Team Fortress Industries P.S.T.B.S

Private Special Training for Battle Situations

Name: N/A

Gender: Female

Class: Pyro

Date of Birth: N/A

Country of Origin: N/A

Height: 5'10.5" (1.79 m)

Weight: 106 lbs (48.08 kg)

Mental Diagnosis: Pyromania, Schizophrenia, Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), Insomnia, Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), Imbecile to Moron by Medical Terminology of Dr. Henry H. Goddard* (IQ: 28 [last tested 1965])

Physical Diagnosis: Malnourished, Severe Hematoma

Other comments: Responds well to physical pain and threat of separation of Dell Conagher (RED Engineer).

Edited Journal Entries



This place is full of light. The earth is orange. The sky is blue. Like Oliver's shirt. They gave me a red one. I like red.

It is hot here too. I want the cold air boxes…


Pauling says I will see him soon. But I have to be ready for work when I do.

I asked her how long.

She said soon.

It sounds like a long time.

Oliver says it will go quick as long as we have fun.



I get my own room. It has red walls. The sheets are pink. The desk is brown. The floor is white. That is ok.

Oliver's room is blue. He says he likes it. I like it. He smiles a lot.

Pauling said that there was one more person who would be training with us. He comes tomorrow at lunch. She says I know him.

Oliver asked me who it was. I said I didn't know.



My food tastes good. I like the sweet things. Oliver says I won't be in shape if I keep eating chocolate.

I said it tasted good.

He said it wasn't good for me.

Someone was yelling.

I know that voice. I looked all around.

I saw the man with the metal bowl for a hat.

He was wearing red.

He saw me. He walked up to me and hit me on my back.

It hurt. He was smiling.

He said I was a good American for escaping the asylum and made Washington proud.

He showed me his raccoon.

His name is Lieutenant Bites.

I said I was like the raccoon.

Both of us are cute.

Oliver frowned.

The man smiled.

He said he was Soldier.



Men in white coats did tests like they did in the big white house and the grey room.

They didn't stay long.

They said a lot of big words.

Oliver said it was a basic check up.

I asked what malnourished meant.

He said I wasn't taken care of properly.

I asked what was proper.

He said I should have a family.

A Ma and a Dad.

Maybe brothers and sisters.

He said I should live in a house with them.

He said they would take care of me if I did have that.

I said I don't think I had that.

He said nothing.

Soldier said he had a girlfriend.

But she sent him a Dear John letter.

I asked what that meant.

He said she found some other guy to marry while he was fighting the Nazis.

I asked if it made him sad.

He said no.

She wasn't patriotic enough for him.



I am in the middle room.

Oliver is my right.

Soldier is my left.

Soldier tells me about Europe.

He says it was a dark place full of mean people.

People he had to fight.

He said that they took him and made him hurt.

He said I should never let someone hurt me.

As an American, I should be strong.

Oliver talks about his family.

He says his Ma was a liar.

I said I didn't like liars.

He said he didn't like liars either.

I said people were always mean from the outside.

He got upset.

He said he was from the outside.

I said no.

He is in the inside.

Like me.

Like Soldier.

He asked me if I thought he was insane.

I said he was as sane as me.

Oliver was quiet.



Today we were by a big bathtub.

It could fit a hundred people!

Oliver said it was a swimming pool.

Oliver jumped in.

It made a big splash.

Soldier jumped in too, yelling.

I looked down at the water.

Something was wrong.

It was so big.

Why was a bathtub so big?

I put my foot in.

Too cold.

I didn't like it.

Why did I need to go in?

I already had a bath.

Soldier told me to get in.

He called me weak for saying no.

I jumped in.

Something was wrong.

The water hurt my throat and nose and eyes.

I couldn't go up.

I couldn't say anything.

It hurt.


I woke up.

I hurt all over.

I coughed and threw up water.

Oliver was over me.

He looked weird.

He looked "scared"

I shook my head.

I said ow.

I did not like this swimming pool.

Oliver laughed, but water came out of his eyes.

I made him sad.

I gave him a hug.

I said no more water, please.

Soldier got me a fluffy cloth and said I need to dry off.

I was warm.

Oliver hugged me hard.



Oliver stays near me.

He doesn't like me going by myself anywhere.

I said he doesn't have to be "scared."

I am ok.

He still looks "scared."

Oliver said I am his sister.

But not his sister.

I asked him why he said that.

He said I was the only person to look at him as he is.

I don't know what that means.

But he said that was a good thing.



Oliver was not at training.

I found Oliver in his room.

We were not together all day.

He looked sad.

I asked him why.

He said he needed a hug.

I have him one.

He didn't want to let go.

It was a really long hug.

He held on tight.

He was shaking.

I asked why he was sad.

He said we were enemies.

I asked what that meant.

He didn't answer.



Soldier said I was slow today.

