Yay! I finally finished the third chapter! In this chapter, a new OC will get to make an appearance. The relationship between Luffy and his sister will be developed.

With me getting further along 'Luffy's Terrifying Mom' i think I'll be able to update more stories!

Read and Review!

Chapter 3

Enter: Monkey D. Layla

Needless to say, the bombshell dropped on Riruka's friends was a large one.

"She doesn't beat around the bush, does she?" Brook muttered.

"In her defense there really isn't any proper way to say your big brother's pirate crew just magically appeared out of nowhere from the Grand Line, which must be hundreds to thousands of miles from here, in a single instant," Robin said.

"But she was so blunt about it though," Usopp said.

"H-hold on… what?" Claire stuttered. "What do you mean they're your brothers crew?"

"It means what it means," Riruka said. "They-are-my-big-brother's-crew."

"But how'd they even get here?" Guzzy asked.

"With a magic stone," Riruka said matter-of-factly.

"Again with the bluntness," Usopp said to himself.

"What?" They said after a moment of thought.

"Um… maybe we should talk about this inside," Makino interjected.

"Good idea, Makino," Riruka chimed. "You guys can eat with us, I made enough food for a hundred people!"

The five of them reluctantly agreed. They all trekked passed the living room and into the dining room to be greeted by a beautiful and mouth watering meal of chicken, stew, and other delicacies. Riruka was not exaggerating when she said she made food for a hundred people.

"Wow, this all looks great," Nami said, as she eyed the spread. "I'm surprised you can make so much in so little time."

"I'm used to cooking a lot of food in a short amount of time," Riruka explained.

"I see," Nami said as she thought of Luffy, knowing (Or at the very least suspecting) that Riruka probably developed her cooking skill from cooking for Luffy.

"But there seems to be a shortage of chairs," Makino said, noting that there were 10 chairs and 15 people.

"Not to worry, I've got folding chairs in the attic. I'll go get them."

"Before you do that, Riruka," Claire said to Riruka before she could make a move. "Explain to us how your brother's crew can be here."

"I told you already, through a magic stone," Riruka explained unhelpfully.

"What does that mean?!"

"Eh-hem," Robin coffed. "I think I can explain it better."

Robin explained about the Origin Stone and how they will be trapped on the island for a month. As she explained, Nami knew that this was a crazy explanation. Even by the Grand Line standards, this just seemed impossible. She barely believed it herself. If she hadn't' already had to deal with fake gods and zombies in the past year, she wouldn't've believed Robin either. She wouldn't blame Riruka's friends if they didn't believe her.

"Okay," they said in unison.

"You're just gonna believe us?!" Nami shouted incredulously.

"Eh, whatever," Claire said as she took a seat at the table, followed by her four friends. "I mean… Riruka's brother has a devil fruit, right, and if something like that can exist, then isn't anything possible?"

"You have a point," Nami said, feeling impressed at how open minded this girl was. She was right too. Compared to islands in the sky and talking skeletons, a magic rock that send people to a place that was thousands of miles away wasn't the most unbelievable thing in the world. In fact, it was kind of tame.

"...Besides after growing up with that girl," Claire pointed to Riruka, "I could believe anything!"

The other four nodded in agreement.

"You know, sometimes I think you guys just don't have a high opinion of me," Riruka pouted. "Whatever, I'll go get those chairs now." Riruka headed up to her attic.

"You know…." Usopp said as he stared at the food with hungry eyes. "All of this really does look good."

"Plus we didn't get to eat lunch yet," Zoro noted, earning the agreement of the other boys, minus Sanji. They all reached out for the food, but then Nami intervened, by smacking away all of their hands.

"Ouch! What was that for?" Usopp asked as and the other boys rubbed their, now red, hands.

"Don't you children have any manners?" Nami scolded harshly. "Riruka made us this meal, and now she's going to get us extra chairs, but you boys are rude enough to just start eating without her? No way. We wait."

They all, silently, complied.

"Nami is so beautiful when she's yelling," said Sanji in love mode. Then he turn to the guys "And she's right. It's rude to eat when not everyone's at the table."

"That Nami girl is kind of scary," Guzzy said to the other two boys.

"Yeah." They said in unison.

"I'm guessing you're the one who keeps everyone in line?" Claire asked with a giggle.

"Oh, um, I wouldn't say that. Just occasionally," Nami said modestly.

'Occasionally?' The boys thought.

"Whatever you say, miss, but you really are cool," Claire said, making Nami blush.

"Thanks for the complement," Nami said.

"Yes, Nami is indeed amazing, but you and Piruha are equally amazing," Sanji said in a flirty voice as he approached the two young girls. He pulled out two roses from out of nowhere and handed it to the girls. "For you, my dears."

The girls, reluctantly, took them with confused looks.

"T-thanks…." Claire said awkwardly.

"Y-yeah, much appreciated…." Piruha said, equally awkward. The three young boys looked annoyed at Sanji's flirty behavior.

"Might I say that you both are very mature looking for your age," Sanji continued.

"Mature looking?" Claire repeated.

"Yes, very mature," Sanji leered at the two girls above average… female parts.

"Where Are you looking?!" They exclaimed in unison, while blushing profusely and covering themselves up with their arms.

"Okay, you have got to back off, you dirty old man," Guzzy growled as he jumped up from his seat.

"O-old man?! Dirty?!" Sanji said incredulously. "I'm only nineteen, you brat! And there's nothing dirty about my affection for-"

"Sanji…" Nami said darkly, making the chef flinch. As Nami smacked Sanji hard enough to knock him into the nearest wall, she exclaimed, "stop the sexual harassment!"

"Ha, ha, ha, ha. Sanji, you shouldn't beat around the bush with young ladies," Brook said smoothly, as he approached Claire and Piruha. "May I see your panties?"

The young boys and everybody else fall over. Nami was going to smack Brook, but the two girls beat her to it. "Okay, that's it!" They shouted in unison as the both punched Brook into a different wall while they were red in the face.

"Uggh! Why is everyone on Riruka's brother's crew such perverts," Claire said angrily.

"Seriously," Piruha agreed.

"No need to complement us," Franky said gleefully.

"We weren't!" They said in unison.

"Really sorry about them," Nami said while bowing.

"Forget it," Claire sighed as Riruka came in the kitchen holding enough chairs for everyone to sit in. "Wait, did we just punch a skeleton?"

