OK readers. This is something a little different from me. I hope you enjoy it and please leave a review so I know if I should keep going. Thank you!

"Diaz is in that warehouse. I know it." Olivia whispered. They had seen him exit a black SVU by himself and duck into a warehouse that they suspected had been used as a temporary shelter for victims of his sex trafficking business.

"We have to call for backup." Elliot said. He knew how ruthless Diaz was. They had stumbled upon three victims by accident, and the stories they told of their capture and eventual sexual slavery were horrific. All three had linked them all to the same inside man. Jesus Martinez. He was one Diaz paid enforcers and when they caught him, they had gotten him to turn and become a CI in return for some consideration in front of the judge. Their informant had told them that Diaz knew the cops were on to him and that he had cleared out the warehouse and was just finishing up some of the details before he disappeared. Elliot and Olivia had finally tracked him down and he had led them straight to the warehouse. While they were relatively certain he had sent the rest of his hired guns with the "merchandise", they weren't absolutely certain he was alone.

"He's going to get away!" Olivia argued. "We've been tracking him for a month! This is the closest we've been to him and you're going to let him slip away?" They were crouched down behind a dumpster, and Olivia peeked around the side, back towards the warehouse, making sure it was clear. The sun was setting and soon it would be hard to see the perimeter of the darkened area around the warehouse.

Elliot pulled her back and she almost fell on her ass. "Do you want to get your head shot off?" Elliot hissed as he helped steady her.

Olivia shrugged his hands off her. "I know what I'm doing!" She peeked around the dumpster again and looked back at Elliot. "You call for backup. I'm going in." She took off towards the door and Elliot cursed, taking off after her.

When he caught up with her at the door, he pushed her back. "I'll go first." He knew he was going to regret this; they should not be breaking protocol like this and there was going to be hell to pay… unless they got Diaz. Then they'd get a fucking medal.

Olivia shot him a dirty look, but let him play the alpha male…at least they were going after Diaz. She was convinced he was holed up inside by himself. Based on the information provided, she was certain he was close to fleeing the country and why she was convinced they had to go in now.

Elliot stood to the right of the door and looked across at Olivia, who stood on the opposite side. He grabbed his radio, alerting their Captain of their location and telling back up to come in quietly but to wait for their signal before storming in. When he hooked his radio back on his belt, he signaled to Olivia.

"I'm going in. I'm going to make sure there's not a room full of guards with guns and get a lay of the warehouse and if it's all clear, we'll take him. If he's not alone, I'm coming back out and we're waiting for backup. Open the door on the count of 3, and then give me thirty seconds before you come in after me."

Olivia opened her mouth to argue. She was going in with him. But he shot her an angry look.

"My way or we wait." His tone was stern despite being nothing more than a loud whisper.

"Fine." She said, her tone short.

Elliot held his gun in both hands, the nose facing upwards. Olivia grabbed the doorknob and Elliot started mouthing off the count.

"One. Two." On three, Olivia opened the door as quickly and quietly as possible and Elliot ducked his head in and out quickly, making sure there was no one in the immediate vicinity. When he didn't see anyone, he put his palm up towards her, reminding her to hold her position.

Elliot slipped inside and hesitated a moment, waiting for his eyes to adjust to the dimmer light inside. He was in some kind of small hallway and spotted a small table and chair to his right. He could tell the hallway off to the left must open up into the larger warehouse as he saw light coming from that direction. He lined his back against the wall and made his way towards the light, inching along as quietly as possible. When he reached the opening, he looked back at the door, hoping Olivia would listen to his instructions. He saw the door was closed and he was thankful that for once, she listened to him. He had an uneasy feeling about this entire thing…and he wanted to make sure the warehouse was clear before she came charging in.

He poked his head quickly around the wall and then back again. He didn't see or hear anyone. He took in a breath, his adrenaline pumping, and poked his head around the wall again, scanning the room. He felt something solid connect with the back of his head and his last thought as he fell to the floor was of Olivia.


