Hello everyone, this is my first Life is Strange fanfic, and my first video game fanfic in general, hope you guys enjoy it.

"Max, it's time"

"Not anymore"

"Max, I'll always be with you"


"Chloe!" Max cried out and shot up from her blankets.

Her breathing was heavy and her heart was beating faster than ever and sweat formed on her skin.

Three times Max, that's the third time you've had that fucking nightmare. Except it wasn't a nightmare, it really happened, her and Chloe were at the lighthouse, watching that massive storm, and Chloe was willing to sacrifice herself. God they're all dead because of me, me, I caused that fucking storm to happen.

Max had brought her knees to her chest and was quietly sobbing to herself. One of the few good things to come out of that disaster was that Chloe and herself were alive. Max and been tormented by so many nightmares of late, the dark room, that night on the lighthouse, having to kill her best friend because she asked her to, watching Kate jump from the roof and so many others. The little brunette looked to her side and saw the blue haired girl sleeping, the noise hadn't woken her.

Max smiled at the sight. The fact that she's alive makes it all worth it. Max composed herself and lay back down. As quietly as she could she nuzzled her head on Chloes' chest and wrapped herself around her, her heartbeat lulling her back to sleep.

Max woke early and saw that she was still in an embrace with Chloe. I should get up and shower, but this is too nice to leave, but I really should. Begrudgingly Max quietly unwrapped herself from Chloe and made her way to the rooms bathroom.

The room was alright, for a roadside motel that is, they had been staying there for about three nights now. The bathroom does kinda smell shit though, oh well; get what you pay for I guess. Max turned the shower on and started to undress, letting her clothes fall to the ground under her. Soon she was standing under a warm stream of water. Kicking herself that she didn't have any soap or shampoo or anything like that she decided to stand there and think, about Chloe and herself.

Chloe, I sacrificed an entire town for you, hundreds might be dead because of me, yet why does it feel like I did the right thing? Max shacked her head, this was something she did not want to think about right now, maybe Chloe will help her with it later.

Chloe, then there's Chloe. I kissed her didn't I, fuck, I actually kinda like that to. Did Chloe like it as well, I mean she dared me to kiss her, and we're sleeping in the same bed.

Chloe Price, she's funny, awesome, and beautiful, everything I'm not, and I want to spend every hour of the day with her. God I'm in love with Chloe Price

"Ok Maximus , you're in love with Chloe, nothing wrong with that, hell Warren has pretty much been shipping us, was. Good job to bring the mood down Max, real smooth" she scolded herself and let the warm water to continue pouring over her.

"Alright you know what, I'm going to tell her, right now actually, you can do this super Max".

Max smiled and turned off the water and dressed herself. Slowly she opened the bathroom door and saw that Chloe was still sleeping. Ha so lazy, sorry Chloe but I need you awake right now. Max felt a grin come to her as she thought of a way to wake up her blue haired bestie. Max broke into a slight job and jumped up and onto Chloe letting out a "WEEEE" as she did it.

Chloe instantly woke up as the impact made contact with her.

"Max, what the fuck" she said sitting up.

"Best way I could think of waking you up" Max giggled.

Chloe couldn't help but crack a smile as well "Haha Caulfield, what time is it?"

"About 8" Max answered.

"Dammit Max, let me sleep in" Chloe fell back down and tried to resume sleeping, but once more her Max didn't let her.

"No, I want to, no I have to tell you something" her tone was much more serious and Chloe could clearly tell by the gaze Max was giving her.

"Ok Max, tell me" Chloe gave Max her full attention.

"Just, I'm also scared that if I do, you might reject me and want to go and-"

"Max stop that, you fucking know I would never leave you, you never left me so I won't leave you, ever" Chloes' tone was even more serious than Maxs'.

"Ok" Max took a deep breath and closed her eyes. "I like you Chloe" she let out.

"Yea no shit Max, I already know that" Chloe in a sarcastic tone.

"No, you're amazing, and fun to be with and, and beautiful, and after everything we've been through, after all the shit I went through for you. After having to watch you die over and over again" Max was losing her composure and felt tears prickle her eyes.