"I-I think we did," Piruha said in a daze voice.

"I'm back," Riruka chimed. As she put down the chairs, she looked at the kitchen and noticed that Sanji and Brook were laying on the floor with noticeable bumps on their heads(how a skeleton could get a bump on the head was beyond her understanding). "What happened in here?"

"Nothing." Her two female friends said in an irritable tone.

"Whatever," Riruka shrugged. "I brought the chairs."

"Thanks for the trouble," Nami said thankfully.

"Don't mention it," Riruka said.

Everyone immediately began eating. As the food went into their mouths, the Straw Hats were how hungry they all were and it made some of them wonder if teleportation made you hungry, more than that, they were all surprised by how delicious the food was. It might've even been at Sanji level.

"This is delicious," Nami said after a few bites.

"It' really good," Usopp agreed.

"Ah, it only makes sense that an angel such as you could make such a delicious meal," Sanji said dramatically.

"Thanks…." Riruka looked embarrassed by the complements. "But I don't deserve all the credit, after all, I learned everything from Makino."

"Ah, it only makes sense that an angel would teach another angel!" Sanji exclaimed.

"This guy's a real basket case," Jason muttered to himself.

"It wasn't anything special," Makino said. "I merely taught her the basics. After that she picked up everything else quite easily. She has a real knack for cooking."

"Cooking's one of the few things she can do other than breaking stuff," Claire said with a chuckle, earning the collective nods of her friends.

"Hey!" Riruka said incredulously. "I can do lots of other things besides breaking stuff!"

"Really?" Claire said coolly. "Like what?"

"Well… you know… I can do math!" Riruka offered. After an awkward moment of silence, Riruka slumped her shoulders in defeat.

"Anyway… what are you guys gonna do now," Claire asked the Straw Hat crew. "Not that it's any of my business, but it sounds like you guys don't have a place to stay while you're here."

"Um…" Nami wasn't sure how to answer. The thought hadn't occurred to her that, since they were stuck here for a month, they would need a place to stay for that time. She glanced at her crewmates, but they only shrugged.

"They're, obviously, going to stay with me," Riruka spoke up.

"But there are eight of us, and we're going to be here for a month, and we don't even have any money to help with food and stuff," Nami explained, though, in the back of her mind, for some strange reason, she wanted to stay in the house where her captain grew up.

"Don't worry about it," Riruka assured. "My grandpa always sends money, and I'm sure we can squeeze all of you in here. So, how about it?"

"Well… if you're sure it's okay, then thanks for having us," Nami agreed politely.

"It's very kind of you to take us in," Robin nodded.

"It's SUPER nice of you!"

"You're a true angel," Sanji swooned.

"No need to be so nice, guys," Riruka blushed.

"Not that it's my business," Claire said again. "But don't you think you should discuss this with Layla?"

"Who's Layla," Chopper asked.

"Luffy doesn't tell you guys anything, does he," Riruka sighed. "She's my little sister."

"There's another girl in your family," Sanji exclaimed as he choked on his food. "How old is she?"

"She's a year younger than I am. I'm 15, by the way, and so are my friends here."

"So she is 14, huh," Sanji said as he rubbed his chin, most likely contemplating the age difference.

"Pedophile," Zoro coughed.

"What'd you say, Mosshead?" Sanji growled, jumping up from his chair.

"I said you're a disgusting pervert, Love Cook," Zoro snarled back. Just like that, the two got into another of their infamous fights.

"...I'd to apologize in advance for well… everything any of us might do to your house while we're here," Nami said humbly.

"It, fine. Anyway, Makino, why didn't you tell them about Layla," Riruka asked.

"I thought it would be nice surprise," Makino giggled.

"Um, you know, there are a few pictures of all the Monkey kids here in this kitchen," Piruha said, pointing from behind her to the counter.

"Pictures?" Nami glanced at the kitchen counter and saw several picture frames of what had to be the family in younger years. Among them was a picture of what had to be a miniature Luffy and Riruka and a baby in the arms of the mother.

"Yeah, but it's all outdated. Just stuff of when we we're little kids," Riruka explained.

"Yeah, but I doubt much has changed since then," Guzzy said teasingly.

"Watch it, Gordan," Riruka said darkly.

"Yes, maim," Guzzy squeaked.

"Anyway, I'm sure Layla won't mind too much," Riruka continued. "She always says how she was curious to see the idiots that joined our idiot brother's crew."

That made some of the Straw Hat's a bit annoyed and embarrassed, although none of them could deny that Luffy didn't always appear as someone who could be a leader of men. By the time the time they finished their lunches, the Straw Hats made an interesting discovery, Riruka could just as much as her brother, but with better table manners. Riruka also had no problem sharing, which made some of them question whether or not she and Luffy were related. Once they finished eating, Makino, Sanji, and Nami offered to help Riruka with the dishes, but she declined saying she had five helpers.

"Why do we have to help?!" The so-called "helpers" shouted incredulously.

"Cause you ate the food I so lovingly made," Riruka said. "I mean look at all those dishes!"

"You made ninety percent of those dishes," Claire retorted.

"You know, I really don't mind helping with the dishes," Makino interjected.

"I also don't mind getting the guys involved to help," Nami offered, making most of the males of the crew lash out at her.

"It's fine, Makino, Nami," Riruka assured. She looked at her five friends with a cold stare. "Just help."

There was cold silence surrounding the kitchen. Riruka didn't beg or yell her words, but she said it with such an underlying commanding tone that she made everyone in the room want to clean the dishes, hell they would've cleaned the whole house if asked to.

"Fine…." They agreed dejectedly.

"Well, that was weird," Usopp said when he, his crew mates, and Makino left the kitchen and went into the living room.

"I know," Nami nodded, sitting on the couch. "I felt like I'd clean the whole house all by myself if Riruka asked me too."

"Riruka has a talent for making people see her way of things," Makino explained.

"With a talent like that, she'd be a better captain than her brother," Sanji said, lighting up his cigarette. He was thankful that he never went anywhere without his lighter and cigarettes.

"I don't know, I think Luffy has that ability too if you pay attention," Robin said.

"Well, his little sister seems to be more effective, though," Zoro said.

"Tell me about it," Franky muttered. "She spoke so commandingly, if Luffy hadn't met us first, who knows maybe we'd be the Riruka Pirates or something."

