On a hot September afternoon, Azula glares at her homework as she sits trying to study in Mai's bedroom. She at last slams the calculus textbook shut.

"Did you see her hanging on him in my driveway earlier?" she asks, lip curling into a sneer.

"Like a little koala bear," says Mai without looking up from her worksheet.

Azula hesitates for a moment as she contemplates the best way to phrase what she must say next. "I've been thinking…" she says at last, "will you do something to help me?"

"Maybe," says Mai, taking the pencil from behind her ear and scribbling in an answer.

Azula leans forward a little too far as she insists, "Help me make them jealous."

Mai slams her black binder shut and looks at her best friend in disbelief. "Oh God."

Azula straightens up and hastily justifies herself. "At least one of them will cave. He's still into you and she's still into me."

"There is literally nothing you can do to convince me to help you." Mai mirthlessly laughs and shakes her head. Azula's expression sours.

But then her face illuminated again as she purrs smoothly, "Oh, but there is. If you refuse I will tell everyone about your little secret."

"Why would they believe you?"

Azula smirks proudly. "Because I took pictures of your discharge papers."

Mai sighs. She wishes she could say she was surprised.

"Yeah, I'll do it." Sarcastically, she adds, "Oh, Azula, how can I say no after all you've done to blackmail me?"

"You're a good friend."

"But I'm not kissing you."

Azula shudders. "You think I want to kiss you? It's like you've never heard of chapstick. We're going to sell this."

"No tongue."

Azula scrunches up her face in a genuine revulsion that turns her stomach. "Trust me. I wasn't planning on it."

They sit in silence, working on homework, for some time, before Mai looks up.

"Is Ty Lee worth putting ourselves through this?" she asks quietly, doubting she will get an honest answer but trying regardless.

Azula hesitates. Mai has never before seen such an expression on her face.

"Yes, yes she is."


That evening, Zuko corners Azula in the corridor on her way up to bed.

"Look, Azula, I never meant for me and Ty Lee to get together. It just kind of evolved," he explains, feeling as if it is a weak attempt but trying anyway.

"Just a couple of lovesick kids, huh?" Azula replies, her lips comforting into a small snarl.

Zuko takes a deep breath. "She's afraid of being alone. That's why she did it, not because of any spite or probably any deep feelings for me either. She's afraid you don't care enough to stay with her. You were gone, and she just found a way to not be alone."

"I'm with Mai now." Azula pretends to examine her fingernails as if she said nothing important.

Zuko's eyes flash. "What?"

She looks up again and tells her delicious lie. "Yes. She's been in love with me for ages and I thought it was only fair that if you took my ex I should finally cave in to her begging to go out with me."

"I don't think Mai is capable of love."

"Not capable of loving you." Azula laughs coldly. "What can I say? She always had higher standards than Ty Lee."

Zuko scoffs. "So, you're revenge hooking up with Mai. That won't go wrong at all."

"I can't see how." Azula shrugs and smugly smirks.

"It'll go wrong because you're only doing it to make Ty Lee jealous."

"Ty Lee and I are ancient history. And I can prove I prefer dating Mai over dating Ty Lee in person, if you would like. In fact, I'm dragging Mai to dinner and minigolf tomorrow night. Perhaps you two would care to join us."

"We would."

"See you then." Azula walks away.

He calls after her, "Pretty sure I'll see you before the double date! We live in the same house."

But Azula is too occupied texting Mai to tell her the scheme is initiated to answer him.


Azula spends longer on her appearance for a diner and minigolf double date than she has for any grand Shinohai event, party, or school dance she had ever attended.

Therefore, when Mai arrives at the door, Azula glares at her venomously.

"I thought I told you to look hot tonight. What's wrong with you? Besides the obvious surface flaws," says Azula.

Mai rolls her eyes. "We're going to a restaurant where the silverware is plastic and a low class minigolf place. I have more than ten teeth so I think I'll be the hottest girl there other than you."

Azula hates to admit she has a fair point, but thankfully does not need to admit it because her father walks in to bid her farewell for the evening.

"Mai," he says a little stiffly.

"I'm not actually dating her," says Azula. "I'm just trying to make Zuko and Ty Lee as miserable as I can. You don't have to give her the new girlfriend third degree."

