Chapter 1

Hello everyone, I'm Hermione Granger, a normal girl in a perfectly normal family. Except maybe the part where I am a witch and none of my muggle friends know about it. And before you start imagining some gorgeous girl like those in the crappy TV shows and some movies, let me just crash your dreams real fast. If you think that's what witches are because they have magic then you are an idiot but on the bright side, you are not the only one out there, just meet some of my friends back at school. Magic is probably impossible to explain scientifically but it's not a miracle worker.

I'm just an average soon to be 15 years old girl, not really tall or short, with brown eyes and curly wild hair. Not crazy like Tarzan's though. I have the decency to tame it, usually with magic but am not allowed to use it out of school. Which is why it's more out of control then usual. Say or even think anything bad about my hair and I will wipe you out of existence - painfully!

But don't run away now, I was just getting started. The normal ones in the family are my parents and everyone else related - probably. They are simple dentists with well paid jobs. Just a few weeks back we were on a vacation in France. It has been forever since we last traveled together. And no, I'm not gonna tell you anything about it except that I liked it. Visit it and have your own opinion. Having somehow qualified doctors as parents is well and all, unless health is involved. If you are sick or need a tooth looked at, run as if hell is after you. They are like hounds, knowing something is wrong before even you do. Must explain why I have never once been able to save my mouth from anything nasty going in it. But I guess it's better then having a teacher as a parent.

But all in all my parents are great, down to earth people. It didn't take them long to accept what I was. It was hilarious the first time when the wearedly dressed professor McGonagall told my parents about me. Both of my parents automatically pointed at the door in a silent 'bitch, get out of the house'. But after a simple demonstration from the old woman they had no choice but to listen. And ever since the end of my first year in school and onwards, they pester me, asking if I can do this or do that with magic and when I say yes it is always followed by 'show me'. No matter how much I refused they would still keep asking. Stubborn and curious, just like me. One day I will show them everything I've learned, they just had to wait 3 more years till I am is old enough to be allowed to use it.

Yep, life is great, nice and accepting family, (I have asked all sorts of embarrassing questions, believe me) annoying and lazy friends that rarely lifted a finger when homework was involved and hardly any worries in life, unless I totally forget to do an assignment because of certain pests and their quidditch. What can possibly ruin that perfection?

"Hermione, are you not hungry?"

The brunette snapped out of her thoughts to look at her plate with food that was barely touched. What was I doing? Thinking things like that as if there is someone out there listening, needing to know about me.

"No mom, I am just over thinking stupid things." Hermione shook her head and started devouring what was in front of her. The food was average as always, not tasteful nor disgusting that you can't eat it. Her mom just didn't have much time after work to carefully cook something or even experiment. Or maybe Hermione just got really spoiled after a whole year of delicious everything at school. She kept silent about it though, it's not like she had helped in the making of it. She usually does but some unfinished homework waited to be done and no way in hell will she leave it for the last possible moment.

After dinner they went to watch some kind of a movie that her dad insisted on while munching on some popcorns. But in about 30 minutes of it, Hermione could barely keep her eyes open even with all the explosions already happening. Or maybe is more that she have already watched it and didn't find the action with barely any plot and lots of destruction anything interesting. She excused herself and went to her room.

Hermione readied what it was needed for her homework and started.


"Oh!" Hermione yelped and rubbed her forehead after it's collision with the desk. She had somehow fallen asleep in the middle of writing and what is worse, beslobbered the page. Now she had to rewrite it.

Nope! Hermione shook her head, getting up from her seat, shutting off the PC that was still on, turned off the lights and sprawled on the bed, barely bothering to cover herself with the thin blanket. The thought of hygiene crossed her mind but it was quickly countered with tomorrow.

Hermione opened her eyes but could not see anything. The room was dark which meant it was still night outside.

She sat on the bed, her head falling forward like a heavy sack full of rocks. She felt tired and had no idea why she had woken up. Hermione didn't remember having any nightmare or anything. She turned to the left to inspect the time but it was still black.

oh, right... need to open my eyes. She started rubbing her eyes and yawned in the process. Hermione had to wait a bit till both eyes complied to open instead of one. Not that she could see more then the outlines of the furniture here and there in her room but it would suffice. She turned to inspect the glowing digits of the alarm clock but instead faced something yellow.

"Don't remember having a pet." Hermione murmured and yawned again. "You in the way..." as she said that she reached to move the obstacle which complied and she could finally see the time.

"Barely one am..." the brunette grumbled, annoyed at her brain or whatever woken her up.

"You can go back where you were." Hermione said in a barely understandable voice and flopped back on the bed.

"Thank you."

"You...welcome..." the witch replied half asleep.

