This is a two parter! Also, my first time writing Cat Grant which was terrifying and exciting. The second part should hopefully be up soon!

"Come on, come on, come on."

Kara had exactly seven minutes and fourteen seconds to order Ms. Grant's latte, run three blocks to CatCo, and be at her desk with prints in hand. Normally, she had fourteen minutes to do all that but since she decided to watch yet another episode of Orphan Black, her nightly routine was thrown off and she was in bed two hours later than the normal time. So really, it was her fault…but it was also kind of the slow barista's fault and the people who had no idea what to order's fault. How could someone possibly wait in line for close to ten minutes and have no idea what to order?!


No, no, no. She had to be hearing things. That could not be Cat Grant's angry voice floating through the crowded Starbucks. Kara shook her head and adjusted her glasses, taking a large step forward when someone tried to cut in front of her.

"I was here!" she said politely when the man tried yet again to sidestep his way in the insufferably long line.

"I have places to be!"

"Well, so do I!" Kara fought back.

"Kiera! I have been yelling your name for thirty seconds. Have you gone deaf since I last saw you?"

Kara's eyes widened so much, she looked like a cartoon character. She reluctantly spun around and came face to face with her boss. "Ms. Grant! What are you doing here? I, I'm so close to getting your latte."

Beneath her large, bug-eyed sunglasses, Cat rolled her eyes. "Forget about the latte, Kiera. Come with me please."

Kara felt like a child again as she stepped out of line and followed Cat out of Starbucks with her head tilted down toward the floor. "I wasn't going to be late, I swear! I overslept because I decided to stay up way past my bedtime and it threw everything off. Please don't fire me!"

"Stop. Stop talking," Cat demanded with a flip of her hand. She lowered her sunglasses a bit and watched her assistant shut her mouth rather quickly. "I received a call from a man that works with your sister. He had a rather deep, Morgan Freeman-esque voice. Is he single?"

"Um, Ms. Grant, I don't…is my sister okay?" She double checked her phone and felt her heart nearly leap out of her throat when there were eight missed calls from Hank.

Cat's features softened at the break in Kara's voice. "From what I gathered, your sister collapsed at work. She's in the hospital."

Kara's first instinct was to cry. But since Cat was absolutely against her employees showing any emotion in front of her, she bit her lip and stood up straighter. "I, I don't understand. Alex is always careful at work. What happened?"

"I don't know, Kiera. I'm not a secretary," Cat sighed in annoyance. "Something about her appendix rupturing."

"What, what does that mean? That doesn't sound good! Is she going to die?"

"Kiera!" Cat snapped. "Stop the babbling. Come with me and Raul will drive us to the hospital."


Kara could get to National City Hospital in thirty seconds flat. Traveling in a car right during rush hour would take at least fifteen to twenty minutes.

"No, Ms. Grant, that's okay," Kara began nervously, shaking her head. "It's probably faster if I walk."

"Nonsense," Cat argued curtly. She peered down at Kara's feet in disgust. "You can't run in those cheap shoes. Come on. In you go."

Kara let Cat push her in the luxurious white limo and climbed to the far side of the window. She put on her seat belt and placed her elbows on her knees to desperately try and get them to stop shaking so much. She felt Cat staring at her.

"Look, I'm sure your sister will be just fine," Cat said dully. She rolled the partition down halfway. "Raul, take us to National City Hospital. Take the back roads and if you even think about stopping at a yellow light, you're fired."

Raul didn't even get a chance to respond as Cat quickly rolled the partition back up.

"Text that handsome hobbit Quinn and let him know that both you and I will be out of the office today. God help me for saying this, but he's in charge."

Kara swallowed past the lump in her throat. "Ms. Grant, you don't need to come with me. I'm fine. I'll be fine."

"The lilt in your voice tells me otherwise, Kiera," Cat said simply, her eyes never leaving the compact mirror she was looking in to apply her lipstick. "Do it. Now."

Kara shakily pulled out her phone and texted Winn some long winded message about Alex, Cat and the hospital. There were a lot of typos and ridiculous auto corrects but it was the last thing on her mind. Winn would figure it out. After all, he did go to Yale.