"Well then," says Ozai as Mai awkwardly averts her eyes and forces herself to stop wringing her hands. "I transferred the funds for tonight into your account, little princess. Enjoy making your brother miserable, be home before nine thirty and don't let Zuko wreck my car."

"Of course, father." Azula smiles.

Mai exhales a sigh of relief as he walks away.


Azula kisses Mai the moment Zuko and Ty Lee arrive. It feels unbearably awful for both of them but they sell it like champions.

"I'll uh, get the car started. Whenever you're ready," says Zuko, spinning the keys around his fingers.

Ty Lee stares at her former best friends for a flicker of a second before skittering after her boyfriend, nearly tripping on her pink pumps.

Mai turns to Azula after the dreadful kiss breaks.

"This might actually work," comments Mai with a brief glance at Ty Lee.

Azula smirks. "Of course it will work. Trust me."

"I don't trust you and I never will."

With a shrug, Azula admits, "That is probably wise."

They join Ty Lee and Zuko in the Range Rover.


The small talk over milkshake and fries seated in a tattered plastic booth is painful. So is pretending to date for Azula and Mai but they both are good enough liars to make it wildly convincing.

But things only really get interesting when Ty Lee interrupts a conversation about Jersey Shore with wide, teary eyes and a ragged, intimidated breath. She sets her hand on Mai's as she speaks.

"I know you guys hate me, but to me you're still my favorite people in the world. I'm always going to be loyal to both of you."

"You can't even spell loyal, Ty Lee, much less be it," snaps Azula, and Ty Lee flinches as if something were thrown at her.

Mai hastily changes the subject by asking Zuko, "How's the band going? You Haven't Heard of It," asks Mai, sounding strained despite her best efforts to be cold and stoic. Faking a relationship with Azula has been more painful than she thought it would be.

Zuko states proudly, "We actually go by Death Leprechaun now."

Mai dryly remarks, "So we're pretending to be tough death metal enthusiasts now then to distract from the fact that we're just a bunch of guys playing dress up and failing to get pussy with poorly played instruments?"

"Do you think that comment was a good representation of you as a person?" demands Zuko.

"Yes. I think it was a fairly accurate representation of who I am."

"It was flawless, babe." Azula brushes Mai's bangs on her eyes and watches Ty Lee's face redden. "I prefer your dark side."

"I only have a dark side. You know that."

"Especially in the dark," purrs Azula.

Ty Lee's plastic fork suddenly breaks, nearly spearing Mai in the eye with a flying shard.

"Sorry!" shrieks Ty Lee.

"I'll get you a new one, babe," says Zuko, making resentful eye contact with his sister as he speaks.

"Thanks," murmurs Ty Lee with a sharp breath.

Azula smirks smugly.


Zuko glowers at the girls as he stands at the fifth hole on the trashy minigolf course. A dirty green dinosaur in a power stance frames him from behind.

"I'm not giving back the scorecards and that's final," says Zuko, on the verge of tearing them up.

Azula bata her long lashes and teases, "You're just jealous because I'm winning."

"This is supposed to be a fun casual date and we're all too competitive tonight," says Zuko, ripping the two cards in half.

Azula frowns at the action and snarls, "Who died and made you my dad?"

"I'm the only real adult here. You guys could at least try to take me seriously."

"We remember your goth phase," snorts Mai. "None of us are ever going to take you seriously."

Zuko huffs and hits the ball far too hard again.

Azula kisses Mai. Mai kisses her back.

Not a fun time, but an effective move.

Ty Lee wants to throw her hot pink golf club right at them but thankfully has a few ounces of self control in her.


After the game, Ty Lee gazes at Azula and Mai talking by the ticket counter as she licks her soft serve vanilla ice cream.

"What's wrong?" Zuko asks as he discards his own empty cone and wraps his arm around his girlfriend.

"I love her," admits Ty Lee, stepping free of his now weak grasp.

"I know," Zuko says quietly.

"I can't live with what we're doing to Azula. I can't face it. Maybe I'm just a coward but I love her and I…"

"I know," he repeats, more kindly this time.

