A/N: Here's a new story idea that I came up with. I've always like marriage contract stories but could never find one unless it was and evil!Dumbledore who wrote it up and Harry had to break it. I've also never seen ones that involve life-debts unless it's some kind of harem story. Therefore I decided to write my own. If it's not obvious enough this is a Harry/Ginny story. Sorry to those who are following my other stories. I started University back in September and didn't have any time to update. I have written part of the next chapter of Harry Potter and the Fellow Champion though. Now that it's Christmas break I set aside some time to write but I got stuck trying to go back to my old stories. This idea had been circling in my head for a while so I decided to give it a try. I'm back for my second term next week so I have no idea when I'll have time to update… hopefully more this term because I'll be done Calculus. Anyway I hope you enjoy and please let me know what you think in the reviews.
The floor creaked ominously as Harry strode down the dark hallway. Dust was kicked into the air with every step he took which only added to the constant gloom present in Number 12 Grimmauld Place. According to the clock in the study he had just vacated, it was late morning. He didn't trust anything in this house after nearly being speared to death by another clock during the summer but his rumbling stomach seemed to support the fact that it was indeed approaching the noon hour. Harry had been reading books all morning, choosing to avoid the breakfast table at all costs, unable to bare the sorrow-filled gazes of the Weasley family, also in residence over the Christmas holidays.
The quality of food that had suffered greatly ever since Mrs. Weasley had locked herself in her room. Sirius tried as best he could but after going from wealthy pureblooded child, to well fed Hogwarts student, to uncaring bachelor, to twelve year resident of Azkaban Prison; he had surprisingly not picked up many culinary skills. Harry had gone longer than a single morning without food at the Dursley's but that didn't mean he wanted to skip that many meals and he realized he would draw more attention to himself and he definitely didn't want them worrying about him right now. Molly Weasley crying had quieted down after the first day but she still hadn't left her room and had only opened the door to speak to Professor Dumbledore yesterday. After that everyone had noticed owls swooping in out of her window constantly. He found a little strange but assumed she had a lot of arrangements left to make.
It was with these thoughts in mind that Harry turned the corner, nocking straight into someone heading the opposite direction. "Oops. Sorry. Wasn't paying attention," he said while reaching out and grabbing the arm of the person in front of him to stop them from falling. Harry finally raised his head to see who had bumped into and his breath caught in his throat. Even with her eyes red and puffy from crying, he thought Ginny Weasley was beautiful. He had recently found himself enamored by the idea of running his hands through her rich red hair that was currently framing her face at the sides and stretched much farther at the back.
"It's fine Harry. Don't worry about it." She said with a small sad smile. The smile didn't reach her eyes but it was still the best expression he'd seen in several days. Harry was pretty sure that this week was the first time he had ever seen Ginny cry. She was always so strong. He was sure that she hadn't even cried at the age of eleven after everything that happened in the chamber. So when he had seen her break down earlier in the week, it had felt as if his heart had been clenched by an iron fist. All he wanted to do was comfort her but he had no idea how. Even though everyone told him that it wasn't his fault, Harry still felt guilty over the death of Arthur Weasley. Even after Sirius had forced him to accept that he had done all he could, letting the headmaster know as soon as he could, he still felt bad. Seeing and feeling the attack through the snake's eyes was a large factor in this sentiment.
Realizing that he still had his hand on Ginny's arm, he quickly let go while feeling his face heat up. Harry had found himself drawn more and more towards her this year. It wasn't just that she rapidly maturing physically, which was obvious for all to see, but her fiery personality that was catching his attention. He realized quickly it probably came with growing up with six older brothers and with the power levels she was displaying at the DA meetings, she was not someone you wanted to cross. All in all, Harry would have liked to have asked her out but he knew this was not the time and he was pretty sure she was already dating Michael Corner from Ravenclaw. He still wasn't sure what to do about Cho though. He crush had slowly disappeared over the year as he'd become more interested in Ginny. Being honest with himself, Harry was pretty sure it wouldn't have worked out between them anyway after everything that happened with Cedric during the third task. An idea which was only reinforced when she had kissed him under the mistletoe, at the last DA meeting, before he'd had a chance to react and then left the room in tears. Even though his crush was gone, he still didn't want to give her the wrong idea, especially knowing that she was still having difficulties dealing with Cedric's death. He knew he would have to deal with the situation soon.
