A preface: First off, Undertale isn't my creation. We have Toby "Radiation" Fox to thank for that. Second: This was gonna be a webcomic. Then, after three pages, I realized that my drawing sucks. Next up: This is gonna be a long series. Feel free to ask Frisk and Asriel anything you'd like, and I'm sure they'd answer it for you.

"I don't want to let go."

I felt tears well up in my eyes as once again, Asriel was doomed. The small, adorable child who lost his life because of his sibling. The boy who didn't get a happy ending.

Why am I even here, I wondered faintly, if I know how this is going to end? How many times is this? Ten? Twenty?

I pulled him closer, my arms wrapped tightly around his striped shirt. He rested his head on my neck for a moment, and I could feel soft fur on the side of my face.

And then I let go.




I glared at the skeleton sitting across from me, staring at me from across the booth. Across the room, I could see Grillby faintly illuminating the bar area.

I sighed, and Sans, for the tenth time, told me it was impossible. "Monster souls aren't as strong as human souls. And he might be a boss monster," he continued, "But it'll still only last a few moments."

Of course, I knew this already. I'd read it all in Waterfall, many times before, as I scoured the Underground for a sliver of hope. Reset after reset. Every time I'd tried to save him. And every time I'd failed. He needed a soul, and there wasn't one I had to give to him. Not a monster soul, at least. After all, humans can't take a monster's soul.

But maybe, I'd figured, I could get him his own back. There was only one way, as far as I could tell.

Sans. He had some control over the timeline. How much, I didn't know. But I'd picked up on things. I'd learned about him. And he was the key to everything.

I gave a frustrated grunt and he froze. "Kid, I'm sorry. But even if it were possible..."

I looked up at him.

He continued: "My machine is broken. The power supply, specifically. And as far as I know, there's no replacements. Not anywhere here, at least."

This was news to me. I'd seen the machine before. And I'd figured out it was broken. But the power supply?

Suddenly everything clicked.

I spoke. I didn't do that often. "The core..."




The body was covered in dust. The human looked almost peaceful in death, much more pleasant than they had been in life. But their body was almost prestine compared to the remains of the monster that'd died on top of them. Dust was spread across the ground, coating it in a layer of white. And on top of it, a tiny, glowing white heart.

It shook. Cracked. Started to split.

But the spindly white fingers that held it together refused to let it die.



"Without the power of everyone's souls, I can't keep maintaining this form." he said once again, in that soft, quiet voice of his.

"In a little while...I'll turn back into a flower. I'll stop being myself. I'll stop being able to feel love again." My heart broke for the thirtieth time.

"So...Frisk." He continued. "It's best if you just forget about me."

But I shook my head.

And reached into my pocket. Took hold of the white soul.

I held it with an iron fist. I wouldn't let it break. I couldn't. Not now. I was determined. Determined to give him a chance.

Turning my palm upwards, I held it out to the forgotten child. Asriel Dreemur. The "God of Hyperdeath". The only one who never got to have a happy ending.

And he froze. "Is that...mine?" It quivered in my hand. It wanted to break. To flee. To rupture into oblivion. I wouldn't let it.

"But...How? How did you know? How did you get it? How?" And then he realized.

"How many times have you done this? How many times have you come here? To comfort me? To let me cry into your shoulder?"

"You really are different from Chara."