Hello everybody! Animelover54321 here, and so far to my knowledge this is the FIRST Luffy x FEMALE LUFFY Fanfiction made. Now, before I start the story I'm going to fill you guys in on what happened for this sort of event to occur.

You see, Luffy and his crew was just about to reach the island of Raftel, but at the last minute the Marines ambushed them killing all of the crew members in the process. Luffy who was fighting to his last breath got caught up in an explosion which instead of tearing him apart, transported him to an Alternate Universe, the only difference is that he is a she in that world. Now, that doesn't mean it's going to be like that. If there's enough votes then I am willing to Gender bend some other characters of your choosing. It can be anyone, but only two more, that's it.

So anyways without further interruptions I hope you enjoy this story as much as I enjoy writing it.

Enjoy the Chapter!


Darkness, that was all he could see.

Nothing was heard through his ears, just an empty void as his body floated to who knows where.

He wondered how long he was stuck in this sickening world of emptiness, how long it has been since he last heard the waves of the ocean, the smell of the sea, the laughter of his Nakama, the happiness and search for adventure that filled him.

How long?

He doesn't know, it could be hours, days, weeks, hell even years.

Luffy's eyes seem to be dead as he stared into the nothingness that surrounded him. His thoughts rewinding through the same words since he could first remembering thinking of them.

"I couldn't save them, I couldn't protect them."

He drifted on on for what felt like hours...but then something happened. Something that his senses recognized. Something that could be heard, the smell, the laughter, the joy that filled it. He recognized it to his full being, he slowly turned his head to the direction it was coming from, and out of desperation he began to direct himself to the noise, he kicked and pushed the empty blackness around him in order to get to what he desired the most. He wants it...no.

He needs it.

The sounds of laughter began to grow louder, followed by something else he hasn't heard in awhile...


As he grew closer, his vision began to go white by the blinding light that revealed itself to him. The next thing he knew, the next thing he felt, was something soft and smooth, something colored red.

It was a carpet.

He slowly picked himself up, his Straw hat dangling on his back as it laid hooked around his neck. His vision fully came back to him as he looked around in wonder on where he was. It seemed like a ballroom, located on a ship. He could tell it was on a ship since he felt the very small moving of the waves under his feet.

But something of this ballroom seemed familiar, no it wasn't the ballroom. It was the entire ship to be exact. Luffy couldn't help but wonder why this place seemed so familiar.

He walked on, his clothing from his own world still useful to be worn since it hasn't been torn up, he still wore his long red sleeved shirt that left his chest exposed along with his scar, and the same casual blue shorts he always remembered wearing.

His eyes laid on mountainous stacks of food, but to his surprise he didn't feel hungry. No, what he wanted was answers, not food.

He was walking up to an Orange haired female, he couldn't help but feel that he's seen this person before, just as he was about to get the womans attention, someone barged into the room in fear causing all of the commotion in the room to stop.

"P-Pirates." The managed wheezed out as he tried to catch his breath.

The seems to be captain of the ship raised an eyebrow in concern, as well as curiousity for what he said earlier since he couldn't quite hear it. "Are you alright? What did you say earlier?"

"P-Pirates!" The man managed to yell causing everyone in the room to tense up besides Luffy and a certain Orange haired woman. "They're comi-"

He was cut off as three cannonballs made contact with the ship, forcing everyone to tumble and fall as they try to keep their balance.

Luffy ran to the window to get a better view on who's raiding this ship. To his shock and confusion he saw that same flag he first encountered when he first sailed out to sea in search of One Piece. The flag of Iron Mace Alvida.

"What in the Pirate Kings name is going on here?!" Luffy mumbled, his eyes twitching in annoyance at having so many questions popping up in his head.

Alvidas ship parked next to the ship he was on, the crew under her wing boarded the ship as it began to raid and capture civilians and sailors taking away all of their valuables.

