I do not own The Outsiders. S.E. Hinton does :)
So this new story is an overprotective brother story – Ponyboy being the one that's protected ;) This story will mainly be based around suggestions, so if you think of something, tell me and it might be written! Hope you all enjoy the story :)

Ponyboy Curtis, was…small. He was a lot smaller than all of the other kids in his grade…no, in his school in-fact. Being the youngest kid in the whole high school had its downfalls, but it was even worse when you're small anyway. Not to mention people never believed him when he told them his age was thirteen, or when people thought he was a little kid.

A group of socs were standing around, discussing girls, while Ponyboy stood waiting for Two-Bit. He didn't really like riding with Two-Bit; he drove too fast and his car smelt of tobacco and alcohol. Ponyboy smirked; how his big brothers would kill Two-Bit if Ponyboy touched even a drop of his alcohol. His smirk faded however, when he thought about what would happen when his brothers would turn to him. There'd be a lot of yelling for sure, and Ponyboy dreaded to think of what would happen after. Maybe they'd ground him for life, or ban him from TV until he grew up.

Wait…when would Darrel and Sodapop Curtis ever let their baby brother grow up? Ponyboy groaned.

"I'm telling you, chicks dig little brothers. All's you have to do is get Sam over here, and I guarantee you those broads will be running over to you like a dog to its bone," one of them explained to his friend; a senior in a madras shirt.

The senior rolled his eyes; being friends with freshmen was really annoying sometimes since they thought they understood everything going on with the seniors lives when they really didn't.

"Uh-huh, and my little brother would tell me to…" he went on to say some real foul cuss words that all of his friends laughed at. The other seniors only had little sisters and baby brothers (who really were babies), and the freshmen and sophomores had more older siblings than younger, except for one freshman who had a nine-year-old brother, but his brother was obedient so there was no problem with him.

Ponyboy sighed; school had finished almost twenty minutes ago and Two-Bit was still nowhere in sight. The youngest Curtis didn't understand why his brothers wouldn't just let him walk home; he knew the way and knew that if anything happened he'd just call them. Though last time he had ignored that rule he'd been in a lot of trouble. Perhaps it was best to just wait a little longer.

But one of the socs spotted him and patted his buddy's shoulder. When the senior in madras looked at his friend, he was directed to Ponyboy, who was standing by a lamppost, kicking the ground.

"The chicks would go mad for him," the senior's friend said, pointing to a group of socy girls and then pointing back to Ponyboy. The senior raised his eyebrows, staring straight at Ponyboy.

The boy was dressed in a pair of overalls, and underneath he was wearing a blue shirt that had dark dots on it. His hair was as long as a greaser's, though there was no grease in his auburn hair. Then the soc remembered who the boy was: he'd seen him at the DX before – he hung out with greasers.

"He's a grease though," the soc sighed, crossing his arms across his chest. The socs stared at Ponyboy and noticed that his hair was quite long, however nobody would really be able to tell that he was a greaser; like he wasn't wearing a leather jacket or anything, and there was no grease in his hair.

"Nobody will notice," one of the socs reassured.

In a rush of boredom, Ponyboy turned around to see if any action was going on outside of school. There weren't many people left; just a group of girls and two groups of boys – one group socs, the other greasers. He considered heading over to the gang of greasers; he knew that none of them would say anything nasty to him, since they all knew Sodapop and Darry and knew that they'd be killed if they were to upset their baby brother, however his eyes stopped on the gang of socs. They were all staring at him. All of them.

The boy turned around quickly, hoping if he looked away then they'd stop looking. But he could feel their eyes on him, and he didn't like it one bit. He hated it.

"Look, he's seen us now. Might as well just go over," Eddie, a sophomore said to his older friend. "What's the worst he's gonna do, James?"

"What do I even say?" James asked. "Hey, wanna pretend to be my little brother? I just wanna get a date."

"Say that," another said. "I mean, it's the truth."

James sighed, unsure of what to do. He didn't want to go over to the kid, but he didn't want to look like a chicken in-front of his friends either. After a minute of inwardly debating with himself, he decided he'd go over to the kid.

"Ya'll are comin' with me," he mumbled, approaching the young boy. The others followed, smirking at their friend.

