
I just remembered a chapter doesn't have to be long to be a good chapter!

Disclaimers: Sadly I don't own Fairy Tail. The awesome Hiro Mashima does! STANDARD DISCLAIMERS APPLIED!


"Le-Levy-chan~" A squeaky, shy voice uttered.

The small blue-haired pixie-like girl in question 'hummed' at the shaking blonde girl in front of her. "What is it Lu-chan?"

"Why do I need to wear th-THIS!?" The blonde squeaked, hugging herself wanting to disappear like a ball.

"Because I said so-"Levy said a matter of fact, her hands on her hips as she scrutinized the shy blonde in front of her. "Plus, you said you wanted to help us- so I'm going to work you as our poster girl."


"No 'buts', I'll find a partner for you." The pixie-like girl said, giving her a final look. Deciding that her bombshell best friend was more than presentable, she pushed her out of the makeshift dress room. "For now, go out there and help serve the customers."

Immediately the blonde felt the stares directed at her. Looking at the audience she gained made her gulp nervously. A shaky smile appearing on her lips, "W-Welcome."

There wasn't a single thing that he wanted in his life. The silence that surrounded him was deafening. The girls he had kidnapped-per se, didn't entertain him enough. Still, he did find them capable enough to clean and cook, despite finding them annoying. Nothing captured his attention- until he met a little girl.

He had been invited to a ball years ago by his good friend. His friend, unfortunately, left the world due to old age. His parting gift was the values he learned to build his own business. In which this business flourished as one of the most popular clubs known in Earth Land. Yet, he was missing something- something that he felt he needed in his life.

The ball had been in Pergrande, a long flight to a foreign country that he didn't know anything about. People bustled along the streets, much like how he remembers his own homeland. Buildings towered against each other as if they were stairways to the sky above. Suffocating but all the more pleasing to the eyes. He wanted nothing of it. The guests invited were mostly elite. Elites of the world that made the rich ones richer and the poor even poorer. The ball was held by one of the uprising stars in the world of the railway business was developed by a man named Jude. The announcement of his wedding to a girl he met on one of his business trips was the highlight of the ball. The name of the girl was Layla Heartfilia.

Mard acknowledged that Layla Heartfilia was a gorgeous lady with the heart of an angel. His black eyes saw the admiration, lustful and jealous looks men and women had for the blonde woman beside Jude. However, his attention didn't stay long on the pair. Instead, his eyes found a little girl on the verge of crying in front of him.

Her pretty pink dress surrounded her small figure. In that instant, he felt his heart pound. The profound innocence he found in her large doe eyes made him giddy inside.

"I'm sorry little girl. Are you alright?"

"Mmm..." Her lips quivered as her small hands fisted a bunch of her dress. "Mommy!"

He stood flabbergasted as he watched the little girl cry. The people around him started giving him distasteful looks. Yet, he simply and sheepishly smiled at them.

"I'm sorry for bumping into you little girl. Can you tell me what your name is? We can look for your mommy together, okay?"

"Name... Lucy. My name is Lucy." The fat tears that trailed down her cheeks continued. "Where's mommy?"

"What does your mommy look like?" He saw her shook her head. Yet, he already had a hunch on who her mother was. The uncanny resemblance was too hard not to know whose daughter she was.

"How about I give you a piggyback and you look for her if you can?" He saw her eyes sine at the word piggyback. "Ready?" He smiled at the quick nod that she gave. Soon he had her in his arms.


"Let's go find your mommy." He said, carefully standing up with little Lucy on top of his shoulders. Her little arms held his hands, which he said was to keep her from falling off of his shoulders.

"Can you tell me what mommy looks like, Lucy?"

Mard heard the little girls, humming as she thought of his question. "Mommy has blonde hair too! And- and she wears big puffy dresses!" Little Lucy answered. Suddenly she pointed to her left, "Ooh! I think I saw Daddy!"

