Chapter 58

Danny stared wide eyed at Dash after Kwan disappeared into his bedroom. Even though they were now officially a couple, the kiss still surprised him. It seemed silly when he thought about it. They were in a relationship. They should be able to kiss each other good night without it being a shock. Judging from the expression on Dash's face, the good night kiss caught him off guard too.

"You okay there?" Danny bit his lip to keep from grinning too much.

"Huh?" Dash shook his head. "Uh, yeah." He raked a hand through his hair. "I guess that just surprised me a bit. Who knew Kwan would be the bold one and be the first one to kiss us?" He laughed a little. "Well, on the cheek at least."

Danny considered as he stared at the door to Kwan's bedroom. "Well, he has been waiting a long time to kiss you." Then he glanced to Dash. "But I think we're both trying not to rush you too much. We're okay waiting for you to feel comfortable being with men. You only recently realized you liked guys. We get you won't want to immediately jump into kissing and touching and having sex right off the bat. So don't feel like you have to rush into doing anything. We're not going anywhere, and we can be patient."

"I appreciate that. But," Dash frowned with his hand still at the back of his neck, "I also feel like I'm going to keep backing away from it until I'm forced to deal with it. I want to kiss you. I want to kiss Kwan. But then I choke, and I can't bring myself to actually go through with doing it."

Danny thought maybe they were all doing that. It was easy to say they wanted to kiss the others, but sometimes acting on that desire wasn't necessarily easy, especially in a new relationship. They were still feeling out where they stood and how to proceed with their relationship.

After hesitating for another moment, Danny closed the distance between them. His tongue darted out, licking his suddenly dry lips as nervousness fluttered inside him. Then he leaned in, cupping Dash's cheek with one hand. At first, he thought this would be cool and romantic, somehow, but now he was feeling silly. It was too late to pull out of it though, so he pressed forward. Their lips touched in a gentle but firm pressure. Dash felt a little stiff against him. Then he relaxed slightly after his initial surprise over being kissed.

Danny pulled back, leaving the kiss short and chaste. He smiled, almost laughed, at the dopey expression left on Dash's face. "How are you feeling after that?"

"That was too quick. Let's try that one more time."

Danny rolled his eyes with a shake of his head. "I thought maybe a kiss would help ease some of that nervousness, or hesitancy, you have. And if you're asking for a second kiss, it sounds like maybe you're feeling a little more comfortable with it."

Dash folded his arms, staring at the floor as he thought. "Yeah, I suppose that did help a little. I don't think I'm ready for sex though. Not quite yet. I'll need to work up to be comfortable with that."

Danny nodded. "Completely understandable. We'll take this in baby steps." He placed a hand on Dash's shoulder as he smiled. "Like I said, Kwan and I can be patient until you're ready."

Dash smiled. "Thanks. Knowing that does make it feel easier. Less pressured."

It felt like they made some decent progress tonight. The lines of communication felt more open after Kwan brought up his concerns, breaking the silence they probably didn't realize was there until now.

Danny pulled back his hand, still smiling. "See you in the morning, Dash."

Dash bobbed his head. "Night, Danny."

It was still strange hearing his name, not Fenton but Danny, come out of Dash's mouth. Danny's smile brightened, and his heart felt like it was going to burst as he walked to his bedroom. Once the door was closed behind him, he touched his fingers to his lips, his cheeks burning. He just kissed Dash on the lips. He almost felt like he was going to melt into a puddle of ectoplasm. His gaze darted to his feet, just to make sure he wasn't. One leg had vanished, but he could still feel it tingling like it usually did when he turned invisible. He rubbed his hands over his face. He had it bad if his powers were acting up like this. Walking over to his bed, he flopped down onto it, burrowing his red face into his pillow. How did he get so lucky to have the two men he loved love him back? He fell asleep with happy thoughts in his head.

When morning came, Danny almost groaned with disappointment. The first day back to school after summer or a break was always the most difficult. The break gave him the chance to spend his days sleeping in and being lazy. Now he was back to waking up early to prepare for work. He half wanted to crawl deeper under his covers and fake being sick for a few extra days off. With a sigh, he dragged himself out of bed and got dressed. After a trip to the bathroom, he headed toward the kitchen.

"Mm, coffee." Danny happily accepted the mug held out to him. He raised it to his lips to sip the hot coffee, but when he felt a kiss to his cheek, he nearly dropped the mug.

"Sorry," Dash apologized as his cheeks grew faintly pink.