Ponyboy heard their footsteps and gulped. Damn, if he was just allowed to walk home…and where the heck was Two-Bit?! If he got beaten up, he'd blame his brothers as well as the rusty-haired greaser. His life just wasn't fair.

"Hey," James called, noticing the way Ponyboy stiffened. The boy turned around and faced all five socs. "We ain't gonna hurt ya or nothin'; I just need a favor is all."

"What kind of favor?" Ponyboy asked suspiciously, narrowing his eyes. He wanted to look intimidating, though whenever he did that he usually ended up getting laughed or cooed at. It was worth a shot though.

James bit his lip before answering. "I need you to pretend to be my little brother. Just for a few minutes, I promise. There's this girl I like, and well-"

"All chicks dig little brothers," Ponyboy smirked, nodding his head. "I know the drill."

The socs all looked at each other, and then James turned back to Ponyboy again. "Yeah…well, think you can help me out?" he asked, and Ponyboy noticed how desperate the soc looked. He no longer felt afraid before; it was actually quite funny.

"What's in it for me?" the boy questioned, crossing his arms.

James furrowed his eyebrows before taking out his wallet. "How much do ya want?"

If this was anyone else, they probably would have been thrilled that a soc was giving them money. But due to Darry and Sodapop's overprotective nature, they would want to know exactly where that money came from, and Ponyboy didn't want to explain that he had helped a soc win a date by posing as their little brother. So he came up with the perfect payment that didn't involve money.

"No, I don't want money," he said. James put his wallet back. "Here's the deal: I pretend to be your little brother for a few minutes and help you get a date, and when I'm done, all of you will leave the greasers alone for a whole week." All of the socs faces dropped.

James turned to his friends, however he thought about Monica: the beautiful girl with the nice dresses. She was friends with Cherry Valance, and you had to be pretty to be friends with that girl. He knew then that he was desperate, and he really was willing to do anything.

"Alright; just one week, right?" All of the other socs glared at him, but one dirty look from him shut them all up. He was a senior after all. Ponyboy smiled.

"Depends: how many girls you askin' out?"

"Just one," James answered.

"Okay then, one week," the small greaser smiled. James muttered a cuss word under his breath but smiled back at Ponyboy. They were ready to go.

All of the girls looked at Monica when the boys approached them. Monica blushed; James just wouldn't leave her alone. However, her eyebrows rose when she saw a young boy standing close to James. She smiled at him; he was adorable.

"Monica," James started. Monica looked at him. "Wanna go out with me tomorrow night? Hear there's some good movies playing," he said. Monica sighed. Everybody stared at them.

"James, I just don't think-" she was cut off by Ponyboy.

"Please give my brother a chance," he begged, putting on the most adorable face he could muster. "He talks about you all the time, Monica. He really likes you. He's a good guy."

All of the soc boys stared at Ponyboy while the girls all cooed over him. He waited a moment, and then cracked a grin at them, tilting his head to the side. The girls nearly collapsed.

Monica, who was pink by now, raised her eyebrows at James. "Alright, James, I'll come with you."

Ponyboy smiled, however when he saw Two-Bit's car pull up he instantly felt his stomach turn. What would Two-Bit do if he saw Ponyboy with a bunch of socs? Or even worse, what would Sodapop and Darry do if Two-Bit told them?

The boy waited until everybody was distracted, and then quickly darted out of the crowd and towards Two-Bit's car. He jumped in the backseat (Darry and Soda hated him being in the front) and shut the door loudly. Two-Bit looked over his shoulder at the boy.

"I'm sorry, Pony. Just got caught up. Please don't tell your brothers," Two-Bit pleaded. Ponyboy nodded.

"Let's just go," the boy ordered. Two-Bit smiled and turned back around, and then started driving.

Ponyboy looked out the window and saw some of the socs were looking around, no doubt for him. The girls seemed disappointed that he wasn't there so they couldn't pinch his cheeks or pet his head, but Ponyboy wasn't bothered by that. He just wanted the socs to keep their promise.

He didn't want Darry and Sodapop to find out either.

AN: There was the first chapter – I hope you enjoyed. So please leave suggestions as the story will most probably be based around them. If you have an idea just review :) I'll try to update as soon as possible, as long as there are enough suggestions :D