Well here it is guys, a little epilogue-ish chapter for you. Thank you so much for all your reads and reviews - I honestly did not think that anyone was going to read this when I started writing it but knowing that people have been reading and enjoying it has been such an amazing feeling so I just want to say thank you so much again. I also hope you have enjoyed the music. Anyway enough from me, I hope you enjoy the last chapter :D

"I had a phone call from Tyson earlier." I said as soon as Kai picked up the phone.

It had been seven years since I had stuck it to Voltair at my first year BBA exams. In that time both Kai and I had graduated and had moved in together after that. Neither of us had any money, and London is expensive, so the first place was literally a room in a house share. Both of us got jobs; Kai teaching kids how to play guitar at a local school three days a week and I got some bar work and, if I was lucky, I got to perform on Open Mic Night. It was hard work but I had Kai so everything was alright.

"Oh yeah?" Kai didn't sound impressed in the slightest. "What did he want?"

"He says you made Zeo cry." I teased. Even through the phone I could practically see the muscles in his jaw tighten. I bit my lip to stop myself from laughing.

"He was being an annoying little shit." he said finally. I couldn't help myself from laughing at that.

"Of course he was, he's six." I replied. Tyson and Hilary had ended up getting married not long after they graduated from university when Hilary got pregnant (the words 'shotgun wedding' were rather appropriate). Emily and Michael got engaged, as did Kenny and Dizzy and Mariah even managed to tie Rei down once they had realised just how perfect for each other they were (after what she had told me was a very hot but very awkward evening with the two of them and Enrique at an alumni weekend). All of us were pretty much broke but we got by. Kai sighed.

"I'm not good with kids." he said.

"It's okay," I said. "you don't have to be."

"I do," he replied. "it's kind of my job."

"True." I said. "If it helps at all Miguel told me they're planning on making me performing a permanent thing as I'm the only one who ever does."

"Really? That's amazing!"

"And he's going to pay me for it too." I said.

"That's brilliant." he said. "When do you start?"


"What time will you be back?" he asked. "We can do something to celebrate when you get home."

"I'm on till close so I'll probably be back around half-two, three o'clock."

"Give me a text when you're on your way home and I'll make sure I'm up for when you get back." he said. A smile spread across my face. He was always doing little things like this – he had a lot of work to do and an early shift tomorrow but he was still willing to wait up for me. It was his way of showing me just how much he cared.

"Don't you have work tomorrow though?"

"I can be tired for one day." he said. I smiled. He really was amazing, especially when he did things like that.

"Hey Maxie," someone said from behind me. I turned to see Miguel sticking his head around the door. "you're on in three."

"Okay thanks." I said to him. "I've got to go get to work." I told Kai. "I'll see you later."

"Good luck tonight." he said. "I love you.

"I love you too." I hung up the phone and made me way over to Miguel. He handed me a microphone.

"Cutting it fine?" he grinned. "How is the boyfriend?"

"He's great." I said smiling to myself. "Just telling him the good news."


"And he said he'd wait up for me when I got home tonight." I said.

"Well," Miguel grinned. "someone's getting laid tonight." I pulled a face at him and he laughed, clapping me on the shoulder. "Go out there and knock them dead." I nodded, running out onto the tiny stage as the music started up.

"It's a really old city

Stuck between the dead and the living

So I thought to myself

Sitting on a graveyard shelf

As the echo of heartbeats

From the ground bellow my feet

Filled a cemetery in the centre of Queens"

This is something I could get used to; performing instead of serving drinks, and getting my arse grabbed by random punters, then going home to Kai. If the pay is good enough then we might even be able to afford more than a one bedroom flat some day. I didn't mind if we didn't though, I was happy.

"You said remember that life is

Not meant to be wasted

We can always be chasing the sun

So fill up your lungs and just run

Always be chasing the sun!"

I got home at around quarter to three in the morning. Kai was still awake, waiting for me. We talked for a bit about the new job, he made me a sandwich and I asked him how his lesson planning had been going. Talking led to kissing – making out on the sofa like we were teenagers again – and that eventually led to our bedroom. I had to bite my lip to keep from waking the neighbours as we fucked since the walls were made of paper. We lay there afterwards panting heavily, Kai turned to me and kissed me. I was exhausted from my shift, he had to get up for work in three hours and neither of us had a care in the world.


Chapter title lyrics and inside lyrics are taken from 'Chasing The Sun' by Sara Bareilles