"Hey Max" Chloe stood up and wrapped the smaller girl in a hug. "It's alright, I'm not dead, I can't imagine what you went through, but I'm alive now".

"I love you Chloe, I love you so much" Max said, her head resting on Chloes' chest.

"As more than a friend?" Chloe asked, her chin resting on top of Max.

"Yes" the small girl replied.

"Good, because I feel the same about you" Chloe said and smiled.

"Really?" Max looked up with wide eyes.

"Yea, really, hell you've saved my worthless ass some many times how can I not fall for you" Chloe commented and pulled the girl closer into the hug.

"Chloe" Max said.

"What's up Maxie?" Chloe asked, her face nuzzling into the younger girls hair.

"Do you think I did the right thing, when I let Arcadia Bay get destroyed?" Max asked.

"Oh boy Max, I'm, not sure Max, all I know is that I'm happy to be here with you, yes I'll miss mom with all my heart, but" Chloe couldn't finish the sentence.

"I'm sorry, she's dead because of me Chloe, because of me" Max had tears running down her cheeks.

"Sssh , it's alright Max, it's not your fault, it's not your fault" Chloe reassured.

The two girls were interrupted by the buzzing of the blue haired girls phone ringing on the bed side table.

"Who the hell is calling me at all anymore?' Chloe asked, everyone she knew who would call her is, dead.

Chloe pulled away from the embrace and placed her hands on her loves shoulders. "It's not your fault" she said before grabbing her phone.

Her eyes widened at seeing who the caller was. Instantly she answered the phone.

"Mom?" she asked.

"Oh god, you're alive" Chloe felt tears coming on, she thought so much that her mother was dead.

"Yep, I'm fine, me and Max left town and stayed at a motel, yea, she's fine as well, what about, David?" she had to find out, she may not love him like a father, but she didn't want him dead.

Chloe nodded her head, tears still staining her cheeks "
Yea, that's good to hear, I don't know what we're going to do, I think I should take Max back to Seattle, yea, yea you can talk to her" Chloe said and walked over to the smaller girl and handed her the phone.

"Max, oh goodness sweetie are you okay" Joyce sounded desperate to now.

"Yea Joyce, I'm fine, just a little shaken you know" she said.

"Oh thank god, we are you two now?" Joyce exhaled.

"Just in some motel down the highway, what's it like back there?" Max had to know.

"Not very good sweetie, main street is in ruins, Blackwell is pretty damaged, looks like you're semester got really short" Chloe mother explained.

"What are you two gonna do now Max?" Joyce asked.

"I don't know, Chloe's wanted to go to Portland, maybe now is the chance, we'll come back to Arcadia Bay to grab some things, I think Chloe wants to see you to" Max explained, it was then that she heard the shower beginning to run, meaning that Chloe had gone in there not too long ago.

"Alright then sweetie" Joyce said.

"Joyce how many" Max took a deep shacking breath, "How many died?"

"Oh sweetie, too many, David's out there now doing search and rescue with the cops but" Joyce didn't want to finish.

"I understand, we've been staying in this motel for about three nights, just a few hours' drive from the bay, we'll head back today and see you later" Max said.

"Alright Max, I'll see you later, and please be safe, goodbye" Joyce said and hung up the phone.

"Goodbye Joyce" Chloe spoke to the dial tone.

So not everyone died, but she said people are dead, because of me. Her thoughts were broken by the bathroom door opening behind her.

"What did Mom say?" Chloe asked.

"She said that some people made it, but a lot of people died" Chloe could see the tears forming in Maxs' eyes as she turned to face her.

"Oh Max" Chloe pulled the girl into an embrace.

"They're dead because of me, there must have been a way to save them and you but" Max broke into sobs.

Chloe just held the girl and whispered reassurance to her, she hated seeing Max like this.

"It's alright Max, It's alright" Chloe pulled away and looked right at the younger girls eyes.

"Max, I love you"

"I love you to Chloe" Max sobbed and was brought back into Chloes' hug.

I'll always love you Chloe.

So yea hopefully this turned out alright, I'm hella gonna make more chapters and hope everyone likes this.