AN: Hello lovelies! So if you followed my other stories "Why Storms are Named After People" and "The Girl with the Blue Violin" then I have some news for you! I have decided to put those stories on hold until I'm in a better frame of mind to write them. My heart wasn't really into any of them, Storms was just my way of being rebellious I guess, and Blue Violin was about me trying to please other people on this site. So for now, I've chosen to step away from them. Maybe one day, I'll get inspired but I think now is the time for me to move on to better things. And so I present to you, the ABCs of Love. This is a Ana/Christian HEA filled with laughter, tears and ultimately love! So I hope you enjoy it and make sure to leave reviews!

Chapter 1- A is for Aggravation


Being a teacher is hard work. It is especially hard when your students seem to have a never ending supply of energy. After settling disputes over toys and crayons and kissing a few boo boos, I am more than ready for nap time. Surprisingly the kids don't give me a hard time today. Normally I'm greeted with cries of "I'm not tired" or "I have to pee" whenever I try to reel everyone in. Today however, it only takes about five minutes for everyone to get settled on their cots. Soon after, tiny snores fill the room.

Finally some peace and quiet! It's moments like these that I'm grateful children under the age of 10 require naps. I take a quick glance at the clock on my desk. 1:15. That means I have about 45 minutes to sit back and relax before I'm running after 5 year olds again. I pull out the newest book I'm reading and dive in. I manage to finish a page before my literary escape is interrupted by a tiny voice.

"Auntie Ana?" I look over my book to see my niece, Ava looking at me. Her little blue eyes filled with unshed tears.

"Ava, what did we say about calling me Auntie Ana when we're in school?" Technically she isn't my niece, she's my goddaughter. Her mother Kate and I are best friends, practically sisters. I was the maid of honor when she married her husband Elliot Grey. And I was even there when she gave birth to Ava at home.

"But Auntie Ana, I don't feel good and I want my mommy". Her bottom lip sticks out and quivers a little. Oh no, not the Kavanaugh pout! No one is able to resist it, and I'm sure Kate taught it to her. I brush her soft strawberry blonde curls out the way so that I can place my hand on her forehead. That's when I notice she's a bit warmer than she should be.

"Ava come here sweetie" I say as I pick her up and put her in my lap. "What's wrong?"

She lays her little head on my chest and rubs her eyes.

"My tummy hurts" she sobs. "I want my mommy."

I gently rock her and stroke her cheek. I know that Kate and Elliot are in Maui for their anniversary so I can't give her what she wants. Suddenly I get an idea that I think will make her feel better.

"Ava honey, go lay down on your cot and I'll try to call your mommy. Would that make you feel better?"

She nods her head slowly, her tear streaked face breaking my heart in the process. I'm not supposed to call students parents; the school wants the children to be independent when they're here, but I need to figure out how to calm her down. In addition to her mother's signature pout, Ava has also gotten her mother's temperament. Her tantrums are the worst if she doesn't get her way.

Ava heads back to her cot as I pull out my phone. I dial Kate's number and wait for it to ring. Sadly it goes straight to voicemail. Of course. She's probably frolicking on some beach with Elliot right now. I decide to give Elliot's number a try and his goes to voicemail too. Looks like Ava is going to have to tough it out.

"Ms. Ana?" I hear a tiny little voice, this time it isn't Ava. I look and see another of my students, Mandy standing by my desk.

"Mandy, you should be laying down. We still have a few more minutes for nap time."

If I let one kid stay up, then the rest of them will want to stay up too.

"But Ava threw up on her cot and it stinks". She crinkles her nose up in disgusts.

I rush towards Ava's mat and sure enough, she threw up. Crap! Ava is definitely sick and I can't reach Elliot or Kate.

"Auntie Ana, my stomach hurts really bad" she starts crying and I try to comfort her without getting her puke on me.

"Mandy, go to the supply closet and get me some paper towels please. And some gloves!"

I take Ava to her cubby and pull out the extra clothes we require the kids to have in case of accidents like these. I bring her to bathroom in our classroom and clean her up as quickly as possible. I also ask Mandy to run to the nurses' office and tell her that Ava is sick and needs some ginger ale.

