Bonus chapter
The visit
One year after the events of Kung Fu panda 3
"Mommy…" Xiaolian mumbled with a big yawned. Xiaolian rub her eyes with her stuff animal under her arm, "What's for breakfast?"
"Hm… some eggs and toast…. And I think your father is going making some noodles" Tigress said as she place a couple of bowls and chopsticks on the table, "Sleepy?"
"Hm" Xiaolian mumbled as she nod her head. Tigress smiled and took Xiaolian in her arms, she kissed her on the cheek and place her in her chair. Tigress took Xiaolian bear and place it besides her, "I'm still… sleepy…"
"Here eat some fruit" Tigress said as she places a bowl down in front of Xiaolian. Xiaolian stared at her bowl of fruits with her sleepy eyes, she glances at her bear before she faces planted into her bowl of fruits. Tigress sigh and moved her daughter's face out of the bowl and onto the side, "Bo! Time to wake up!"
"Kung Fu!" Bo shouted before the door flew open and smashing against the wall, "YES!"
"Bo! Don't kick the doors!" shouted Tigress with her paws firmly on her hips
"Where's dad?! I'm so ready for training today!" Bo shouted as he ran towards the dining table and kick a chair, "I'm so ready!"
"Bo!" Tigress shouted while she pushed the sleepy Xiaolian into a sitting position
"Bo! Listen to your mother" Po said as he entered the home and place down some equipment down, Po kissed Tigress as the cheek and sat down at the table. Po glance at Xiaolian and notice a strawberry was stuck on her face, Po looked at Tigress while he pointed to the strawberry.
"She fell asleep" Tigress replied
"Ah" Po leaned forward and gently removed the strawberry, he cleaned the small mess Xiaolian made and moved the bowl away.
"Dad! Can we do some kung fu!" shouted Bo with his cup of tea spilling over
"Bo calm down" Tigress said while she gave Po a cloth and sat down. Bo cleaned his mess and quickly ate his breakfast, Bo jump off of his chair and anxiously waited for his father to finish.
"Alright… I'm coming" Po said with a sigh
"Xiaolian did you eat anything?" Tigress asked
"Yea" Xiaolian mumbled while she stared at her brother
"Come on, Xiaolian," Po said while he followed Bo outside, "Time for training"
"Training…." Xiaolian mumbled while she watch her father and brother go outside, "Again….."
"Is there something the matter, Xiaolian?" Tigress asked clearly seeing something was wrong, "You can tell me anything"
"No….. its alright" Xiaolian said while she glance away from her mother's gaze, Xiaolian sigh and slid off of her chair. Xiaolian followed her brother and father outside, "I don't want to do this…" she mumbled to herself.
"Alright! Frist let's practice our punches!" Po shouted. Po stood beside two medium trees, he demonstrates Bo and Xiaolian the proper way to form a fist, Bo had already started punching the tree long before Po had finished talking.
"Bo! Whoa there! Calm down! The tree didn't do anything to you" Po said with a chuckle. Po shook his head at his crazy son, he glance at Xiaolian and notice she was sitting down next to the tree, "Xiaolian? What the matter? Don't you want to train?".
"Hm…well…" Xiaolian said avoiding her father's gaze.
"Hello family!" Po look up and saw his father walking in the garden, Po smiled and went to greet his father with a big bear hug. "Po! How have you been?" Li asked with his paw around his son's neck.
"Everything great" Po said while the two pandas walked back to the tree
"Hello Li Shan" Tigress said as she offered her paw at the giant panda
"Oh! None sense!" shouted Li spreading his paws and taking Tigress into a bear hug, "We are family!" Tigress chuckle slightly while she felt every bone in her body being crushed, "Th…tha…okay…"
"Hey grandpa!" shouted Bo and Xiaolian as they ran towards their grandfather. Li smile grew even bigger, he finally let Tigress go and got ready for his grandchildren.
"Hello Bo! Hello Xiaolian!" Li shouted with a smile taking both kids in his arms, and spinning them around. "Are you guys training?" Li asked while he place the two down, "How is it going?"
"Great! I love kung fu!" shouted Bo while he swung his fist in the air
"Wonderful, Bo! And what about you, Xiaolian?" Li asked while looking down at his granddaughter. Xiaolian gave her grandfather a small smile, she simply looked away and tried to avoid the question.
"Grandpa! Can you show me how to kick? Like the kung fu kick you told me about?" Bo asked while kicking his legs in the air. Li looked at Bo before looking at Xiaolian, he could clearly see something was wrong and she didn't want to talk about it. "Your father knows it! I actually want to talk to your sister" Li said, Bo sigh and nodded his head.
"Lets go, Bo" Po said as he took Bo under his arm and carried him away, "Training time!"
"They're crazy" Tigress said while she re-entered the home
"Hehe…. Your brother sure loves kung fu," Li said with a chuckle, Li kneeled down and held Xiaolian paws. "What about you? How do you feel about kung fu?" Li asked
"its okay…." Mumbled Xiaolian
"Is that true?" Li asked
"I…. I don't like kung fu…." Xiaolian said while she avoided her grandfather's gaze, "I don't want to do kung fu…"
"What do you like?" Li asked still with a smile on is face, "Its alright you don't like kung fu, you can do whatever you want"
"I like books" Xiaolian said with a small smile
"Books are wonderful! Books are very interesting and there nothing wrong with that" Li said, Xiaolian smiled at her grandfather and simply hug him. She was afraid her family would hate her for not liking kung fu, her father, mother, grandfather, her uncles and aunts, they all love kung fu and she didn't want to be rejected because she loves books instead.
"Thanks, grandpa" Xiaolian said
"You should tell your parents" Li said
"Mom and dad? They'll be mad at me," Xiaolian said as she worriedly glance at the house
"They won't be mad at you," Li said as he rub her cheek with his thumb, "They'll love you whether you love books or kung fu"
"Can you be there with me?" Xiaolian asked
"Of course I will" Li said. Later that night, the family settled down for diner and Bo continued to talk about his kung fu for most of the night. Xiaolian hardly listened to her brother and ate in silence which didn't miss tigress.
"Is there something the matter, Xiaolian?" Tigress asked
"Hm…." Xiaolian could feel her heart beating out of her chest, she was terrified on admitting her parents the truth about her love of books.
"Its alright, Xiaolian" Li said as he gently tap her shoulder, "Remember what we talked about? I'm right here with you"
"Mom….dad… I don't…. I don't like kung fu…. I love books" Xiaolian said as she felt a huge weight lifted off of her shoulders, "I hope you're not mad….."
"We're not mad" Po said while he glance at Tigress
"You're not?" Xiaolian asked in disbelief, she couldn't believe her parents weren't angry at her. Tigress got up from her seat and kneeled down next to her, Tigress hug Xiaolian and kissed her cheek.
"Loving books? There nothing wrong with books, Xiaolian you can become a scholar if you want and we'll still love you. We don't care if you do kung fu or simply read books, we'll love you no matter what you do! You'll always be our little girl and you can read books as much as you want"
"Your mother's right," Po said as he gently place his paw on her head, "Books are amazing things, we wouldn't have the world we have if books weren't here"
"More kung fu for me" Bo said in a cool manner
"Anyways…. Kung fu isn't your love and that's alright" Tigress said
"That's my girl" Li said with a smile