They arrived at the hospital in less than ten minutes. Kara was quite impressed.

"Thank you," Kara whispered to Raul when he opened the door and helped her out of the car. "And thank you for not hitting that fat squirrel when he came out of nowhere. He probably had a family to feed."

Raul laughed and titled his head. "Good luck with your sister, Ms. Danvers."

Kara nodded in thanks and stared at Cat in confusion when she clambered out of the same side of the car. "No, Raul, I'm fine."

Raul helped Cat steady herself on the ground. "Let's go, Kiera."

"Ms. Grant, you don't need-"

"Raul, I'll call you when I need you. Shoo."

Kara trailed behind Cat when they entered the stuffy emergency room. She could see the look of disgust on her boss' face when their ears were assaulted with crying babies and disgusting coughs.

"That's a crack cough, Kiera," Cat staged whispered to Kara as she held on to her forearm. "Don't make eye contact with anyone. Got it?"

"Y-yes, Ms. Grant," Kara stuttered as Cat's grip on her arm only tightened. She reveled in the comfort and felt her eyes watering once they reached the front desk of the ER.

"How can I help you?"

Cat sprang into action. "We're looking for a Danvers. And I can assure you; my assistant and I are not going to dwell with these hypochondriacs and drug addicts so please escort us to a more private area of your hospital before I write a scathing review about the uncleanliness of your waiting room in my magazine. Thank you."

The nurse was stunned. All Kara could do was laugh nervously and quicken her pace when Cat stomped forward in her sky-high heels. They followed the plump nurse in the elevator up three floors and around a corner or two.

"Here you are. Ms. Grant," the nurse stammered, afraid to make eye contact.

Cat took her sunglasses off. "Thank you," she said genuinely. This was more to her liking and she wouldn't have to breathe the same air as the poor folk downstairs. She cleared her throat. "What is your sister's name, Kiera?"

"Alex. Alex Danvers."

Cat stared at the nurse's name tag and frowned when it was Mildred. "Now, go find out everything you can on Alex Danvers and report back to us immediately. Understand, Millie?"

Kara began to pace when the nurse nodded and quickly scampered away.

"Kiera, no pacing. Sit."

"Honestly, Ms. Grant, you, you don't have to stay with me," Kara tried to argue yet again but knew it was pointless when Cat wasn't even listening.

"Do you need to call your foster mother?"

"N-no, she lives in Metropolis. She'd need to get a last minute flight and it's, it's too expensive. She's a retired scientist. She's not exactly rolling in the dough if you know what I mean. I can handle it."

"Hush, Kiera," Cat commanded. She pulled out her cell phone to make some arrangements. "Call your mother and tell her to get to the Metropolis airport at ten, okay? I'm going to arrange for a jet to pick her up."

"Ms. Grant-"

"Kiera!" Cat yelled. "Beneath the large block of ice in my chest, I do have a heart and I am how you so commonly put it, rolling in the dough. Call your foster mother and tell her what is going on with your sister."

"R-right," Kara stuttered when Cat got up to make a phone call. She pulled out her cell phone and quickly dialed Eliza, frowning when she didn't pick up. "Eliza? Eliza, it's me. It's Kara. Alex…Alex is in the hospital and I'm really scared. Please, please call me back."

Kara knew she couldn't hold in her tears any longer. She took off her glasses, not caring if anyone could see her, and sobbed quietly into her hands.

"Ms. Danvers?"

Kara ignored whoever was calling her name and sucked in a deep breath.

"Ms. Danvers. Look at me." It was Hank. "It's going to be okay."

Kara finally looked up and felt a new batch of tears in her eyes when she saw Hank looking down at her in concern. She stood up and launched herself at the larger man, and held on tight.

"Alex is a fighter," Hank whispered. "She's going to be okay."

"I don't understand," Kara whispered back. "Alex is always careful at work! How could, how could she get hurt?"

"Sometimes the appendix can just rupture," Hank explained with a slight chuckle. "It isn't something you can exactly prevent. It's a routine surgery."

Kara just shook her head. "She can't be hurt. Alex, Alex never gets hurt."