"Just look what we've done. She's dating Mai. Mai. Have you seen her horrible makeup? Azula deserves a girl who washes her hair regularly."

"Isn't Mai your friend?" asks Zuko, cocking an eyebrow.

"She was," murmurs Ty Lee, completely missing his point about her brutal critique. "It's like, I don't even miss dating Azula as much as I miss our friendship. We've been best friends since third grade. And I ruined that for a fling."

"Then unruin it."

"You're not mad?"

"Of course not. I know how you feel about her and I also know we've just been having fun, nothing serious. You're definitely not going to break my heart if you go back to her."

Ty Lee embraces Zuko tightly.

As the hug breaks, she smiles softly and says, "Thank you."

"I've had a lot of fun with you but I think it's about time you win back your woman. Preferably before she starts making out with Mai again."

"I think I better wait until we get home. I gotta think about the right thing to say."

"There won't be a right thing to say. She still wants you but she's just gonna make you grovel and pretend she's doing you a favor."

"I love that about her."

Ty Lee starts eating her ice cream again.


Ty Lee shoots a terrified glance at the surprisingly stoic Mai in the back seat of the Range Rover as Azula and Zuko begin to fight in the front seats.

"Why would I be mad?" vehemently snarls Azula. "Ty Lee chose trash over treasure."

Ty Lee attempts to interject, "Guys, really, please stop fighting about me."

Azula shoots her an evil glance that silenced her and makes her sink back in her seat.

"No, she chose a stable individual over a psycho in a straitjacket. I'd say that's a fair decision."

Overwhelmed with more emotion than she has ever before felt — and certainly cannot cope with — Azula impulsively punches him without considering for a second that he happens to be driving.

The car veers out of control as Ty Lee screams and Zuko smashes it into a telephone pole.



Three hours of painful legal matters later, Azula and Zuko, both sweating profusely, stand in front of their father, backs to the roaring electric fireplace.

"My instructions were simple and clear. That car is worth more than your life, Zuko. You're going to pay for this, mark my words," growls Ozai.

"Am I in trouble too?" inquires Azula.

"Take a guess," says her father darkly, glaring at her like a wicked king at a peasant ready to be slaughtered.

"No?" Azula bats her long lashes and wrings her hands. Zuko rolls his eyes in the background.

"Take another guess."

Azula grimaces.


A tapping on her bedroom window interrupts Azula's sulking and fantasies about tying her brother to a lightning rod during a thunderstorm. She rises from her bed and opens it, allowing Ty Lee in yet again despite her better judgment.

"I know you're grounded but I really had to check on you after today," says her ex, wringing her hands, protuberant eyes flitting around nervously.

"Why?" Azula crosses her arms.

"Because it's pretty obvious you're not okay."

"Don't feel sorry for me," snaps Azula.

Ty Lee steps forward and boldly locks eyes with Azula. "I care about you. I always have and I always will."

Azula huffs. "If you meant that you wouldn't have left me for my brother."

Ty Lee shares at her bare feet as she rambles earnestly, "I did a horrible thing. I really did. I was just scared and I ran because that's what I do. But I'm done doing that because I swear to baby Jesus nobody has ever loved anybody as much as I love you."

Azula stares directly into Ty Lee's eyes, forcing the latter girl to suppress a shiver.

"I miss you and I still want you, I broke when you left me, but I deserve someone who is willing to always stay by my side," says Azula, breath shuddering, suppressing weak, pathetic tears.

"You do. It's really a fight… I feel like we have to fight for us more often than we should."

Azula thinks for a moment as she lets Ty Lee squirm in the silence. "We do. But I wonder sometimes that, if we didn't have to fight for what we wanted, maybe we wouldn't want anything at all."

"But is what you want worth the fight?" whispers Ty Lee, half defeated.

"I have had a lot of time to think about that. I wasn't sure if you were worth the effort. But I would have given up more easily if you weren't. You're worth fighting for. We're worth fighting for."


At last, Ty Lee daringly takes Azula's hand. Her ex yanks it away, but does not move.

"Can we start over?" pleads Ty Lee, visibly on the verge of getting on her knees to beg.

Azula waits a little too long to reply, causing Ty Lee's heart to race and palms break out in a sweat.