"GINNY! WHERE ARE YOU? COME DOWN TO THE KITCHEN! WE NEED TO TALK!" Mrs. Weasley's voiced echoed loudly through the quiet house, startling both teens who had just become aware that they had been staring at each other in silence for several moments.
"It seems she's finally left her room," he commented. Simultaneously relieved and a little nervous now that he would have to face the grieving Weasley matriarch. He knew that his feelings of guilt would imminently begin to flare to an all-time high.
"We should probably go see what she wants," she responded, grabbing his hand and pulling him down the stairs after her. It took several moments for Harry's brain to catch up with what was going on around him. He was still stuck on the fact that Ginny had taken his hand. It was so soft and they seemed to fit together so well. He couldn't help but worry that his face might currently resemble that of Ron's when Fleur was around. He quickly snapped out of it though when they entered the kitchen and all eyes turned to them. Mrs. Weasley frowned as her eyes immediately zeroed in on their clasped hands. This caused Harry to take an unconscious step backward and let go of Ginny's hand. She shot him an annoyed look over her shoulder, forcibly retook his hand and dragged him over to the table all the while returning her mother's look in kind.
"Now Ginny dear. I have some news that's important for the whole family. With your father gone…" she started to choke up a bit.
"It's ok mom… I understand go ahead," she said taking her mom's hand with free one.
Mrs. Weasley composed herself and began to talk, "Now that your father is… gone… things will be a bit more difficult. I've had to make some difficult choices. Choices of what's best for the family. I know this won't all be what you wanted but it's really for the best."
Harry had a feeling of dread starting to grow in the pit of his stomach. Something wasn't right here. Ginny must have picked up on the same thing because she quickly interjected with a small smile and wink, "Quit being so dramatic mom! You're scaring us." If at all possible Harry thought his feelings for Ginny just grew even more. Even with everything going on in her life, Ginny still tried to lighten the mood in the room.
Molly swallowed nervously before continuing on, "Well like I said with your father gone we won't have all the same options we had before I had to make a decision," she paused momentarily as if steeling herself, "and that's why I have signed a betrothal contract on your behalf."
Silence reigned throughout the room. You could hear a pin drop. Harry as if he was slowly suffocating. He couldn't seem to get enough air. This couldn't be happening? He was never going to find happiness in his life was he? Yet all those thoughts flew out of his head when he noticed Ginny's pale face. He may never be able to act on the feelings he had been cultivating for the youngest Weasley all year but she was the one stuck in this situation. How could her mother do this?
"What?" She finally asked, the room still deathly silent. The tension in the air was so thick that you could have cut it with a knife.
"I said I signed a betrothal contract for you."
"Who? When… why?"
"Like I said it is for your own good and will benefit the family as a whole…" she trailed off at the glare her daughter was leveling her with. "You will be married tomorrow at Gringotts." Gasps sounded around the room. "To Draco Malfoy."
The room was silent again for about two second while everyone digested what they had just heard and then pandemonium broke loose. Everyone started shouting at once. Chairs were being thrown back as people lurched suddenly to their feet. Harry just sat there in silence, stunned. The thought of Malfoy laying his hands on Ginny was making him feel sick.
"WHAT! HOW DARE YOU?" Ginny screeched bringing Harry back to the present. He had no idea that she could make such a sound. "YOU'RE JUST SELLING ME OFF LIKE CATTLE TO DAD'S MURDURERS! YOU HAVE NO RIGHT!"
SMACK! The sound resounded through the room, leaving its occupants once again in stunned silence. "GINEVRA MOLLY WEASLEY! HOW DARE YOU DISRESPECT ME LIKE THAT! I HAVE EVERY RIGHT. I AM NOW THE HEAD OF THIS FAMILY UNTIL BILL RETURNS FROM EGYPT! AND DON'T YOU DARE DRAG YOUR FATHERS SITUATION INTO THIS! YOU ARE TOO YOUNG TO UNDERSTAND!" Ginny stood to leave avoiding looking in her mother's eye but Molly was having none of that. She grabbed her arm yanking her off balance and back towards her chair. "I AM NOT DONE YET WITH YOU YOUNG LADY!"