"If Luffy hadn't met us first, most of us would be dead," Zoro pointed out.

"Excuse me, but what do you mean dead," Makino asked with worried tone.

"He mean figuratively, of course," Nami lied before Zoro could say anything, but Makino could tell it was a lie.

"I see, well I should be going," Makino shrugged as she walked to the door. "I have to prepare for the night rush at the bar."

"Bar, huh," Zoro said slurping his lips. "I don't suppose you'd be willing to let me in on the rush?"

"Can you pay?" Makino asked.


"Sorry, but I can't give you alcohol for free," Makino said. "Even if you are Luffy's friend, I am running a business, you know?"

"Oh…" Zoro shrunk into depression.

"I'm sorry," Makino said meaningfully.

"Don't be," Nami said dismissively. "You're right, you shouldn't have to pay for us. Zoro is just being a baby."

"Thanks for understanding," Makino said as she opened the door. "Oh, if things get too cramped in here, you can stay at my inn, we always have extra rooms."

"Thanks, we'll keep that in mind," Nami said before Makino walked out.

"So what do we do now?" Brook asked the question everyone was thinking.

"Not much we can do," Sanji said, blowing out a smoke. "We're stuck on this island until the next full moon."

"Maybe there's another way," Chopper suggested.

"If there was, we aren't the ones qualified to search for it," Robin said thoughtfully. "This is something beyond our understanding and it is best not to toy around with it recklessly. We may even cause adverse effects to us."

"Can it really be that bad?" Usopp asked.

"I agree with Robin-Chan," Sanji nodded. "An amateur can't expect to be able to successfully make filet mignonette on the first try and we can't expect to solve this weird power with so little knowledge."

"When you put it like that, I understand," Chopper nodded.

"So I think we should just wait until the next full moon," Robin smiled. "Agreed?"

"Yeah, I guess that's all we can do," Zoro said as everyone else agreed. "But worries me most right now is Luffy."

"I know what you mean," Nami sighed, putting her hand on her cheek. "Riruka said it best, Luffy is stubborn to a fault. If he hasn't already figured out we've all disappeared, he will soon enough."

"Will he even go to the ship if he's looking for us," Franky asked.

"Does he even know how to find it?" Brook asked.

"Of course he doesn't!" Most of them screamed.

"So, anything wrong, Riruka," Claire asked in the middle of dish washing.

"Why would anything be wrong," Riruka looked at Claire quizzically.

"You really shouldn't underestimate how long we've all known each other," Jason said as he dried the dishes.

"What makes you think I have a problem?"

"You fell asleep while standing up," Guzzy said, rinsing dishes with Piruha. "Sure, your brother and grandpa do it, but you've never have before."

"So, care to tell us what's up," Akiho asked he handed dishes to Guzzy and Piruha to be rinsed.

"Does it have to with Shinta-Chan?" Piruha asked.

"It's annoying having people worry for me," Riruka sighed. "You guessed it, Piruha. It's been three days since that kid disappeared on me and I'm worried. I was up half the night looking for him in Foosh City."

"I'm worried about Shinta-Chan too," Claire admitted. "But you can't ignore your sleep needs. You'll burn out."

"And I'm just supposed to ignore a 6 year old boy that's alone on the streets?" Riruka glared at her.

"I didn't say that-"

"I know you didn't," Riruka interjected. "Sorry, I'm just a little annoyed at that kid for running away. Why would he run away from a roof over his head and food on the table?"

"Well, I kind of get it," Jason spoke up. "I'm an orphan and the one thing I didn't want was to be taken away by some goody two shoes who didn't know a thing about me."

"And if I remember correctly, Jason, you were a punk loner who needed me to knock some sense into your thick skull," Riruka retorted hotly.

"And I'll always be thankful for what you did for me," Jason insisted. "It's just that a kid like Shinta wants space."

"Well, in case you haven't noticed, I don't give this so called space," Riruka said irritably.

"We've noticed," the five said dryly.

"Maybe we should change the subject? Arguing isn't helping any," Piruha said. "So, Riruka, how do you feel about your brother's crew being here?"

"I don't know," Riruka sighed. "I'm disappointed that bro only has one swordsman."

"It figures that'd be all you cared about," Claire sighed.

"What else is there to care about," Riruka tilted her head.

"What about the fact that he has two smoking hot babes on his crew," Akiho said jokingly. "You know, there could be a chance that them and your brother could be… you know?"

"That's a little gross, Akiho," Riruka said, slightly disgusted. "Besides, Robin is way too old for, Luffy, but I guess he and Nami don't look too bad together."

"What about the fact that there are at least three perverts on his crew," Claire pointed out.

"I'm pretty sure they're harmless," Riruka dismissed. "Worst comes to worst, I'll lop off their heads."

"You'd actually do it, wouldn't you," Guzzy half smiled. "Anyway, do you really think Layla will be fine with letting them stay here?"

"She'll be reluctant, but they are kind of our responsibility, since they're Luffy's crew," Riruka said.

"You know, isn't it about time for Layla to come back home," Claire reminded. "She's a sweet girl, but if she sees those guy in her house… and let's be honest, they do look kind of shady… won't she try to attack them."

Riruka blinked several times. "I should probably go wait for her in th-"

"WOAH!" Usopp came flying into the kitchen through the doorless opening like he'd been thrown and landed on the kitchen table. Fortunately for him, Riruka and the others had already cleared the table of any plates and silverware, although he was still considerably banged up.

"My table," Riruka complained. It didn't break, but it did fall over. Riruka ran over to Usopp. She knew what happened, but felt it was better to make a confirmation. "Mr. Usopp, what happened."

"Some crazy girl came and started attacking," he explained in a raspy voice. "Started telling us to get out."

"Yeah," Riruka started awkwardly. "That's my sister, Layla."

"Figures," Usopp said before passing out.

Five minutes earlier

"Who are you people?" A girl's voice said from the front door. The Straw Hats turned to see a young girl that was probably around fourteen with a backpack on her at the front door. She was very pretty and slender. She had long raven black hair that went all the way down to her lower back, dark eyes, and light skin. she wore a dark dress. It them only a moment to realize that this girl looked almost exactly like the picture of Luffy's mother on the fireplace.

"Are you… Layla?" Nami was the first to ask.

