DISCLAIMER: RWBY belongs to Roosterteeth.

~ Crest ~

Weiss concentrates on her sister's instructions as she tries for what feels like the thousandth time to make the summoning glyph work.

"Oh, come on!" she shouts in frustration as the crest snaps out of existence without so much as a spider coming out of it.

She attempts to calm herself down by concentrating on her breathing, but ends up nearly hyperventilating.

Why does nothing work right when I'm concentrating so hard on making it work? she wonders. Is there such a thing as... concentrating too hard?

Taking her brain out of the equation isn't easy, but she does her best to relax and let instinct take over. This time, there is a ripple from within the glyph and she swears something nearly comes out before her excitement over not failing causes her concentration to break.

So, okay, not a success this time. But, more importantly, not a total failure either.