"Yes," at last agrees Azula. She takes a step towards her ex. "Yes, we can."

The silence lingers for some time before Ty Lee moves closer to Azula and hesitantly takes her hand.

"So where do we go from here?" softly asks Ty Lee.

"Wherever life takes us, I suppose."

They kiss.


"What exactly is the meaning of this scene?" growls Azulon Shinohai, surveying the madness that evolved from a heated game of Never Have I Ever. "This is why I have to lock up my guns during family occasions."

Katara mutters, "I think you should always lock up your guns," but he ignores her.

"What's going on?" Azulon turns his gaze from Mai to his grandson. "Zuko, you're the man, explain how you let these women get to this point without intervening."

Zuko clears his throat. To tell the truth, he is honestly confused out of his mind about his sister's outburst. "Uh, well, grandfather, if I may say, I suggested we play Scrabble rather than Never Have I Ever and—"

"I got a broken nose last time we played scrabble," protests Ty Lee, scowling.

Zuko snaps, "In our defense, you were being a real bitch while we were playing scrabble."

"Zuko!" Ty Lee exclaims, eyes flashing wide.

Katara interrupts, "The new nose looks amazing. Don't worry."

Azulon draws the attention back to him with a wave of his weathered hand. Azula swallows and seized her opportunity, at least clear-headed enough for that.

"I got in a fight with Mai over a secret she kept from me. It was my fault," she says, as prettily as she can.

Azulon looks her up and down before speaking. "I respect you admitting that. Your father certainly never can."

Ty Lee softly touches Azula by the shoulder. "I think everybody just needs to cool down. Let's go get ready for bed, okay?"

Azula allows Ty Lee to take her by the hand and guide her away from the scene of the crime.


After tucking in Bunny and making sure the teen parents did not get into any trouble, Azula and Ty Lee lock themselves in their room.

Azula sighs and sits down on the bed. The room blurs, spins and tilts around her from the alcohol as she buries her face in her hands.

"Bunny's dad called like ten times last night." Ty Lee sighs and throws her phone onto the bed. "I don't know why he wants to make stuff so difficult."

"Are you trying to distract me from my problem with your problems?" snaps Azula, a vicious expression crossing her face.

"Would you prefer a different kind of distraction?" Ty Lee teasingly winks.

Azula bites the inside of her cheek as Ty Lee's dress becomes a pink puddle at her feet.


After a lovely night, stuck awake after what she did during the game, Azula slinks down the shadowy stairs, her blue dragon lighter pressing against the cigarette pack in her hand.

She steps out on the balcony and her heart skips a beat as she sees Mai standing there and staring out at the beautiful landscape.

Cautiously, Azula approaches her.

She silently offers Mai a cigarette and her stepmother takes it. Azula lights one for herself.

"So what's the manipulative reason behind the nice gesture?" dryly asks Mai as Azula lights her stepmother's cigarette. Mai lifts it to her lips.

"This time there's not one," says Azula, the honesty making her stomach churn. But she knows she needs to buck up and do it. "I lost my head. You didn't deserve that for a mistake you made a decade ago."

"You do know all about mistakes."

"Are you going to make this difficult?"

"It's what I'm best at. You didn't deserve being kept in the dark forever about what I did. It was kind of a betrayal."

"Kind of?"

"A lot of a betrayal. Whatever." Mai tilts her head to the side and then lifts it back up.


Azula shrugs one shoulder, finishes her cigarette, stomps it out and says casually, "Life's short."

"It is. Let's get a drink."

It is the closest thing to an apology either woman has ever given.


The next day, Ilah invites Azula's odd little family of misfits to have a private lunch with her.

As soon as she sees her enter the peaceful sun porch, Ilah pinches Bunny on the arm.

She narrows her eyes and remarks callously, "You're getting a little pudgy, Mitsuko. How much do you weigh?"

Bunny opens her mouth for a moment as she thinks before deciding upon, "Uhhh… about fifty squirrels?"

Ty Lee nervously smiles and interjects, "I was a bit chubby as a kid too but as soon as I started doing dance and gymnastics and got taller I grew out of it. I think she takes after me."