Luffy managed to hide well enough for them to pass by, as soon as he they were out of sight he made his way to the door. Luffy peeked around the corner and to his gratitude there was no one in sight, he began to make his way down the hall searching for a way off the ship, but during that he heard a sound of foot steps approaching him from around the corner, acting quickly he dived into a nearby room to avoid the approaching person.

Luffy left the door slightly open enough for him to peek and get a view of what the person looked like, to his excitement yet confusion once more he saw Coby passing by rolling a barrel, but this Coby was the whiny scared brat he once knew, not the stronger willed Coby that he knew in the Marines.

He decided to tail him, to make sure he's safe and to help him get out of Alvidas hands once more.

"Questions later." Luffy thought. "First help Coby and get off this goddamn ship."

Luffy continued to tail Coby, but for a second he found his eyes drifting to the barrel he was rolling. Something about that barrel seemed familiar to him, hell there was a lot of things that seem familiar to him all of a sudden.

"Wait a minute." Luffy thought, his eyes slightly widening in realization. "That's the barrel I was in when I arrived on this ship. But if I'm here, then who's inside? Well, that's if there is anyone inside in the first place."

Before he could think on any further possibilities, he felt three more people coming by, he quickly hid but in the same time watched Coby as he was stopped by three of his other crew mates.

"Oi Coby, why are sneaking around." One of the pirates ask as he notices the barrel. "And why the barrel as well, you weren't thinking on taking this for yourself were you?"

Coby immediately responded waving his hands in front of him. "Nonono, I would never think of hiding this from any of you guys."

"Good, because I'm getting kind of thirsty, and this barrel would do fine on filling me up." His two buddy's chuckled, agreeing with their crewmate.

"Wait, but won't Alvida get mad if she figured out we took a barrel without her permission." Coby tried to reason.

"Don't worry." The pirate grinned as he cracks his knuckles trying to intimidate Coby, and obviously succeeding. "She won't know if you don't open your mouth, are we clear?"

Coby nodded in fear as he backed away from the barrel.

"Alright, imma bust this thing open, stand back." He raised his fist as he aimed it toward the tip of the barrel.

Luffy watched intensely, wondering if anyone was actually in there or if it was probably just another empty barrel floating in the sea.

As the man brought his fist down, someone popped up out of the barrel punching the pirate in the face knocking him out, that someone was female.

"Aaah! That was a great nap!" Her voice was filled with excitement and joy, it was also one of the most beautiful and delicate sounds Luffy has ever heard, it all lasted until a piece of wood smacked his head forcing him to fall down on his butt.

"What the hell!" The two remaining Alvida pirates yelled in shock.

The girl noticed that there was someone knocked out on the floor before turning to the two pirates. "You shouldn't leave your friend there."

"Who the hell do you think put him there!" The two yelled simultaneously. The two growled as they took out their swords. "Grr, we'll show you, you bitch."

"I wouldn't do that if I were you." She spoke with a straight face.

The two pirates ignored her warning and decided to attack her, they ended up with two broken swords and bumps on their heads as they were knocked out.

Coby stood by watching in shock that this girl managed to take down three of Alvidas pirates with ease. But before he could say anything, the two heard someone groan in slight pain.


The two conscious people turned their gaze to a man was rubbing his head.

"Man that hurt." Luffy groaned as he rubbed his head. He caught sight of the mysterious girl and noticed that she dressed similar to how he was in the beginning of his adventure as a pirate. "Who the hell are you."

"Shishishi, I'm Lunna. And I'm going to become Queen of the Pirates."


And Done!

That's the first chapter finished.

How did you like it guys, I would like to know your thoughts on this first chapter if you wouldn't mind letting me know.

Imma start a poll if you guys want me to start a poll on whether to gender bend two character or not.

It will be a yes or no question.

The options on who you want to be Gender bend will be released on the next chapter.

So anyways, have a good night or day guys and I'll see you guys in the next chapter.
