Dipper walked back to the truck, change and cheap coffee in hand, eager to get back on the road. He pulled the nozzle out of the gas tank opening and replaced it on the pump. Then he replaced the gas cap and opened the driver side door.

Vrrrrhumm chrrrrg chrrrg chrrrrg chrrrg chrrrrg chrrrg, went the engine as Dipper turned the key. It was a modest truck; a 1984 Chevrolet C10, diesel. Equal parts brick red and rust. It was relatively cheap and convenient, despite the habits of the previous owner(s). The bench seats' upholstery was ripped in a few places, some of the seatbelt edges were fraying, empty coffee cups littered the passenger seat foot well (Dipper's contribution), the steering wheel and gearstick were worn, and the windshield had a couple sunburst cracks from gravel meteorites. It had needed a good vacuuming after he bought it from a middle-aged man on Alameda, and it took all of his strength to stop Mabel from bedazzling the rear-view mirror.

Nevertheless, Dipper appreciated it. It was a car with character. Sometimes he believed it had a personality of its own. He smiled as he put it in drive and pulled out of the middle-of-nowhere roadside gas station.

Just a couple dozen more miles and he'd be back in one of his favourite places in the world, namely, Gravity Falls, Oregon. He cranked the handle to roll down the window so he could smell the fresh, familiar scent of redwoods. It was May, nearing the end of spring. Friday afternoon. The weather was warming up, but he was thankful for his warm flannels in regards to the shade cast by such tall trees in such dense forests.

~ She's a Dan-ger-ous Dame ~ Always set to kill not stun ~

~ I'm Cap-tain Kirk ~ boldly going for-or-ward ~ *

He was startled by his phone playing Pacifica's customizable ringtone. He was a bit nervous- his visit was meant to be a surprise. Gravity Falls high was having their annual prom this weekend, And Pacifica had texted him on multiple occasions wishing he could be there with her. Being the excellent long-distance boyfriend he was, he was going to grant her wish. And for all the gooey romance-y brownie points it was worth, he wanted it to be a surprise. His biggest worry was Mabel keeping the secret, but he knew she understood the importance of spontanuity in a relationship.

Next on the worry list was her calling him in transit, wondering why he wasn't picking up, catching on to his plan, and not being appropriately surprised at his "fashionably late" appearance in a couple days.

He had all he needed:

· Transport- check

· Tuxedo- check

· Toiletries for when he arrived, sweaty, at the Mystery shack- check

· The element of surprise- pending

All he needed now was to actually get there without Pacifica wising up to his plan.

Dangerous Dame stopped playing. Dipper let out a sigh of relief, hoping she would think he was doing some "nerd thing" and couldn't pick up right now.

His hopes were dashed when Pacifica's ringtone started again. Oh no… She's calling again. It must be important.

His phone stopped ringing. Then came the inevitable, half-worried-half-irritated text: Why aren't you answering? Are you ignoring me?

He couldn't put it off any longer or else Pacifica would get mad.

He picked up his cell phone and quickly typed '#X.' The national code for "I'm driving. I can't text now." The only problem was that, now, she knew he was driving. She wasn't the stereotypical dumb blonde. It was entirely possible that she could catch on to his plan.

She didn't text back until he got to the cheap little motel he would be staying the night at. After paying for his one-night stay he accepted the cardkey to his room (#618), thanked the woman at the counter, and walked up the flight of stairs to the second landing to find his room. He texted her back as he walked.

Hey. So what's up Paz?

I had another fight with my parents came the rapid reply. Can I call you now?

Dipper arrived at suite 618, stopped, and looked around.

The motel was at the side of the road in a little clearing in the woods. There was a food/gas stop just half a mile up the road. The traffic on the highway was sporadic at best. Probably not enough noise to let her know he was out of town.

Sure he texted back.

The call came immediately. He opened his door with the cardkey and went in before answering.

"Hey. What was the fight about?"