"How do you know my name?" Layla asked, the suspicion in her voice obvious. If this girl really was Luffy's sister, than she certainly seemed to have a different personality compared to him. "Whatever, just get out."


"I don't appreciate trespassers in my house, so leave before I get mean." She seemed pretty mean already.

"Hold on, I get what you're saying, but if you'd just hear us out, I'm sure you'll understand," Nami reasoned.

"Fine, I'll give you 60 seconds. Starting now," Layla said. "60, 59, 58, 57…"

"Wait, what?" Nami was confused

"51, 50 , 49-"

"Okay, okay!" Nami waved her hands. She wondered if everyone in Luffy's family was completely insane. "We're part of your brother Luffy's crew, but we got separated. Your sister, Riruka, said we can stay here until we can get back to him."

Layla stopped counting. "You expect me to believe that? My brother is halfway around the world in the Grand Line and even his so called crew was smart enough to ditch him, they wouldn't go halfway around the world to do it. Now It's already been 60 seconds, so either leave or I hurt you."

"Hold on, I know how this sounds, but- EEEK!" Nami ducked when Layla did a surprisingly high high kick straight for her face, but when she did, Nami ducked and and Layla ended up kicking Usopp square in the face, which was unfortunate for him, but irrelevant to Layla. The force of said kick sent the long nosed sniper flying straight into the kitchen.


Leaving Usopp behind, Riruka and her friends raced out of the kitchen to see Layla fighting the seven other pirates, who probably had better days. Layla was literally jumping all over the place, delivering kicks and punches to anyone near her. Dazed, the Straw Hats were making rushed and clumsy reactions. It was very hard for any of them to get a grip on her since she didn't stop moving for even a second… then suddenly, multiple hands had sprouted out of Layla's body and restrained her… in midair so she fell hard on the floor.

"What is this?" Layla grunted as she struggled in an attempt to break free. "A devil fruit?"

"Correct, I ate the Flower-Flower Fruit," Robin explained while her arms were crossed in a peculiar manner.

"I think I might prefer my brother's power better," Layla muttered. "You can probably use this ability to eavesdrop on people, I imagine."

"Robin wouldn't do that," Nami said as she got up from a crawl position on the floor. A thought occurred to her. Robin can make her eyes appear on her hand, so it makes sense that she could make an ear or two pop up, right. "Would you, Robin?"

"Do you mind calming a bit down, please," Robin asked Layla, ignoring Nami's question.

"Nice one, Robin," Franky whistled. He was knocked down during Layla's assault, which left his arms dented."You restrained her, but now what?"

"Only one thing to do," Brook said seriously as he approached Layla and knelt down. "Can I... see your panties?"

"She's fourteen, you pedophile!" Name smacked Brook over his skull.

"Okay, I believe you're apart of my brother's crew now," Layla said.

"Just like that?!" Nami exclaimed, shocked.

"There's a skeleton, a cyborg, and a reindeer with a blue nose," Layla listed. "This is a crew of freaks. This is so a crew that idiot would make."

"Y-you have a point," Nami nodded, suddenly feeling a bit depressed. The others started to scratch their heads in annoyance.

"Layla, you can't just say things like," Riruka said, stepping into the conversation. "I'm sure they've realized a hundred times over how screwed they are for having Luffy as a captain. There's no need to rub salt on their wounds, you know?"

"Guess you got a point, sis," Layla said, ignoring the annoyed glares she and Riruka were receiving from the rest of the crew. "Can you let me go now, Nico Robin?"

"Of course," Robin complied, releasing Layla from her bind. "I assume you know all of our names."

"Yeah, Zoro, Nami, Sniper King, Chopper, Franky, but I don't know who's the skeleton," Layla said after she lifted herself up. "I'm Monkey D. Layla. Sorry for attacking you guys, it's just you can't ever be sure how many freaks and weirdos would just barge into a person's home for no good reason." Layla then gave her sister a sideways glance. "One of them lives with me."

"Point that eye somewhere else, Layla," Riruka said dryly.

"Hm, you make a valid point," Nami nodded. She also had more than a few freaks and weirdos living with her. "You two live here alone, right?"

"More or less," Layla said. "Grandpa does stay here when he's in the village."

"Still, that doesn't mean you can just attack people without hearing their story first," Zoro said as the others gave him a stare.

"I'd love to hear a lecture about violence from the great Pirate Hunter Zoro," Layla said sarcastically. "But I need an explanation. Riruka!"

Riruka explained to her sister that the Straw Hats had come here via a mysterious stone called the Origin Stone, which their brother touched and what caused this whole situation. She also said that they'd be able to return to where they came from in a month on the full moon.

"That is completely unscientific," Layla said. "But basic reason can never be used to explain anything that happens to us, can it?"

"...So Makino brought them here and now they're going to stay with us until they go back to Luffy," Riruka finished.

"I guess we've got no choice," Layla sighed.

"We appreciate all that you're doing for us," Nami bowed. "Oh wait, we haven't formally introduced ourselves to you have we. I'm Nami, that's Zoro, a the long nosed one is… where's Usopp?"

"Unconscious in the kitchen," Riruka and her friends said together. Chopper immediately went to go check on him.

"You guys are here," Layla said, just taking notice of her sister's friends.

"Hey, Layla," Claire said as she and the other four waved. "Sorry for not saying hi earlier, but there wasn't really a good time to jump in."

"It's cool," she shrugged.

"Anyway, a really important thought just occurred to me," Riruka said. "You guys came here without warning, so that means you don't have any other clothes besides the ones you're wearing now, right?"

"You're right, I didn't I didn't think of that," Nami realized.

"That will be troublesome," Robin said as she pondered solutions.

"Not that big a deal, is it," Zoro scoffed. "We can go a month with just one set of clothes."

The men nodded in agreement. Nami looked disgusted, Riruka's male friends looked at the male Straw Hats with looks of pity as Riruka and Layla looked at them with murderous looks. Both girls pounced on the guys and delivered several painful blows onto them, leaving them in pile of bumps and bruises.

"There's a rule in this house," Riruka said darkly.

"Follow proper hygiene," Layla finished.

"Okay," the guy's moaned.

"You two are tough," Nami smiled with approval.

"We kind of have to be," Layla said with a smirk.

"Regardless, I don't think mine or Layla's clothes will fit you, ," Riruka said. Nami was just a bit taller than the young girl. "And is out of the question. So, Claire, do you mind?"