"Ms. Danvers, it's all going to be okay. Would I lie to you?"

Kara didn't know how to answer that. Instead, she held on to the lapels of Hank's faux FBI jacket and whimpered quite audibly. She felt like a child as Hank tried to pull her arms off.

"Excuse me!" Cat's sharp voice came from behind. "Sir, why are your hands jostling my assistant like she's some sort of rag doll? Please remove them before I call security."

"No! No," Kara yelled. "This is my sister's boss."

"We spoke on the phone," Hank said, extending his hand to Cat to shake.

Cat immediately smirked. "That we did." She looked Hank up and down in satisfaction. "Have you ever considered a career in radio? You don't have the looks for television but your voice is…divine."

"I'm quite happy at the FBI, ma'am."

"Fine, fine," Cat said dismissively as she sat back down. Then, it clicked. "Wait a minute. Agent Monroe, is that you?"

Hank cleared his throat. "Yes, Ms. Grant."

"I didn't recognize you at first. In this harsh hospital light you look like a poor man's Idris Elba."

"That's a compliment," Kara stood on her tiptoes to whisper in Hank's ear.

"He's a good looking man," Hank said after a minute.

Kara bit her lip to stop laughing.

"Yeah, well, I didn't say you had his body," Cat mumbled, turning her attention back to her cell phone. "Kiera, what did your foster mother say? Carl is on his way to pick her up. I've called the Metropolis airport and they are expecting him."

"She didn't pick up," Kara explained softly "I'll try again."

Hank patted Kara's back and led her to a chair. "I'll go get some coffee from the cafeteria. Do you want anything, Ms. Grant?"

"Nothing from a hospital cafeteria, Agent Monroe," Cat gasped dramatically, placing her hand over her heart. "I will take a latte from the Starbucks three blocks down. Chop, chop!"

Kara sent Hank a thankful smile when he opted not to fight back. She sighed and slumped down in the chair, counting the polka dots on her skirt. "Alex hates hospitals," she found herself blurting out of nowhere. "She doesn't trust doctors."

"That makes two of us," Cat mumbled as she perused the latest pdf files of the magazine Winn had emailed her.

"The only doctor she'd ever trust to operate on her is Derek Shepherd," Kara giggled, frowning when Cat didn't even react.

After an awkward five minutes of silence, Cat looked up from her phone. "Derek Shepherd's a neurosurgeon. He wouldn't even be assigned to your sister's case. Honestly, Kiera. Keep up."

"Oh. I, I never knew you were a Grey's Anatomy fan, Ms. Grant."

"Yes, well, I needed something to occupy me while I was nine months pregnant with Carter and on bed rest. It's no Ally McBeal, but it was still entertaining."

"I don't know what Ally McBeal is."

Cat sighed. "I get it, Kiera. You're young. Stop reminding me."

"Sorry, Ms. Grant," Kara continued to giggle, momentarily forgetting that this was her boss and they were in the hospital waiting for Alex to come out of surgery.

"The incompetency of this hospital is astounding," Cat began to complain once she looked at her watch. They had been at there for almost two hours now and nothing was said about Alex. "Wait here. I'm going to find out what's going on with your sister."

Kara didn't exactly know why Cat cared so much about Alex. But it was comforting. With Eliza still MIA, she needed a mother figure. Whether it was Ms. Grant's intention or not, Kara felt at ease. She felt safe.

"Now, tell my assistant what you told me." Cat returned with an uncomfortable looking doctor who looked like he was running on three hours of sleep.

Kara stood up and braced herself for the worst. The doctor's face was soft and full of concern. "My, my sister's okay, right? She's fine. That's what, please tell me she's okay."

"Ms. Danvers, I presume?" When Kara nodded, he continued. "I'm Dr. Brown. I didn't operate on your sister but my colleague that did said there was some complications."

Kara felt unsteady. She closed her eyes and tried to keep herself together. It was hard when she automatically assumed the worst. "What do you mean?"

"Yes, Dr. Brown. What do you mean?" Cat seethed. "A burst appendix is a routine procedure. Trust me, I would know. I got my appendix out when I was fifteen and there were no complications. If any of you idiots had one shred of common sense-"

"Ms. Grant!" Kara found herself yelling. "Please! Please let him explain."

