reached out and yanked him into the room. And now he was here. Why was he here?

"Well do you have any better suggestions then?" England's voice now snapped him out of his thoughts.

"E-excuse me? England? Why am I here?" Canada whispered.

Romano rolled his eyes, England began to pace.

"Recently, I have noticed that the members of the 'Bad Touch Trio' have been focusing their annoyances on certain people rather than everyone. I regret to inform you that we three are those certain people. And to prevent that, it has been decided we will start our own 'trio', I suppose, to ward them off. Was that clear enough of an explanation? May I resume?" Was the reply Canada received from England.

Canada nodded, and England returned back to the previous topic, "Honestly, the name of our 'trio' shouldn't matter so long as we can come up with decent enough ideas to stop those annoying twits."

This time Romano nodded, "I suppose I can agree that Antoni- I mean, Spai- I mean, that tomato bastard (A/N: cue small blush that remained unnoticed by all), is really annoying. But still I think if we're going through with this, we should at least have a better name, right quiet-bastard?"

"W-wha... Um sure, I guess. You could just shorten it a little, for example 'Better Than They Are Trio
'... Or something... But, um, I'm still not really sure why I'm here...? I mean, no one is really bothering me-"

This time Romano smacked his hands down on the table, though it was significantly quieter than when England did, "That's it! We can be the 'Better Than Them' Trio, the BTTT. Does that satisfy your name requirement now?" Asked the tomato loving nation.

England sat down with a scowl, "Alright, then we shall begin operation BTTT after the world meeting." And then muttered, "Now I have to change the bloody PowerPoint..."

Canada quietly scooted his chair backwards a little, "Then, can I? Um... Leave now that is..."

England waved his hand in dismissal as he began clicking and typing away on his laptop, "Sure go ahead, make sure to meet back here afterwards."

Canada stood up and pushed his chair in, Romano doing so as well, and the two left the conference room, Canada making sure to quietly close the door behind them.

"W-was this your idea too?" Canada whispered when the duo had reached the elegant, yet noisy lobby that which many people were loitering in; either leaning against one of the large windows that allowed sunlight to filter through (that gave the area a pleasant glow), or sitting on one of numerous cream colored couches and chairs, impatiently tapping their feet against the polished marble floor.

Apparently the question asked by Canada's had been too quietly spoken, prompting Romano to responded with a, "What was that, quiet-bastard?"

"Eh, was the trio idea both yours and England's?" Canada asked louder than he had before, though it still was very quiet, and Romano had to strain to hear it over the loudness of the lobby.

"Of course not, bastard! Who would want to think about the tomato bastard enough to create such an idea! I suppose it is convenient though, if it means I can get him off my back..." Romano trailed off.

Quickly, however, Romano realized that shouting was a mistake, as that gained him attention. Of course it wouldn't have been so bad if apparently the sound of his voice hadn't alerted said tomato bastard who was just entering the lobby himself.

"Lovi!" Spain called from across the room.

Romano tensed and began to speed walk towards the conference room where the world meeting was being held. Which ultimately left the Canadian by himself.

Canada watched Spain dash by him as well, chasing after the fleeing nation, and turned to make his way to the meeting too, when suddenly an arm was draped around his shoulders. Now it was his turn to jump a little in surprise, he glanced to his side and saw a familiar albino nation beside him.

"Hey Birdie! Want to make the awesome me pancakes after the meeting?" Prussia asked smiling broadly, as though he was 100% confident there was no way Canada could deny him.

"S-sorry, I'm busy after the meeting..." Matthew said, thinking about what England had said about meeting up afterwards.

Prussia's smile disappeared, and he started to complain, "Busy doing wha-"

"Gilbert, come, we must catch up with Antoine, oui? And I would like to see if England is at the meeting yet." France interrupted as he came up from behind and grabbed onto Prussia, dragging him in the direction Romano and Spain had left.

Now Canada was sure there was no one left to surprise him, and began to make his way to the meeting room once again.

