Hey guys! I'm not dead! xD

Sorry! Sorry I couldn't help it.

These stories are getting filled with Author's Notes and its not fair. I have been so busy I have only worked on Wattpad. I'm not even using my own computer right now. I took it from my brother but whateves!

I haven't even paid attention to my YouTube channel either. Ugh!

Anyways as to why I am giving another author's note again is because I'm holding auditions! For both animators and voice actors or those who hope to be one day.

The story is "Let's Be Different"

I was reviewing it the other day and I thought, this needs to be an animation. I of course will be directing it and putting it together. I just need animators and people who voice act. They would all be uploaded to my YouTube channel which I'll be changing the name to "Wild Productions". "Creative" right? Anyways, I'm rambling again.

If you want to Audition let me know. You can audition for more than one character in the story. If you're auditioning for a character that sings make sure you include part of you singing. I'll give you more details when I know you really are interested. Hurry up though! I have a few people are auditioning already!

As for Animators, auditioning is quite simple really. Whether this would be your first animation or not it would, your chances are pretty high! If I could get a sample of an animated scene from the story. Maybe 5-15 seconds.