"Because your sister's appendix already burst before we were able to operate, she runs the risk for an infection that may spread through the abdomen. We're monitoring her closely."

"Can, can I see her?"

Cat stood up taller when the doctor shook his head. "Well, why not?"

"She's still in recovery-"

"But I need to see her!" Kara pleaded. She could no longer keep her tears at bay. She needed to see Alex for herself and make sure she was okay. "You have to let me see her."

Dr. Brown shook his head. "Not for another few hours, Ms. Danvers. Your sister's in good hands. I promise."

"Doubt it," Cat scoffed under her breath. "Unless you have more upsetting news for my assistant please leave my line of vision before I take that stethoscope and-"

Kara let out a strangled sob and backed herself into the corner of the empty waiting room. She hugged herself tightly and slumped down on the floor, forgetting all about her boss.

Cat sighed at the sight of her young assistant looking so hopeless, so fractured, so frail. She kicked off her high heels and went against everything she stood for when it came to the relationship she shared with her employees. She bent down and enveloped Kara in the tightest hug her body could muster. She ran her fingers through the young girl's hair and told her it was going to be okay. She gently rocked her back and forth much like she did for Carter when he got nightmares about his father taking him away.

Kara's sobs began to increase. They echoed off the walls and bellowed loudly in Cat's ear. It was the most heartbreaking sound she'd ever heard. She felt helpless, worthless. Kara couldn't bring herself to hug Cat back. Instead, she clutched her hands into fists and tried to curb all of her anger and frustration. If she opened her eyes, they'd be flashing blue. She'd expose herself.

"Kiera, go home and get some rest," Cat all but demanded. She abruptly pulled away from her assistant and stood up, slipping her shoes back on. "Take the rest of the week off."

Kara wiped her eyes with the back of her pink cardigan. "I'm not going anywhere."

"While I appreciate your ferocity and loyalty to your government working sister, I demand you go home to rest. It's for the best."

"Ms. Grant, please," Kara rasped, her voice barely above a whisper. "We're not at work. You can't…you can't boss me around."

Hank rounded the corner just in time. Cat simply grabbed her latte from the tray and took a long sip. She frowned when it was lukewarm. "Agent Monroe, please tell Kiera she needs to go home and rest."

"I agree with Ms. Grant."

"Of course," Kara mumbled. She was not happy when Hank pulled her to her feet. She had to keep calm. She had to breathe. "I am not a child!"

"Kiera, nobody thinks you're a child," Cat said with an eye roll. "But if you continue to argue petulantly one might think you are."

Hank kept a firm grip on Kara's elbow. "I'll drive you home Ms. Danvers," Hank said gruffly when Kara tried to break away. "Thank you for your assistance, Ms. Grant."

"Gladly," Cat said, slipping her sunglasses on. "I'll check in with you later, Kiera."

"Let me go!" Kara yelled a little louder than expected. "Now. Let me go!"

"Ms. Danvers, calm yourself," Hank whispered as Kara thrashed helplessly in his strong grip. "You need to take a breath."

"I don't care!" Kara continued to scream. "I don't care." She tried hitting Hank's chest repeatedly to be set free but it was useless. She was so distraught that her super strength had seemed to diminish. "I need Alex. I need to see Alex."

"And you will," Hank promised. "But carrying on like this is not going to help. Alex wouldn't want you worrying like this."

Kara knew Hank was right but she couldn't let the image of Alex dying leave her mind. She was stable. She was going to be fine. But still, there was a tiny voice in her head that kept telling her Alex was not going to make it, that Alex was going to die and leave her just like her parents did. Just like Jeremiah did.

"Go home," Hank encouraged one last time, pulling back and letting Kara stand on her own. She was dazed, very much confused. "Now."

Kara was tired of arguing. She rubbed her blotchy eyes and closed them when they began to sting.

"I'll call you when you're allowed to see her," Hank said as if he could read Kara's mind. He sat down in one of the chairs and pulled out his cell phone. "I'm not going anywhere, Ms. Danvers."


Hank smiled. "I promise."