"They don't want me to go to prom without an escort." She put on a bad imitation of Preston's voice. "Northwests don't show up to formal events alone. Here, we bribed the most popular boy in town to go with you. It's just annoying. They're still so obsessed with image that they won't let me do things my way. I told them that if I couldn't go with you, I wouldn't go with anybody. That didn't fly, so now I'm stuck with Brad "Touchy-Feely" Thompson, and they took away my credit cards until next week."

"I don't like the sound of "Touchy-Feely" Thompson…" Dipper said as he sat down at the edge of the single bed. "Do I need to call in a favour to Multi-Bear?"

Pacifica giggled on the other end of the line.

"No. If I can outrun a triangle demon during the apocalypse, I can survive a hormonal jock. Hey, why didn't you pick up earlier? Were you driving somewhere?"

"Oh, yeah, Mabel sent me out to get food for Waddles." It wasn't strictly a lie- Mabel did ask Dipper to pick up some celery or something on his way back down. Dipper fully intended on getting some vegetables, after Gravity Fall's prom. He didn't want produce sitting in his Chevy all weekend.

"Hm. Alright." She didn't sound convinced, but let the subject drop anyway. "What are you doing now?"

"Getting ready for bed. It's like 10:30." Dipper deadpanned lightheartedly.

"So? You're usually up 'til O'dark hundred with advanced calc. and physics notes. Or conspiracy theories."

"Eh. Thought I'd get an early night. Got a big day tomorrow."

"Some kind of science experiment? Or another video for Mabel's blog?"

"Hmmm…" Dipper thought about how to respond vaguely but truthfully. "Something… unexpected."

"Great. While you're having fun doing whatever, I'll be preparing for a night full of spiked punch and bad choices. Prom sucks…"

"Hey, cheer up. Maybe Brad will mature overnight into a chivalrous gentleman."

"Yeah. And maybe Waddles will sprout wings and fly you and Mabel up here so we can save the school from evil vegetables."

Dipper laughed. "That's gotta be the most creative 'when pigs fly' adaptation I've heard come from someone other than Mabel."

"Alright. I've got to go. I'll let you get a rare chance at a full eight hours."

"Good night."

"Sweet dreams."


So. Pacifica's parents were making her go with some popular kid at school. Could this ruin Dipper's plans in any way? He hadn't planned on actually showing up at her house to escort her to Prom. Her parents wouldn't let him in the gates, let alone out with their daughter in tow. He just assumed she'd be there when he showed up "fashionably late," looking suave and handsome in his tuxedo.

Well, in a way it was good her parents were so controlling. With Dipper wanting this to be a surprise he obviously didn't tell Pacifica she would be going with him after all. She planned on not going if he couldn't go. At least with "Touchy-Feely" Thompson she would actually be at the dance. Dipper would just have to swoop in and whisk her away, before Brad had a chance to live up to his epithet.

With that heroic picture in mind, Dipper laid down on the bed and tried to get some sleep before tomorrow.

Ten seconds later he got back up and went down to his truck to get the toiletries and change of clothes he forgot.

Dipper pulled in to the Mystery Shack's…. Field? You couldn't really call it a parking lot. There was no asphalt; just tire-worn dirt and yellowing grass.

He put it in park and turned off the engine. Then he got out with the duffel bag containing his outfit for tonight and walked up to the front door.

Knock knock knock.

From inside came the gruff voices of his grunkles.

"No solicitors!"

"Answer the door, Stanley!"


Dipper smiled at his grunkles' comforting bickering. It meant nothing seriously bad had happened to their relationship since he was here last: they were on speaking terms at least.

The door opened to frame a casual Grunkle Stan In the doorway. His displeasure turned to surprise as he recognized his grandnephew.

"Dipper!" His face broke into a grin. "What are you doing here?"

"Oh, y'know… going to prom with my long-distance girlfriend. Can I stay here for the weekend?"

"Hm… I don't know. You're 18 now, right? I might have to charge you rent," Stan said as he rubbed his fingers together in the universal sign of moolah.

