notes at the bottom bros
Chapter 18
I huffed as I swung my dull practice sword up again, parrying Anya's blow. I had two day's until it was time to start training with the seconds, and everyone seemed sure I wouldn't hold my own against them (except Anya, who's unwavering faith was refreshing). With the two day's rest having been declared we were the only ones at the training grounds.
I had slipped into a different state of mind about ten minutes into our first sparring match. Gone was Nadia; back was Number Eight.
I blocked all thoughts of Anya from my mind and focused on her as only a target.
I was holding my own. It was frustrating that I had yet to disarm her, but I was pleased that I was lasting longer then I had when we first fought, and I hadn't even needed to use any tricks. I was slightly anxious to fight with the other seconds but I would never admit that to Anya.
So far it had become clear that my work with knives and hand to hand was excellent, and I had actually taken Anya down twice in hand to hand combat, though I had yet to best her with knives. Next in line was my sword work; I could delay Anya's victory for quite some time.
My ranged weapons were where I fell short. In comparison to Anya my work with the bow was purely laughable.
I was drawn back into the moment when Anya's sword nearly clipped my shoulder. I made a risky jab at her ribs, and when she sliced downwards to defend I stepped in close, swinging for her neck. Her hand came up and shoved the blade off, incurring only a small cut due to the dull edge. My sword went off balance and I twirled away before facing her and raising my sword to the guard position.
Anya motioned with her hand that we were done, and I lowered my sword. Watching. Waiting.
Right now, I was Number Eight and Anya was my instructor.
Something shifted in her gaze and all of a sudden she was in my space, grabbing my chin. I didn't blink, tracking the movement of her eyes with my own.
"Nadia?" The sound of that name moved something in me and I tilted my head to the side.
"Nadia," This time it was sharper, more direct.
It was so utterly Anya, so completely and totally the voice of the only person I had ever called friend that I blinked and suddenly came back to myself.
I loosed a soft breath and leant into her hand.
"Anya," A soft acknowledgment.
Those brown eyes never wavered as she watched me.
"Even when you become someone else, never forget who you are," A lesson fell from her lips, as it so often did.
And suddenly I felt... Vulnerable.
It was not something I liked to feel.
"What if I am Number Eight and Nadia is just a dream?" My voice was small, nothing like the joy inflected tone I had used last night as the villagers danced and drank around me.
Anya now grasped my face in both hands, forcing me to look her in the eye. Hazel clashed with brown, one uncertain and the other unyielding.
"You are Nadia, understand? You are Nadia and you are my trainee," Her voice left no room for arguments and left me feeling immeasurably better.
"I am Nadia," I nodded.
"Good. Now pick up your bow. If you want to hunt before winter sets in you need practice," Another feral grin from her and I knew today would just end in bruises.
I huffed and picked up the bow.
It was hours later that I finally sat down at the small table in the central room of Anya's home.
I was battered and bruised but quite pleased. Although I had not spent all my time training with such foreign weapons in the facility, I had clearly done enough that I would not fall behind in training.
I had been surprised to learn that Anya could cook. Of course, it was a simple meal, but delicious none the less. Seasoned potatoes and a gamey stew. I knew Anya had most likely hunted for the meat herself, which only made it all the better.
We were half way through our meal when I remembered something. I took a sip of the warm milk Anya had provided, stating that if I had any more juice I would simply fall apart. I did not see the logic in that, but nonetheless it was very... kind of her.
But the thing that I had remembered required thought, until I realised that perhaps I should just ask Anya straight up. She seemed to like asking direct questions; perhaps she would be more suited to answer direct ones.
"Anya?" I asked.
She looked up, her mouth full of potato. She cocked her head to the side, an indication that I could continue.
"Why were you biting that woman's mouth last night? The one you danced with. I asked Lexa, but she told me to ask you." I watched her and noticed the way she seemed to simply pause for a moment.
She swallowed before looking at me, a hint of discomfort in her eyes. She sighed before seeming to nod to herself in resignation.
"I was not biting her. I was kissing her." I blinked.
"I thought kissing was like when you put your lips on my forehead?" I watched her carefully.
Anya thoughtfully chewed some stew, the tips of her ears showing just the faintest tint of red. I chose to ignore that.