"I will pay for the lessons. But only ballet for dance. Anything else is unacceptable for a young lady."

Azula and Ty Lee have both certainly heard that before.

Azula purrs gracefully with the art of a true manipulator, "Surely our feminist idols would disapprove."

Ilah retorts, "Her mother was a stripper. Our feminist idols would disapprove of that as well. Anyway, ladies, Aang, have a seat and let's enjoy lunch. Now where did I put my mimosa?"

"What's a stripper?" asks Bunny, tugging on Ty Lee's Arm.

The room falls silent except a laugh from Toph.

"We'll tell you when you're older," says Azula, sitting down and pouring herself a mimosa from the crystal pitcher in the center of the elaborate lunch display.

"So," says Ilah to Toph and Aang as soon as they settle and begin filling their plates, "how did you two meet?"

"We grew up next door. She put frogs in my pockets and bullied me but I had a crush on her and she had a crush on me so I guess she stole my heart and my bike," says Aang, grinning ear to ear.

"Sandbox love never dies," says Azula, warmly glancing at Ty Lee.

"Yeah, but we didn't have a sandbox so me and Aang dug a waterless moat in the yard when we were kids but it got infested with badgers and we had to call animal control," says Toph with an ugly snort.

Azula almost cringes. Thankfully, her grandmother does not acknowledge the anecdote.

Ilah inquires after two sips of her light orange drink, "Are you still going to offer them your home when the baby is born?"

"Until they can find a place of their own, yes. It only seems to be the right thing to do. Their experiences in that white trash town were unfair and Ty Lee and I gladly will help them."

"Are you two planning on finding jobs?" asks Ilah, eyeing Aang and Toph rather disdainfully. Azula's breath catches.

Aang replies with a broad, encouraging smile, "Azula gave me one at her company. I'm saving as much as I can so Toph and I can move out."

"And Toph, for your work?"

Toph says bluntly, "I'm a manual labor type of person. None of that frilly business shit is interesting to me when I could be lifting heavy shit for cold hard cash."

Ilah grimaces and changes the subject by turning to the little girl at the table. "Mitsuko, what do you want to be when you grow up?"

"I wanna sell cotton candy at the circus," says Bunny in complete and total earnest.

Azula downs her mimosa in one gulp as her fingers twitch desperately towards the pack of cigarettes in her purse.


Later that afternoon, Azula and her family sit in one of the living rooms discussing names for the baby again. It never proves successful but they do have to come up with one soon.

"Ember," suggests Azula.

Ty Lee shakes her head. "I worked with a girl who called herself Ember."

"Azure?" says Azula.

"I worked with a different girl who called herself Azure," replies Ty Lee.

Aang suggests, "Vesper is cute."

Azula replies coldly, "I'm not naming my daughter after a Bond girl."

"Emma?" tries Ty Lee.

"Too ordinary. Nothing ordinary."

"Jackie? Maggie?" Ty Lee offers.

"Jot Jackie down," says Azula. "But we're not shanty Irish so Maggie is a no from me."


"Feyre?" ask Azula.

Toph snorts. "Are you naming your baby or your fantasy novel protagonist?"

"Agassi? Aya? Azai? Alba? Aurora?" rattled off Azula to not one impressed face.

Toph says with crossed arms, "Just name her Azula if that's what you're going for."

"Well, something in the family trend would be appropriate," snarls Azula, regretting letting them be a part of this.

Aang suggests, "Aria?"

Toph interjects, "Princess Monster Truck?"

Ty Lee suggests, "Kitty?"

Azula attempts, "Zirah?"

"Zirah, huh?" Ty Lee scrunches up her face in thought. "What about Zoey?"

"Zoey…" murmurs Azula, furrowing her brow.

"It's nice," says Ty Lee.

Azula shakes her head.

"It's perfect."

Ty Lee grins.


The next morning, Azula and Ty Lee walk into the breakfast hall to find it adorned with pink streamers and balloons, stuffed with mountains of presents in gorgeous rose gold wrapping paper.

"Surprise," warmly declares Ilah, embracing her sleepy granddaughter tightly.

