Disclaimer: I do not own Miraculous Ladybug or any of the characters involved and all rights go to their original creators.

Marinette was in a full out sprint under the cloudless, blue sky. She had woken up late but with her sprint it seemed like she would make it in time, possibly a little early. Being Ladybug had definitely made her more athletic, it was almost like a free workout routine. The school was in sight and with it was Adrien. Oh, Adrien. The light of her day. The eternity of her heart throb. What art he like a summers day? -WHAM- The black haired girl ran face first into a pole while she was too busy ogling over the bright haired boy. What was worse was he saw her in her moment of shame, and of course so did Chloe. Chloe let out a huge cackle and made a it a point to make sure that everyone noticed Marinette. Alya quickly came to her rescue and created a distraction so that Marinette could scamper into the school. That Chloe always had to make a scene of things, it made Marinette boil but there was nothing she could do about it now. She took her seat and sighed as the bell rang.

"Are you okay?" Adrien swiveled around in his seat before class started. His green eyes focused on her.

"Umm.. y-yeah! Of course! J-just wasn't, ya'know.. paying attention... and such.." her face glowed red as she smiled sheepishly at her crush. Adrien smiled and turned back around while Alya gave her a confident nudge in the arm. Ugh, why was she such a dork? Adrien talked to her and all she could do was clam up? She laid her defeated head on the table to reflect on her awkwardness.

Ladybug flipped and dodged the balloon bombs that were fired at her. It was hard to get to the clown when he was surrounded by all those explosives. Finally her partner, Chat Noir appears at the scene and uses his staff to block the balloon bombs that were heading towards her.

"I seem to have showed up at a purrfect time, My lady~" he faced her with a huge, fulfilled grin on his face.

"Nothing like a cat's claws to pop some balloons I guess." The two scurried about as they dodged the clown's weapons, his attacks being relentless. "Lucky charm!" Ladybug shouted and mirror appeared in her hand.

"Oh, using that to show him how ugly he is, probably scare the akuma out of him!" Chat Noir chuckled to himself. Ladybug ignored his stupidity and looked around at the options. Of course!

"Distract him!" She used her yoyo to throw herself up into the sky why Chat Noir change to offense mode. She landed on top of a large building and shouted out her orders. "Cut that rope!" she shouted. He briskly followed her orders as she used the mirror to blind the clown. The rope that Chat Noir cut released a tub of water on the clown. That combined with his blindness caused him to slip down the hill. Ladybug swiftly ripped the tie from his neck and purified the akuma. The clown turned buck to his normal self, a talk show host who was just roasted on live tv for having less talent than a clown. Ironic that his supervillain form would be a clown.

"So, My Lady. Since this was handled, how about we go on a date?" Chat Noir leaned next to her in his usual flirtatious manner.

"How about no." Her earrings beeped a warning. "Times up anyway." Ladybug bolted away and left the dejected cat to deal with the fans. When she was safely out of sight she transformed back into Marinette.

Adrien scurried around the corner, after dealing with that paparazzi as Chat Noir he was running late for his modeling gig. It would be faster to arrive on set by running rather than waiting for a car to be prepared. Suddenly he collided with his classmate, a girl he had been seeing around a lot lately. "Sorry, Marinette." He quickly pulled himself off of her and helped her up. She seemed fine as she broke out into an incomprehensible babble. "Well... nice seeing you. I have to go." He broke into his sprint again, and made it just in time for his photo-shoot. It ended pretty swiftly and Adrien made it home before work. He grabbed some Camembert cheese and stalked away to his room. He set the cheese down on the desk for Plagg to eat, who quickly indulged in the bliss of his favorite food. Adrien observed the new blog video that Alya posted. It captured the scene where Ladybug fled the scene.

"You know Plagg?"

"What? I'm busy." The Kwami complained as he bit into his cheese.

"Marinette... I wonder if she is a Ladybug fan? I always seem to see her around where Ladybug disappears."


"Or Maybe... just maybe... could my Ladybug be that close?"

"You are so obsessed. I'm glad I already have my love... ahhh Camembert my love~" the black Kwami swallowed the rest of his cheese and flew away to leave Adrien in his thoughts.

Marinette was walking on her way home from school with Alya when their conversation was interrupted, but not in a bad way. The exact opposite actually. Nino and Adrien asked them if they'd like to go to a small, local performance together. Of course the answer was yes, Alya had to answer for the both of them of course. They somehow evaded Chloe, she was probably too busy getting her oh so perfect hair done. The concert with Adrien was going splendidly, was a nice casual event. Suddenly shouts were heard from a few blocks away. Another supervillan arrived, with perfect timing as usual.

"Umm... I have to.. go to the bathroom! Yeah bathroom!" Marinette ran into the direction of the screams while Alya shouted about how 'that can wait'. It was actually extremely easy to defeat this villain It seemed she was running away to change into Marinette right after she turned into Ladybug, if only it was always that easy. Chat Noir was extremely helpful too. She walked out of her hiding place to unsuspectingly meet Adrien.

"You were taking a while so I got a little worried. You're pretty far away from the bathrooms." Adrien commented.

"Ah.. I.. um just got a little lost!" Marinette lied.

"Then I'll help you back." Adrien laughed.

Chat Noir wanted to respect Ladybug's decision to keep her secret, but maybe Adrien could just so happen to meet her. After he saw where Ladybug landed he leaped into the same direction and changed back in a similar area. That's when Marinette walked out. He created an excuse to talk to her, his suspions were slowly being confirmed. Was this shy, flustered girl actually his Ladybug. Did Ladybug act like her true self with her mask on just like he did? Could it be possible?