Olivia debated as to whether or not she should really wait as Elliot instructed. Technically, he did outrank her, even though they were partners. And she knew she was on thin ice because he had already called her out on several occasions over what he perceived as recklessness over the past couple of months. They had been in several arguments where he basically asked her if she was trying to get herself hurt or killed. Where he told her she was putting herself into situations that compromised her personal safety…a level of carelessness he couldn't understand. Things had been tense. And that was putting it mildly. But they had been ever since she came back from Oregon, and they didn't seem to be able to get back to what they were.

She sighed. She'd better wait. She looked at her watch, counting down in her head. She held her ear to the door…but the metal was thick and she realized she wasn't going to be able to hear a thing. She knew it had to have been close to thirty seconds when she opened the door quietly. She hesitated, just as Elliot did, to allow her eyes time to adjust. She looked immediately to the left, expecting to see Elliot waiting for her where the wall ended, but she didn't see him. She listened, but didn't hear a thing. She wanted to whisper his name, but it was too quiet and she decided against it. She inched along the wall, just as Elliot had, wondering where the hell he was. He was supposed to wait for her and now she was pissed off. If he took Diaz by himself, she was going to lay into him. Arrogant bastard.

She reached the end of the wall and hesitated a second. She bent her arms, gun drawn and peeked her head around the corner. She was shocked when she saw Diaz standing in the middle of the room, staring directly at her with a grin on his face. He wasn't armed and Oliva got a puzzled look on her face as she came around the wall, aiming her gun directly at his chest. It took a fraction of a second for her to realized her mistake, but by then it was too late. An arm shot out from her left, chopping at her locked arms and forcing her to drop her gun. Then it was seconds before those arms had hers twisted behind her back and she was on her knees.


She tried to look sideways so she could see her attacker, but she drew in a sharp breath when she saw Elliot sprawled out on the ground next to her, his hands bound behind his back and his radio shattered beside him. He had blood seeping from a wound on his head and Olivia could see he was unconscious.


"Get up." Diaz said, his voice cold.

Olivia was at an odd angle on her knees, since her attacker was pushing her forward as he held her arms behind her painfully. When she didn't move right away, he twisted her arms and pulled her up and she cried out in pain. She jerked her head to the right when she saw another burly man stride over and grab her gun off the floor. He stood in front of her for a moment and then without warning, slapped her hard across the face. Olivia's head whipped to the side with the impact and she hissed under her breath.

"Do what you're told." He said, his voice cold. He stepped away from her and turned towards Diaz. Diaz nodded at him and he walked over, handing him her gun.

Olivia turned her head to face Diaz again, and lifted her head and straightened up as best she could with her arms twisted viciously behind her back. She heard a moan to her left and knew that Elliot must be waking up. She wanted to look over at him, but didn't want to break eye contact with Diaz. He was an evil bastard, and she wanted to make sure she didn't show any fear.

"Come here." Diaz ordered.

Olivia didn't move, setting her jaw.

Apparently Diaz didn't like to give orders twice. He nodded at the man holding her and he pushed her ahead roughly, making sure he twisted her arm ruthless before he completely released her. She stumbled ahead a few steps before she regained her footing. She stopped herself a few yards away from him and straightened up again, flexing her arms at her sides slightly to relieve the pain.

She heard a few grunts and groans behind her and could tell the goon that had been holding on to her was pulling Elliot up off the ground. She chanced a quick glance backwards and saw Elliot was on his knees, his head still bent forward. She could see that blood was still trickling down the side of his head and could tell he wasn't fully aware of what was going on. She turned her head back to Diaz, not wanting to risk losing eye contact with him for very long.

The moment she turned back towards him, she swallowed hard at the look in his eyes. Cold, calculating. She knew he was personally responsible for kidnapping and enslaving over 1000 women and girls; addicting them to drugs, breaking them and forcing them to sell their bodies over and over again.

"Santos Diaz. Your under arrest for kidnapping, sex trafficking and prostitution." She said.

Diaz broke into a grin. "Is that right?" He narrowed his eyes at her, almost laughing at her statement. Then he shifted his attention over her shoulder.