Seconds turned into even more seconds then to minuted before Hermione opened her eyes again. Wait... somethings' wrong in this picture. She turned to where she have imagined someone to be met with something yellow again or that is what she could see. Hermione blinked a few times, taking her some time to process what that was. She moved to the edge of the bed, to put some distance between whatever the thing by the bed was so she could see it better.

Now that she have done that, she could see a figure standing next to her bed and the yellow thing was that person's hair which shined unnaturally in the dark room.

"Hello." the dark figure spoke and raised it's hand in a greeting.

"What the wha...!" Hermione yelled, finally realizing the situation and pulled further from the person, making her topple over the bed to the floor, sheets following.

"Oh my... need some help with that?"

Hermione struggled to free herself from the sheets' trap and stopped when she saw a hand reach towards her. She looked at the stranger who was now on the bed and on their hand and knees, hand outstretched.

"No!" Hermione said stubbornly, taking a while to finally get free. She got to her feet and glared at the obvious female now that her eyes have gone used to the dark. "Get off my bed!"

The blonde complied with a smile and retook her previous position.

"Who the hell are you? How did you get in here?" Hermione demanded as she threw the sheets back on the bed, refusing the help the other person offered yet again.

"I'm Fleur and I got through there." as she pointed to the now open window.

"What? This is the second floor!"

"I have my ways." the woman calling herself Fleur simply said and shrugged as if what she have done was nothing at all.

"You know what, never mind. Get out or I'll call the police." Hermione ordered and pointed at the window. She didn't want to worry her parents with something she could fix herself, probably.

"But I traveled so far just to see you." the blonde said, voice and face turning sad.

"See me? I don't even know you or you me." Hermione reasoned, wondering if this person was not right in the head.

"That is easily fixed." Fleur said and sat on the bed, waiting for the other girl to do the same.

What's with this person? Acting as if they are long time lost buddies. "Oh, no..."

Before Hermione could make the girl scram there was a knock and her mom's voice sounding through the door. "Hermione, is everything alright?"

The young witch panicked as the door was sliding open, quickly grabbing the other person, forcing her on a lying position while she sat beside her and used the blanked to cover them both. "I'm fine mom, just a bad dream."

Hermione's eyes went wide when her mom stepped in her room and headed her way, probably to comfort her aka mom stuff.

"No! Stay there!" Hermione yelled, trying to hide the panic in her voice. She said the first thing that came to mind. "I'm not properly dressed." That wasn't a lie, she has gone to bed without even changing into her pj's.

"Silly, I've raised you, remember." the older Granger chuckled and went to try and get closer again.

"I know but I was small back then. I'm old now and don't need any cuddling to fall asleep." Hermione blushed that a talk like this was happening in the presence of a complete stranger who for some reason started touching her through the cloths.

"Okay, if you insist." the woman sighed in disappointment and walked back to the door. "If anythings' wrong don't forget you can always tell me, okay?"

"Yeah, thanks mom." Hermione smiled, receiving the same in kind before the door closed.

The witch waited for the footstep to grow distant and the click of her parent's room to sound. When it did, she turned with a glare towards the blonde that didn't seem to know where to keep those blasted fingers at. She jumped when cold fingers touched naked skin. Hermione repositioned her body and used her leg to push the tall woman off the bed.

With a yelp of surprise Fleur fell from the bed which made Hermione silently snicker. That's what she deserves for entering without permission.

"You are so mean ma chère."

"I'm not your cherry." Hermione argued, keeping her voice low. "If you are here to steal something, you are doing a pretty bad job."

"The only thing I want to steal from this house is your heart my violent kitten." Fleur said with that infuriatingly calm smile.

Doesn't she realize what might happen if she calls the police on her.

"Right, I don't know of what nut house you escaped from but it's obvious you need to get back." Hermione said and started pushing the girl to the open window. "And stop calling me things."

"Only if you start using my name, my mate." Fleur countered and turned to face the brunette not liking that she can't see her face.

"Not happening. You know why?"

Fleur tilted her head in silent question.

"Because this is the last time we will see each other."

"Not if I have any say in it." Fleur assured and stole a quick kiss from the smaller of the two. It was barely a brush of the lips but it did catch Hermione completely off guard.

Fleur looked at the somehow funny face of the stunned brunette and decided to leave before her mate could snap out of it. If she is as fiery as she acts then her safety is in peril.

And just in time because when she jumped from the window some kind of flipper followed right after accompanied by cute high pitched yelling.

"Don't ever come back you bloody kissnapper or else!" Hermione tried to take a breath but her anger just didn't want to go away. How dare that woman. If she catches her again, she would strangle her with her bare hands. magic be damned. Just because she was more then pretty did not give her the right to go molest people in their houses. Next time she will call the police for sure and jail her for life even if she'd have to fake the evidence.

Hermione's toes were getting cold and she realized that she had actually thrown something through the window, completely missing it's target.

"Hey, give me back my flipper!" and kiss.

Thanks for reading and hope you enjoyed it!