The sunset's orange light busted through the half opened blinds and filled the room with a soft and warm colour. As I felt the clarity projected on my face I opened one of my eyes – I was obviously still to sleepy to open both of them – and took a peak of the sleeping god lying next to me. From where I stood he clearly looked…heavenly – pun intended – his big arms, one beneath his pillow and the other draped over my waste in a sort of embrace, his face in a peaceful expression of pure rest. I smiled to myself within my own thoughts.

I scotched closer and started kissing his forehead, taking my time, moving slowly to his eyes, his cheek and finally kissing his mouth to which he responded an awaking smile.

"Good Morning …" My hand reached his face and I softly caressed it. His hand got hold of my back and held me into him tightly, still with his eyes closed.

"Can you wake me up like this every day?" He opened his eyes sleepily, looking at me with the most loving look in the world – thank god he didn't do this look often or else I'd be totally lost.

"No… but today is a special day" I grinned and kissed him again quickly pulling away "Happy birthday Comrade!" He let out one of his singular laughs "Do you want your present now?"

He suddenly look much more awake. With one of those quick guardian moves of his, he pulled me on top of him "I do…" he said with a very mischievous tone.

"Down boy, it's too early even for me, you'll get that part of the present later. Besides I think you'll like much better this part of the present" I smiled getting down on the bed and reaching for something on the nightstand.

"I doubt it…" he almost pouted while saying his which was kind of amusing. I turned back to him with my hand behind my back in suspense. He looked at me in expectation.

"Happy 29th birthday Grandpa" With my arm stretched I handed him a small envelope, smiling widely.

He held it, looking with confusion and surprise from the envelope to me "Thank you Roza" he smiled politely – and baffled because my presents usually were a lot bigger, flashier and humorous…it was hard to know what to expect when I would hand him out an envelope, and yet anything was possible with me.

He sit up straightening his back and proceeded to open it. I watched him attentively and excitedly while he took out a small card with some elaborate letters typed into it, and started reading it out loud.

Rosemarie Hathaway and Dimitri Belikov

Are pleased to invite you to the celebration of their wedding

On the date of:_


As he finished reading his smile could lid up the entire room. He looked up at me with an expression of pure happiness but also what I could detect as a hint of uncertainty.

"Are you serious?" He stared at me trying to put on a serious face but unable to – probably due to the fact that I had started laughing compulsively because of his inability to believe in what I had just given him…. Ye of little faith…. "Really?" I shook my head in confirmation once more.

Okay he kind of had a point. I had postponed setting a date for so long and had hinted more than one that I only would actually get married when I was 30. But isn't a girl allowed to change her mind for St. Vlad's sake?! I knew how much he wanted to get married, and how happy it would make him, so yes I decided it was time to set a date, I decided to do this for him.

"I just told you we can start to plan the wedding and all you do is stand there looking shocked? I don't even get a kiss?" I stood up on the bed walking to the edge of it "That's it, I quit…it's over!" I threw my arms in the air and suddenly felt a jerk on my arm that made me fall down on the bed. With this Dimitri got hold of me, pulling me close to him and kissing me. The joy that overflowed out of him was almost palpable. He pulled away slowly looking intensely into my eyes. "I love my present"

A strange thing to say considering it is Dimitri we're talking about, but he truly looked like a young boy on Christmas day. I smiled at him letting myself float in his contagious happiness.

"Ow this is going to be fun …"

Hi all you romitri lovers out there. This fic was on my list along with many others. It's a multi-chapter that tells the story of the process of those two in planning their wedding, and maybe in time, of the actual ceremony (let's see how it turns out shall we?)

I hope you all like it, and stay tuned for the next chapter that's coming out soon. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all my readers.

Reviews – either of 1 word or 50 - are always a ray of sunshine in a cloudy day :D