"Looks who's decided to join us." He said, and Olivia knew that Elliot must have regained consciousness. She didn't want to turn her attention away from Diaz again, so she stayed still.

Elliot looked up and saw Olivia standing just a few yards from Diaz. He heard her tell him that he was under arrest and he almost smiled at her bravado in this situation. If they weren't in a big fucking mess.

He saw Diaz shift his attention back to Olivia and his heart stopped as he saw the predatory gleam in his eye. He watched as Diaz's eyes trailed over her body, lingering on her breasts a little too long. And suddenly he was terrified. He struggled against his restraints; he needed to get free. Diaz's man punched him on the side of the head and growled at him and he stopped struggling as he tried to clear his head.

He heard heavy footsteps and Diaz talking again and his head snapped up.

"So. What do we have here?"

Elliot saw that Diaz had moved to where Olivia was standing and was running her gun along her jawline. Olivia held her ground as Diaz trailed the gun down her neck and pushed her jacket slightly off her right shoulder. He trailed the gun down between her breasts, dragging her collar of her t-shirt down with it, exposing the swell of her breasts. He leered at her, his eyes lingering on her breasts before his eyes moved back up to hers and a smile spread across his face.

"One of NYPD's finest for sure." He said, his tone sickeningly sweet. Olivia didn't move a muscle, a slight thread of alarm spreading through her body when she saw the look in his eyes.

He dragged the gun across her collarbone and pushed the shoulder of her jacket off her left shoulder. "Take it off." He commanded. When Olivia made no move to comply, she saw him raise his hand and she tensed in anticipation of another slap or a punch.

"Javi." He said and she heard a loud grunt and the sound of leather against flesh. She gasped as she realized the man guarding Elliot must have just kicked him. The grunt was quickly followed by another as Javi kicked him again, and Olivia heard him hit the ground.

Diaz held up his hand and turned his gaze back to Olivia. She shrugged her jacket off her shoulders and it fell to the ground. Even though she was still fully clothed, she suddenly felt terribly exposed and her mind raced to formulate a plan to get them out of this mess.

"Ah, always interesting to see what motivates people." He said, and Olivia realized her mistake immediately. He was going to use Elliot against her…he was going to take the punishment for whatever she did or didn't do.

Diaz stared at her for a moment and she shifted slightly, not sure what was coming next. She wondered if their backup was outside…because with three against two in their current situation, the odds of coming up with a plan to get out of this mess was dwindling. Especially since Elliot's hands were bound and he undoubtedly had a concussion and a few broken ribs.

Just as the thought crossed her mind, she heard Cragen come across on the radio. "Benson. Report." Her hand went to her radio and Diaz raised his gun and pointed it at her.

"Hold it." He commanded. "I want you to answer him and tell him it was a false alarm. That no one was here and you're leaving." Before she could think of a way to send a message to Cragen, he spoke again. "And don't think about crossing me." He swung the gun towards Elliot. "Or I'll shoot him in the head."

Olivia swallowed hard and grabbed the radio off her belt. Her hands were shaking as she answered the call. "Benson here."

"What's going on? I can't reach Elliot." Cragen's voice came over the radio.

Diaz waved the gun at her, as if she could forget the threat he made. And she knew he'd follow through.

"Olivia!" She heard Elliot yell. "Don't listen to him."

Olivia flinched as she heard flesh on flesh and a loud grunt from Elliot. She closed her eyes; she didn't know what to do. She had no doubt that Diaz would shoot him if she didn't comply, but if she called off their backup they were really screwed.

"Benson." She heard Cragen's voice again.

"Answer him!" Diaz yelled.

Olivia brought the radio back to her mouth. "It was a false alarm Captain. He's not here. We're going to be leaving." She kept her eyes trained on Diaz.

"Should I send in CSU?"

"No!" Olivia said, a little more forcibly than she intended. "The place is wiped clean. I don't think we'll find anything." She didn't hear anything back and she started to panic, hoping Cragen wouldn't insist.

The radio crackled again. "OK. See you at the house." Cragen said.

