DISCLAIMER: Code Geass is created by Sunrise, Inc.


He looked up from his work to meet the deep blue eyes of his wife. The expression on Kallen's face was one he had expected from the tone of her voice. Even before she spoke the words, he was already moving to drop whatever he had been working on.

"Can we talk?"

It was amazing, he thought, that he could know another person so well in the past year; almost as if she was an extension of himself. There were even times he could sense her mood before she showed any outward signs, and he would act accordingly. It had especially come in handy in the past few weeks, after what they went through.

For this particular moment, he needed to give her his undivided attention. He took her hands as he guided her to the sofa on the far side of his study. He stroked them gently once they sat down, encouraging her to speak her mind.

"I'm not really sure," she began, then paused and averted her gaze. He waited. He could tell that this had been bothering her for a while now, but he could also tell she needed to sort it out for herself.

"I love you. You know that, right?"

"I mean," she quickly added. In the next moment her hands left his and covered her face followed by a tiny growl of frustration. "I don't even know what I mean."

He gently reached out to her wrists to make her look back at him. He knew she had reached a point where she needed to speak her mind. Whatever it was was nearly driving her insane.

"You can talk to me about anything," he encouraged. "You know that, right?"

Her entire posture changed at his words, with her hands finding their way back into her husband's. He kissed her knuckles and waited for her to speak. The slightly guilty expression in her face confused him, however.

"Do you think it's possible," she finally said, "to fall in love with two people at the same time?"

Lelouch recovered quickly from the shock brought by her question. She loved him, of that he had no doubt, and with that knowledge he fought down the jealousy that threatened to surface.

"I'm sorry, I," she tried to explain when she saw his reaction. "I'm just, so confused,"

You shouldn't be, he thought. He thought back to the past few weeks, on how they both struggled to accept the most recent change in their lives. He knew who this other person was, and that person's presence in their life was impossible to deny. He could not blame her for what she felt; it could not be helped. After all,

A sound from Kallen's pocket interrupted what he was about to say. They both knew what it meant.

She needed to go.

To him; the source of her inner conflict.

"Go," he said with a smile of understanding, "he needs you."

Without another word, she left.

Lelouch waited some moments before finally standing up and began putting his work away. For Kallen's peace of mind, this matter needed to be put to rest. That meant nothing else should matter; the rest of the world would have to wait.

Finally turning the lock to the door of his study,Lelouch made his way to where he knew Kallen was. His heart and mind were clear, there was no special need to prepare himself for what he would say to her. She only needed to hear what she already knew, after all.

Reaching his destination, he entered the room as quietly as he could. He must admit, walking into a room to see his wife on the sofa holding some other boy in her arms whispering words of love, he should be ready to throw her out. But this was not just any boy.

Perhaps sensing his presence, the boy in her arms stirred, causing Kallen to look up. Throwing her an apologetic smile, Lelouch moved to sit beside her.

"Look, Roland," she spoke to the boy, "Papa's here."

They both laughed when their son only yawned in response before going back to sleep.

Lelouch put an arm around his wife and son, staying like that while Kallen hummed a lullaby. When they were sure he was sound asleep, they returned the baby to his crib, but decided to stay a while longer, watching him sleep.

"Kallen," Lelouch said in a low enough whisper for only her to hear, "what if I told you, that I've fallen in love with him, too?"

"I'd say you're as confused as I am," she replied.

"Except I'm not," he countered, "and neither should you." Kissing the top of her head, he continued, "After all, he has a bit of you and a bit of me in him. What's there not to fall in love with?"

She turned to face him. "Not at all narcissistic, are you?"

"Just madly in love with his mother." That earned him a chaste but lengthy kiss on the lips. After a while they parted, and went back to watching their son.

"What do you think he'll be like," she asked, breaking the silence.

"Nothing like Lloyd, I'm hoping."

"Or Milly."

Lelouch winced, recalling their days in Ashford Academy. "Some of Milly is fine, though. Weren't you naming her as godmother?"

"Yeah," she conceded. "I just hope he won't be as messed up as we were."

"We can only hope," he answered back, pulling her closer. "Times are different, now."

Kallen sighed. "We'll love him just the same, won't we? However he turns out."

"Of course," he replied. Memories of his relationship with his own parents surfaced momentarily, but he had already decided not to let them influence his - or his children's - future. The world was free, and so was this child. "Of course."


Nope, this is not the sequel yet. Sorry.

Okay, after a longlonglong break from any creative writing, I looked back to what I've posted so far, then looked at what I've got down for the sequel, and... there was totally no chemistry between the OC's. Nada. I'll probably be restarting their character profiles from scratch.

Elsewhere in my notes, the flashbacks I had planned slowly formed lives of their own. This was one of them. This was supposed to be a mere passing mention at a dinner table conversation.

Hope you liked it, and Happy New Year!