Danny shook his head. "I just wasn't expecting it." He smiled as he set down the mug. "But it was a nice surprise." He gave Dash a kiss on the cheek then walked over to where Kwan was putting together lunches for them. When Danny leaned in, Kwan turned his head, so instead of a quick peck on the cheek, they shared a kiss on the lips.

"Morning." Kwan grinned as he turned back to packing lunches. "Ready to go back to work?"

"I'd prefer a few more days off." Danny helped Dash with breakfast, cooking a batch of oatmeal for three people and a side of fresh fruit, slices apples and oranges with a few grapes thrown into the mix. When breakfast was ready, they all sat down to eat. Danny shoveled a spoonful of the oatmeal into his mouth and smiled. He definitely could get used to morning kisses. He imagined waking up next to sleeping Dash and Kwan would only make his mornings even better.

Of course, he knew things wouldn't always go smoothly. Every relationship had their hiccups, and they were bound to fight sometimes. But if they could keep to open communication, perhaps those fights could be resolved without too many harsh words thrown among them. He wanted this relationship to work out, and he knew Dash and Kwan felt the same way.

"You seem to be in a good mood." Dash nudged him with his foot before popping a grape into his mouth.

"I'm just happy." Danny smiled. "I like this. I - This is the kind of thing I want. This nice morning of waking up and eating breakfast, maybe sharing some good morning kisses, then off to work. This feels really natural with the three of us. Uh, well, I guess because we've been doing this since I moved in, though it wasn't always this smooth. But now," he shrugged, "I'm just really happy we're together."

"If you had told me this was how things would turn out back in high school, I never would have believed it." Dash shook his head with a small, crooked smile. "For one, I firmly believed that I was straight."

Kwan held up his glass of water. After he swallowed the bite of apple he was eating, he said, "Here's to all the crazy turns life throws at us but also the unexpected and wonderful surprises. And no matter what life decides to throw at us next, I couldn't be happier sharing it all with the two of you."

Danny and Dash picked up their own glasses and clinked them together. After they all gulped down their water, they finished their breakfasts. Then they quickly washed their dishes and left them out on a rack to dry. Danny pulled Kwan into a hug, squeezing him tight, then did the same to Dash.

"From Sawyer," Danny said, when they gave him confused looks. "Um," he scratched behind his ear, looking away, "I probably should have done that before, after she moved on, but I guess I felt a little awkward about it. I liked you both, but I didn't know how either of you might feel about me." His cheeks felt hot. "I might have feared hugging you would somehow give away my feelings."

Dash tugged Danny back into a hug with one arm. "The apartment does feel a little emptier without her. And Avery. They weren't here for that long, but it kind of feels like they lived with us for years."

Kwan joined in, wrapping his arms around both Danny and Dash. "I don't mean to break up this moment," he said after several beats of silence, "but we do have to leave soon if we want to be on time."

Dash groaned, and Danny couldn't help chuckling a little as they broke apart. As much as Danny would like to stay home and curl up with Dash and Kwan, they had young minds to educate. They grabbed their things then left the apartment to drive to the high school.

The past few months were a rollercoaster. When he first moved here to start a new job, he wasn't sure how things would turn out, especially with his bad luck in finding a decent apartment. He had his doubts about his luck changing when Kwan suggested he move in with them. But agreeing to live with them turned out to be the best decision he could have made. He couldn't even imagine how things might have gone if he said no or if Kwan never made the offer.

Nothing about living with Dash and Kwan turned out to be anything like Danny envisioned when he arrived at the door to their apartment with his things, much of which remained in storage though maybe now he would start to bring more of things to take up permanent residence at the apartment. The beginning was rocky, but after they opened up more to each other, and bribing with pumpkin bread didn't hurt, their relationship smoothed out. Danny began to see the former jocks and bullies in a new light, and he hoped the same was true for them.

Telling them about his ghost powers, training and working on ghost inventions with them, and eventually falling in love with them never crossed his mind that day in the teacher's lounge when they walked in on him searching for a new apartment. Who, other than Clockwork, could have seen how their lives would turn out all because he dared to take the chance and agree to move in with them?

As they reached the car, Danny pulled Dash then Kwan in for a quick kiss on the lips. "Sorry," he mumbled, looking away as embarrassment rose inside him. "I just thought I should get that out of my system before we get to school."

"You don't have to apologize." Dash rolled his eyes. Then he pulled Danny closer and kissed him lightly on the forehead.