The meeting was utter chaos, as usual. It didn't help when England arrived late and promptly began to argue with America and France.

Canada quietly sat, holding Kumajirou tightly again, contemplating if he could leave the meeting just a tiny bit early so he could have a few moments of peace. It was most likely nobody would notice anyways. Who's even supposed to be presenting right now? He wondered to himself.

Sighing, he glanced over at Romano, who was writing in his notebook and shoving Spain's face away, and then looked to England, who was now throwing furniture at France. With that, Canada began to contemplate about the whole 'BTTT' idea.

First off, he was surprised that they had even remembered him long enough to 'invite' him to their supposed new trio. He wasn't sure if he should feel glad that someone noticed his existence, or scared of what England and Romano were planning to do. Secondly, it didn't seem like Prussia bothered him that much? Or did he? No, they only talked occasionally and even then it was just the albino nation asking for Matthew to make pancakes. Hardly seemed to warrant trying to create plans to get rid of the other.

Though, he could maybe understand why England and Romano would want to create these plans to get the other two members of the Bad Touch Trio to stop annoying them.

Canada sighed, lost in his own thoughts, when, so very unexpectedly, he saw what seemed to be a stray book flying straight at his face. Usually he would've been able to dodge something like this, but since he hadn't been paying attention, he hadn't noticed it in time; thus, it had a direct hit to his head. Unluckily for him, it was a very thick book. The world went black.

Romano's day had started relatively normally. He woke up to the sound of knocking on his hotel room door, angrily got out of bed, angrily threw his door open, and angrily glared at the bastard who dared to wake him up so early. Which, of course, was only one bastard, Spain.

"What the hell do you want, asshole?" Romano muttered, looking over to the window to see the sun hadn't even risen yet, which was a mistake because it meant taking his eyes off the tomato bastard, who immediately crushed him in a bear hug.

"Lovi! You look so cute in the morning!" Exclaimed Spain.

"Get off me! And you never answered my question!" Romano protested, and squirmed to get away from the other country.

Spain smiled brightly and let go of Romano, "I'm here to take mi tomate* to breakfast!"

"First of all, don't call me that! And second, you'll just have to wait bastard. Like I'm going to go have breakfast this early. What time is it even anyways?"

"It's 4am, Lovi!"

"What the shit! Go to breakfast yourself! I'm going back to bed..."

Spain pouted, "But Loviiii..." He whined.

Don't look at his face. Romano willed himself, but he could feel his resolve starting to crack.

"Fine! But you'll have to come back later. Come back around eight or something, jerk..." Romano muttered.

Spain's smile returned, "Alright, I'll be back around eight then for breakfast!" And with that he disappeared.

Romano gladly went back to bed, but first set his alarm to 7:30, so he had enough time to get ready, and fell into a light sleep.

At 7:30, the alarm went off loudly, scaring the nation awake.

"Merda*!" Romano yelled and threw the still blaring alarm clock across the room.

"Why the hell do hotels make their alarms so loud?" Asked the still sleepy country to no one in particular as he got up and began to get dressed and ready for the day.

Twenty minutes later he was ready, and still had some spare time it seemed, until a knock on his door rung through the room again.

He opened his door much less violently than he had earlier that morning, "You're early tomato basta-" He began, but was surprised to see England instead of Spain.

"Hello Romano. Would you mind coming with me for a bit?" Asked England.

"Uh... Actually..." Romano confusedly started, but England had already grabbed onto his arm and was dragging him out of the room.

"Wai-! Where the hell are you taking me?" He protested.

"You'll see." England said, offering no other information.

Hopefully Spain won't be mad I ditched him. Romano thought as he allowed himself to be dragged along. Wait! Who cares about that tomato bastard anyways! Not me.

Shortly, England and Romano entered a small conference room that held a circular table with five or six chairs. Not that it really mattered.

"Che cavolo*? Why am I here?" Romano demanded now that England was done dragging him through the hallways.

