Okay, so I just found this out recently, but apparently a user named MarichatCatty1977 has copied Extremely Naughty on wattpad and passed off the story as theirs. To be honest, I should've seen this coming but I never expected any of my stories to be stolen. Like...at all. And I don't know how to claim my story on wattpad because my username there doesn't correspond with my username here because I created my wattpad account like 3 years ago when I was 13. Miraculous didn't exist yet.

Anyway, I don't really know how to get this person to remove the story online, and it already has so many views, and I don't know what to do. I need help, because this has never really happened to me before and I don't know what to do...

If you're curious to know, my wattpad name is Chachoo1.

Also, on a less important note, THOSE OF YOU WHO KEEP ASKING WHERE THE SEQUEL IS, THAT STORY HAS BEEN UP FOR ALMOST A YEAR! IT'S CALLED EXTREMELY NICE. Literally I get reviews that ask, "why did you leave us on a cliffhanger?" or "where's the sequel?" The sequel has been up since like February or March of last year, you really shouldn't be asking me this. If you click my username, it should be there.

But seriously, someone help me with this wattpad thing, cuz i dunno what to do.

-Miraculous Fanatic

Update: The story is called Sexual Night~Marichat, and I just created ANOTHER wattpad account with my fanfiction username. All in five minutes. Heh. But seriously, if you come across this story, report it stolen or something cuz i don't know what to do!