Max and the officer sat at a small wooden table in the motel room. The one light on was dim and the officer seemed to be writing down some notes in a notepad.

"My name is Officer Jacobs" he said and Max nodded.

Chloe looked on from the bed and listened in, she was curious as to what was happening outside the room with the body. Trust me, you don't need to see anymore is what the officer had told her, she didn't have the energy to argue.

"I know it mustn't be easy, to see a dead body like that, but I need you to answer a few questions ok" the officer asked, unknowing that Max had seen plenty of dead bodies at this point, far too many for any 18-year-old girl.

"Yea, sure" she merely answered.

"Alright, how did you find the body?' he asked and had his pen to paper.

"Just as you saw him" was all she said.

"You didn't touch it, move it or anything?' Jacobs asked with a raised eyebrow.

Dumb guy probably thinks he's Sherlock fuckin Holmes, Chloe thought.

"She's not lying" she spoke up and got their attention.

"I, I see" Jacobs said unsurely, but Max nodded in agreement to confirmed what Chloe had said.

"Well, I need you to tell me what happened, in detail anything can help" the officer said, and Max told him what happened, except the time travel part; she didn't need him thinking she was insane.

"You say you saw something on the other side of the motel?' he asked.

"Yea, he probably ran into the forest behind the building" she said, where else would he go.

"Alright, I'll have some of my men take a look" he stood up "We'll inform you two, along with any other residence staying about information we find" he nodded and left the room.

Max breathed a sigh of relief and Chloe quickly came over and hugged her. "From shit scene to the next" the blue haired girl commented.

Max placed her hands over her eyes, Chloe could hear her start to sob. "Max, what's wrong" Chloe knelt to her eye level, her face filled with concern.

"I was right" Max quietly said between sobs.

"Right? Right about what?" Chloe was confused.

"Wherever I go I bring death and destruction" the tears ran freely now.

Chloe tightly hugged the girl and started to pat her head.

"Shush shush "Chloe whispered to her.

Max continued her raining of tears. The smaller girl wrapped her arms around the older blue haired woman and cried into her shoulder.

"Everything is fucked Max, but it's not your fault" Chloe pulled back and looked Max in the eyes "You understand me? This is not your fault, and first thing in the morning we're getting the fuck out of here and heading right to Portland, ok" Chloe said with a stern tone.

Max weakly nodded wiped away her tears "I don't know what I would do without you Chloe" Max smiled.

"Probably die of boredom, if it wasn't for me you'd be spending all your time looking at stupid fanfics on the internet" Chloe gave a cheeky smile.

"Wait, how do you know I-"

"I looked at your history, Pokemon fanfics?" Chloe raised an eyebrow.

"Uh, well" Max didn't know how to answer, and instead pushed herself away and grabbed a glass of water.

"Well, at least it wasn't that weird erotic stuff" Chloe lay back on the bed and stared up at the blank ceiling.

Max looked at her and heard a knocking at the door. Sighing she went and opened the door, standing there was Jacobs again.

"Did you catch them?' Max asked.

"Not yet, we've had to spread the officers out to find the killer, until then we want you to stay here until we feel you can leave" he said with a tone like he'd said it many times before.

"Wait, do you think we could have killed that guy?" the younger girl was shocked, wasn't it obvious that neither her or Chloe hadn't done anything wrong.

"We'll be telling the other people staying here, along with the owner, we can't rule out any possibility.

"Urg, fine, is that it?" Max wasn't sad or devastated anymore, just annoyed.

"That's all, though I will need to question you girl's tomorrow, until then have a good night" he turned, and Max slammed the door.

Chloe wasn't really paying attention to the talking, but quickly noticed the look on her girlfriend's face.

"What happened?" she sat up.

"Office jackass says we can't leave the motel until they catch the guy" she pointed her thumb to the outside and sat on the bed next to Chloe.

"Fuck, well. I guess we can make something nice out of this" Chloe smirked and started to run her fingers up the girls exposed thigh.

"Well, I don't mind that" Max smiled, and joined the bluenette in her fun.