Chapter 4

Hello! Hello! Everyone this is ShiningButterfly speaking after a year of a long hiatus. Happy New Year to Everyone! I apologize to every reader who happen to be waiting for a long update. I am really busy with school especially this year since it's very important for my future. Plus with my job, I have no time with my schedule. With the lack of time to write these stories, I am manage to write this chapter after a long time since Chapter 3. This chapter happen to be very short and lack of detail so please apologize for my actions. Feel free to read this chapter and review any comments. This is going to be my 4th year in Fanfiction so please continue to bear with me.

Aichi walk in the room, stopping in the middle of the room a feet behind Leon. Ren blinked in confusion on what is going on, both he and Leon was sure that this person was resurrected by Takuto but this person was never reported dead once. Leon was sure that the wind was coming from her. The room grew in tension with awkwardness in the air. Ren cut the tension "If I remember you are Tamamiya Sakura-chan, so what business does England National Champion have at the Foo Fighter Headquarters" Ren ask the grenette.

Aichi nodded then glanced at Testu back to Ren and Leon "I have something important to talk to you" Ren nodded, turning to Testu "Testu, you can go back to your work" he said. Testu didn't say a word, nodding in response before walking out of the room. After the door slide close behind Testu, Ren stood up from his chair and stood in front of his desk leaning on the edge with his hip "So may I ask why are you here Masquerade-san. If I remember I don't remember that we met before" he said

Aichi hesitated for a second then open her mouth "I came here because Takuto told me to" she said letting the words escape from her mouth. That caught Ren's and Leon's attention, Leon turn his body facing Aichi. He put the envelope up showing the evidence of what Takuto gave him "Takuto told me to give you this once you come to meet us about information" he informed the grenette. Aichi reach out her hand to grab the paper in the blonde's hand, but Leon pull it back away from the other's hand. Aichi was confused at the Souryu's action "What are you doing?" she ask, demanding for an answer.

"First, let's see… why don't you answer my question first. Tamamiya Sakura. Why do you have Sendou Aichi's wind" Leon retorted, shocking both Aichi and Ren. Ren swiftly turn his head towards Aichi, who slightly shock but had a sigh escaping from her mouth. Aichi put her hands up in surrender "I can't really fool you, Leon-kun" the former bluenette gave up her act putting her hands back to her side. Leon's hand slowly descend down to his side, while his eyes are wide with shock and also the same with Ren "S-Sendou" Leon stuttered on Aichi name "You're alive then…" the blonde trailed his sentence.

Aichi put her hands on both of her hips "Well, until this morning" the grenette answered "Tamamiya Sakura-chan is just a person who I am being for my time when I am resurrected. In the first place she was never alive. My guess Takuto-kun manipulated everyone memories in order for me I live on Earth, but there is a huge price for my existence" the grenette's hand fell from her hips.

Ren lean off his desk and put a hand on his hip "What is the price" he asked. Aichi gave a big sigh out of her mouth "The price is that no one besides you and Leon-kun know who I really am or..." Aichi regret talking the price of her life, but the only people she can trust was Ren and Leon since Takuto told them. She gave out a sigh of regret preparing to tell the truth "If Kai-kun or anyone else other than Ren-san and Leon-kun knows that Tamamiya Sakura is Sendou Aichi then..." Aichi gave a pause hesitating to answer, she bit the bottom of her lip.

Leon notice Aichi's hesitation in answering Ren's question "Sendou, you don't have to answer. If it feels uncomfortable with you, then tell us in the future. Remember that if you need any help just come to us" he handed his hand out giving the letter to Aichi "Takuto want me to give this to you" Aichi took the letter and opened it, she reached in the envelope pulling out the back of a Vanguard card "Vanguard card" the bluenette blinked in confusion "Eh let me look" Ren popped between them and look at the familiar back of the card "You're right" he said looking at the card.

"This card" Aichi said as her eyes gaze from the top to the bottom of the card. The female musketeer on a bed of red lycoris flowers ready to strike with her katana in her hand with the full moon illuminating. She then notice the background seem to show half of the picture. A hand popped out behind plucking the card out of her hand.

"Heee" Aichi turn to Ren looking over her shoulder "So this is your new avatar. It's a good card, but my personal preference is Blaster Dark" Ren boasted of his own avatar. Aichi let out a small chuckle "It's seems that you haven't changed Ren-san" continue to chuckle at the amusement to the redhead's behavior that hadn't changed.

Ren sighed and gave her reassuring smile, he lifted his hand up to ruffle her green hair "It's not long since we last met. It's only been three months, plus…" his red eyes were filled with emotions of relief, placing his hand onto her shoulder giving it a light squeeze "I am glad that you came back" Aichi could see the relief flowing through Ren's face, her heart thumped with guilt that made her regret dying. Her gaze turn to Leon who had the same emotions expressed through his eyes. She placed her hand over the redhead's then gave him a big smile back "Thank you" small tears form on the end of green eyes.

Both teens boys huffed a smile at each other then turning to the greenette. Leon drew close to the two "Listen Sendou, if you are in any need for help don't hesitate to tell us. Takuto gave us the role to help you through this" putting a hand on his hip "Well Suzugamori isn't much reliable so feel free to tell me first" the blonde gave her a small grin. Ren pout turning to the fellow cardfighter "What do you mean not reliable, I can reliable" Leon turn to the redhead "Can you?" he raised an eyebrow. Ren pat his fist against his chest "Don't worry" he childishly countered.

Aichi put her hands on her hips "That when I worried the worst" her statement shot down his comment. Ren pout grew "Mou Aichi-chan~" Aichi and Leon looked at each other and laughed then Ren later joined in.

I hope you all enjoy this short chapter to Beginnings of A New Life. There are a few changes to Sakura's (Aichi's) achievement to the Cardfight World. Instead of being the Champion of the Europe Circuit, she is the Champion of the Single England National Tournament and participate in the Europe Circuit. I notice the title Champion happen juggled between Gaillard and Neve so I changed her title and nationality to England. So everyone continue to wait for more chapters in the future. Remember to Review.