Before Harry knew what he was doing he was on his feet hand clamped on Mrs. Weasley's arm where she was holding Ginny. "Let go of her. Now!" He growled. Harry had never felt so angry in his life, even during the time he accidently blew up his Uncle's sister. He felt power flowing through him. Then it suddenly blew out in a wave shattering glass and plates throughout the whole room and if the sound of distant crashing was any evidence, possibly the whole house. Mrs. Weasley flinched backwards at the noise and released the grip on her daughter. Ginny ran out of the room without looking back and if Harry hadn't had more to say he would have also already been out of the room already. "How could you do this to her! Since when have you ever believed in any of that pureblooded none-sense? You've just signed your daughter's bloody death warrant! Have you happened to forget that it was the Malfoys who gave Ginny that blasted diary in her first year? If I hadn't been as extremely lucky as I was, she would be dead!" As soon as Harry said that, it reminded him of something Dumbledore had once said to him when he'd left the chamber. Hmm, he knew that idea would require some research.
Mrs. Weasley mistook Harry's momentary silence as the end of his tirade and immediately began her own, "This is none of your business! This is as family matter."
"I guess I should return all of my Weasley jumpers then if I am no longer welcome in your home like a family member." He replied sarcastically.
"STOP INTERFERING WITH MY FAMILY! It's bad enough that it's your fault my husband is dead!" She shrieked back. Harry stiffened as if he had been slapped, his face completely blank. Again, for what seemed like the hundredth time that day the room was completely quiet. Molly's eyes went wide as the realization of what she'd said hit home and she began attempting to stutter out an apology but Harry was already moving. He swept out of the room before anyone even had time to blink. Harry heard Sirius calling after him but he didn't respond. He needed a plan and had very little time to come up with one but at least he knew just the place to start.
Harry headed straight towards the black family library as soon as he had calmed down. He knew that Mrs. Weasley had cleared it of all the books relating to dark arts, even though they probably would have been useful knowledge for the war effort. Luckily for him that was not the kind of book he was looking for. He needed more information on magical contracts to confirm his hunch.
Searching through the dusty tomes he couldn't help the snort that escaped his mouth when he thought about the purging of the library earlier that year. Mrs. Weasley was so paranoid that her kids would read something dangerous about the dark arts yet was perfectly ok with marrying off her only daughter to a family that actively practiced them. He truly couldn't find the logic there. Something was wrong about this whole situation. Mrs. Weasley was acting completely out of character. Was it just grief over her husband's death or something more? Harry knew he'd have to figure it out eventually but he had more pressing concerns.
About halfway through the collection of books, he finally happened upon a title he was looking for. Magical Oaths, Vows and Contracts: A Complete Guide. He flipped through the pages till he found a promising looking section.
Magical Contracts:
Magical Contracts are one of the youngest forms of binding magical agreements in this book. Oaths were the original standard form of binding yet over time the wording began being recorded for future reference. Today's contracts only came into place within the last couple centuries for use in marriage agreements. They differed from traditional oaths so that instead of the paper only being a copy, the signers' magic is tied directly to the parchment on which the agreement is written. This allowed for more clauses to be added to the agreements and they eventually became standard even outside of marriages. How a contract deals with a party who does not fulfill their obligations is random at best. Consequences can be outlined and agreed upon in the contract but if not specified they can range from loss of magic, illness, to even death. Some contracts even compel those mentioned within to fulfill their obligations. Marriage contracts are a lot less popular than in previous centuries but they are not uncommon by any means, especially in old pureblooded families.
The breaking of a marriage contract is a tricky business. In most cases clauses are added to the contract allowing one or both parties to choose to withdraw from the agreement either at will or only under a specific set of circumstances. In those cases it is easy to get out of the contract if the specifications are met but if the contract itself does not include any such clauses it is essentially unbreakable. Laws were soon set in place to punish those who murdered their betrothed after it became a popular practice to remedy these situations in the late 1600s. The only way for someone to get out of a marriage contract that is considered unbreakable is for someone else to have an overriding claim that allows them to declare the signing of the contract illegal and invalid.
Harry reached the end of the section and let out a frustrated huff that it did not go into any more detail. His original idea still seemed possible but he would have to gather some more information. He did gather that it would be pertinent to check the contract for escape clauses though he was inclined to believe that he wouldn't find any. The Malfoy's wouldn't leave anything up to chance.
Harry exited the library planning on dropping off the book in the room he shared with Ron but stopped at the sight of the headmaster heading down the hall towards him. "Professor! I'm so glad you're here. I've been doing some research," Harry said gesturing towards the book he was still holding. "Have you gotten a look at the contract? What are the requirements of the cancellation clause?"