Olivia was surprised at his agreement, but she let out a sigh of relief. He was probably thinking that they would discuss it when they got back and he could send the crew in later. She saw Diaz hold out his hand. She reluctantly held out the radio and he snatched it from her hand. He threw it violently against the wall and it shattered, the pieces clattering to the floor. Olivia closed her eyes, trying to think about how to get out of this.

"What else do you have on you?" He snatched the badge clipped to her belt and tossed it aside. "Do you have any other weapons you're hiding?" He took the opportunity to let his eyes sweep over her body again. "Maybe we should search you."

Olivia tried to slow her breathing. She knew Diaz's history. She had heard the stories from his victims, and she was under no illusion that he would spare her just because she was a cop. She had to buy some time…figure out a plan.

"I don't have any other weapons." She lied. She had a knife in her boot; she had to figure out how to get to it before he discovered it.

Elliot swore under his breath, because he knew she was lying and he was certain Diaz wasn't going to let her get away with it. Javi was holding his bound hands behind his back as he kneeled on the ground and his breathing was labored; he was fairly certain he had a couple of broken ribs. He couldn't get any leverage in his current position but he knew he had to break his grasp and help Olivia. He knew this was about to get ugly.

"Excuse me if I don't believe you." He had a sneer on his face and Olivia knew he was enjoying playing these games with her. He nodded to the man standing next to him, the one that had retrieved her gun and had slapped her. "Carlos." He said, and nodded towards where she was standing.

Carlos moved towards her and she braced herself, unsure what he was going to do. He started to move around her and he had the same sick sneer on his face as Diaz. He stood behind her and she tensed again, waiting to see what was going to happen next. He placed his hands on her shoulders and ran them down her arms. She knew he was going to search her, and she couldn't let that happen. She had to get the knife.

She made her move as his hands fell to her waist. She elbowed him hard in the chest, catching him by surprise and forcing him to stumble backwards slightly. She stooped to reach for her knife and she heard Elliot yelling her name. Before she could get her knife out of her boot, she felt Carlos behind her and she twisted to face him but it was too late. He punched her hard against her temple and she spun around and fell to the ground, barely catching herself with her hands before her head hit the concrete. She was lying on her stomach and shaking her head lightly with her teeth clenched, waiting for the pain to subside. She was about to push herself up when Carlos grabbed her by the hair and hauled her to her feet.

"Get up bitch." He said angrily and she let out a scream at the pain as her hand flew to where he was grasping her hair.

"Get your hands off of her." Elliot roared, earning another swift kick in his thigh and toppling him to the ground.

"Shut the fuck up." His tormentor yelled, looming over him, leg raised. Javi kicked him again in the side and Elliot gasped as he jarred his broken ribs.

Olivia didn't make a sound as Carlos pulled her back against his body, his hand still tangled in her hair. "Now we're going to try this one more time." He hissed in her ear. He continued to tug at her hair, so her head was pulled back against his shoulder as he wrapped one arm around her waist. It was almost like some absurd dance but Olivia tensed, preparing for his inevitable search of her body. She swallowed hard as his hand reached for her t-shirt and pulled it out from her pants. He ran his hand up her abdomen, and she flinched when his hand hit her bare skin. His hands were rough and calloused and he continued to slide them up her body, taking his time. He moved his hand up and over her bra and squeezed her breast roughly.

"You like that?" he asked. His hand moved to her other breast and she struggled against him as he slid his hand underneath the satin of her bra, cupping her breast in his hand and squeezing hard. He released his hand from her hair and slid it down to her waist, pulling her tight up against him, and she could feel that he was getting aroused from his abuse of her. She struggled against him again, grasping at the arm that was squeezing her breast but he only tightened his grip and she gasped at the pain.

"You're only making it worse for yourself." She heard Diaz say and her attention snapped back to him. She saw the darkness in his eyes and she knew he was enjoying this.

Elliot saw what was happening and his rage had reached the boiling point. He needed to stop this; he needed to do something. Now. He twisted and got back up on his knees and he gasped at the pain of his broken ribs.