"I suppose you'd want an explanation... Fine then, but I'm making it brief since Canada should be around here soon. Basically I'm tired of those wankers that are known as the 'Bad Touch Trio', so we're going to create ways to get them off our backs." England said, peeking out of the conference room out into the hallway.

"You mean there's ways I can get the tomato bastard to leave me alone?" Romano asked, his interest piqued.

"With the three of us, I'm sure we can think of something. I know I sure want to get rid of that smarmy git France." Answered England.

Maybe England is on to something here... Spain has been bothering me a lot more recently for some reason. I mean, seriously? Who wakes someone up at 4am for breakfast? Romano thought.

Soon ten minutes had passed with neither of them having moved from their original positions, "What are we doing again, bastard?" Romano asked to England, who was still looking through a crack between the doors out into the hallway.

"Belt up, I see him coming this way." England muttered before sticking his arm out into the hallway and dragging a startled looking person into the room. And that was how Romano's day began.

After that, he went through a pointless meeting where all the three of them did was decide on a pointless name for their pointless group (although, he supposed if he was being completely honest, the group itself was not really all that pointless if they could actually create plans to stop the annoyances of the Bad Touch Trio, he just liked saying pointless).

Romano knew his luck was failing him that day when after the (pointless) meeting, when he was defending his honor to Canada, he attracted the attention of the tomato bastard.

"Lovi!" Was all Romano needed to hear before taking off to the world meeting conference room. He felt a little (only a little!) bad for leaving Canada behind, but he wasn't about to stick around to be annoyed by stupido Spagne*.

Unfortunately, Spain was easily able to catch up.

"Lovi! Why weren't you at your room when I went to get you for breakfast! Prometiste*! Did you get breakfast without me?" Spain said as Romano -still speed walking in an attempt to convey his feelings of 'I don't want to be bothered by you' to Spain- entered the meeting room.

Romano sat down in one of the chairs an Spain sat down beside him, "I promised nothing, bastard, and if it really matters that much, no I haven't had breakfast yet. Also, I don't have to explain myself to you- things just came up." Romano then proceeded to ignore Spain's incessant talking about who knew what up until the meeting started.

Just like usual, the meeting was boring. Nobody was doing anything and for some reason Germany was absent, which meant he didn't have to see the potato bastard's ugly mug, thank God, however there was no one else bringing order to the meeting. Romano began to doodle in his notebook.

"What'cha drawing, Lovi?" Spain asked, getting in Romano's personal space.

Romano pushed Spain's face away, "Ever heard of personal space, ?"

Spain frowned, "Lovi, I just wanna see!"

The smaller nation tore the notebook away from Spain, and shoved it in his bag.

Like hell I'm gonna let you see my doodles of tomatoes! Romano thought.

Romano returned to observing the room since he couldn't doodle anymore with the idiot around. He saw various items being thrown around, and dodged a pencil coming at him from England's and France's direction, when out of the corner of his eye he saw a book flying at Canada (Has he been there the whole time? What a quiet-bastard...), and the nation making no move to dodge it.

"Oi-!" Romano called out to Canada who seemed to be lost in thought. However, Canada still ended up with a book in his face, and was ultimately knocked out.

Romano stood up and made his way over to the Canadian, pulling him up off the floor. "You all right-? Who am I kidding of course he's not."

At that moment Spain seemed to materialize by Romano's side, scaring the shit out of him, "What the fuck, bastard? Where did you eve-"

"Aw, Lovi, you're so cute! I didn't know you could care about people!" Spain said, referring to the Canadian nation, and interrupting Romano much to his annoyance.

Romano chose to ignore Spain, instead glancing around the room which was still proceeding on as if nothing had happened. How does nobody notice when these things happen? Romano wondered, looking down at the out-cold nation and wondering if he should bring him to the infirmary, Is there even and infirmary? when all of the sudden, a pair of arms shoved him out of the way.

"What the he-!"

"Birdie! Are you okay? Don't worry, the awesome me is here to help!" An obnoxious voice yelled.

