YAY! I actually updated again and it's a little longer than the last one. Just a heads up though. This chapter may be a little confusing but I promise it will be explained in the next chapter or two. Thank you guys for the reviews and sticking to this story. Anyway, hope you guys enjoy. :)
Chapter 23
Now it was my turn to be confused. "What do you mean there isn't a waterfall? Leviathan said there was only one."
"Most of the districts are dry land, but it's worst the further away they are from Seireitei," Toshiro responded, turning around and continued walking. The others followed, Wendy glancing at me in concern when I didn't move. Slipping her small hand into mine, I smiled at her and trailed behind the others. Is there really no waterfall in the 79th district? Leviathan may have been rash and didn't like me much, but I doubt he would have lied, especially to the other demons. My mind was lost in thought, trying to figure out if Leviathan really had lied to me.
"My Lady," a male's voice seemed to echo around me. I glanced at the others, but none of them were looking at me.
"My Lady, it is I, Lucifer," Lucifer's voice echoed around me again.
"Lucifer? H-How are you speaking to me? Can't the others hear you?
"No, My Lady. My powers allow me to speak directly to your mind. The others cannot hear me. I only wanted to let you know that Leviathan was telling the truth about the waterfall. Not only would he not lie to us, but my ability also allows me to know when someone is lying. If he was, I would have found out and told you." I nodded to myself and drifted back to my thoughts. I was so out of it that I didn't notice someone come up behind me and wrapped an arm around my waist, lifting me off the ground. A surprised squeak escaped me and I turned my head but only got an eyeful of a muscular stomach, already somehow knowing who it was. I barely stifled a groan when suddenly I was dangling about 500 feet off the ground.
"Gr-Grimmjow! What the hell are you doing? Take me back down now!" I screamed at him, terrified of the height since all I could see was the ground, the other souls and buildings looking like tiny ants.
"Hell no! I'm not walking all the way. Its faster to just travel this way." There were more flashes and the others were standing in front of us.
"Do you have to hold her like that? She's not a damn sack of potatoes," Laxus's voice didn't sound as angry as it usually is and I chanced a glance up at him. He was scowling at Grimmjow, but his face was pale, his intimidating look not having as much of an affect. Not that it would anyway. His motion sickness must be bothering him a little.
"Rwelly, Grimfrow. You need to carry Lushy more gentwer. She is a lady awfter all," Nel's childish voice scolded the man. A scream ripped through my throat as the only support holding me up was removed and I felt gravity pulling me downwards. Closing my eyes, I waited for the long fall when I felt someone grab my arm and pull me up. Opening them, I saw that Grimmjow had changed our positions. His arm was still around my waist, but every inch of me was pressed tightly against his side with barely any room to fit a hand between us. I felt my face burn at the close proximity, our faces really close to one another. Then he started inching closer, our lips so close that if I moved my head just a little, they would meet.
His eyes glanced down then back up. His breath ghosting over my lips. Before anything could happen though, a cough sounded behind me and my eyes widened, remembering the others with us. Grimmjow's smirk grew, clearly enjoying my embarrassment as I tucked my head into the crook of his neck, not wanting to face everyone. He's laughing at me, the bastard, I thought as I felt his shake. As we moved through the air, I lifted my head a little, letting the breeze cool my flaming face as I tried to calm down.
It didn't take us long to reach our destination, and thankfully, my face felt more normal as we landed on the ground. Grimmjow released me and I quickly stepped away. Feeling my starting to heat up again, I examined my surroundings. We were on a dirt covered road that was lined with dilapidated houses and people scattered along the road. They wore rags and if I didn't know better, I would have thought they were sick with how thin and aged some of them looked.
"Is this how all the souls look outside of Seireitei?" My voice came out as a whisper, not believing how the living conditions could be so horrible for these people.
"Out here it is. The closer to Seireitei the better off some are," Rangiku answered, laying a hand on my shoulder and squeezing it.
"Isn't there anything we can do?"
Rangiku didn't get to answer as Grimmjow's rude voice cut in. "Who cares. They're just souls, not like they can die." I glared at him for being so blunt and turned away before anything else could be said.