"Yeah," Kwan agreed, his hand resting on Danny's shoulder as he smiled. "I don't think Dash and I are going to say no to a kiss." He leaned in and left a kiss on Danny's cheek.

Once they climbed into the car, Danny settled in the backseat, hoping he wasn't grinning too much like a dopey idiot. He couldn't help the happiness bubbling inside him, making his heart flutter in his chest. He just hoped he wouldn't give anything away once they reached the high school. Turning his gaze to stare at the window, he smiled at the passing scenery, feeling ready for whatever challenge life threw at him next.

Author's Note: We have, sadly, reached the end of the story. Or, at least, the official end. XD;; I do want to write some stuff taking place after the story. Some more fluffy scenes with our adorkable boys. I should probably think of a few hiccups for them to deal with, along with some supernatural problems to get in the way. XD;; I have a few ideas already in the works. Thank you all for sticking around and enjoying the story! I had a lot of fun writing it. =) And thanks Will and Ghost Chicky for kick starting this idea.

YumiStar: Had to get in some fluffy kisses before the end. XD Ah, I was just kind of making stuff up for the game. XD;; I don't really know a whole lot of multiplayer games. I mostly stick to Zelda and Kingdom Hearts, some Final Fantasy.

Rosie dragoneel: Oh! A crossover! XD Now everything makes sense again.

Kimera20: Thanks! 8D Haha, Kwan had to work up the courage to be the first kiss, even if it just a peck on the cheek.

xXRainbowCleoXx: That's my kind of date night! XD Someone had to break the ice! And Kwan's been waiting a long time, especially for Dash. XD His heart was probably ready to beat right out of his chest though!

Casper97: *sprinkles in a few more kisses* XD These boys! They're so happy together!

blackkyu: You're welcome! =)

Tetractys: I'm sure there's going to be even more gossiping from this point forward. XD

guest1234: Thanks for the heads up! =)

Will: I'm trying to avoid any more spoilers for BotW now. XD Like, I wanna know more! But I don't want to know anything too spoilery so I'm just trying to avoid it all. XD I think there was talk about them already thinking of the next Zelda game, which would also come out on the Switch, so I'm like "might as well get the new system now" since I'll have to get eventually. It also looks pretty good. But I do want the PS4. =| Both of them would be, like, $700 and that's not even including the $60 for each game. 2.8 has Dream Drop Distance, with some minor tweaks. Along with Birth by Sleep Fragmentary Passage, which is Aqua in the realm of darkness, and Unchained X Backcover, which is about the foretellers and keyblade war (which is what the mobile game is about) but that's just a movie. The final mixes 1.5 and 2.5, I think, are supposed to get a PS4 port in March, which I also want because then I'd have anything on one single console instead of the mess from over multiple years. I almost feel like it's better to come in now for Kingdom Hearts because of that. XD;;;; That whole pro life... thing is just hard for me to understand. Yes, all life is sacred, but a woman also deserves the choice of what she wants to do with her body. She needs to keep her gun happy ass out of the education system. Religion shouldn't even be part of public schooling. And teachers shouldn't be forced to tell parents everything about the students (aka if they're lgbt+) because that could be super harmful for the student (and I know that was a Texas thing and not her, but it's still something that pisses me off!). I hate it. I agree with everyone should have the freedom to practice their religion without persecution. I don't believe that they (mostly the Christians) have the right to force their religious beliefs upon others. Why is it so hard for the politicians to respect all people? Why do they keep trying to make laws that discriminate against a person's race, gender, sexuality, religion, etc. etc.? We all know what a romantic sap Dash is! XD He would be all for candlelit dinners and rose petals and all that! XD Biker gear. They'd look pretty good in that. Nice tight leather pants. XD Yeah, I don't really see them doing the bondage thing. That was just a joke. XD (And a jab at how shitty and abusive the 50 shades relationship is.) Hm, I suppose if a banshee can use her voice as an offensive weapon, Jeremy could figure out a way to use his necromancy/aura reading offensively. Not sure how just yet, but hey, he's still learning. XD I've got time to figure that out. Yeah, I wish they didn't have to try to hide it, but, unfortunately, there are a lot of people who would still look down on a poly relationship. =( I will admit, I know nothing about sports seasons. XD;; To me, it feels like every sport is always year round because it feels like my dad is watching a new sports game every day. D8 So I was just kind of... winging it on that. I figured Dash would at least be done with football though. Communication is always key! =) It gets kind of tiring when the characters keep getting into trouble because they never talk about issues, doesn't it?