"Slow down my boy," the old wizard replied, eyes twinkling merrily before he became more serious. "I have indeed looked at the contract in question. It is unfortunately unbreakable but I think that some good will come out of this situation yet. I will have to ask you to drop your pursuit of this subject though. It is a family to be dealt with by the Weasleys themselves. Now I think it would be prudent for you to go and apologize to Mrs. Weasley for your earlier outburst. I'm sure she will understand as you were ignorant of these customs."
Harry just stared at Dumbledore utterly gobsmacked. "You're going to do nothing. I can't believe this. At least have the courage to kill her yourself because don't kid yourself, that's exactly what you're doing. You're handing her straight to Voldemort."
"Now now Harry," he said with a frown. "Her safety will be of upmost importance. There are risks involved but the benefit to order through the information she can gather will outweigh that."
"So this is all about getting another spy for the order? I don't know how you ever got Mrs. Weasley to agree to this. You guys wouldn't even let us sit in on order meetings and now her youngest child! Her only daughter is going to be a spy!" Harry scoffed. "You really think that the Malfoys are just going to let her wander around the manor wherever she wants? Sit in on Death Eater meetings and then come mail us afterword? You're going senile old man! Even if they don't torture or kill her outright, you're handing them leverage against me. I'm her… err… friend and Voldemort won't shy away from using that. Sometimes I wonder how your leadership of the order is any different than how Voldemort treats his Death Eaters!"
Harry turned and stormed up the stairs leaving the stunned headmaster behind. He stopped as soon as he was out of sight, leaning against the wall for support and breathing heavily. He heard the fireplace flare downstairs and knew that Dumbledore had most likely just flooed back to Hogwarts. He was trying to get a handle the rage that had been coursing through his veins ever since this morning. After practically ignoring him all year, having the headmaster refuse to help with the situation had been the final straw. He couldn't help but feel amused though about how surprised the headmaster must be that he had not meekly given into his wishes.
Harry arrived at his room after his breathing had calmed considerably. He knew that the easier option was no longer possible from his conversation with Dumbledore but his original idea still hadn't been disproven. He needed more information. After considering it for a moment he decided to go speak to Sirius. He grew up in one of the most pureblooded families there are. He should have the information that he sought. Harry threw the book down on his bed and turned to leave when he heard a sound.
Cough cough
Turning around his eyes came to rest on a familiar looking portrait. It took him a moment of searching through his memories but he soon knew where he'd seen it before. "Come to spy on me for the headmaster, Phineas?"
The portrait of the former headmaster sniffed at him disdainfully, "He has ordered us to gather information before but as the new Black Heir, I am no longer at liberty to share any of your secrets with Albus. I am here to deliver a warning."
"Black Heir? What are you talking about?"
"I see my great-great-grandson hasn't seen fit to inform you yet. He recently discovered that without a son of his own, the next in line to inherit the Black fortune was one Draco Malfoy. Fortunately for him, you are related to the Black family through your grandmother and that allowed him to name you as his heir. Upon his death you will inherit the title of Lord Black at which point you should already have ascended to your status as Lord Potter."
"L-L-lord Potter?" He stuttered.
"Merlin's Beard! How much has that old codger been keeping from you! The head of the family of any Ancient and Most Noble house is considered a Lord. We need to make sure you get an education of Wizarding Culture! Sirius was trained in all of this as a child, even if he still doesn't act as one of his stature should, you should speak to him about setting up lessons."
"Oh I'll be having a talk with Sirius all right," Harry growled. "So basically Sirius was trying to stop the Malfoys from acquiring another lordship? I guess I can understand why it's necessary."
Phineas Nigellus Black began to guffaw, "Lucius Malfoy is no Lord! Those foreign bastards only came over from France a couple generations ago. The only reason they even had that chance was because one of my knuckleheaded descendants married Narcissa off to that pig."
"But at school Malfoy's always strutting around like he owns the place," he spluttered.
"Lucius has probably filled the head of the little arrogant twerp with all kinds of ideas of grandeur. In reality the Malfoy family should hold less influence in British pureblood politics than the Weasleys and their well known as the biggest blood-traitors around. There's no doubt the Malfoys are rich but years of lining Fudge's pockets have made them a bit too big for their britches." The man in the portrait sighed, "If Albus hadn't kept your heritage from you, you could have put young Draco in his place years ago. Things could have been so much simpler."