"Looks like your boyfriend isn't too happy that Carlos has his hands on you." Diaz said, sarcasm dripping from his voice. Her mind went out to Elliot. She knew he was in pain. She could hear him gasping for air. And she knew him well enough that he was trying to figure out a way to rescue her. But she didn't want him to see this…see this animal with his hands on her. Degrading her. And she knew this was just the beginning and that no help was coming. They were on their own.

Carlos hand went to her belt. "It'll be easier to search you without these." He snarled in her ear and she felt him struggling to unbuckle it with one hand. She struggled against him and he pulled his hand from her breast and wrapped it around her arms, holding her tight against his body. She tried kicking him with her legs but Carlos was squeezing her so tightly that she was having a hard time breathing. "It's OK." He growled in her ear. "I like 'em feisty."

She could hear Elliot yelling behind her but she was focused on Carlos and what he was doing. With the way he was holding her, she was forced to look at Diaz and a cold shot of fear passed through her body. There was no one to stop this…and she had no doubt that Diaz would let Carlos do whatever he wanted to her.

Elliot watched as Olivia fought against Carlos and he struggled against the plastic cuffs. He could feel them cutting into his skin but he was happy that Javi had his attention diverted and he wasn't watching him. He pulled himself up on his knees and threw his body at Javi, knocking him off his feet. He pushed up on to his feet and made a beeline for Olivia, yelling. "Fucking bastard. Leave her alone!"

He was almost to her when he heard a shot ring out and he froze, feeling the bullet whisper past his head.

Olivia's head snapped up and she saw her gun in Diaz's hand, pointed at Elliot. Javi was on him in a second, landing a punch to his face. She heard, rather than saw, Elliot drop to the ground and she knew he was unconscious. She felt tears pricking at the back of her eyes and she bit down on the inside of her cheek to keep them from spilling over.

"He won't be causing any more interruptions." Diaz said. He nodded his head at Carlos. "Quit fucking around and search her for a weapon."

Carlos released her and took a step back. He ran his hands down her hips and squatted down as he ran his hands down her legs. She considered kicking him, but she was worried that Diaz would shoot Elliot. Carlos reached into her boot and found the knife, pulling it out and showing it to Diaz.

"Bitch was holding out." He said to Diaz, tossing him the knife.

Diaz seemed to find this funny and he laughed out loud.

Carlos continued his search, running his hand slowly up the inside of her legs, and when he reached the top of her legs, he ran his thumb back and forth across the seam of her jeans. She squirmed beneath his hands and he grabbed the back of her jeans to hold her in place. He laughed then and stood up, running his hands back up her sides and then up and over her breasts, cupping them both and squeezing them before he released her. He snatched her handcuffs and held them up.

"Nothing else on her except these." He came around to stand next to Diaz. "I think I'll save these for later."

Olivia swallowed hard again and then looked to her left to see if she could see Elliot. She caught sight of him in her peripheral vision and she gasped and turned towards him. He was passed out and laying sprawled out on the floor. She rushed over to him and knelt down. "Elliot." She gasped. The side of his face that she could see was covered in blood and he had a black eye. She could see the whole side of his face was beginning to swell. His shirt was ripped and she could see blood on his wrists and hands from where the plastic cuffs had sliced into his skin. She touched the top of his head tentatively, looking for the gash. She leaned down towards him. She moved her fingers along his scalp gingerly and he moaned.

"Elliot." She whispered again and he opened his eyes slightly.

"Liv." He rasped. His voice wheezed and now Olivia couldn't stop the tears from falling.

"Oh God." This was all her fault. If she hadn't insisted they storm in after Diaz, none of this would have happened.

"Did they hurt you?" he rasped out.

"No." She whispered. She couldn't believe he was lying here bleeding and his first thoughts were of her. "No." She wanted to assure him that she was OK.

"Enough!" yelled Diaz. "Get her away from him."

This time it was Javi that grabbed her, wrapping one arm around her waist and lifting her up easily. She kicked her legs against him and dug her fingernails into the skin of the arm he held her with, but he didn't even flinch.

