What's going on everyone, I'm Tamazaki (Some of you already know me) welcome to the Sequel of "Rise of an APL"…Well I guess you can say its more along the lines of a alternate storyline, but you'll get the picture soon enough, I was looking for a way continue the story without messing removing anything but the same time adding things. You know what? I'm just going to stop talking and start this thing. Enjoy the Prologue and I'll see you all later!

P.S. I highly recommend that you read "Rise of an APL" first before you read this story

Disclaimer: Hyperdimension Neptunia rightfully belongs to Idea Factory and Compile Heart

Prologue 1.0: Back to Gameindustri

3rd POV

(Uhrevia's Fortress, 6 Years Ago)

What if things that we all knew, was a lie? What if The CPU had never defeated Uhrevia but instead fell to their knees while doing so.

"Take this!" Black Heart shouted out.

Black Heart went to go slash Uhrevia, but Uhrevia just swiftly dodged the Goddesses' attack. Uhrevia snapped her fingers and sent meteors down onto Black Heart, she then went spiraling into the ground forcing herself back her normal form: Noire.

"Hey freak!" White Heart yelled angrily, "Pick on someone your own size!"

White Heart threw her axe at Uhrevia, Uhrevia simply ducked and the axe went straight into the wall. Uhrevia pulled White Heart's axe out of the wall and threw it at her at a much faster speed, sending White Heart to the ground, also forcing her back to her normal form: Blanc

Uhrevia quickly turned to see a giant spear heading straight towards her, Uhrevia rose her hand in the air and a group of spikes rose out of the ground and acted as a shield.

"I got you!" Green Heart shouted.

Green Heart took advantage of Uhrevia's shield and launched another Spear at her, when the spear broke Uhrevia's Spike Barrier, Uhrevia charged at Green Heart at lightning fast speed. Uhrevia knocked Green Heart back, sending her threw multiple walls. Green Heart laid against the wall and transformed back to her normal form: Vert.

Uhrevia looked around at the three CPU who laid unconscious on the floor, but she wasn't interested in them, she was looking for someone else. Two figures then appeared from above and launched Uhrevia back, these two were Purple Heart and Red Player.

"Looking for us?" Red Player.

"Uhrevia you have caused enough trouble for all of us" Purple Heart said, "It's time to end this once and for all"

Uhrevia stared at the two, she then began to snicker, then she began to chuckle, finally she started to laugh psychotically. Purple Heart and Red Player looked at Uhrevia and then at each other.

"Oh how you Gods are with your jokes" Uhrevia said, "Look around you idiots! All of your allies have fallen, now do you honestly think that you can beat me?"

"The odds of us winning may have decreased" Red Player answered, "But that doesn't mean we're going to give up!"

"You Naïve Idiot!" Uhrevia shouted, "You've lost this battle the minute you stepped into this room, If you honestly think you can win this fight then so be!"

Purple Heart and Red Player both dashed towards Uhrevia and started attacking her at the same time. Uhrevia blocked their attacks without breaking a sweat. Uhrevia then grabbed the two by their wrist. As they struggled to get free, Uhrevia's hands started to glow a bright yellow color yellow color. A electric charge was sent through both Purple Heart and Red Player's bodies as the two slowly fell to the ground. Uhrevia landed on the ground and looked at the two.

"Pathetic scum" Uhrevia scoffed, "Don't know when to give up…"

The battle with Uhrevia lasted for hours, but the CPU and the APL fell to Uhrevia herself, Although Gameindustri wasn't destroyed, it is heavily corrupted with monsters and people.

(In a different dimension, 6 Years later)

In a different dimension, completely different from the Hyperdimension, stood a city that bustled with people. The Sky was a clear shade of blue with no clouds to be seen. Inside the city stood a middle school, some students could be seen exiting the school while other students stayed around. In a park next to the school, a young boy sat on the ground with his books scattered across the floor, in front of him stood four boys who were a lot taller than him.

"Alright Grape Jam" The oldest boy said, "I told you that you had until today to bring me my Science Project, now where is it?"

"I-I don't have it!" The young boy stuttered, "I d-don't want to do your work anymore!"

"What did you just say you little punk?" The Older boy asked, "did you just talk back to me?"

"I-I um di-"

The Young boy then got kicked in the gut, he fell back in pain and held his stomach coughing. The four boys then started to surround him.

"You've made a terrible mistake…" The Older boy said.

As the four boys were about to gang up on the Younger boy, they heard someone whistle for their attention. One of the boys turned around to immediately get a rock thrown at them. The force of the rock sent the boy to the ground unconscious.

"Who threw that?" The Older boy asked before looking at the source, "Oh….it's you"

They young boy looked up, his sad expression turned into a happy one once saw the person who threw the rock.

"Alex!" The Young boy said happily.

Name: Alex

Age: 15

Gender: Male

Appearance: Red hair and sapphire blue eyes also fair skinned, Red Polo shirt over a gray long sleeved shirt, Blue jeans with Red and White Sneakers.

Alex held a rock in his hand, he tossed the rock up and down while looking at the group, he had a serious expression on his face.

"So fellas" Alex said, "Mind explaining what's going on here?"