"I should have guessed." Dipper deadpanned.

"Stanley, who is-"

Grunkle Ford came into view behind Stan and regarded Dipper with a brief, inquisitive look before a look of recognition encompassed his features.

"Dipper, my boy! Come in, why don't you?"

"Hey Grunkle Ford. Is it okay if I stay here for the weekend?"

"Of course! I've been working on something you'll love- Anti-Sleep Drops! Eye drops that suspend the need to sleep! Just two in each eye and you can go a week without sleep!"

Ford's left eye twitched.

"Heh-heh, that sounds great, Grunkle Ford, but I've actually got plans later today."

"He's going to the high school's prom." Stan said, straining the word 'prom.' "I think we'll have to give him some pointers, eh? Sixer?" He winked.

Ford's face adopted the thousand-yard-stare for a few moments, no doubt remembering some embarrassing school dances.

"Uhh..…." Said Ford eloquently. "Yes! Pointers! Uh… Well, whatever you do, don't tell her about your latest plan to revolutionize the Greater Philadelphia Metro Area traffic. Unless you want punch thrown in your face, that is."

Dipper didn't know how to respond to that.

"Uh, thanks for the advice? I'll be sure to… not… do that. Thing. I'll just go. Change. Into my tux. Upstairs."

Dipper hefted his duffel bag and made for the stairs.

"I may need help with my bow tie!" He called down when he was almost to the top.

"Sure, kid!" said Stan. "Heh. Not to worry, Ford. I'm sure between the two of us we can make him sound intelligent and confident without coming off as too much of a jerk."

"Yeah… Yeah. How hard can it be? Prepping your grandnephew for his Prom?"





Scuffle scuffle. Crash!

"Ugh! This collar is tight!"

"Come on." grunted Stan. "Let's go help the kid."

Together, the old men ascended the staircase to give the best pep-talk they could.

From the outside, Gravity Falls High Gymnasium looked like any other high school gymnasium. Tonight, however, there were coloured lights flashing out from the high windows. It was actually better light than that provided by the hazy orange streetlights. The music pulsing from the open double doors was lively and energetic. Couples strolled in hand-in-hand.

Inside, spotlights were somehow glaring but soft at the same time. They illuminated pale curtains hung floor-to-ceiling around the walls. Also on the ceiling were bobbing balloons and streamers. And a Disco Ball hung in the shadowy far corner, forgotten.

Onstage, a band called Wood Grain on Everything was playing vaguely alternative music. They weren't the best band, but they were hip. And the band remembered that Gravity falls was a pretty exciting place one time at a Woodstick festival so they halved their average show fee.

Students milled about, some dancing, some drinking punch, some snacking on concessions.

Pacifica Northwest, however, was doing none of the above. She wore a lavender prom dress with a sweetheart neckline and a couple crinolines to let the knee-length skirt flow out. Despite how good she looked, a frown dampened her features. She was trying to ignore Brad "Touchy-Feely Thompson who was trying to dance provocatively in a baby blue suit beside her. He was currently failing.

Gosh this is a nightmare. Just stay out of my personal space, Brad! thought Pacifica eagerly.

Sensing he wasn't having the desired effect, Brad stopped dancing, allowing enough blood to flow from his limbs to his brain in order to get a "brilliant" idea.

"Hey, I'm gonna go get some punch. Do you want some?"

Seriously? "That depends. Did one of your buddies spike it?"

"No!... Maybe… Heh, heh."

If he's drunk he'll either be A) too hammered to stand up straight- not a threat, B) lacking inhibition, becoming too forward, and violating me, C) asleep, or D) violent. Hmm… if A or C occur, I might be able to lose him in the crowd. But if he finds me… Nah, I can lose him.

"In that case, sure! I'll take a full glass. Take your time filling it up."

Brad turned towards the snack table, stopped, and turned back to her with a skeptical face.

"Don't worry, I'll be right here when you get back."