He brought her within a few feet of Diaz and dropped her on her feet. Olivia closed the distance between them and slapped Diaz hard across the face, channeling all of her anger and hurt over Elliot into the effort.

Diaz was surprised by her actions, and he didn't have to say anything before Javi had pulled her back into his grasp. Carlos stepped forward and was about to slap her when Diaz grabbed his arm.

"Hold it." He stood there, looking at her, with a small smile on his face. Before he could say anything, she heard voices and her heart leapt at the thought that Cragen had ignored her and help was on the way. Her hopes were dashed…completely smashed to hell…when she saw their informant walk through the door with another thug holding a gun. She furrowed her brows together, wondering if they had someone found out that he double-crossed them, until she saw him walk up and shake Diaz's hand.

Fuck. They'd been played. Set up.

"Jesus." Said Diaz, shaking his hand.

"I see you got my gift." Martinez said, waving a hand at Elliot. "Now I came to claim my prize." He started to move towards Olivia.

Diaz put a hand on his arm, stopping him. "You did well Jesus." Diaz said. He turned his attention back to Olivia. "Very well. But I've been rethinking our deal."

"What?" said Martinez.

"Well, I didn't appreciate that this cop was such a beautiful woman." Diaz said. "Do you know how much she's worth? How much someone would pay for an hour with a cop?" His eyes dropped down her body and back up again. "Especially one with this body…everyone's fucking dream."

"That wasn't our deal."

Diaz turned back towards him, tearing his eyes from Olivia.

"I'm changing the deal." Diaz said, his voice cold.

Olivia could see that Martinez thought about arguing, but then decided against it. It was almost surreal that these two men were standing her arguing about whose property she was going to be. I have to get out of here. She knew Martinez wasn't going to win this argument and if Diaz kept his hands on her, she was at his mercy.

Olivia heard Elliot rasp her name and she knew he could hear the entire conversation. She turned towards him and saw his eyes were half open, but he was barely conscious. She had to get him medical attention.

She turned back towards Diaz. "He needs medical attention."

Diaz looked at her as if she'd lost her mind. "You're lucky he's still alive."

Olivia's breath hitched, almost wishing she hadn't drawn any attention to him. As if reading her mind, Diaz pulled his gun and aimed it at Elliot.

"No!" she yelled, moving so her body was between Diaz and Elliot.

Diaz laughed again and lowered the gun. "You know what? I think I'm going to let him live. But only because I think it will kill him to never know what happened to you."

His words slammed into her as Javi grabbed her around the waist again. She started kicking and screaming as he started to drag her out of the room.

Elliot lay on the ground helplessly, watching as she was dragged towards the door. She was screaming his name and he tried to move…tried to do anything but he couldn't seem to get his body to function. He was screaming her name in his mind, but no sound was coming out.

Olivia saw Elliot struggling on the ground and then she saw Carlos move over towards him and land a vicious kick to his ribs. She screamed his name one more time before she was dragged out of the room and she lost sight of him.

She was tossed into the back of a black SVU and Javi climbed in after her. She kicked at him as he climbed in and connected with her jaw, but he grabbed her ankle and twisted her leg, forcing her onto the floor. He placed the bottom of his boot on her lower back and pushed down while he grabbed her hair with his hand and tugged it back viciously, forcing her to look up at him over her shoulder. She gasped in pain as tears sprung to her eyes.

"Shut the fuck up and stop fighting me or you're going to be sorry." He snarled at her. He released her hair and her head snapped forward towards the floor. He kept the pressure on her lower back and she was finding it hard to breath.

She focused on her breathing until the truck started moving. She knew she had to track where they were going. Which direction they headed, where they turned…any key landmarks. She looked up to determine what she could see from this angle without drawing attention to what she was doing.

The next thing she knew, Javi was looming over her again, a knee in her back. She felt a cloth being pressed over her nose and mouth and she tore at his hand with her hands, trying to hold her breath. But she was losing the battle. He was too strong. She could feel herself fading until there was only blackness.