"Hmph, you think I'll just obey because you ask me to do my favorite thing," Claire said as she pulled out some measuring tape from her pocket. With speed rivaling CP9, Claire zipped towards Nami and Robin and started measuring them. "Well, you're wrong. Hold still a bit, Ms. Nami." Nami was a little confused, but she complied as Claire got her measurements. "I'm not your servant, I'm not going to just do thing just because you asked. Could you men get up for a bit, please." The men complied, more or less used to peculiar situations like these. "I'm my own person. I'm going to the kitchen." Claire went to measure Chopper and Usopp.

"Three clothes each, please," Riruka requested. "I swear, sometimes even I don't understand that girl."

"At least she looked happy," Piruha giggled.

"Can someone explain what she was doing," Nami asked, looking really lost.

"Claire's a fashion designer," Guzzy said.

"She loves to make clothes," Akiho added.

"But for some weird reason she turns into some kind of tsundere when the topic comes up," Riruka put in.

"She's really good and has a great sense of style," Piruha said. "We all have some of her work, so trust me, you will love it."

"That's reassuring," Robin said with a smile.

"But we wouldn't want to put her through any trouble," Nami said.

"Trust me, you're not," Riruka assured. "She'd be angry if I didn't ask her to make clothes for you guys."

"Well, okay," Nami said.

"Hey, Riruka," Guzzy said. "It's getting dark, my mom will get worried, so I'm going now."

"Kay," she said, then waved her fingers at as he was leaving. "Later, Guzzy, I'll see you tomorrow."

"I should head off too," Piruha said. "I have to help out at the bakery early tomorrow. I'll bring some bread tomorrow."

"Yum," Riruka slurped her lips.

"Guess I'll head home too," Jason said.

"I'll head out as well," Akiho said.

"Later guys, see you all tomorrow," Riruka said.

"See you soon," Layla said.

The four stopped an inch short of the door, turned in unison, and bowed. "Good luck, Straw Hats!"

"What?" The six said, but they left.

"Those guys," Riruka said annoyedly. "What jerks."

"Agreed," Layla nodded. "You have rude friends."

"I'm all done," Claire popped out of the kitchen followed by Usopp and Chopper.

"You!" Usopp said dramatically when he saw Layla and pointed his finger at her.

"Me," Layla said with an evil grin. "What of it?"

"You kicked me in the face," Usopp reminded.

"I've done worse," Layla dismissed. "But I gotta say, you're pretty sturdy. I kicked you right in the nose and it's not even broken."

"That's not something I'm proud about!"

"Usopp, don't you dare yell at Layla-chan," Sanji yelled at the sniper.

"She tried to kill me!"

"Well, I wasn't trying to kill you, just rough you up a bit," Layla confirmed. "Oh yeah, and I'm sorry."

"At least pretend like you mean it!" Usopp demanded.

"Anyway, sis," Layla addressed her sister, ignoring Usopp's complaint. "How about we decide where the freeloaders will be staying during their stay with us?"

'Freeloaders…' seven out of the eight Straw Hats thought in unison.

"Yeah, I guess we should," Riruka agreed, then started towards the stairs. "Let's go. Freeloader Pirates." Riruka added with a playful grin.

"Freeloader Pirates, huh," Robin said in amusement. "How clever."

"You know, suddenly I see why Luffy doesn't talk about his family much. They're all quite unpleasant," Usopp sighed.

"They grate on your nerves the same way a certain idiot captain does," Zoro muttered.

"You two are completely uncouth," Sanji shouted, then he shifted to his love mode. "I think they're completely adorable. I can't understand why Luffy never mentioned them to us. Oh, how I wish I had little sisters as well- OOFF!"

"I don't even want to know what's going on inside that head of yours," Nami said after smacking Sanji on his head.

"Pervert," Zoro said as Usopp nodded.

"What'd you say? My feelings are as pure as the sky itself!" Sanji declared passionately.

"Yeah, a sky above a pig farm!" Zoro glared at the cook. The two quickly got into one of their classic fights,

"Why is wanting little sisters perverted," Chopper asked innocently.

"When you're older," Robin said maturely.

"Aw, you always say that," Chopper pouted.

"But little sisters are nice," Franky said proudly. "I myself have a couple back home."

"I, too, yearned for younger sisters back when I had skin and flesh. Yohohoho," Brook laughed. Suddenly, a hand sprouted out of both Franky and Brook's heads and it hit them very hard.

"Let's refrain from say such suggestive things while there are impressionable kids in the room, okay," Robin smiled darkly, making Franky and Brook shiver.

"Okay…" they both said.

"They do realize we can hear them, right?" Riruka wondered dryly.

"Guess you're not the only one with weird friends," Layla noted.

"Well, I'm going to go now," Claire told them. "Gotta make all those clothes, you know?"

"Okay, thanks for the trouble," Riruka said to her friend.

"Whatever. Night girls," Claire said as she was about to leave. "And good luck, Straw Hats."

"We're the ones who need luck!" Riruka and Layla shouted angrily, but the girl was gone.

"Well, come on," Riruka told the Straw Hats, who followed the two sisters up the stairs. The halls were a bit narrow, but easy enough for them to walk in, even Franky who was quite wide, and Brook, who was very tall. Riruka gave a quick explanation that there were four rooms designed to be lived in. Riruka and Layla each had their own rooms, and two were unoccupied. They were the old rooms of Luffy and their mother. When hearing about their mother, Layla asked if Riruka had told them that she was a marine, which the latter answered yes to.

"Oh, so does make you question everything you ever thought about him," Layla asked with a curiously evil smile.

"No, why would it," Zoro replied. "We already know that his grandfather is a marine, not like one more is going to make a difference."

"Well, I'm not saying it isn't a shock, but," Nami said. "Luffy is still our Luffy. This big reveal of his past isn't going to change anything."

"How boring," Layla sighed. "I was hoping for some more shock. Don't you guys have a sense of drama?"

"Putting their boringly dull beliefs on "big reveals" aside, I was thinking that one of the ladies sleeps in my room, and the other lady rooms with Layla," Riruka suggested. "You okay with that, sis?"

I guess that there's no other choice," Layla sighed. "But I get Ms. Robin. She seems calmer."

"What's that supposed to mean," Nami said insultingly. She knew she wasn't as mature as Robin, but she wasn't nearly as bad as the guys.