"Oh? I thought you were looking for Mommy just now?" Mard asked, walking towards the direction she pointed.

"Yeah! But maybe Mommy's with Daddy!" She answered, looking left and right at the people around them. "Daddy! Daddy!" Lucy chanted as they neared a blond haired man, wine in hands while he talked to some businessmen.

The man's eyes shined as he saw his little girl come into view. "There you are sweetie! Where did you run off to again?" He asked, placing his wine on some random table. Little Lucy was carefully put down by Mard.

"I don't know how I can thank you-" Jude started, trailing off. Mard smiled at placed little Lucy in the arms of the waiting man.

"Mard Geer." The black-haired man finished for him. "It's not a problem at all, it was my fault for bumping into little Lucy here." Mard chuckled, as he stared at the little girl. Little Lucy on the other hand, smiled back at him.

"Jude! Lucy!" Another voice shouted. A blonde woman was running towards them, her hair pinned back in an intricate style, had loose strands of her hair falling from their places. Her breathing erratic as she stopped in front of them. "Thank goodness you found her."

"Layla, you know you shouldn't be running." Jude bowed in thanks to Mard as the black-haired man fetched a seat for Layla to sit. Little Lucy was placed down on the floor as Jude attended to his soon-to-be wife.

Mard watched Jude shower Layla with love and attention. A good man, Mard thought. He felt something clutch on his pants. Looking down he once again saw little Lucy on the verge of crying.

"Is mommy going to be okay?" Little Lucy asked, looking up at him. Her big brown eyes that were wet from the tears already running down her cheeks swayed him once more. The pounding in his chest started to beat louder. The ringing in his ears almost made him deaf.

Thump. Thump.

His onyx eyes found his blonde haired girl in an instant. He was like a bee and she was his honey. Sweet and addicting. She was lost in thought, he noticed since she was staring into space for a considerable amount of time. He wanted to know what she was thinking about. Was she thinking about him? Or someone else?


"There you are Natsu!" Mira's familiar voice called him. He turned and stared at Mira, waiting for the rest of her sentence, his eyebrow raised in question.

Mira giggled, "I need you to put this costume on and then look for Lucy, okay?" The white-haired beauty instructed, thrusting him a bundle of clothes.

"No problem, but why do I need to put this on?" I asked, rummaging through the clothes she gave me. They looked similar to that of a warlord's getup.

"Levy said that you'll be playing Lucy's partner for this festival. Her imaginative mind thought that a warlord and maid would get her class more customers." Mira explained before she left him.

Well, this is convenient. Natsu thought, smirking at the idea. Wait for me, Lucy.

Somehow I feel a bit nervous today. I don't know if it's because of the festival, the maid clothes or something else. However, I do feel like it's something I should be wary of.

Ring! Ring!

Lu-chan! I'm waiting for customers here~ Advertise our class please~ I read Levy-chan's message, which made me laugh nervously. It wasn't like I didn't like helping Levy-chan out. There was just something that's been nagging inside of me. And I didn't know if it was good or bad. But, I do know that it started earlier when I had a glimpse of the crowd we had for this festival. I saw a guy with black hair that seemed kind of familiar to me… but I can't remember where.

Little Lucy~ I want to show you something can you come with me?

My hands patted against the wall, my vision started to blur. And then there was this headache starting to come.

Please stop! I don't want this!

I felt like something was suffocating me. Slowly the black oblivion started to appear in my vision. I can hear something, yet I didn't know what it was. Was it asking for something? Calling for someone? Who was it? Were they calling for me? No. They wouldn't… right?


I felt a familiar warmth engulf me before the darkness took over.


Maya's shout out corner!

memo1: I'm still alive! Anyone want to give a shot on how the next chapter will turn out? I did leave a few cliffhangers in this chapter, didn't I? Do reach me on my other social medias okay? I have the same username for every social media accounts I have.


Please Support my other story 'I love you, I love you not"

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