The boys stood outside the door, waiting to make their designated entrance, but they were quickly getting impatient. They'd been in the waiting area for a solid half hour and in this hallway for the last 10 minutes. They thought TV people would be quick and on time but that was certainly proving false. The McKinley theater kids could have set up faster.

"Why am I even here?" Karofsky muttered as he slouched, arms folded, against the wall. He was mostly speaking to himself, but he was loud enough that his gripe could be heard. He was extremely uncomfortable around the other teens. This is how he was supposed to act. Or how he was expected to act. He wasn't sure which. "I'm not friends with you guys."

"Shove it, Karofsky, you know why," Puck growled. He was in much the same position on the opposite wall. "We needed 6 guys, and you owe the Glee club after what you did to Kurt. Besides," he added, bending his knee and pressing the sole of his foot against the wall. He leaned his head back against the wall, as if exhaling cigarette smoke, "Artie couldn't do it because the show didn't want to injure a kid in a wheelchair."

"Yeah, and we don't know many other people. This is all we really have to work with." Mike added nonchalantly. "Because, from what I've seen, the show only uses teams of all girls or all guys. If we used a girl team, we would definitely lose. Mercedes and Tina can't stop laughing to save their lives. Not to mention how loud they are." All the glee kids nodded in agreement.

Karofsky looked ready to say something else, along the lines of how that wasn't his problem, but a bored looking Kurt, arms akimbo, cut him off without looking at him. "I still don't see why we had to ask Karofsky. It didn't have to be someone from school. I bet Blaine would have done it," he added, with a love struck look that made the other boys gag. They were glad he was happy and all, but he didn't need to mention the guy every time he opened his mouth.

Karofsky gestured at Kurt with a smug look on his face. That was exactly what he'd been going to say.

"I think there might be a height requirement…" Sam deadpanned in their direction. Kurt glared pointedly at his friend, looking about ready to rip the sweatshirt he'd leant him off of his back. The other boys tried to hide smiles.

"Look, if Hummel wants me to leave, I'd be more than happy to," Karofsky snarled.

"Guys, guys, calm down," Finn pleaded to a room now full of scowls. "We're doing this for Glee club, remember? We need the money for nationals and this might be the easiest way to do it! Do you really want to sell taffy?" The glee boys made no response and Karofsky huffed. Just because Shuester was nice to him one time and he felt bad about Kurt, he'd let them guilt him into this. And now he'd be seen on TV with these losers. God, he'd have to tell his friends the teachers made him do it or something. He could never tell them he'd agreed to this. But there was no point picking fights over it now.

"Let's just stay focused." Finn continued. He'd known when he'd asked Karofsky that it wasn't going to be a good situation, but it was better than no situation. He was desperate. It was lucky that the show had decided to film in a larger town nearby, because he'd never heard of a show filming in Ohio, and it was the break they required. He needed to lead the Glee club to victory and he couldn't do that if they couldn't get to New York. They had to understand that this was for Glee club and they had to drop their grudges. "I mean, we could win up to— Umm…"

"$8,500," Mike finished for him.

"Yeah! And we could really use that!" Finn grinned.

Sam didn't seem too sold on the possibility of winning that amount. "This is a game about being quiet. I doubt we'll be very good at it," he looked around at his teammates and sighed.

"Knock it off! We can do this, easy!" Puck said confidently, putting his so-called "badassness" in gear.

"Well, it better be worth it. I don't want to go through all this nonsense for nothing." Kurt grumbled, still in a sour mood from Sam's first comment. But it was a concern. To participate, they were supposed to be at least 18. If the show found out they were all 16, it wouldn't matter how successful or quiet they were, they would leave with nothing. "If they find out we're…"

The other glee boys shushed him.

"Those fake IDs are solid. Trust me." Puck whispered as Finn looked around like he thought the place might be bugged. "Though I was kicking myself for not putting 18 on yours. I still can't believe they bought that you were 20!"

Kurt glowered at him, but quieted his voice as well. "Well, a lot of 20 year olds look like they're 16. Trust me."