Hey everyone!
I know that this isn't a long chapter, but for my next chapter I have two big things that are going to happen, so instead of making this chapter really long, I want to make my next one really long to mostly wrap up the story! I'm going to do one more chapter and then and then a small epilogue!
Once again, I know I'm horrible at getting these done in a timely fashion! I'm finally a senior in college and it is truly kicking my butt this semester along with work study and my actual job outside of school! I'm going on a cruise soon and fully intend to finish this story! I may even start another one. Any ideas on who my main relationships/characters should be?
The next morning, the day of her graduation from Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, Hermione woke up feeling completely relaxed and well-rested. After seeing her parents the night before, her and Severus had come back to Hogwarts quite content. They had stayed up for an hour or so with Hermione thanking him profusely for finding her parents. Severus didn't know how to feel about all the gratitude, but he was taking it in strides since he knew he would do anything for Hermione. They finally went to bed and neither woke up until the sun rose. She took a few minutes to see if the normal morning sickness was going to hit, but when it didn't she decided to get up and get a fresh shower.
Three minutes into her shower, she was happily interrupted by a very naked Severus. He slid into the shower behind her and held Hermione against him. Just the feeling of him naked behind her sent shivers throughout her body. Severus reached around and grabbed her breasts, slightly pinching her sensitive nipples. Upon hearing Hermione moan in pleasure, Severus moved one hand to continue down her body to her center. There he found her already wet for him. He played with her clit for a few moments and then lifted her leg up onto the side of the bathtub and gently pulled her hips back to him. Slowly he grabbed his pulsating, rock hard member and slowly entered her from behind. Severus moved in a slow rhythm that filled Hermione completely. Since they hadn't had sex since the attack, Hermione and Severus both didn't take long to find their release.
Afterwards, Hermione was in complete bliss. She had never felt so happy and completely at ease. Yes, Augustus Rookwood was still on the loose; however, her parents were back in her life and everything else in her life was falling into place. Hermione and Severus finished their shower in a happy silence and exited to get dressed for the long day ahead.
**** Break ****
Graduation was the happy occasion that it should be. Hermione had quickly found Harry, Ron, Draco, and Ginny in the Great Hall before the ceremony was to begin and told them about the night before and about her parents. Of course, they all were excited for her. After she told them, she went looking for her parents. Right as she walked out of the Great Hall, her parents and Professor Dumbledore were walking down the staircase. Just like the night before, there was a lot of hugging and crying. For all involved it was like a dream to be where they were.
Before the graduation ceremony could start without them, Professor Dumbledore ushered them all into the Great Hall along with everyone else standing outside. Everyone took their places; Hermione's parents in the crowd and Hermione and Dumbledore at the magically built stage in the front of the Great Hall. The entire hall was in all of the Hogwarts house colors. However, instead of being separated into sections like usual, they were all intertwined throughout the Hall. School unity had finally came to Hogwarts.
Speeches were made by the Headmaster, then Professor McGonagall, then the Head Girl and Head Boy. When Hermione had walked to the podium to make her speech, there were some whispers and some strange looks at her belly, which was very noticeable even through her dress robes. Hermione ignored them as usual and gave a wonderful speech that left almost everyone clapping in approval once she was done.
After the ceremony was over, Hermione rushed to Severus's side. She was now officially an adult in the wizarding world and she was officially on even ground with Severus. He was no longer her teacher and her his student.