"THERE IS INTERNAL BLEEDING!" a doctor shouted
"WE NEED TO GET HER INTO A ROOM!" Doctor Curtis shouted "This way"
"Is she going to be alright?" Zach asked the doctor tears dripping down his face
"We don't know yet" The Doctor said "All you can do is wait, we'll tell you if anything changes"

Tyler and Gray were clinging to each other with Gray's head resting on his older brother's shoulder, Tyler stroking his hair trying to hold back his tears
"Shhh, it is going to be alright" Tyler said to his younger brother
Claire crying into Owen's chest with Owen not knowing what to say.
Rose was silently sobbing in the corner and Cole even though he didn't know the kid was comforting Zach by holding him tightly
"I WILL NOT BE QUIET, THIS IS ALL YOUR FAULT, IF YOU HADN'T OF SHOWN UP SHE WOULDN'T HAVE BEEN HIT BY THE CAR AND SHE WOULDN'T BE IN THAT HOSPITAL ROOM, I HATE..." before Zach finished shouting he rested his head on Cole's shoulder. Cole knew that Zach didn't mean it, he just wanted to pass the blame onto someone else that wasn't his mother.

"Uh the Mitchells" The doctor said
"That is us" Owen said
"Well I'm sorry to tell you but uhm... Ms Karen Mitchell did not make it, she suffered from internal bleeding and several fractures to the wrists and ankles"
Zach went straight to Owen and held him tight, Owen wrapped his arm around him and kissed his forehead "She's lying" Zach whispered (it was obvious that he was in denial.
Owen didn't respond and told him that at first he would be in denial and he would gradually accept the truth
"Can I go out for some air?" Zach asked politely
Owen nodded "Do you want me to come with you?" Zach didn't respond and just walked out

Zach POV

Zach found a bench and sat on it looking sadly at the moon
"It is beautiful isn't it?" a mysterious man said
"Oh...I...guess so" Zach replied
"I just love the night, it is so peaceful, it is so enchanting, don't you think so?"
These words the man said started to relax him, he calmed down, he let his guard down
"Thank you" Zach said calmly
"For what?"
"For making me feel better"
"I just have one question"

Cole POV

"Cole can you come here please?" Owen asked
"What do you need?"
"Can you go outside and keep an eye on Zach, its just that he has been through a lot"
"I'll keep an eye on him"

Cole left the hospital and went to find Zach, he was sitting on the bench with a mysterious man, he silently walked over
"Who are you?" Zach said
"What? you don't recognize your own FATHER"
Zach was speechless
"ZACH!" Cole shouted "ZACH!"
"Cole help me"
"Uhh so this is what you look like, I thought that you were dead, well it looks like I get to enjoy killing you all over again"
"YOU WILL NOT HURT HIM!" Zach shouted at his father
"Oh I will I will kill him and you and make it look like Cole killed you and then he committed suicide for the trauma of losing the mother he just met"
"How do you know that she is dead?"
"You also were the stupid one, get it into your head I was the one who hit her"
"What about the other day in town where you there or did a just imagine it?"
"Yes and it was too bad Owen was there because you will probably be dead if he wasn't, what a shame"
"You're a monster, why do you want me dead anyway?"
"You idiot, you think you are so special, it is not just you, it's all of you Karen, Claire, Gray, Tyler, Rose, Scarlett, Hunter, Cole and you"
"If you lay one finger on anybody else, so help me god I will..."
"You'll do what?, nothing exactly, you also were a pathetic excuse of a human being, no wonder you tried to kill yourself"
"I seem to recall you were the one trying to drown me"
"Obviously I tried to make it look like attempted suicide"

Owen POV

"Claire i'm gonna look for Cole and Zach they've been gone for quite a while"
Claire didn't respond as she kneeled down and held her two youngest nephews
"I'll see you later" Again she didn't respond

Owen walked outside shouting "ZACH, COLE!" "Are you here?"
Owen looked around and saw what looked like to be three people sitting on a bench
"Hey there you are"
before Owen could see the third face Scott walked off
"Who was that?" he asked softly
No response came out of either boy
"Tell me the truth, just say who it was"
"It was uh..." before Zach finished speaking, Cole finished his sentence and said
"Scott as in Mitchell as in your dad"
"Yes" Zach said quietly
"Oh kid did he hurt you? Both of you"
"No but he hurt mom" They both said
"Your mom is dead because of Scott?" (Author note: I don't know if that is actually a question)
"I'll kill him" Owen said
"We have already tried that remember?" Zach said
"Well we cannot give up"
"I'm not saying that we should give up, but we cannot try the same approach as last time"
before Owen responded both Zach and Cole hugged him and walked them inside.