He turned back around and walked towards the punch.

Pacifica made it a priority to not be there when he got back.

The bathroom seemed like a good hiding spot until Pacifica realized that if Brad asked around and a girl told him where she was, he would just wait outside the door, effectively cornering her. The stage was front-and-center: not exactly discreet. Under the bleachers wasn't an option either- too scummy. Pacifica would just have to keep moving, and keep looking over her shoulder.

Suddenly, her phone rang. She opened her clutch purse to answer a much appreciated call from Dipper.

"Hey! Glad you called. I need to know how to hide from a monster in an urban setting."

"Brad giving you trouble?"

"Nothing I can't handle."

"Without professional monster-evading advice."

"Calling yourself a professional now? Wishful thinking much?"

"Make your way to the closest exit. Weave through the crowd putting as much space and as many tall dancers between you as possible. When possible, duck behind obstacles like tables and poofy dresses."

"Thank you."

"That concludes the session on Evading Capture. Stay tuned for the session on Gaining the Advantage in a Confrontation."

"You're such a dork." Pacifica said as she made it to the exit, glancing behind her for Brad. "Remind me why I'm dating you?"

"Because I do things like this."

"Things like wha-oof!" Pacifica bumped into someone just before crossing the threshold. She looked up to apologize and saw the tawny brown eyes of Dipper Pines.

"Surprise~" said Dipper.

Pacifica took a step back. He was here. He was in a tuxedo. He was grinning a little too confidently for her taste. He was in a tuxedo. He had a bouquet of orchids. He was in a tuxedo.


"Oh!" Dipper extended the orchids. "These are for y-"


Pacifica practically tackled him with her hug.

"Oof. Heh, it's good to see you too, Paz." Dipper said, his face red.

"What are you doing here?" Pacifica asked, pulling back.

"Well, I couldn't let my girlfriend have a bad prom, probably getting groped by "Touchy-Feely" Thompson, now could I?"

It was sweet. Pacifica rolled her eyes.

"Jealous much?"

"Uh… Maybe just a little."

Paz giggled. "Come on, let's get out of here."

They turned to leave when a call of "Hey, punk!" assailed their ears.

They turned back to see Brad making his way toward them. In his anger, he punched a nerd, who doubled over.

"Where're yoo goin' with mah grrrrl?" Brad drawled. There was probably more "spike" in him than punch.

Dipper looked around.

"I don't know who you're talking to. I'm leaving with Pacifica, who doesn't belong to anyone."

It was a brave thing to say considering the noticeable height difference between Brad and Dipper.

"I wass talkin' 'bout Pacif'ca. She's my daa-ate."

Dipper put his hand in his pocket and appeared to be fiddling with something.

"Just let it go, Brad. Dipper is my boyfriend. No offense, but I didn't want to come without him anyway." Pacifica said.

It took Brad two tries to focus on Pacifica properly.

"Nnnnnoo." He finally managed. "You came here w'th me, you leave here with me." He grabbed her arm and yanked her to his side, away from Dipper.

"Just let her be, man. You should respect her decision to leave on her own terms." said Dipper.

"Oh yeah? And whose gonna make me?" Brad said with a lop-sided sneer.

~ Disco Girl ~ Coming through ~ That girl is you ~

"Oh, hold on. I have to get that." Dipper pulled out his phone and flipped it open.

Brad paused in confusion, his face slack.

"Hello? Yeah. Oh, okay." Dipper returned his attention to Brad. "It's for you." He held out his phone. Brad leaned in to hear better.


Though it came from a phone, the sound of six bears roaring in G major was clearly audible throughout the whole room. The music stopped abruptly. Everyone turned to stare as the roaring ceased. Brad stumbled back and tripped over the poor nerdy kid that he punched in his anger and determination to get to Dipper. There was silence in the gym for a good five seconds, before everyone started laughing at Brad, who hastily got to his feet and made for the double doors.