Things descended into silence for a moment while Harry tried to digest everything he had learned. "So you said you came here to give me a warning?"
"Ah yes. Like I am bound to keep your secrets from others, I am similarly bound to the office of the headmaster making me unable to go into specifics but I can give you some advice. The Albus Dumbledore that you know is not all that he seems. You should not trust him like you do now. He was more involved in your little lady's current situation than he would have everyone believe."
"M-my-my l-lad… she's not… we're not…err…we're just friends." Phineas raised a painted eyebrow in his direction. "What do you mean about the headmaster?"
"Alas! I can't go into any more details without violating my oaths. Speak to your godfather. Get his help. The answers you seek lie in Nurmengard. I must be off young heir. May fortune favor you on your quest!" The portrait exclaimed and then added in a mumble as he exited the frame, "You're going to need it."
Harry remained in his room for several minutes thinking over everything he had just heard. He didn't want to believe that Dumbledore wouldn't act in his best interest. It was true that he was still angry at him from their earlier conversation but he was still Albus Dumbledore! He was the only one Voldemort was afraid of. If he could trust him than who was there that could protect him? The more he thought of it though, the more discrepancies he found from his placement at the Dursleys to all the dangerous situations he'd faced over his years at Hogwarts. For the second time that day he realized something wasn't right. He needed to talk to Sirius.
Harry found Sirius in the first place he looked. The bedroom housing Buckbeak. As soon as he entered the room he gave the Hippogriff a deep bow which was returned soon after. Harry then closed the bedroom door. In response to Sirius' raised eyebrow he said, "I need to talk to you about something serious."
"But I am Sirius," he replied with a grin making Harry want to give him a good smack. He lost his smile when he noted Harry's lack of response. "Ok got it. What's up Pup?" The grin was back fighting its way onto his face. "I overheard your conversation with Professor Dumbledore earlier. As much as he's done for the world, I think he sometimes forgets that he's mortal just like all of us. It was nice to see him brought down a peg or two. You know, for a minute earlier, I thought I was back listening to Lily after someone had done something to tick her off. You may look like James but you sure do take after your mother."
Harry started as Sirius was talking. Maybe everything would work out. "That's sort of what I wanted to talk about. I want to know that if something ever happened to put me in conflict with Dumbledore whose side you would be on."
Sirius blanched slightly, "Despite what I said earlier I don't think Albus would ever do anything against your best interest. He tasks the order to spend more time watching you than actually fighting Voldemort. He cares about you."
Harry grimaced slightly at Sirius' lack of answer, "I know. I know but I came into some new information today. I need your help but I can't tell you about it unless I know that you will be there to support me even if it is against his wishes."
"Of course I'll be there for you! I'd kick Albus-Too-Many-Bloody-Names-Dumbledore and the order to the curb before betraying you. Like I said I think he has the best of intentions but I've had a feeling for a while that he could be doing more to get me trial yet has been holding back for some reason. Going against authority is the Marauder way! Just tell me what you need me to do."
Harry rushed forward and gave his godfather a hug. "Thank you Sirius! You don't know what the means to me." Sirius patted him on the head and then they both took a seat on some chairs he conjured up for them. Harry then proceeded to tell him all about his conversation with the portrait of Phineas Nigellus Black. Sirius did look slightly ashamed when Harry reached the point about how he found out he was the Black Heir. When he was finished Sirius looked very pensive and sat back thinking about it all for a few minutes. "The fact that old Phineas actively sought you out means that this is a whole lot more important than it probably seems. I have to agree with you, something is not right here. Nurmengard is the old prison that Grindelwald built during his campaign. He housed all of his most dangerous opponents there. I wonder if anything is still there. I was under the impression it was abandoned when Dumbledore killed him. We'll have to figure out a time to sneak away and go check it out. Maybe in the summer? Or I could go snoop around on my own when you return to Hogwarts? It would be nice to get out of this damned house."
"Umm… Sirius. I think it might be best if we skip town tomorrow after we leave Gringotts," Harry interjected nervously.
"Harry what have you done?" Sirius asked with narrowed eyes.
Harry gulped audibly, "It's not so much what I have done…"
"Harry…" he reprimanded with a warning tone.
"Well first I need some information. I've done some research on marriage contracts but I need to know the different ways an unbreakable contract can be ruled invalid."
