Hello! This is Bunny, the author. I love stories where the main cast of young justice is younger, so I decided to write one myself! I probably failed my first attempt at humor, but we'll see! Also, warning that the characters may be OOC.


Disclaimer: If I owned Young Justice, it would not have been cancelled.

"What Happened?" Roy asked Zatanna and Rocket after seeing the video footage. He was dressed in his Red Arrow outfit, but he didn't have his bow.

"We're not too clear on that ourselves." Zatanna answered, "We weren't with them when it happened" Zatanna and Rocket were in their civies and seemed nervous about something.

"Do you know where they were?" Roy was getting very annoyed. He had more important things to do than solve the mystery of what happened to the team! Actually, he didn't, but he could probably find something better. He could ask Cheshire to make an appearance and go after her. That is, if he wasn't stuck in Mt. Justice with spell caster and bubble girl.

Zatanna called Roy to the cave after the team got back from a mission, and they were a little... different. Well, not called exactly, but teleported him there. Without warning him. Which led to a very confused Oliver.

Back to the matter at hand.

"There was a break in at a chemical facility near Central City. Batman sent them because the infiltrator disabled the cameras and he needed to know who it was."

That would make sense. Roy supposed chemicals could have done that to the team, but it seemed a little far stretched. Besides, he didn't think even the Joker would pull this off. Well, maybe the Joker.

Still, whoever did it must have a death wish because the leagues going after them for this.

"Do you think Scarecrow did this?" Rocket asked.

"Even if he did, I don't mind. I can get good blackmail material from this" Zatanna said.

"We should contact the league. This should be their problem" Roy said annoyed.

Because the entire team had been de-aged ten years. Well, the entire team minus Zatanna and Rocket, who weren't assigned the mission.

"Okay, Zee and I can call the watchtower and let them know what happened. You need to go find the kids" Rocket ordered.

"This has nothing to do with me, I'm leaving" Roy said.

"Hold it right there!" Zatanna shouted before Roy could leave,"You aren't going anywhere! This does have something to do with you, because your friends need your help! All you have to do is find them! It's not like they forgot anything, they just aren't as mature! And if you don't, I'm telling Batman you lost Robin and refused to find him"

If looks could kill, Roy wouldn't need to worry about Batman. But, unluckily for him, they don't.

"Okay! I'll help! Not like Wally will be much different anyway, so I only need to worry about five of them"

As he started searching Roy wished for the seventh time that month that he had normal friends.

A/N That wasn't as long as I wanted it to be but oh well. I hope you all enjoyed my story!

Next up is Roy looking for the kids.