Hi! I want to try something a bit new and different so I decided to do (drumroll please)... a 30 Theme Nali Challenge! I will be perfectly honest and say that I never tried a theme challenge before so if my themes and the drabbles I write are too cliché, weird, or down right horrible, I apologize ahead of time. Do you want to pick the next Nali theme? Well, review this one first and I will be happy to write the next Nali theme drabble for you. Since this is the first one, I'll pick the theme myself and please review it first before requesting yet he next theme. Without further ado, I don't own Fairy Tail and read!

Theme #1: Jokes

"Oi, Lisanna! Wanna hear a joke?" Lisanna Strauss looked up from the table she was cleaning and looked into the eyes of her boyfriend, Natsu Dragneel, who was grinning.

She mirrored his smile. "Sure! What do you have?" She continued cleaning the table.

"Knock knock." Natsu began.

"Who's there?" Lisanna giggled.


"Annie who?"

"Annie Body home!"

The silver-haired girl giggled but the pink haired boy didn't stop there. "Knock knock."

"Who's there?"


"Etch who?"

"Bless you!"

"Knock knock."

"Who's there?" Lisanna sang cheerfully as she moved on to the next table to clean in the guild.

"Old lady."

"Old lady who?"

"Gee, Liz, I didn't know ya can yodel!" Natsu grinned proudly as Lisanna giggled, covering her mouth with her hand.

"You're so cute, Natsu! I'm almost done, so maybe one more?"

"Sure! Knock knock."

"Who's there?"


"Marry who?"

"Marry me..." Natsu went down on one knee, pulling out a ring...


Note: Was it bad? Let me know and I'm sorry that it sucks, please don't hate me and please review!