"So far, everything seems to be normal. Lucy, do you have an idea of where to start looking for this key?" Toshiro's frosty voice distracted me.
"Um..give me a second." I closed my eyes and tried to feel for the familiar pull. Since we were in the same location as it, it was taking longer than I thought to find the thread. When I did, confusion filled me as I could barely feel it.
"That's weird. There's hardly any pull even though we are close it," I told them, opening my eyes.
"M-maybe we should walk through the district. It might get stronger," Wendy spoke up, blushing when all eyes turned to her. I gave her a little smile and nodded. We started walking down the road, the people eyeing us with some suspicion and caution. Some even seemed hostile.
"Why are they looking at us like that?" I whispered to Rangiku who was walking beside me.
"Not all the districts are fond of Shinigami. The majority of the districts on the outskirts of Soul Society seem to hate us, but this district seems different." Her face furrowed in confusion. Nervousness bubbled up in me at her uncertainty that something might not be right. I tried to get a glimpse of the souls eyes, but none of them seem red or act like they had touched a demon key. As we passed my an alley that was shrouded in shadows, I felt a spike in the key's pull. Stopping, I peered inside, not noticing that everyone else had continued around a corner. Edging closer to the alley, hands suddenly shot out from the darkness. A scream lodged in my throat as the hands cover my mouth and arm, pulling me toward them.
"Shhh. Don't scream. I'm not going to hurt you," a young male's voice commanded. For some reason I knew he wouldn't hurt me and I nodded. He slowly removed his hands, hesitant that I would still scream. When I didn't, he took a few steps back, and as my eyes adjusted, I caught a glimpse of him. He was probably about my age, dark brown hair and brown eyes. he wore worn out clothes that had several small holes and stained dirt in some areas.
My name is Hiroko. You are the one looking the key right?" his tone sounded calm, but there was a slight desperate plea underneath it as his eyes glanced everywhere but at me.
"I am. How did you know?" His eyes finally landed on me, relief shining in them as he grabbed my hand and started dragging me forward.
"I can't explain it, but I was told to bring you to him if you came."
"Him? Told by who?" My questions fell on deaf ears. We moved through the alleys, staying the shadows. I already lost track of where we were and was starting to get annoyed by how long it was taking. Before I could say anything, he suddenly stopped, causing me to plow into his back. He seemed unaffected by it, instead turning around and pushing me forward.
"He's inside. Just follow the hall to the end and there will be a door." He pushed me inside and closed the door, leaving me in darkness. I did as he said and continued along the hall, stumbling a few times as my eyes adjusted. I came to the door and stood there, wondering if I should knock. I didn't get to decide as the door opened and light flooded into the hall. I hesitantly stepped inside, suddenly feeling nervous about all this. My eyes adapted to the light and in the middle of the room, an old man sat in front of a single candle.
"Ah. You came. Please, sit, sit." The man gestured to the spot across from him. I did as he asked, hesitating for a few seconds before sitting.
"Yo-Are you the one who told Hiroko to bring me to you?" My nervousness was becoming more evident as I stuttered.
"Why? How do you know about the key?" Curiosity was beginning to take over, but I kept reminding myself to be cautious.
"Hmm, I wonder," was all he said, staring into the flame. A few minutes a silence passed and it didn't seem like he was going to talk.
"Look old man. Why did you have me dragged here if you're not going to tell me anything?" I questioned, starting to feel annoyed.
"Patience is a virtue, dear. But the reason I had you come here is because what you seek is not here."
"Wha-What do you mean?"
"The item you seek is in it's own world. A curse placed on the area by the one who wishes to separate." What? A curse? Please don't tell me he is going to be talking in riddles.
"Um...right. Okay. I'm going to go now. Excuse me." I stood up and head for the door. My hand grabs the handle and the old man starts speaking again.
"Remember this: Find the trickle then the roar. Follow the ears of the Chosen.
Once you hear the mighty roar, travel by the one who never sleeps, until you come to the one who runs forever but has never moved.