"Yes, but no. There are different kinds of kissing. A kiss to your head is... From me to you, it is meant to be friendly and comforting... There is no romantic notion behind it." She seemed to struggle with her words.
"So when you kiss on the lips, it is romantic?" Anya nodded.
I thought of Cass's soft lips and sighed.
"I would like to kiss Cass, I think," I did not even think of my words before they slipped from my mouth.
I looked up sharply at the sound of muffled laughter and Anya quickly smoothed out her expression. Before she could comment, I powered on.
"Why were your mouths open?" I demanded.
Anya sighed, her discomfort clear.
"Because, kisses can become more passionate, and can often lead to... other things," She looked reluctant to continue so I made it easier for her.
"Like procreation? You led that serving lady off to procreate didn't you?" This time Anya actually choked on her stew.
"Did Lexa tell you to ask me that as well?" Anya hissed.
I nodded solemnly.
Even in the midst of her annoyance, she still managed to say, "Words, Nadia."
I huffed. Then I watched her, expectant.
She sighed yet again.
"Yes, I did, Nadia." I absorbed this information.
"Why? Only men and women can produce children, so what is the purpose?" I asked.
Anya actually groaned.
"Because it's not actually procreation sometimes Nadia, sometimes it's just sex, being intimate with someone else." She watched me carefully.
I took a bite of my food and reflected on what she had said.
After swallowing, I asked, "Why? You put yourself in a compromised situation with no beneficial outcome. You wear no armour and you are stripped of weapons."
"For fun and pleasure. It's a good... Recreational activity." She trailed off at that.
I tilted my head, digesting the new information. A leisure activity...
As if she could read my thoughts, Anya interjected harshly, "For adults. It's a good leisure activity for adults."
I hid a small smile. "Yes, Anya."
We went back to eating our meals.
It was after dinner that I recognized that I might be able to fall into a routine here in Anya's home. After dinner she sent me off to clean my teeth with a minty smelling paste, and a wooden stick with very harsh bristles on it. It scratched my gums and was nothing like the pressurized water cleans my mouth used to get twice daily.
I sceptically investigated the brush for splinters but gave in, not wanting to disappoint Anya, and used it
It was rough and annoying, but I was ultimately pleased with the nice minty scent if left.
Anya had informed me it would keep my teeth white and my mouth clean, which was reason enough to use it.
After that she pulled out my braids from yesterday.
"They were not in that long, but you will need more practical ones, not decorative ones. I will teach you how to do this soon." I almost didn't want her to.
The sensation of her undoing and braiding my hair was a very soothing one. So was the feeling of having my hair brushed.
She brushed my long hair for a good five minutes, before twisting it into one long braid.
"I will braid it properly tomorrow. This will stop it from getting tangled at night." Her voice had taken on a different tone, one that was much calmer and softer then she usually used.
It was only when she passed me a glass of water and began to push me towards my small room that I realised she had been preparing me for bed. I shot her an accusing look but nonetheless placed my water on the bedside table and climbed under the furs.
Anya blew out my light and told me to sleep well.
I was asleep before she had even closed the door.
The next day went much like the first had, except as I trained I now had the knowledge that I would be training with the other seconds tomorrow as well. I also knew that not only Anya would be watching me and correcting me. The other firsts and perhaps even Lexa (the mighty Heda) would be there.
Anya quickly learnt that I adapted to drills quick and set me to doing them every time she was called away for something, especially with my sword work. We stopped for a quick break for our midday meal and then continued on with archery that afternoon. I felt a sort of warmth sweep through me when Anya praised me, but quickly pushed it to the side.
That night was the same as the one before, with the only exception being that Anya had begun my teachings in her language.
After a frustrating hour of learning words like gona, fisa, fos, seken, em pleni and youngon, she finally taught me a coherent sentence.
Ai laik Nadia.
It was most likely a reference to the previous day, but instead of embarrassing me, I just found myself pleased that she payed such close attention to such things.
I fell into my bed, tired but content.
Only one thought wouldn't leave me.
Tomorrow I prove my worth against the other seconds.
I am really sorry about the wait guys! Hopefully some of you stuck around... I will try to be better I swear. Sorry this was so short as well, I'm only just now getting back into the swing of things.
Finally next chapter the actual plot will be set in motion I think! (Might be the next couple chapters, depends on how lazy I am)
So yeah, a thousand apologies for my lateness.