"Well the most obvious would be if there is a conflicting marriage contract already in existence but that's not going to help you." Harry waved him on. "Another way that sometimes works depending on circumstances is if there is another type of contract, for example some kind of family alliance that conflicts with the contract. That way is very temperamental though. Either the alliance or the marriage contract could end up overriding the other. It's really fifty-fifty. I'm pretty sure that's it though. There is a reason their called unbreakable." He moved in to comfort his godson when he saw his downtrodden expression but suddenly remembered something else. "I almost forgot about life-debts! If a true life-debt has formed than that person can pretty much call it in and override any kind of contract. The only thing it can't do is interfere after the marriage has already happened. I still don't see how that will help you pup. I'm sorry."
"I told you about my second year right Sirius?"
"Of course you did! How could I forget you slaying a fifty foot Basilisk with the Sword of Godric Gryffindor and saving Ginny's…" Harry gave him a knowing look. "Are you sure a life-debt formed?"
"Well Dumbledore said it did after I'd gotten out of the chamber. It was only the second time I'd ever heard about life-debts. Even if Dumbledore wants this marriage to go through and knows I could stop it, he didn't know that back then. There was no reason for him to lie to me."
"That's great! Why don't you just claim it now though? It would save all the hassle and poor Ginny is probably going nuts right now."
"First of all, I need to speak to Ginny before I make this decision for sure. Second I need to get to Gringotts tomorrow to sort some things out. Dumbledore will never let me go. This is the perfect excuse. Third, I was planning on activating my claim when they ask for objections during the ceremony."
"Why would you wait that long? That's cutting it pretty…" Sirius' eyes widened. "Oh…. OH!"
"Exactly!" Harry replied with a smirk.
"Harry are you sure you're not secretly in Slytherin because that is positively devious!"
"Well the sorting did want to place me there…"
"Don't even joke about that pup! That's not funny!"
"I'm not joking. I'm serious!"
"You're not Sirius, I'm…"
"Shut up Padfoot! Give it a rest already!"
Sirius pouted, "Wait so it actually wanted to put you in the snake pit? I don't know if there has ever been a Potter in Slytherin."
"Like I said I'm serious." Harry gave him a look just daring him to interrupt. "It wanted to put in Slytherin but I'd already met Draco who'd just been sorted there so I argued with that stupid hat till it finally gave in." Sirius just stated howling. I was worried someone was going to come in and see what all the commotion was about. Sirius was rolling around on the floor gasping for breath.
When he finally calmed down he sat up, wiped the tears from his eyes and said, "Only you would argue the 1000 year old sentient magical artifact, charmed by the founders themselves, into submission at the age of 11. Anyway, getting back on topic. You should go talk to Ginny sometime soon. Make sure to get a good night's sleep! I'll talk to one of my contacts at Gringotts to make sure all goes according to plan. They should be able to help you get out of there quickly. I think your right. It will be best for us to get out of the country for a little bit so we can rundown this lead and regroup a bit." They wished each other goodnight and went their separate ways.
It was around 5:00am when Harry Potter knocked quietly on the bedroom door of one Ginny Weasley. He waited a moment but didn't hear anything so he slowly opened the door peeking in. Ginny was sitting on the bed, arms wrapped around her knees that were pulled up to her chest. Her eyes flicked towards the door once but returned to staring at the wall without acknowledging his presence. He slipped into the room, shutting the door behind him and made his way over to the bed, sitting next to Ginny. He couldn't help but notice the long pale expanse of her smooth legs visible in her nightwear. If she detected where his gaze lingered she didn't show it. Shaking himself he began, "How are you doing?" Ginny snorted in response causing Harry to cringe as he realized how stupid his question was. He wasn't really sure where to go from here so he just started talking, "I just wanted you to… no. I needed you to know that I will always be here for you. No matter what you need."