"Oh nothing," Layla said.

"Well, some of you boys can stay here," Riruka said when she opened the first door in the hallway. The room was spacious and well kept. It had cream colored carpeting, one queen sized bed, a dresser with a big mirror and picture frames, and a window to see the outside. It was quite a beautiful room.

"Wow, what a nice room," Nami said in awe.

"This was our mom's room," Riruka said.

"Y-your mom's room," Nami repeated.

"It's been preserved ever since she died," Layla said.

"And you're going to let some of us stay in here?" Usopp said incredulously.

"Sure, why not," Riruka shrugged.

"I have a few complaints, but nothing much I can do, right?" Layla murmured.

"Such generosity!" Sanji exclaimed with hearts in his eyes. "I'm falling in love!"

"Sorry, but we're not into older guys," both sisters said in unison, making Sanji feel like arrows pierced his heart and fall to the ground.

"Not one to take rejection well, is he," Riruka said as she looked down on Sanji's sorry state.

"You can ignore him," Nami said dryly.

"Worthless cook," Zoro muttered.

"Him aside, this a really nice room," Nami said as she looked around. "I wouldn't mind staying here."

"But we thought it would be better to divide the boys between this room and Luffy's old room," Riruka said.

"I have a solution!" Sanji exclaimed as he rose up.

"He bounces back a little too quick…" the two girls muttered.

"I shall room with Riruka-chan and Layla-chan!"

"Not a chance!" Nami knocked him down.

"Well… I don't really mind," Riruka put in.

"Huh?" Nami and some of the others looked confused.

"You guys are apart of Luffy's crew," Riruka said kindly. "So we trust you."

"The guy's a fool no doubt about that, but I would be very shocked if he had people that would harm defenseless girls on his crew," Layla said, equally kindly. The Straw Hats were touched at how much faith these two girls, who barely knew them, had in them. All because they were crew members their big brother had chosen.

"Awww…" Some of the weaker Straw Hats and Sanji all blushed and rubbed their heads in embarrassment. Chopper was telling them to shut up while dancing happily. Robin giggled at their cuteness. Even Zoro had to suppress a grin and blush as he looked away in embarrassment.

'These guys are suckers for compliments, aren't they?' Layla and Riruka thought. "Let's move on to Luffy's room," Riruka ordered.

And so they followed only a few steps and arrived at a door with a paper sign taped onto it. It said…

"Riruka and Layla! keep out," Nami read. "Aww, how cute."

"The funny thing is, he made me write it," Riruka giggled.

"When you think about it, he should've realized that a piece of paper wasn't going to work," Layla said in amusement. When they went in, it revealed a room that was practically designed for a child… and surprisingly clean for Luffy's room. It was probably 2-3rds the size of their mother's room.

"Why's the bed so small," Franky wondered, pointing at at the small race car bed in the room. It looked too small for Luffy. "Luffy's no giant, but that looks just a teeny bit too small for the rubber guy."

"Well, he hasn't lived here in 10 years so there was never any need to change the bed," Riruka explained.

"What? Why," Nami asked.

"It's a long story, but for certain reasons our grandpa made Luffy live in the mountains with Ace," Riruka explained. "Do you guys know who Ace is?"

"Yeah, we met him in Alabasta," Usopp said. "He seemed way different from Luffy. Much more polite and considerate. Kind of like you." Usopp stared at Layla. "And unlike you."

Layla just smiled playfully back at him. "Oh, you're staring staring at me so hard. Have you fallen for me?"

"Like hell!" That got a laugh out of some of his crew mates.

"Heads up, Long Nose, those reactions are only making her want to tease you more," Riruka warned. "This room would be covered in dust if I didn't come in every now and then to clean. Anyway, I was thinking Chopper could stay in here and two others could use the inflatable beds we've got here, sound good?"

"That's okay with me," Chopper said as the others nodded.

"Good then. Oh, yeah," Riruka pointed to a small treasure chest made of wood. "Those are Luffy's old toys, so feel free to play with them."

"Toys!" Usopp, Chopper, and Franky exclaimed as they charged at the wooden chest.

"I-I was just joking…" Riruka said as she and Layla sweat dropped. Layla said, "Quite childish, aren't they?"

"They are," Nami sighed. They moved on and it was decided that Usopp, Chopper, and Franky would sleep in Luffy's old room, Zoro, Sanji, and Brook would get their mother's former room, Robin would bunk with Layla, and Lastly, Nami with Riruka. While Zoro and Sanji did complain about sharing a room, with some choice words from Riruka, they settled down. With the arrangements settled, Riruka told their guests that they could do whatever until they wanted to sleep.

"Just don't break anything," Layla instructed.

"You know, I was thinking about this before, but," Nami looked out the living room window. "It sure got dark very quickly."

"It would, since it is getting closer to winter," Riruka said. "Today was a bit on the warm side, but who knows, maybe we'll get lucky and snow will fall before you guys have to leave."

"It's winter?" Some of the Straw Hats asked.

"Yeah, is the weather different on the Grand Line?" Layla asked.

"Way different," Nami said with a smile. "It didn't occur to me that, since we're back in East Blue, we'd be back in more predictable weather."

"I've heard that the Grand Line has unpredictable weather," Layla mentioned. "They say that you would need a top class Navigator to even have a chance at overcoming that sea."

"Well it's a good thing we've got me," Nami said proudly.

"Indeed it is," Sanji swooned.

"You're the navigator," Riruka asked. "Well I hope you're as good as you claim, because my big brother has the directional sense of a blind turtle in the desert."

"Believe me, I know and don't worry, because I am," Nami declared confidently. Not more than a second after she had said that, a transponder snail could be heard from the kitchen. "Poroporoporo…"

"You think," Usopp was the first to say.

"It has to be, right," Chopper asked.

"I have to admit, I didn't think he'd actually think to call us," Sanji muttered. "How did he know that we came here?"

"I have an assumption, but who are you guys expecting to hear from?" Layla asked.

"It has to be Luffy," Riruka said excitedly.

Going back several hours prior to the alleged Luffy's call, the young man known as Izec led him to his home, a small cabin hidden deep in the woods. It was pretty well made and was built in an ideal location with tall trees providing plenty of shade. On the inside, it was equipped with the bare necessities such as beds and a kitchen. Izec told Luffy he could cook up the bear and he could use the transponder snail while he cooked. Luffy hesitated picking up the snail.

