So I took it upon myself to wait for the next chapter to have my Reylo interaction. I just wanted to say that this chapter is very Finn/Rey, as I ship them as well, but trust me guys this is going to be a big part of my relationship between Kylo/Rey. You all just gotta be a little patient. Thank you to everyone who's been reading along! It's my first fanfic in a very long time so I'm really rusty, but I hope that all of my thoughts are coming along to you all, and once again I hope you all enjoy the story as much as I enjoy making it up and writing it. :)
The day had finally came for Rey to be reunited with Finn. Luke had told her a week before that he had made contact with his sister, and that she was going to be sending Finn and a group of pilots to come get them with a new and unrecognizable ship. It was still too dangerous for the Millennium Falcon to be flown in space for the fear that the first order would recognize them. Rey woke up from her cot to take a walk up to the edge of the water. This was where she came to meditate and think about the choices she had made thus far in her life. As she stared onto the ocean she thought of nothing but Finn, and how he made her feel. She thinks about when she first met him, and how from that moment they met he wanted to protect her. He came back for me, for the first time someone came back for me; and yet here I am a year later still hoping that he'll forgive me for leaving him. Throughout the entire year that has past, Rey could not think of anything but the fact that she left Finn, unconscious and without knowing if he would forgive her for everything that happened to him.
There was no denying it, but Rey grew to love Finn very much, and part of her is always going to be feeling guilty for leaving him there in the snow while she was fighting off Kylo Ren. Him, it was all of his fault that Finn got hurt like this. There she went again thinking about Kylo Ren, and soon her thoughts drifted to him and their hidden connection to each other. It was a feeling she had been trying to shake off ever since he kidnapped her and had interrogated her. His hand extended out to her head, and it was in that moment that they both knew that they were feeling the same thing. It felt like a tug of war, but then the moment they interlocked their focus on each other that the connection had been made; it was as if they were the same person. Rey could almost feel him near her when she knew very well he was in another galaxy. She sensed all year that he had survived after the ground broke between them, and that he was getting increasingly stronger just as she was. The feelings were soon becoming unbearable, because not only did she want to run away from it but she wanted to get to them at the same time. Rey then shook her head back into reality and looked away from the ocean started to walk back to her hut so that she could gather her things together and meet with her master.
As soon as she had finished gathering her things Luke had gathered Chewbacca and R2-D2 and they were gathered at the bottom of the cliff next to the Millennium Falcon. Chewie's anxiety hadn't been the same since Han was slain. Han Solo was such a companion to him that Rey couldn't help but feel that all of this grief was all her fault. Luke sensed what she was thinking inside her head and said, "Don't blame yourself Rey, Han knew what he was doing, and if there's one thing I've always known about my brother in law it was that he always made his own decisions." Something in Rey's throat tightened up and made her eyes swell up with tears because she knew he was right. Chewbacca then walked over to Rey's petite frame and knelt down to hug her. Rey held onto to him tightly, and embraced his hug. She had gotten to know the wookie very well since this year has passed, and he told her all about the stories that he and Han had gone on together. Through Chewie she was able to get to know the man that reminded him of a father figure, but the pain was still there knowing that his son had stabbed him to death. As soon as she and Chewie had let go of their embrace that's when they all saw the ship coming towards them from the sky.
Rey's face began to light up again with anticipation, and as soon as the ship landed several meters away she started to run to it. The cockpit opened and there he was, Finn, and the moment he saw her he yelled, "REY!" That was when he was already on his feet running towards her, and soon they embraced each other and without even a hesitation they passionately kissed each other. The touch of his skin on her lips was something that immediately made Rey feel warm and happy. She had never kissed anyone like this before, and it remained to be a special moment in her life. Finn then releases from the kiss to hold her face and taking a good look at her; then grins with extreme happiness. She did the exact same thing, looking at him and seeing that he looked physically alright after everything that had happened to him. It was the first time Rey had smiled in such a long time, and felt completely happy. The first words he tells her are, "Are you alright?" this made her giggle and she responded back by saying, "Yes, especially right now." They both hugged each other again, and then walked onto the new ship with the rest of the gang and they took off from Ahch-To.
She was finally going back to finish what she started, but this time she wasn't alone, and she had the feeling that loneliness would ever be an issue for her again. Little did she know, her energy and happiness was radiating through the force, and if Luke could sense it, then surely there was someone else feeling every bit happiness; only this other person was not only on his way, but incredibly angry.