I don't know why.

I was tired.

Really tired.

I felt sick.

My head really hurt.

My tummy hurt too.

When we ran, I felt funny.

I stopped running.

I threw up.

I was hurting.

Soldier came back and stood by me.

I felt wet.

A man came up to me.

He took me away.

He was had white and blue clothes.

He talked to me.

His teeth were too straight.

His eyes are blue.

I don't like this blue.

Its mean.

He smiled too wide.

We went to a white room.

He looked me over.

He asked me questions.

He said no more training today.

I asked what was wrong.

He said I had hit puberty.

I asked what that was.

He said my body was growing healthy enough to be like other girls.

He said it mostly happens to girls younger than Oliver.

He said that my body was too sick to be normal for a long time.

I asked if I was going to die.

He laughed.

He said no.

He told me lots of things.

His mood changed a lot.

And very fast.

I told Soldier what happened.

He made a face when I talked about the blood.



I hurt all over.

I feel squishy.

I feel gross.

I am mad.

I am sad.

I am giddy.

I am sad.

I am…nothing.



I threw up.

I feel bad.

I don't like Soldier.

He is loud.

I want Dell.



The wild mood doctor came back.

He asked how I felt.

I said not good.

He said I would be fine.

He said this was normal.

He said most girls cope.

I asked what that meant.

He said girls move around it.

I asked how I could get rid of it.

He looked at he surprised.

I said I don't like this "puberty".

I want it gone.

He said that I can't get rid of it right now.

Said he would have to get permission.

I don't care.

I don't want it.





Oliver gave good hugs.

So did Dell



I want Dell.



Miss Pauling came to see me.

She said I needed to get to training.

I said I hurt.

She said the administrator wanted me back in training.

I said I hurt.

She said if I don't train I won't see Dell.

I said take it away.

Take the blood and pain away.

She was quiet.

She left.




Pauling came back.

Said the wild mood man will take pain away.

As long as I train.

I said fine.

Just get rid of the hurt.



I was taken to the white room.

It smelled like the big white house.

A different doctor was there.

He smiled too big too.

He looked too happy with those tiny knives.

I don't like him.

He told me to lie down.

I did.


I woke up.

There is a big cut on my tummy.

Black string was crossed over it.

I moved.

It hurt.

He used large words.

I asked him what he was talking about.

He said I was sterilized.

I asked what that meant.

He said I can't have kids.

I asked where babies come from.

He laughed.

He didn't answer me.

I don't like him even more.



I talked to Soldier.

He said that was our medic.

The doctor for our side.

I don't like him.

Soldier called him a Nazi.

I don't like Nazis.



My stomach hurts.

I can't go anywhere.

They say I need to heal.


Miss Pauling said two weeks.

And then training.



Soldier visits me often.

He asked me if I wanted anything as a patriot.

I said I wanted to go outside.

He said soon.

I don't like this word "soon"



Soldier is loud.

He says things that are weird.

He doesn't make sense anymore.

He used to.

Now he doesn't.

I want to know why.



I asked Miss Pauling why.

She said nothing.



The medic with knives came back.

I asked him why Soldier was strange now.

He said he didn't know.

He is lying.

I asked for the truth.

He was quiet.

He said it was better I not know.




My tummy still hurts.

But I still train.

They say I need to get stronger.

They say I need to be tough.

Soldier says I need to be round.

He is talking weird.

I asked why he was being weird.

He said he was speaking with the freedom of America.

I asked why.

He said because it was right.

He looked at me funny.

He asked who I was.

He doesn't remember me…



Pauling came to my room.

She gave me a uniform.

It felt funny.

Like rubber.

She said I needed to wear this.

I asked why.

She said to get used to it.

She said battle would be hard if I didn't get used to it.

I asked why I needed to wear it.

She said my rainbows not only touch others, but me too.

I looked down at my hands.

She said the uniform would stop that.

She said it would stop the hurt.

I put it on.

It was big on me.

She said I would get used to it.

It wasn't soft.

I wanted to be soft.

Dell was soft…



My chest hurts.

So does my legs and arms.

But I am not so tired.



I saw Oliver today.

Oliver tells me they are training him too.

He says they are making him run father every day.

He says they want him to be as fast as possible.

I asked why.

He said so we could play tag better.



The uniform isn't so loose anymore.

I'm not so bon-ee Soldier says.

He says I am stronger.

But I still cant run as fast as Oliver.

I wanna play tag.

But we never see each other.



They give me a new toy.

It's very big.

They tell me that it makes rainbows.

I do as they tell me.

The entire room is full of rainbows.

All over the walls.

The ceilings.

The people.

But the people don't die.

They always come back.

I feel happy.



Miss Pauling said I needed to meet someone.

Someone very important.

I asked her who it was.

The administrator.

The real Purple Lady.