"What's up," Izec asked curiously. "Forgot your number?"

"No, surprisingly I still remember it," Luffy laughed, before frowning. "It's just… it's been awhile."

"How long?

"5 months or so," After a moment's thought. He'd know if it's been six months, without a doubt. "I haven't contracted my sisters or anybody else since I left my home."

"I think you mean 'contacted'," Izec corrected. "Anyway, sisters, huh? Older or younger?"

"They're are my little sisters. One is two years younger than me, the other is three years younger," Luffy explained.

"Just wondering, but how old are you?" In Izec's eyes, Luffy looked like a kid in his mid teens.


"17, huh, you look younger," Izec said. "It's not really my business, but if you don't call, you won't be able to confirm what happened to your friends, right?"

"You said they were teleported to my home island, but is that really where they are?"

"It all depends on you," Izec shrugged. "The Stone of Origins is supposed to send every on within the island to the 'origins' of the one who touches it, except for the one who touches. Pretty backwards, don't you think." Izec add with a laugh. "Anyway, if your home island is where your origins are, then that's where your friends are. You, understand?"

"Nope." You'd have to be pretty interesting to be able to keep Luffy's attention for longer than a minute.

"Basically, your crews not here," Izec sighed. "There wherever you were born."

"Foosha Village."

"Or they're wherever you grew up?"

"Dadan's hideout."

"You should just call," Izec said. "Guilty or not, you have to make sure you know where your crew is, don't you think?"

"Guilty? I don't feel guilty, I'm just scared at how they're going to react. My sisters are crazy!" Luffy wailed.

"How is that my problem!" Izec yelled back. "Just call them already!"

"Fine!" Luffy angrily grabbed the the speaker of the Transponder Snail, quickly dialed in the number, and hit the cull button. Luffy's heart raced during every second until… the Transponder Snail adopted a head of raven black, neck length hair.

"Hello?" It was familiar voice, a girl's voice, soft, but nonchalant. Luffy's little sister Riruka. "Who's there?"

"Hey, Riruka," Luffy said nervously. "It's me, Luffy.

"Did Luffy sound… nervous to you?" Usopp asked.

"Well, it has been a while," Nami said.

"Still, I don't think I've heard him sound like that since his grandpa came barging in our hotel room," Sanji said. Honestly, he could hardly believe that two girls as cute as Riruka and Layla shared even a drop of blood with those two idiots.

"Well, I don't have any myself, but isn't it natural for there to be friction between siblings," Robin said.

"Well, yeah, of course," Nami agreed. She and Nojiko got along greatly, but they did have more than a few fights during their time.

"Luffy, who're you?" Riruka said in mock ignorance. "And how do you know my name."

"I'm your brother," Luffy reminded dryly.

"Brother? Hey, Layla, do we have a brother?" Riruka asked her sister.

"Hm, not sure," Layla said, pretending to think it over. "There was, no, he couldn't be you. That guy left 5 months ago and apparently doesn't know how to use a snail phone or remembers our number. What was his name? Lutti? Luppi? Stuppi?"

"Luffy," Luffy growled.

"Oh, right, Scum," Layla snapped her fingers. You could hear Luffy fall over from over the Transponder Snail.

"So cruel…" they heard him moan.

"So cold…" The some of the other Straw Hats shivered.

"No, no, Layla, it's Luffy," Riruka said after patting Layla's shoulder, "You remember, the guy who cries when he's alone."

"Oh, the guy who is afraid of heights."

"I am not afraid of heights and I don't have cry when I'm alone!" Luffy screamed defiantly.

"His sisters… wow! They're SUPER sadistic," Franky muttered.

"They're being so mean," Chopper said as he hid behind Zoro's leg… the wrong way.

"Seems like Luffy had a hard time growing up," Zoro muttered.

"Ugh! Look, my crew is on the island, if they aren't there, then they have to be at Dadan's hideout," Luffy said hurriedly.

"Crew? You have a crew?" Riruka said innocently.

"And they're here on this island? Guess they finally realized what a goof you are and decided to ditch you, am I right, big brother Luffy?"

"Shut up, Layla!"

"So… Do you think they'll tell Luffy-san that we're here anytime soon?" Brook wondered.

"Probably after they get tired of hearing Luffy squirm," Nami sighed.

"But still, Big Brother, to call us only because you need something," Riruka said in fake sadness. "You're so cruel, Luffy. What would your eight crew members think of you?"

"Okay! Okay! I'm sorry," Luffy said dramatically. "Could you please go ask Dadan if she's seen my crew?"

"You know how to ask us for something," Layla said commandingly.

"...Oh my great and beautiful sisters Layla-sama and Riruka-sama please- HEY WAIT A MINUTE! YOU SAID EIGHT!" Luffy screamed. "How do you know I have eight crew mates? You can't know about Brook yet!"

"It took him way too long to take the hint," Zoro muttered.

"You sure you want a little sister, Sanji," Usopp asked.

"They're so cute when they're being brutal," Sanj said in love mode, making Usopp sigh.

"Do we, Layla?" Riruka asked her sister.

"Well, we do have a few guests. One of them has green hair, another is orange headed, there's also a whiny long nose-"

"Hey!" Usopp growled.

"That was Usopp's voice," Luffy realized. "So they are here."

"Okay, okay, they're here," Riruka admitted. "They popped in at Makino's bar and then kind of ended up here."

"Makino's bar? Why would they… oh right, all three of us were born there!"

"Thank you for reminding me to clean the soles of my shoes," Nami said dryly, as some of the others nodded.

"Nami? Is everyone else there?"

"Yeah, we're here," Nami said, the anger rising in her voice. "And I'm going to kill you when we get back!"

"What'd I do?" Luffy asked frantically.

"If you hadn't touched that stupid stone we wouldn't be here," Nami roared.

"Stone? Oh right, I have to tell you something," Luffy said. "Izec?"

"Hello," a new voice said. "I'm Izec. I guess you could consider me the guardian of the Stone of Origins."

"Guardian? You mean like you protect it?" Nami asked.

"Not exactly," Izec said. "More like I protect others from it."

"Well you sure did a great job," Nami said sarcastically.

"Well it's not my fault a group of pirates come to the island after like 19 years the one time I decide to get lunch early," Izec retorted.

