I know...and I am really sorry...I have let you guys down and I hope you are not too disappionted in me...

what am I doing?

I was currently in a cab on my way to the bar with the fancy neon lights and the bouncer outside,but why? I was expecting me to stay home maybe watch a little bit of Golden Girls and drink some alcoholic eggnog while I lounge away on my leather couch. Well apparently not.

Flashback of last night

"So Austin." His name is so easy on my tongue ,so smooth so sexy. "What made you decide that you want to own a bar, hmm?" He did not even give it a second thought. With a shy smile he spoke confidently and with knowledge. "To be honest, I never pictured myself as an owner of a business."

"Then what did you picture yourself as?" His smile never fading and his eyes now locked with mine. "I wanted to be a singer." I was taking back. Well, he did have the gorgeous good looks and what I could tell from how tight the shirt fitted around his muscular arms he certainly had the body to be a singer, but the real question now was did he have the voice...The talent? "Sing for me."

"Excuse me?" I could see he was definitely surprised by my request. "You heard me. Sing for me." His smile soon returned along with a low chuckle. "Ally dear, it is much too loud for me to be singing in here and besides, how do I know you can handle a voice like mine?"

"Cocky aren't we?" Well to be fair, I was also a little bit unusual but that would be the cause of the amount of alcohol in my system by now. "I tell you what, if you sing for me I'll-" I was scanning the room trying to think of something I would do in return but nothing came to mind. "I'll do anything you ask me to do" Okay now that would be the alcohol speaking ,because ordinary Ally Dawson doesn't do dares, and sometimes can't even do a truth! His eyebrow raised as curiosity sparked up inside of him. "Anything?"

"Yup! You ask and I'll do."

"You've got yourself a deal sweetheart."

"Okay great!" I sat in my seat and awaited to hear is voice, ready to give my judgment if needed, but he just continued to serve other customers. "Umm hello?"

"Hi Ally."

"What gives? I thought we had a deal?"

"Oh we do, but you see the thing is you never told me when to sing for you so that means I get to decide."

My jaw was slightly agape. How could I have been so stupid? "But, when will I see you again to be able to retrieve my end of the deal?" He just shrugged as he continued to hand a man two more beers. "You'll just have to come here more often I guess." He said as he gave me a wink and left to go help a customer on the far end of the bar. I sat there in the same bar chair for what felt like hours. drinking, looking out into the crowd while drinking. Man was I a fish tonight!

"Ally here you are!" Trish said as she approached me. "Where have you been?"


"You've been sitting at the bar for the past hour and a half?" A hour and a half, was it really that short time. It felt much longer to be honest. "Why haven't you been mingling?"

"Well maybe because I wasn't in the mood?" Trish took a hold of my wrist and started dragging me towards the dace floor where she gave me orders to dace up and with any cute guy I see. I was hardly dancing when someone suddenly grabbed my hips and started dancing up against me from behind. It was weird and I felt uncomfortable. I tried pushing him away but that became a hard task for his hold on me was stronger than what it felt like. "Common babe, just let loose and dance with me." He said as I suddenly could feel how his grip got tighter and his dancing against me got rougher. "I don't want to dace." I said as I threw my drink into his face. I took the opportunity and escaped as soon as he let go of my hips. Finding my way back to the bar I see that there is luckily a seat open. "Is this seat taken." I ask the bar tender as I take my seat. "Not at all miss, make yourself at home."

"Not that it's any of my business but where did you disappear off to?" I gave an innocent shrug. "My friend wanted me to mingle and let's just say that didn't work out as best as she had hoped."

"Why? What happened?"

"Oh you know the usual. The guy is to drunk so he gropes up any girl he can find and forces her to throw and waist a good drink by throwing it at his face. Nothing new."

"Well seeing as you complimented my drink and you were rudely harassed I shall give you a new drink. On the house."

"Thank you!"

For the rest of the night I stayed seated at the bar while talking to the very attractive bartender that so happened to own the bar.

End of flashback

I was suddenly brought out of my thoughts as the cab came to a very uneasy stop. I looked out of the window and there it was. The bright neon lights with the big scary bouncer standing outside. "Keep the change."

I took in a very hesitant breath as I stood in front of the big double-decker door. "In or out mam." The bouncer said holding the door open for me. I glanced up at the bright lights and peeked into the busy bar. "In." The place was busy, packed even. The bar was full which caused my heart to sink into my stomach. Mainly because the soul reason why I even came to this place was because I had hoped to see him again. I know, I know it sounds stupid but last night was fun! Really fun and it wasn't because I was drinking, no. It was because I had been speaking to him.

Finally I spot a lock of bleach blonde hair by the crowded bar. I quickly make my way through the sea of people as plop myself down onto a seat at the end of the bar. "One vodka and keep em coming." He suddenly looks up at me and I am once again meted with that pearly white smile of his. "Ally. You're back?"

"Of course I'm back. How else am I going to retrieve my end of the deal if I don't see you?"

His smile never fading as he handed me my drink. "Oh, so you remember that do you?"

"I might have been a little bit drunk last night, but Allyson Dawson never forgets a deal." I was being flirty, why was I being this flirty?

He gave a small chuckle and shook his head. "Dawson, that's a lovely surname you got there Allyson."

"Why thank you Austin I would say the same but see I don't really know your last name"

"Moon. Austin Moon." Really? Was everything about him sexy as hell or is it just me?

And well that's the end of that. I really hope you all enjoyed it. Sorry again and I hope you all had a Merry Christmas !