"Idiota*! Can't you see he's unconscious!" Romano yelled, angry that he was pushed.

"Then I will take him back to his room!" Prussia announced.

"Who the hell would trust you to do that!" Responded Romano.

"My thoughts exactly; no one from the Bad Touch Trio should be trusted! I suppose since I was the one who threw the book I shall take Matthew back to his room." A British accented voice intervened, and the owner of said voice reached by Prussia to grab Canada's arm and sling it around his neck.

"What! I bet you don't even know where Birdie's room is!" Prussia said, reaching for Canada, England swiftly dodged.

"No, I am sure it is you who does not know where Matthew's room is." The green eyed nation shot back.

"Yeah! Well! You... You have big eyebrows!" Prussia said, looking proud of himself with that insult.

England felt his hand give a small twitch, he was about one second away from punching the smirk off the Prussian's idiotic face, but he managed to control his temper and exit the room with Canada.

He wasn't about to admit he actually didn't know where Canada's room was, his plan was to just bring the two of them to the conference room from earlier. In all honesty, he needed to get away from that stupid world meeting, and France.

God, England could not deal with that frog today.

England made it to the conference room (thankfully Prussia hadn't followed him) and deposited Canada gently on to one of the chairs before exiting once again and looking around in hopes of a place that sold drinks, tea preferably.

It was a rather large, modern hotel and England knew it had a few shops inside here and there. His mood improved when he spotted a cafe of sorts, and was even more happy to discover that, when he was close enough to see the menu hanging on the wall, they did serve tea.

He ordered a tea for himself and water for when the Canadian woke up, paid, and left for the conference room once again.

Walking through the hallways, England focused on the pattern of the carpet, and then, of course, when he rounded a corner he ran straight into someone. He lost his balance but luckily didn't fall nor spill any of the two drinks on himself, "Sorry about that, mate-" England started, but then looked up and his mood plummeted in a second "Oh it's the frog." He spat out the last word.

"Oh, Angleterre, you wound me so!" France dramatized, and England immediately tuned out all the bull shite that started spewing from the frog's mouth.

Did he bloody follow me out of the meeting? England bitterly thought, Ah well, just ignore him and keep walking. Ignore and keep walking.

Unluckily (England must've used up all his luck for the day already), the twat kept following him. England picked up his pace, and had the doors to the conference room in his sight. He was really wishing for some headphones or something to tune out France, sadly he had nothing but the drinks.

What if I dumped steaming hot tea on him? England pondered for a moment, Nah, he's not worth it. I actually want to drink this tea. His thoughts of revenge kept him occupied long enough until the duo was about to walk right past the set of double doors leading to the conference room. England veered sharply right, burst through the doors, then slammed them shut once more and proceeded to lock them.

"Thank God..." He quietly muttered, glad to be rid of the annoying country.

England turned away, ignoring France calling his name through the doors (he'd give up soon enough), and saw Canada waking up. He set the water down in front of the quieter nation, and sat down as well.

Canada stared at the water and then looked down at his lap, "Where's Kumakija...?" He yawned.

England raised an eyebrow as he began to drink his tea, "What are you talking about? Oh, never mind, we still need Romano here, so I suppose it's time to wait."

A/N: Translations~(FYI I can't guarantee they're 100% accurate, I only speak English and a tiny bit of Japanese. Meaning I had to use google -but I do try to look them up on as many websites as possible!-, so yeah, sorry in advance for mistakes, please tell me if any are wrong and how to fix them!) Some of these seemed a bit obvious bit I added them anyways:

*Mi tomate~My tomato


*Che cavolo~I read online that this literally means "What cabbage" but can also be used to mean "What the fuck", so yeah!

*Stupido Spagne~Stupid Spain

*Prometiste~You promised


Here is some information that should help when reading:

Thoughts will be bolded and italicized.

Words/Phrases that are translated at the bottom have an asterisk by them.

A line usually means the POV is changing!

Next Chapter ~ Operation L'amour!