"What's done is done, Nami," Robin said, putting a hand on the younger girl's shoulder. "For now, all we can do is wait for the next full moon."

"You guys know about that?" Izec said, surprised. "How?"

"I just read the tablet at the entrance of the ruins," Robin said lightly.

"But that thing isn't in any modern day language," Izec said.

"I'm an archeologist, so I know my ancient languages," Robin said with a bit of pride.

"Huh, well like she said, until the next full moon you guys are stuck there."

"About that, isn't there any way to make it sooner?" Nami asked hopefully.

"None that I know of, sorry," Izec said. "Oh yeah, remember to be outside when the full moon's out or else you won't come back."

"Understood," Robin said.

"Hey, I've got a question," Riruka said. "What are you going to do over there, big bro?"

"I'll take responsibility for him," Izec assured. "It is kind my fault this happened."

"Thank you and please take good care of our big brother."

"You can count on me!"

"But hey, what are you guys going to do there while we're apart?" Luffy's voice said.

"Not to worry, brother dear, as your adorable little sisters, Layla and I are more than willing to let them satay in our home," Riruka said dramatically.

"What?! No!" Luffy exclaimed. "What are you two thinking? They'll destroy our house!"

"Excuse me?" Nami said crossly, as some of the others scowled.

"But we already decided on the living arrangements," Riruka said. "Ms. Nami is rooming with me, Ms. Robin is with Layla, Mr. Zoro, Mr. Sanji, and Mr. Brook are sleeping in mom's old room, and Mr. Usopp, Mr. Chopper, and Mr. Franky are in your old room."

"WHAT?!" Luffy roared. "You're letting who stay where? Usopp, Franky, and Chopper, you better not touch my toys!"

"Why are you so possessive of toys you haven't played with in over 10 years?" Layla asked. "And I feel I need to remind you that you are 17."

"Who cares, they have sentimental value! And they're collectors items! Some of them are worth over ten million berri each!"

"Really?!" Nami had berri signs in her eyes, ignoring the fact that was very uncharacteristic for Luffy.

"Okay, Captain Dramatic," Riruka said exasperatedly. "Let's not showing your crew any of your many bad sides. Speaking of which, I hear you never mentioned us to your crew before, any special reason?"

"They never asked."

"Ugh, why is it that boys never want to talk about personal stuff?" Layla wondered. "You know, you really suck as an older brother?

You could hear Luffy falling over at the sound of Layla's insult. "So cruel…"

"So cold…" Some of the Straw Hats shivered.

"Anyway, do you have to put them in my room? Can't they sleep in the dungeon?"

"Dungeon?" Usopp repeated fearfully.

"The weathers getting colder," Riruka said. "It'd be too cold to put any of them there."

"Well a dungeon isn't a dungeon if the ones in them are comfortable, right?"

"Hey, dungeon?" Nami asked nervously.

"For once he makes a good point," Layla said.

"There's a dungeon?" Chopper asked nervously.

"Well, we already decided the living arrangements and I don't feel like looking for the keys to the dungeon," Riruka said irritably.

"Fine… Oi! Sanji! Brook!" Luffy used an unusually commanding voice. "If you do anything to my sisters, you'll be killed! By them!"

"Sanji already flirted with me," Riruka said.

"Brook asked to see my panties," Layla said.

"Me too. And Claire and Piruha, as well."

"What?! Sanji! Brook! Are you still alive?!"

"Oh, don't be so dramatic," Riruka said. "Although, I did end up beating up Brook a bit."

"...Well, I guess there isn't anything else to say except please take care of my crew and don't let them destroy our house."

"We're not you!" Most of them yelled.

"Oh, and guys, good luck." Luffy disconnected.

"That jerk," Riruka said angrily.

"Our older brother is actually the rudest of them all, huh?" Layla said, equally annoyed.

"Well, looks like everything's been settled," Riruka said, looking at the Straw Hats. "I can't promise things will be very exciting here, but consider this a vacation."

"Might as well," Nami nodded. "One more thing. There's a dungeon?"

"Yeah, there is," Layla said. "Well, you guys are free to do whatever you want, but don't go destroying our house."

"Like we said, we aren't your brother," Nami said annoyedly.

"Maybe, but I wouldn't put it past some of you."

"Uh-" Nami couldn't deny that.

"Alright, Ms. Nami, I tend to try to sleep fairly early, so please keep it in mind while you stay here," Riruka said.

"Same to you, Ms. Robin," Layla said.

"Got it/ understood," Nami and Robin said respectively.

"Well, if that's all, I think I'll head to bed," Riruka said, stretching her arms.

"Yeah, me too," Layla said.

"I think I'll go to sleep as well," Robin said. "It's been quite a long day."

The rest of them agreed on sleeping. Except, Riruka and Layla wanted to do one more thing before going to bed. They walked over to the shrine of their mother, Lilia, and knelt down before the picture.

"Good night, mom," they said in unison, facing the picture. The Straw Hats were a bit taken aback, but remained silent.

"Hey, mom, bro's crew are here and they're going to be staying with us for a while," Riruka said.

"The majority of them seem dumb-especially the long nosed one-" Usopp scowled at the younger girl, who smiled evilly, but then adopted a softer expression. "But they seem cool, so I guess that idiot brother of ours is in good hands."

"That's it for tonight, we'll see you tomorrow, mom," Riruka finished. It was short, neither of them really said anything particularly important, and Layla just backhandedly insulted them, but the small crew felt their hearts warm (except for Brook, who didn't have a heart. YOHOHOHO!). Nami and Usopp suddenly had urges to see the graves of their own mothers. In Robin's case, she just wished there was grave she could visit.

"Sorry to keep you," Riruka said as she got up.

"Don't be, that was beautiful," Nami said sincerely. "You're both good daughters."

"You guys are weird," Layla said, raising an eyebrow. "Neither of us said anything particularly special and nothing worth get emotional over."

"Maybe, but just having a love like that for someone says a lot about a person," Robin said.

Riruka and Layla exchanged glances at each other. "I got to agree with Layla on this one, you guys are weird."

And… done! I hoped you all liked it. I think I'll like developing Layla and Riruka as the story goes on. I hope you enjoy the similarities and differences between Luffy and his sisters. Did you like Riruka's friends so far? Who is Shinta-chan?