Note(s): This has no relation to my other one shot, "Gloves." This is kind of a strange one shot, but whatever. Lots and lots of dialogue, too.

Karma inserted his house key into the lock and opened the door. He entered the large house, dumping his school bag carelessly on the ground. Today was like any other day - practically unbearable.

If it wasn't already clear enough, Karma was all alone. His parents were rarely ever around, and he had no friends. Okay, maybe he wasn't completely alone - he had Nagisa. But Nagisa had his own life, his own friends. And those friends happened to be people who didn't want to be near Karma.

So what was a lonely person to do?

Karma plopped on his bed (it seemed a lot more inviting after school) and snuggled his face into the pillow. He reached under his bed, awaking his most faithful companion. Karma grabbed the animal that was resting beneath him and hugged it. He then lifted it above his head and greeted, "Hello Mr. Snuffles. How are you today?"

Mr. Snuffles, an old teddy bear with a green ribbon tied to its neck, replied. "Hi Karma! I'm doing good. You?"

"I've been better."

Karma sighed. Obviously, the bear wasn't really talking to him. It was just him speaking to himself through a raggedy stuffed toy. But it kept him company when he felt insufferably alone, like now.

"Have you?" Mr. Snuffles asked.




"At least you're being honest."

Karma's phone chimed. He almost jumped out of his own skin from the sudden noise. Excited to see who was messaging him, he snatched his phone off of the nightstand next to his bed. Karma's hopes dropped when he saw it was a text about his data usage. He already knew he went over.

"You went over data? How? You don't have any friends!" Mr. Snuffles stated.

"That was mean."


"Sure you are."

"You should know. I am you."

"I know. That means you aren't sorry. You're so mean, Mr. Snuffles."

"I'm a figment of you're imagination."

"I know."

"Say, why do you talk to me anyway?"

Karma hesitated to answer his own question. If he did, he would at least get his feelings out. Korosensei said it was healthy to do that. Was it healthy if he did so on a stuffed animal? Who cares.

"I'm lonely, that's why. And I can't make friends because everybody hates me."

"That's pathetic."

He didn't feel the need to say "I know" to that bully of a bear. Instead, he decided to do something else.

Hugging Mr. Snuffles tightly to his chest, he felt a lump develop in his throat. Mr. Snuffles was a very mean bear, but it made him feel less alone. It made him feel like he actually had someone. Like he wasn't worthless. A tear rolled down Karma's cheek. He was so lonely. So, so, so lonely. Why? Why didn't anyone want to be with him? He didn't understand. Karma's silent crying turned into whimpering, which then turned into quiet sobs. Tears continued to make their way down his cheeks, not stopping. Karma wished for all of the pain he felt to go away. To be gone forever.

But such is the way of life; it is never generous enough to give everyone equal happiness.

"Tell me this, Mr. Snuffles," Karma sniffed. "Why is life so stingy when it comes to joy?"

Obviously, Mr. Snuffles did not answer, for he was a stuffed toy. It was just Karma speaking to himself through a raggedy old bear. But it kept him company when he felt insufferably alone, like now.