Their little miracle


"Mom!" Shouted a small voice

"What is it, son?" Tigress asked while she poke her head into her son's room with a bowl of noodles, "Is there something the matter?"

"Can you tell me how dad and you met?" The voice asked, Tigress walked in her son's room and place her noodles down. She crossed her legs and motioned to the young one to sit, "I can't wait!"

"You see at first I didn't like your father, not one bit but as you can see things changed" Tigresss said while she smiled at the fond memories.

10 years earlier

"Lunch is served!" Shouted Po while he careful balance bowls of noodles on his arms, Po skillfully place each bowl down on the table.

"This looks different" Tigress said, as she gently took the bowl in her paws. Tigress moved some of the noodles with her chopstick, "Is this a new recipe?"

"Yup! I wanted to try something new" Po said while he sat down, Mantis took one of his chopsticks and moved the noodles around.

"What's in here?" He asked

"Come on guys! What's wrong with my noodles?" Po asked while he started to drink the broth

"I don't see any harm on trying" Crane said

They all looked at each other before taking their chopsticks, Po anxiously waited for his friends to finish their first taste of his new noodles.

"So what do you think?" Po asked

"I don't really like it" Viper said while she pushed the bowl with her tail, Mantis, Monkey, and Crane both nod their heads.

"I thought your guys would like this" Po said as he sadly stared at his noodles

"I like it, Po" Tigress said, she held the bowl in her paw and drank the liquid down. Tigress straight out her paw, showing her empty bowl "Can I have some more?"

"Of course you can!" Po joyfully said, he quickly got up and brought the pot to the table. He served Tigress another bowl, "I'm so happy someone likes it!"

"Thank you, Po" Tigress said as she gave him a small smile

"There tones! So if you want more go right ahead" Po said while he took another bowl

Once lunch was finally over, Po went outside to train in the art of kung fu! Po had eaten a few bowls…maybe about five bowls but that doesn't matter what now. He decided to take a walk for awhile before he went to train, he walked onto the training area and just watch his friends train.

"Bring it on!" shouted Monkey while he motioned Crane to approach with his hand

"You won't win" Crane said, Crane pushed his hat forward.

"Good luck!" shouted Po

"What are you doing?" Tigress asked, Tigress put her katana into its sheath and place the sword down

"Digesting!" Po said while he tap his belly, Tigress gave a small chuckle but quickly brushed it aside before Po could notice.

"What was in that soup?" she asked as she sat down next to him

"A chicken broth with freshly made noodles, which were season to perfection! I added some ginger, and a few other spices. And some fresh cut vegetables, I place them neatly on top of the noodles, with nicely cut chicken" Po said, Po could feel his mouth water at his own description of soup.

"Wow! I kind of want more now" Tigress said while she glance at him

"I have some left actually" said Po while he pointed back to the kitchen

"You didn't eat all of it?" Tigress asked in surprise, Tigress never thought Po wouldn't finish a meal?!

"I knew you like it….so I kept some for you" Po said with a slight blush, Tigress smiled at him while she stared at her katana.

"Thank you…you didn't have to" she said

"I wanted too" Po said, Po place his paw onto Tigress and smiled at her. The two made eye contact and just stared at each other for several moments, Tigress eventually pulled her paw away from Po.

"Thanks" Tigress stood up and pick up her katana, she nod her head at him before returning to the kitchen.

"No problem…." Po lifted his paw and just stared at it, he had touched Tigress's…why did he do such a thing? Why did he touch her paw, and why didn't she pull away sooner? Tigress would have normally punched him in the face, or the shoulder…but why didn't she?

"Hey Po! Are you coming!" shouted Monkey while he stood over the defeated Crane

"Coming!" shouted Po, Po glance back the kitchen before he ran out and joined Monkey and Crane. After a long day of training, Po and the others sat down to eat diner. Po severed another round of noodle soups, but made two batches.

"Diner is severed!" Po said while he places the bowls down, Monkey and the others stared at their soups. "Don't worry guys, I made yours how you like it" he said in order to reassure them.

"Thanks Po" Monkey said, Crane, Viper, and Mantis nodded their hands before eating their soups.

"And I made ours! How we like it" smiled Po while he places two bowls down on the table. Tigress smiled at him, she took her chopsticks and joyfully ate her noodles.

"Its delicious" Master Shifu said while he slurps noodle

"Thank you, sensei" Po said as he respectfully bowed his head

Po rub his belly after a wonderful meal, he decided to rest in his room and digest a bit.

"Maybe I shouldn't have eaten that eleventh bowl" Po mumbled while he rub his stomach

"Po" Po glance behind and saw Tigress calmly walking towards him

"Hey!" he said

"Thanks again for diner" she said

"No problem" Po said, Po glance away from Tigress's gaze

"You didn't have to save me some soup at lunch" Tigress said. Tigress stood up straight and glared at him, with the tip of her tail gently moving from side to side.

"I wanted too" he said while he rub the back of his head, Tigress avoided his gaze. A silence filled the room, has the two just stood beside each other.

"Uh…. good night" Tigress said as she gave him a quick smile, before entering her room and sliding the door closed. Tigress leaned against the wall of her chambers, and just stared at the celling. She could feel something wasn't right with her, her heart was beating out of sync and she didn't know why "What wrong with me…?"

Po smiled at the chamber, he glances at Tigress's figure inside her chamber. He sighs slightly before entering his room, he just stood in the middle of his chamber and stared at his stomach.

"There no way….no way someone like her would like me" Po said while he stared at his huge stomach, Po pressed on his belly and watch has the fat bounced back.

Continue Reading for Tigress
