A year passed and Dana had to repeat her freshman year. Damen was happy to see her but sad that they wouldn't be in the same class.

"Cheer up, Damen. At least we go to the same school." said Dana. They both stood outside the school gate.

"It won't be the same without you. I love you, Dana." said Damen with a smile.

"You mean that?"

Damen nods. "I mean it. When I'm with you, you make me feel happy. We'll make it through high school together. I know we will." Him saying that makes Dana happy.

"I love you too, Damen."

As the years went by, Dana and Damen grew close. Damen eventually came to meet Damien but that was until Damien learned to stop calling Dana "mommy" at age 3.

"One more time, Damien." said James.

"Daddy?" said Damien, who looked up at his dad with a confused expression.

"Yes. I'm daddy and this is Dana, your big sister." James points at Dana. Damien looks at Dana and a smile of pure joy fills his face.

"Mommy!" he exclaimed. James shakes his head and Dana looks down sadly.

"Look, Damien. I know she's your mommy but if you don't call her Dana or big sister you might never see her at all." said James.

"Let's just leave him. We could say that he calls me that as a nickname." suggested Dana.

"When he gets older though…he needs to start treating you like his sister or who knows what'll happen. Do you want to tell Damen who his father is?" James looks at his daughter. Damien looks between the two with interest. Suddenly, he frowns.

"Will mommy be safe if I call her my big sister?" he asked. James smiles.

"Yes. Mommy will be safe and you'll be able to meet new people and make some friends. Don't you want friends?"

Damien shakes his head. "I just want mommy and to keep her safe."

"Good. I'll be here to help you both anytime."

However, Damien made one mistake when he started preschool. It happened when his new classmates were gathering around him, asking him questions. One kid asked him about his mother and he replied:

"Dana's the best sister mommy and I love her."

All the children laughed at him and told him that mommies couldn't be your sisters. This was the start of him being bullied. It would last throughout high school.

"Damien, what's wrong?" asked Dana as she was picking him up after she got out of school. She'd asked that because Damien had run up to her in tears. However, he quickly wipes them away, not wanting to worry her.

"It's nothing, big sister. I had a fun day at school today." he said, forcing himself to smile.

Dana kneeled down in front of him. "If something is wrong, don't be afraid to tell me." She then gives him a hug and whispered in his ear: "I may be your sister but I'll always be your mother first." Hearing that made Damien really happy that he smiled, this time for real.

Damien was out running in the yard when Damen came over. Dana had to call him in to meet him.

"Hey there. You must be Damien. Your big sister's told me a lot about you. She said you're a good kid." said Damen.

"This is Damen, Damien. He's a very good friend of mine." introduced Dana.

Seeing Damen for the first time, Damien knew he was a good person. He gives Damen a hug to show that he likes him. Damen hugs him back. Damien then proceeded to show Damen all the cool toys he had. There weren't many but he loved the ones he had and was grateful his daddy and big sister had bought them for him.

Damen stayed over for dinner and was bombarded with a lot of questions from Damien, who eventually fell asleep at the table before he could finish all his food. James ended up taking him to Dana's room where Damien slept as well. There was another room available for him but Damien insisted he sleep in the same room as Dana and by "insisted", he basically just threw a tantrum about it.

"How are things at school, Dana?" asked Damen. He was now helping her clear the table and do the dishes.

"I've been doing well. I'm getting good grades and all the teachers love me. What about you?" she said.

"I've already started university. I'm majoring in business."

"Thinking of starting your own?"

"No. I'm not really sure what I'll do but I'm interested in business. Plus I've gotten really good at origami. I'll show you." Damen takes a paper towel and folds it into a square first before making other complex folds with it. The result is a rose which he hands to Dana. "For you." he said with a smile. Dana takes the origami rose and smiled back at him.

"Thanks, Damen. It's a pretty cool hobby and skill." she said.

"I wanted to kiss you after giving you that but thought it might not be a good idea."

"No. I'd really like a kiss from you, Damen."

"Really? Are you sure?" He seemed embarrassed for what he said before.

"I'd really be fine with it. We're best friends and I really like you."

"I really like you too, Dana." He leaned in close to her lips and gave her a kiss.