She was the most wild and most beautiful young woman you could have seen. My one and only pink lotus. We met at age 9 and were friends by the instant. Of course she was aggravating and I was the child sitting alone in the corner, but as we became older she was always there. Who knew I would fall for her so instantly.


"Nora, your babbling." I had interrupted rubbing my throbbing head.

"Hehe.. Sorry." She shot around the room preparing for what was the biggest day of our lives. At least at the time.

"Do I look ok? I mean this is the best thing that has ever happened to me! I mean besides you Ren your my best friend who knows where I would be without you. Anyways though this. Is. HUGE!"

She had continued to talk as I stood there wearing the graduation uniform and being a young adult I couldn't help staring the way hers fit perfectly along her curves. I had eventually snapped out of my illusion to Nora giving me a teasing smirk.

"Your staring Ren." She said with that cheerful bright smile upon her face.

"Sorry.." Is all I could have said.

"Guessing that means I look awesome!" She took unintentional staring into a compliment as she stormed out of the room with joy. She was always like that, my Nora. Always staying on the bright side.

We walked together towards the gym where graduation was being held, Nora was riding on my back like a small child. Squealing with excitement the whole way.

"Team JNPR please come to the stage." Professed Ozpin announced.

We were all jittery and nervous as we all approached the stage.

"Jaune Ark.. You have done well through the years and Improved greatly. I am happy to see you graduate strong." He had said rather blank as he hand him the rolled up sheet of paper and shook Jaune's hand lightly before signaling for him to the stage.

"Nora Valkyrie.." Nora jumped to his side with her clear blue excited eyes bouncing up and down. "You are a strong one.. And prove well in battle. You deserve it." She joyfully took her paper and had shook Ozpins hand rapidly and it sent his glasses of balance. She shot off stage and watched with enthusiasm.

"Pyrrha Nikos.. Your skills in battle have proved rather well along with your intelligence and the semblance you carry. I am proud to give you... A powerful huntress this Honor." Pyrrha gladly accepted then went of stage as well.

That was it. It was my time. I was ready to graduate. He called my name and I stood from the chair on stage and approached The Professor with my head held high. "Lie, Ren.. You proved well in your intelligence, strategy, and team work. You have proved your right to graduate today." He then offered me my scroll and took my hand broadly and shook it with a strong firm grip. Nora cheering for me the whole time. I Exited the stage and Ozpin gave his last remarks and ended the ceremony with loud cheers.

Nora ran from her chair she had been assigned to and leapt into my arms. For the first time in a long time she was crying... Sobbing with joy as I held her in my arms. "We did it Ren!" She whispered into my ear. It was hard to hear over the crowd, but Those words echoed through my mind that day. And what happened next I would never forget.

I lowered her to the ground our eyes were staring into each others. The next instant I rapped my arm around her and pressed my lips on hers. She hesitated at first, then she leaned toward me accepting. Ruby was screeching in the background, but we didn't seem to care.

She was finally mine, friendship borders didn't hold me back anymore, for I had built her a castle for her to be queen and me king and that border, now protected the kingdom in which he built.

"I love you Nora. I love you so much." Is all I said as I embraced her fully.

"I love you too."

and it begins...