"Back off Nerd" The Older boy gritted his teeth at Alex, "If you don't want any trouble then I recommend you get your Ass out of here"

Alex put his finger on his chin and closed his eyes, Alex then opened his eyes and shook his head.

"Nah I think I'll just stay" Alex said, "Unless you hand over Caem, in that case I'll happily leave!"

"Don't act so cocky you little maggot!" The Older boy said, "I'll smack that look right off your face"

The Boy ran at Alex with his fist out, Alex tossed the rock up in the air not paying attention to the boy. When the boy was only a few inches away from Alex, he stepped out of the way and tripped the boy. The Boy tumbled to the ground and fell on his face. Alex stood over him with smile on his face.

"So what did you say about my face?" Alex kneeled down next to the boy, "I would love to hear what you said once more, just to confirm that tripping you was the right choice"

The boy got up and growled at Alex, he snapped his fingers and his group crowded behind them and all of them turned in sync.

"Screw this crap" The Boy limped, "Let's get out of here, forget these damn chumps"

The group of boys took off almost running. Alex watched them go, when they were out of sight Alex walked over to Caem and extended his arm out to him. Caem took his arm and Alex helped him up.

Name: Caem

Age: 12

Gender: Male

Appearance: Birch Brown hair, gray eyes, fair skinned, Yellow vest over a white dress shirt, Blue jeans and brown sneakers.

"Thanks Alex for saving me…again" Caem said a little embarrassed, "I just wish that I could protect myself…"

"Don't worry about it Caem" Alex said, "You'll be able to someday, that's why I'm here!"

"I guess your right…" Caem said while picking up his books, "But Alex how did you know I was here?"

"Oh I didn't know actually" Alex admitted, "I come here a lot when I want to think"

"What do you think about?" Caem asked before covering his mouth, "O-oh um I'm really sorry for asking that, I probably shouldn't bring that up"

"Its ok Caem" Alex patted Caem on the head, "I haven't lost that much hope anyways"

Alex and Caem both exit the park and walk through the half empty streets, they then walk into a small neighborhood and stop at a large house.

"Alex do you want to come inside?" Caem asked, "Oh right! Sorry for asking you, I forgot that you have Kenpo Karate classes today"

"That's true" Alex nodded, "Sorry Caem guess we're going to have to hang out some other time"

Alex and Caem exchanged waves, Alex watched his friend enter the house and close the door, He then started walking again, a few minutes later he climbed the steps to his house and unlocked the door. He closed the door and sat his bag next to another bag which was dusty. Alex walked over to a large cabinet and pulled out a Bo Staff.

"Still Light as always huh?" Alex talked to the staff as if It was a human, "You've never failed me yet"

Alex also took out a bag that was the same size as the staff, he put the staff inside the bag, zipped it up, and threw it over his back. Alex headed towards the door, As he opened the door a man in a with a cap and messenger bag stood there.

"Afternoon Alex" The man said while pulling out a box from his bag, "I got a package addressed to you"

"A package?" Alex took the box and scratched his head, "I wasn't expecting anything"

"Oh well" The mailman shrugged "Guess your in for a surprise!"

The Mailman walked away, Alex turned around and shut the door. He sat down on his sofa and set the package on his lap and teared it open, he then took two items: A Purple Smartphone with a "N" on the back, and a note. Alex turned on the phone and read the note.

"Call this number" Alex read the note out loud, "It doesn't say who this is from, should I really trust this"

Alex looked back at the phone and then the note, he then shrugged and typed in the number that was written on the note, he put the phone up to his ear as it rang.

"Hello Alex" A voice said from the other line, "I see that you have finally gotten my package"

"Ok excuse me sir but who are you?" Alex was a little freaked out when the man he didn't know said his name, "I don't even know you, yet you know my name"

"That is not important right now" The man said "But I'd like to ask you a few questions, would you mind answering them?"

Alex moved the phone away from his ear and looked at the screens he didn't see any way to hang up the call and he couldn't turn off the phone. Alex sighed and put the phone back up to his ear.

"Yeah sure" Alex said, "I guess I have time to contribute to your survey"

"Now don't think of this as a survey" The man chuckled, "Think of this more as a…test"

"okay…." Alex was a little unsure what he just got himself into.

"First question" The man said, "What is your thoughts on Goddesses"

"Already starting off with a deep question" Alex muttered to himself, "Well….I think they should be treated with respect no matter what the conflict"

"Very interesting, now second question" The man said, "If you had to choose between someone who is very reckless, or very sensitive who would you choose?"

"I guess I'd choose the sensitive person" Alex said, "These questions are sort of odd"

"Do not worry about it, now this is the final question" The man said, "What would you do if you were a God yourself"

"What kind of question is that!" Alex shouted.

"Please answer the question Alex"

"Alright fine…." Alex finally gave into the question, "I'd probably do my best to protect my People"

The man on the line went silent, Alex tapped his foot on the floor waiting for a response.

"Thank you for answering Alex" The man said, "Please hold on to all of your belongings"

"Wait a minute what did you just say?" Alex asked .

Alex's phone started to vibrate furiously, Alex looked at the phone to see the screen shining a blinding light.