Once I clean up Ava's mess, I get her on a nice clean cot and tell her to try and rest. Now I have to call any of the Greys to come and pick her. I go through the list of emergency contacts. I try Grace and Carrick, Elliot's parents and their phones go to voicemail as well. I even try Elliot's sister Mia, which doesn't work. Does anybody in this family answer their phone? After going through Kate's family and getting the same result, I finally get down to last name on the list. I was hoping I didn't have to call him, but Ava's sick and she needs someone to pick her up. Taking a deep breath, I dial the number. I hear his voice after the first ring.

"Anastasia, to what do I owe the pleasure? Finally came around, did you?" I inwardly groan as I roll my eyes.

"Ugh don't flatter yourself Christian. Been there, done that, not doing it again".

About three years ago, Kate and Elliot thought it would be a good idea for me and Christian to date. At first I said no because I didn't want to make things awkward between myself and the Greys but Kate finally persuaded me. Worst decision ever.

Don't get me wrong, Christian is a good guy. He's a billionaire who manages to be quite the philanthropist. Grace is always telling us about some new charity work that he invests in. And he's a great uncle to Ava. She adores him. But the man does not know how to deal with women, more specifically women who can think for themselves. After one night of him ordering for me and suggesting what I wear or how I styled my hair, I decided we weren't going to work out. Yet I still I have his number in my phone.

"Well if you change your mind, I'll be here. But in all seriousness, what's the reason for your phone call?"

"It's Ava. She's sick and I need someone to come get her. She needs to go home and rest"

"Sick? Sick how?" I can hear the panic in his voice; you would think Ava is his child.

"Calm down Christian. She said her tummy hurts and she did throw up. I cleaned her up and gave her some ginger ale. She's laying down now."

"Can I speak to her?"

I walk over to Ava's cot. "Ava honey, it's Uncle Christian". Her face lights up as I pass her the phone. Christian is the only other person besides her parents who can make her happy when she's upset. If he wasn't such an overbearing ass, I would be wooed by that.

"Uncle Cwistian, my tummy hurts" Ava cries into the phone. I wipe the tears spilling down her cheeks.

I watch as she listens to whatever Christian says to her. She nods her head and hands the phone back to me. Christian is barking out orders on the other end.

"Ana, I'm coming to get her. I cancelled my meetings so I can take her to the doctors. Did you call my mom?"

"I did, but it went to voicemail so I left a message. Same for your dad and Mia."

"I'll try calling them again. Is there any way you can put Ava somewhere private so the other kids don't disturb her?"

Ugh, here it is. "Mr. I Want Things My Way". To say that Christian has control issues would be a gross understatement. That man is a tyrant in his own way, ordering people around to get what he wants. I don't care how good looking he is, but I will never allow myself to be with someone like that.

"Christian, she's laying on her cot right now like all the other kids. It's nap time."

"Well who's to say she didn't catch something from one of those kids?" Is he for real?

"Considering she's the only five year old in the room that's puking, I think it's highly unlikely".

"Ana you don't know that. These kids could-"

"Christian, just come get her please" I cut him off. I don't need him to get all worked up. Ava probably ate too much and she just needs to rest. The sooner Christian gets her, the better she'll feel.

"I'll be there in 20 minutes". He quickly hangs up on me and I slump into my chair, letting out a long sigh. I shouldn't let him get to me but he's so damn obnoxious.

Don't forget hot, my subconscious offers.

No! It doesn't matter how attractive I find the man, I can't let someone like that into my life. Been there, done that, practically wrote the book. Christian is just my goddaughter's uncle, that's it. And that's all he'll ever be.

"Auntie Ana, is Uncle Cwistian coming for me?" Ana's tiny voice breaks me from my thoughts.

"Yes sweetie, so just lay down a bit until he gets here, okay?" She nods her head and lays back down on her cot.

I take a deep breath to calm myself. Let's get ready for Uncle Cwistian.

AN: So I hope you like! I'm not going to be able to post the next chapter until sometime next week. With New Years Eve festivities and what not, I'm not sure if I'll have the time before then. But I promise to keep posting to this story, I've got a really clear vision of how I want this to go. Thanks for reading and please leave reviews! They fuel my creativity!

xoxoxo -Rouge