In the mouth, through the moving curtain you shall find what you seek." I turned around to ask what he meant, but the candle flickered out and I was being pulled down the hall. Once outside, I blinked a few times to get adjusted again, and turned around to find Hiroko staring at me.
"Did he tell you? Do you know where the key is?" He asked, searching my face. All I could do was nod, not understanding what had just happened.
"Good. Good. Come on." Once again I was being dragged through the alleyways until we came back to the spot where I was separated from everyone.
"Do you-," I suddenly pushed out onto the street, not having a chance to finish what I was asking. I quickly turned, ready to yell at him, but no one was there. Confused, i step forward, looking around but he had disappeared.
"LUSHY!" I heard someone scream my name and saw Wendy and Nel running toward me, the others following close behind. Laxus rushed past them, squeezing my arms as he shook me a bit.
"Where the hell were you?" He demanded.
"Um..well, I'm not sure." My reply seemed to make him angrier, but I knew he was scared about me disappearing.
"Back off, Thunderass," Grimmjow growled, pulling Laxus's hands off me.
"Stay out of this, Cat." Another argument started between them, but I was too confused to try and stop it.
"Lucy?" I glanced up to see Toshiro and Rangiku watching me.
"Oh, uh, sorry. I don't know where I was exactly. I felt the pull for the key here and stopped only to have someone grab me and take me to this old man who seemed to know about the key and who I was. He started talking in riddles, some of it not even making sense, then just as fast, I was back here." Everyone stared at me, my rambling causing Laxus and Grimmjow to stop their argument.
"What kind of riddles, Lucy-san?" Wendy asked.
"Um, something about how the area around the key was cursed by the one who wished to separate them and then about how to find the place. I think." I'm still confused about it all.
"What was the riddle?" Laxus questioned.
"Uh, that we need to find a trickle then a roar. Follow the ears of the Chosen.
Once you hear the mighty roar, travel by the one who never sleeps, until you come to the one who runs forever but has never moved. In the mouth, through the moving curtain you shall find what you seek."
"What the hell does that mean?" Grimmjow demanded, looking at me as if I knew. I just shrugged. I ran through riddle, sentence by sentence, but nothing came to mind. First I need a trickle. What the hell trickles? Usually that means water. A river is too big. Maybe a creek.
"Is there any creeks near by?" The question was out of my mouth before I could stop it.
"I think there's one a few miles from here. Why?" Rangiku answered.
"Its nothing. I was just thinking a trickle could be something with water, so a creek was the only thing small enough that I could think of."
"It's worth a look. Right, Captain?" Rangiku glanced down at the short captain.
"I suppose," was the last thing I heard before I was once again lifted into the air.
"Why? Why must you always grab me without warning?" I growled out, annoyed that Grimmjow, once again, had me hundreds of feet in the air, his arm around my waist the only support I have from falling to my death.
"I am not carrying the Thunderass and I don't want to deal with a kid," was his only reply. I rolled my eyes and held him tighter as we started to move through the air. It didn't take long to reach the creek, and just like the riddle said, it was basically just a trickle.
"What now?" Laxus asked, looking at me as did the others.
"I guess we follow it." Shrugging, I started forward, paying close attention to the water as it started to grow the further we walked. It seemed like an hour had passed and the creek had long since turned into a massive river, when I heard something. It sounded almost like a roar, but not from any animal that I know. The other's didn't seemed affected by it, so I kept walking, stumbling on the slippery rocks. A hand on my waist steadied me, and my eyes traveled up to meet the hypnotic blue eyes of Grimmjow.
"Th-Thanks," I stuttered, my cheeks flaming. All he did was nod and let go but didn't move away. Instead, he place himself between the river and me. Probably to keep me from falling in. That's actually sweet of him.
"Don't need the Princess getting wet, though I wouldn't mind having your wet body against mine. Preferably naked," his voice suddenly whispered in my ear. I whipped my head around to face him, only to see his infuriating smirk. I clenched my teeth and kept walking, trying to ignore his presence beside me. I take it back. He's still a bastard. We traveled a little further when I started to feel this weird sensation, It was like I was walking through a wall of thick, syrupy liquid. It slowed my movements and becoming hard to breath.