Kylo felt everything. The running, the warm embrace they gave each other, but worst of all the kiss they exchanged. They kissed! Kylo's blood boiled you could feel the heat escaping him when he walked down the hallway. The Stormtroopers around him quivered in fear that he may use his light saber on them all, so they were cautious and just let him passed them as if they weren't there. Silently Kylo had to think to himself before he could reach his private quarters. He kissed her, and she kissed him back with passion. The thought kept going over and over Kylo's head until he reached his room, and ignited his saber. Kylo's fury was everywhere, he slashed over the furniture, the walls, the floor, and anything that he saw was considered charred after meeting the tongue of his fiery blade. Exhausted from the swinging and his rage he collapsed on his bed. She would only laugh at me if she had seen me react the way I did. His silent thoughts kept going. I could actually sense the moment their lips touched each other, and I hate her for that! Kylo then turned over on his back to close his eyes, and pictured the traitor and Rey kissing. The mere image of that made him sick to his stomach. It was the emotion he was feeling when Rey felt the traitor with her; happiness and a lot of it. That's what was bothering him the most. How could that traitor of a trooper make her happy. Then he realized why he was so angry. I'm jealous; I'm jealous that that coward who calls himself her friend. I'm jealous that he was able to be with her the way I want to be with her. Kylo then opened his eyes, and picked himself up so that he was sitting on the edge of the bed. I want her to be with me. Kylo then springs up from the bed, and says alone in his room, "If it's a fight for her he wants, then that's exactly what he'll get."
There was an advantage that Kylo had that Rey had not realized in the moment of her happiness with being reunited with Finn. Kylo knew that they had left the planet he himself was traveling to, and that they were on their way back to be reunited with General Leia Organa-Solo, his mother the former princess. They were already on route, so he had to think of something and fast. Kylo devised a plan within himself, and went to General Hux to inform him of his plan. As much as Kylo hated Hux, without his pilots, Kylo would never get to them on time. "You mean to tell me that you know for a fact that Skywalker is on his way back to the resistance!" , Hux yelled. "You also mean to tell me that you have devised a plan that will require you to take a quarter of my fleet at your command just so you could go after them yourself!" Kylo was beginning to become increasingly more annoyed with the general. Kylo then flexed his arm out, and used the force to freeze Hux from continuing to speak any further. "Skywalker is on that ship, and has something very valuable aboard that ship, now either you hand over your fleet, or I shall have to take them from by force." Kylo then released his force grip on Hux, and Hux panting says, "Alright, take them." Kylo gathers the pilots, along with Captain Phasma, and informs them that it is their duty to stop that ship from continuing its mission to get back to the resistance base. "Captain Phasma and I will be the ones to get Skywalker, do everything that is necessary to distract the other fighters so that they won't see us sneak on board." Kylo then turns to Phasma, "Captain, I will go in and get Skywalker, be sure to keep a close I on my return and be ready with the ship." "Understood sir", she said stoically. "Good, let's move", Kylo commanded as he and Phasma and others got to their ships. Kylo was using all of his energy into find where Rey is, and now he's sensed where she's located.
Rey was as happy as she could be, but it was all too good to be true. Kylo was coming, and she sensed that he was coming for them; particularly her. It took everything in her power to not just burst into tears, but she had to be strong. "Guys, we're going to have company really soon", she said to them in a shaky tone. "What do you mean really soon, how do you know that?" asked Finn. But before the words could slip off of Rey's tongue, Luke spoke. "Kylo Ren is on his way to this ship, at this very moment." Finn just stared at Luke then turned his gaze to Rey. "You knew, how could you possibly know that?" Again before Rey could give Finn an answer Luke spoke, "Because she and Kylo have a connection, they could both sense each other's force." Luke looking at Rey now gave her a look she had never seen before; the look of disappointment. "How could you not tell me about your connection to Ben?" Luke asked this question using his nephew's name, and not the name of his persona. Rey was on the brink of tears, "I didn't know how to explain it. Last year when he interrogated me, he tried to use the force on me to obtain the part of the map that led to you." Rey sniffled but continued, "When he was forcing himself into my mind, I pushed back, and then there was a moment where we locked onto each other's force; where it was almost as if we were the same person for one brief moment."
Finn just stared at her, but couldn't hide his visible anger over hearing this. Luke spoke up again, "Rey, you could've told me, there are ways to conceal connections; why didn't you say anything?" Rey just looked with silent tears streaming down her face, "I was scared; it was hard enough for me to experience it, but to explain it was terrifying. I never realized that it would lead to this." Out of nowhere Chewie gave a loud howl to inform everyone that their company were right on their tales. Luke then sits in command next to Chewie, and tells the pilots that they have to get ready for an attack. Finn is bucking up to go with them, but then Rey grabs his arm. "Please don't go, I need you here!" Finn then grabs her face and gives her a long kiss. "I love you Rey." Rey was stunned after hearing him say those words. Finn then leaves her to go to the x-wings with the rest of the pilots. Rey goes to Luke, " I'm going to lead him to this side of the ship, that way you all could center your focus on destroying their fleet from this side; I'll handle Kylo." Luke gapes at her, "Are you sure you're ready, everything I've taught you thus far is leading up to this." Rey grabbing onto his hand, "I'm ready, you've taught me well, don't worry I can handle him. Get ready!" and with that Rey takes off and starts to run into the other side of the ship. So many thoughts are running through her mind, but she couldn't focus on that at the moment; she just had to pray that everyone makes it out alive. She then takes her position to be ready for when Kylo Ren decides to invade the ship. Rey silently thinks to herself, When I find him I'm going to kill him, and with that she finds her light saber and waits. Waits for him.