"Uh huh. Yeah. He's gone now. Ha ha, totally. I'll ask around. Someone probably managed to get a video of it. Yeah. Okay, thanks Multi-bear." Dipper clicked his phone shut. "Now, where were we?"

Pacifica took half a moment to process the events of the last 10 seconds.

"Remind me to send Multi-Bear a gift basket later." She said.

"You still wanna go?"

"Hm… Maybe just one more dance." Pacifica led Dipper onto the dance floor as a pop song started up.

They danced for a while, waving limbs and jumping side-by-side with the rhythm of the music.

Eventually Wood Grain on Everything changed to a slower alternative song. It was a song the mini-tar* player had written on one of her Webfilm* &Chill days. The song didn't necessarily call for slow dancing, but it did call for more calm and reserved actions. Dipper and Pacifica were one of the few couples that got into a couples-dancing position, and they were the only couple that started waltzing.

"You know, considering I came here with Brad Thompson, tonight is going much better than expected."

"Well," Dipper said with a self-satisfied smirk, "that's what happens when your boyfriend is capable of defeating a category 10 ghost."

"Mm-hmm. And then he drops the mirror, releasing said ghost."

"Eh… Heh heh, yeah… Well, it's times like that that a category 10 monster hunter is grateful his girlfriend is also a category 10."

That gave Pacifica something to think about. Did he just call me a '10?' Dang. He's smooth.

"You better believe I'm a category 10." is what she said out loud.

She dropped his right hand and buried it in the back of his shaggy hair. His hand dropped to her waist. She pulled his head down for a kiss, he pulled her closer for a tight embrace. She could feel his breath dance across her cheeks when-

Thud. Thud. Thud.

The lights flickered with every quake. Wood Grain on Everything stopped playing. Screaming came from outside and got louder as a couple teens burst through the doors to the gym.

"Walking trees!" said a girl in a bedraggled blue dress.

Dipper and Pacifica ran outside with a couple other brave students to assess the threat.

Giants that appeared to be made out of redwood trees were stomping around town, lifting roofs off buildings, converging on the battered water tower.

"Well, Mr. Category 10 Monster Hunter, what category are Tree Giants in?"

"Psh! Category six…"


"…teen. Nothing we can't handle."

Dipper put his hand in his other pocket and dug out a small red booklet with a gold hand symbol and "3.5" on the front. He flipped through it, settling on a page near the end.

"Pocket Journal." Dipper said when he caught her staring. "'On my second day in Gravity Falls my car was crushed by a giant arm that appeared to be made out of wood. I believe this may have been one of the illusive Tree Giants…' The footnote says they're weak to fire and... Termites? Whatever. I've got some road flares in my truck. You ready?"

He didn't even blink.

"You bet I'm ready!"

Dipper led the way to his Chevy, shutting the pocket journal with a snap and putting it back in his pocket on the way. He opened the passenger side door and grabbed a backpack out of which he pulled four road flares, giving two to Pacifica. Holding them below the black lines, he pulled off the plastic caps (pop-pop) and exposed the friction pads. He swiped down (scritch-scratch) and ignited both flares simultaneously.

"On the count of three."

Pop. Pop.






Dipper and Pacifica ran out from either side of the truck, waving road flares. In the night sky above, a waning crescent moon shone down upon their advancing figures. And if you turned your head, just so, it resembled a smile- a promise that tomorrow would come. And it would be happy.

*Dangerous Dame ringtone song was inspired by Bombshell Blonde- Owl City

*the picture on Tambry's phone of Wood Grain on Everything has three members, one of which holds small guitar-like instrument. I doubt it's an ukulele because all the ukuleles I've seen have four strings. I decided to call it a mini-tar.

*Webfilm = Gravity Falls' version of Netflix

A/N: On the Microsoft Word document this was pasted from I changed the sizing of fonts to make certain voices seem quieter or louder based on the circumstances. For example: smaller fonts when characters are talking from a phone or behind a door, larger fonts for Multi-Bear's roar.