"Oi, Blaze. What's the matter?" Grimmjow's question caused everyone to stop and look at me. Wendy rushed over when she saw me clutch my chest.
"You have hardly any oxygen in your lungs. How is that?" she questioned, more to herself than me.
"I-I don't know. Do none of you feel it?" Their expressions changed from concern to confusion.
"Feel what, Lucy" Laxus asked, coming over to me and rubbing circles on my back.
"It's like we're walking through a thick, syrupy wall. I can hardly move. It feels like its suffocating me. Wendy's healing is making it easier to breath though." I smiled at the young girl and she just kept her hands up, the blue glow still emitting from them.
"Do we need to go back," I heard Rangiku ask and saw her looking down at Toshiro.
"No. There's no need to. I feel like we're almost there. Let's keep going." They nodded and we continued, Wendy doing her best to keep healing me. As we continued, it became harder and harder to move until my legs just gave out completely. Not wanting to stop, but not able to move, I just sat there, trying to catch my breath when a hand snaked around my shoulders and under my knees. Grimmjow lifted me up, again, but I was to drained to complain. Even with Wendy's help, the loss of oxygen was starting to make me dizzy and I laid my head on Grimmjow's chest, burrowing it closer to his neck. For once he didn't say anything.
We walked a little further, tears had begun streaking my cheeks as it started to become more painful. My head was spinning and a loud roaring began to echo in my ears. Just when I thought I couldn't take anymore, it was suddenly gone. All the feeling in my legs returned and I was left gasping for air like I had been deprived of it for hours. Wendy stopped her healing but checked to make sure that everything was alright. After a few minutes she nodded at me and Grimmjow set me down, but stayed behind me just in case. My legs were a little wobbly, but I managed a few steps without falling. Even though I was feeling fine now, the roaring in my ears seemed to have become louder. Turning around to ask Wendy about it, I was met with the most beautiful image.
An enormous waterfall stood before me, gray rocks covered with lush green created a more mystical look. A torrent of white water cascaded straight down into a crystal blue, bottom waves rippling down the river with a white cloud enveloping the bottom from the impact. The river beds were decorated with various colors of flowers. Purple, pink, yellow, red, it just went on. It felt like a fairy tale, and I almost expected to see a fairy come flying through the flowers. It was just that breathtaking.
"Lucy? What are you looking at?" Laxus asked, coming to stand beside me. I glanced up at him in confusion. How can he not see this? I wondered, looking around at the others to see them trying to find what I was looking at.
"You...You guys really can't see it?"
"See what?"
"Well, Toshiro. I can see why no one knew of a waterfall being here. I guess only certain people are able to find it," I sighed.
"Are you sure there is really a waterfall here?" Grimmjow's voice sounded doubtful. "All I see is a rushing river."
"I'm sure." Well we found the waterfall, what was the next part. Into the mouth and through the curtain you shall find what you seek, I think. Getting an idea, I handed my keys to Laxus, who took them in bewilderment, and started toward the river.
"What are you doing?" Laxus demanded, grabbing my arm and preventing me from getting into the water. "That river is strong and it will carry you under."
"Trust me, Laxus. What I'm seeing calm and easy to get in and out of." He didn't seem to like it, but let go anyway, staying close to the edge in case I needed help. Taking a deep breath I stepped in, feeling the current against my legs, but not strong enough to sweep me away. I slowly walked forward, taking my time to get adjusted to the water as it became higher.
When I was close enough, I ducked under the water and swam under the pounding water. I came up on the other side to darkness but my eyes quickly adjusted to see a small cave, just big enough for me to craw, through. Pulling myself out of the water, I made my way into the cave, bending down a little to fit. At the back on a slab of stone laid a gleaming black key, A circle with twisting lines in it's center circled a beautiful blue gem that was just as the pool I swam through. Picking it up, I held it tightly in my hand and swam back through the waterfall and to the shore where Laxus helped pull me out.
"Damn. I guess there really was one," Laxus sighed, eyeing the key in my hand.
"It would seem so and I can't thank you enough for bringing it right to me."