This finally seem get her attention as she turned towards him, tears again beginning to pool in her eyes. "It's not fair. I still can't believe all of this is happening. If this is my last chance to tell you, I need you to know that I never gave up on you. I did have a crush on the-boy-who-lived when we first met. As I'm sure you remember. I couldn't even be in the same room as you without forgetting how to speak and blushing like crazy but I took Hermione's advice. I tried to move on. I even tried dating Michael Corner and the crush did go away but then I really got to know Harry, my fellow Hogwarts student, not the fairy tale. And he is the most caring, selfless and brave individual you will ever meet and I fell in love with him." Ginny's eyes were shining as she looked up at him. Deep chocolatey brown pools that Harry knew he could lose himself in if given the chance. Without thinking Harry began to lean forwards and Ginny shifted her face up towards him as well. Their lips met in the center and Harry was in heaven. Somewhere in the back of his mind he wondered if he was cursed to kiss girls only when they were crying but unlike Cho he didn't mind. This was so much better. Ginny's lips were soft and gentle as they moved against his, yet seemed to convey perfectly the desperation she was feeling about her current situation. To Harry it was pure bliss. He felt complete. He knew then and there that he wanted to hold Ginny in his arms and kiss her for the rest of his life. They both pulled back a few moments later, breathing slightly heavier than before. She spoke softly again, "See. It's not fair. We'll never get to know what this could have been. I know it would have been great." She looked up into his eyes again and struggled for a smile.
In response he just pulled her closer into a hug where she burrow her face back into his shoulder. He turned and murmured into her ear, "I have a plan. For today… I have a plan."
Her head whipped up so fast it almost would have been comical if the situation wasn't so serious. "What do you mean? I know you don't know a lot about these things but I looked at the contract. It's unbreakable."
He looked her right in the eye, "Do you trust me?"
Without wavering or breaking eye contact she replied, "With my life."
"Then I have a plan." She just nodded in response. "I may have to say some stuff that's weird today and suck up to your mom a little this morning but it is all part of the plan. Like I said, I'll always be there for you." He paused for a moment before getting up, "I should get going."
He was halfway across the room before he heard her speak, "I also wanted to thank you for standing up for me to my mom yesterday. You didn't have to do that but… just thank you." Harry inclined his head and opened the door.
As Harry stepped out into the hall, he came face to face with Ron. "What were you doing in there?"
"We were talking," he answered while indicating the wet spots on his shirt from Ginny's tears with his finger.
"Oh… err… right." Ron's face flushed pink with embarrassment. "Thanks for… err… you know. Talking to her mate. It probably means a lot to her. Oh and I'm sorry about what mom said yesterday in the kitchen. She feels really bad. We know it wasn't your fault. Mom was really out of line with that and this whole bloody contract. I can't believe this. Draco Bloody Malfoy. He better not hurt her or I'll… I'll…"
Harry gritted his teeth at the reminder of Mrs. Weasley's comments yesterday but nodded his acceptance at Ron's apology. "Let's go down and get some breakfast." Ron complied immediately with the thought of food in the picture.
Harry entered the kitchen following Ron and heard the telltale decrease in volume and noticed that people where glance nervously between himself and the Weasley Matriarch. He wondered if he'd ever get used to all conversations coming to a halt when he entered a room. It had been happening pretty often for over four years now and it still set his teeth on edge. Mentally preparing himself, he strode purposefully over to the women he had until recently thought of as the closest thing he had to a mother. The sharp intakes of breath from around the room made him want to roll his eyes but luckily he was strong enough to resist. "Mrs. Weasley, I wanted to apologize for speaking out of turn yesterday. I am still not used to many wizarding customs from growing up with the Durlseys and the news was just a big shock. Please forgive me and if it is ok with you I would like to accompany your family to Gringotts so that I can support my friend in this major step in her life."
"Oh Harry dear, I understand and forgive you," she said pulling him into a suffocating hug. "I hope you can forgive me as well. What I said was very wrong. I have always considered you a part of the family. None of us blame you for Arthur's death. Emotions are just running high and sometimes you say things you don't mean. Thank you for being so mature about this."
Harry escaped from the hug and hurried over to the table and sat down. He noticed Ron shooting him a look that clearly meant that he didn't think what Harry had said to his mother the day before was out of line. Avoiding his gaze he looked over at Sirius who gave him a barely perceivable inclination of his head. The plan was in place.
The Weasleys plus Harry, Tonks and Moody arrived in the lobby of Gringotts with minutes to spare. Unsurprisingly Dumbledore was there waiting for them, Harry and Sirius had assumed he would be. He completely ignored his presence but Harry noted that he adopted a slight smirk when he saw him standing near Mrs. Weasley. He knew that the Headmaster had probably assumed that he had taken yesterday's advice to heart.
Walking towards the chamber a Goblin heading the other way roughly nocked into him sending him staggering back, while discretely passing him a sack of Galleons from Sirius' vault and a small non-descript box that his godfather had also requested of his contact the night before. He quickly stowed them under his robes before anyone noticed. "Watch where you are going human!" The goblin barked before scurrying away.
"Merlin Harry! You've got to be careful. My brother Bill works with the goblins a lot and says that they can be nasty little buggers if you cross them!" Ron chastised him loudly causing several goblins within earshot to scowl. Some days Harry just wanted to bang his head against the wall after hearing what came out of his best friend's mouth.
They filed into the chamber that had been prepared and Harry was surprised to note that it resembled closely to a muggle court room. Malfoy was sitting with both his parents at a table on the front left side of the room already. Mrs. Weasley and Ginny began towards a mirroring table on the right side, while the rest of the group filed into the benches behind. He noticed Malfoy smirking in their direction but he didn't have any difficulty avoiding a reaction because he knew that he would be having the last laugh today. Ron was tense beside him, his anger coming off in slowly building waves. Not getting as much of a reaction as he hoped, Malfoy turned his gaze to Ginny, a hungry look in his eye that sent shivers down his spine. He silently vowed again in his head that he would never let that scum get his hands on her.
The doors opened again after a few minutes of sitting in silence and an ancient looking goblin entered wearing a set of regal robes. The other goblins stood to attention as he crossed the floor and stepped up to a large desk much like where a judge would sit if this had been a courtroom. As he took his seat everyone relaxed slightly. He looked over some papers on his desk before speaking in a grating tone, "We are here today to fulfill the marriage contract between the house of Malfoy and Ancient House of Weasley. This is a very straight forward matter as the contract has already been signed. Can I have both parties to please approach." Draco, Lucius and Mrs. Weasley all stood immediately. The first two heading straight in front of the grand desk, while it took the other a moment longer to guide her daughter up to the front, a firm hand on her shoulder. A wide eyed Ginny sent Harry a panicked look and he tried for a reassuring smile. He knew it was only a moment away. "As required by law, I must ask if there are any other parties who have an objection before we continue the ceremony."
It was time. Harry stood quickly, slipping a ring from inside the box he had been given earlier onto his finger. There was a small flash of light and he felt power rushing through him. He spoke, "I do." His voice echoed through the chamber. Suddenly everyone was talking at once. He saw a panicked Dumbledore shouting at him to sit down, a clearly confused bunch of Weasley and Malfoy sneering some kind of obscenities at him that he ignored by keeping his eyes planted on the goblin up front.
A loud bang reverberated through the room. "SILENCE!" The goblin shouted causing everyone to quiet down immediately. "Headmaster Dumbledore you are a witness to these proceedings. Nothing more. If you continue to interrupt we will have you thrown from the chamber." It was only then that Harry noticed that Dumbledore had his wand out while on the receiving end of several goblin spears. He sighed glancing at Harry as if trying to communicate with him and took his seat. "Now Lord Potter what is the nature of your objection?"
Harry was very glad that Sirius had coached him the night before on what to say. "I hereby claim this contract is invalid through right of superior claim. In June of 1993 the Ancient House of Weasley incurred a life-debt to the Ancient and Most Noble House of Potter when I, Harry James Potter, knowingly risked my life to save Ginevra Molly Weasley from certain death. To pay off this debt I claim the right to take Ginevra Molly Weasley as my bride. So mote it be." There was a large clap, almost like thunder, and suddenly both Draco and Lucius fell to the ground unconscious, expressions of pain on their faces. Harry strode up the aisle and took Draco's place in front of the goblin. Ginny and her family watched him in shock. Harry reopened the small box he was carrying which now contained male and female wedding bands.
"This is not a standard marriage so there are no vows required. To complete the ceremony just place the rings on each other's hands." The goblin instructed.
Harry knew that they had to get out of here soon. The others shock wouldn't last much longer. He gently took Ginny's hand and slipped the one ring onto her finger which she continued to stare down at with wide eyes. "Ginny," he prompted her softly. That seemed to snap her out of it as she glanced around taking stock of the situation. They heard a strangled shout from behind them while she quickly grabbed the other ring and placed it on his finger resulting in another bright flash of light.
"I now present to you the new Lord and Lady Potter!" The goblin cried with a toothy grin aimed in Dumbledore's direction that only seemed to make the creature look more menacing. Suddenly the headmaster was on his feet again, wand drawn causing the guards to scramble towards him. Harry had been expecting this and quickly took Ginny's hand. Placing his other finger over his new wedding ring he said, "Padfoot." There was that telltale feeling of being hooked about your naval and the newly married couple were whisked away.