The whole family gathered for the event. Mai holds Valerie, not caring one bit that no one threw something like this for her daughter. Katara supervised Kya as she sits and plays with her toys. She never expected to receive something like this, but Iroh and Ursa did throw her a lovely brunch.

Azula has been crowned family favorite with a literal pink plastic tiara that Ilah sets on her head. Ty Lee receives the second one and beams, hugging Ilah twice and thanking her profusely.

"I am so happy to share my birthday with this beautiful occasion. I never thought I would have such a lovely family," says Ilah as Azulon casts a rather cruel glance at the young people whose fight he broke up last night. He of course did not tell his wife; he prefers to let her live in a fantasy world of having a family not constantly on the verge of massacring each other. "Now let's all have some cupcakes and get this party started."

Ty Lee clasps her hands together and squeals excitedly.

Azula hides her smile by looking away.


Thirty minutes into the party, Azula leans against the wall beside her brother in silence as they eat cupcakes.

Katara comes up to hand him Kya and snarks to her sister-in-law, "Congratulations. We all hope the baby comes in time for your Black Mass sacrifice."

"What did I say about comparing my sister to the devil?" asks Zuko with a sparkle in his eyes.

"That it's insulting to the devil." Katara winks at him.

Azula scoffs.

"Exactly." Zuko smirks.

Azula stalks off to find her wife, whom happens to be gazing longingly at the pile of presents.


After opening the gifts, Azula straightens up on her throne while Ty Lee admires all of the wonderful new things for her baby.

"We've decided to name her Zoey. Zoey Ilah Shinohai," regally declares Azula to her entire dreadful family.

Her grandmother's smile in response makes her feel on top of the world.


The time passes swiftly back in New York.

The baby might come any day now and the tension between Azula and Ty Lee is palpable. The monsters in them come out on one night in particular, a week before Zoey's due date.

They go out for dinner and drinks, knowing they will have little time for such excursions once Toph gives birth to Zoey.

As they sit in the restaurant, Ty Lee holds up her phone to show Azula a cute animal picture.

"I love bunnies. Will you get me a bunny?" begs Ty Lee, batting her eyelashes.

"I'm already getting you a baby," huffs Azula, taking a sip of champagne.

"We're getting a baby. You wanted one too." Pause. "Right?"

"I suppose," coolly replies Azula and Ty Lee's stomach sinks.

The dinner becomes uncomfortable, but they both pretend it is not.


After leaving the restaurant, they stride across the busy sidewalk towards the classy club they plan to dance their troubles away at.

Ty Lee's phone rings as Azula pops a Xanax and fumbles in her purse for her blue dragon lighter.

"Ugh," huffs Ty Lee. "Bunny's dad. I really don't know how much longer I can keep ignoring him. What if he gets the law involved?"

Azula rolls her eyes and lights her cigarette. "You're a Shinohai now. You're above the law."

"Maybe he means what he's saying. Maybe it's fair to make an arrangement for him to see her," whispers Ty Lee, wishing she did not think that way.

Azula takes another drag from her cigarette and forcefully insists, "You raised her alone, and then I raised her for years with you. He's not a father; he's a sperm donor."

"I know… I know that. I just feel bad for him." Ty Lee sighs and shrugs and stares at her feet.

Azula narrows her eyes and sneers. "What else do you feel for him?"

Ty Lee's eyes widen in shock. She did not expect Azula to be jealous of someone like him. Comparing him to Azula is like comparing champagne to carbonated urine. "Nothing. Only pity. Azula, you don't ever need to be jealous. You're the mother of my child — my children — and he's just the guy who knocked me up with the first one. You're the first in my heart. Every inch of me belongs to you. I belong to you. You're all I've ever wanted and all I've ever needed."

"I wish I could trust you," breathes Azula, snuffing out her cigarette with two fingers and tossing it into the gutter.

Ty Lee grinds her teeth. "I can't make you trust me. I know that. But I do really, really love you. I married you because I love you. I want Zoey with you because I love you. But sometimes I get scared you don't love me."

"I love you. Enough to make me go crazy. Crazier. We just have to fight harder than other people most of the time."

"You told me something once," says Ty Lee softly. "You said maybe if we didn't have to fight for what we wanted, we wouldn't want anything at all."

"When did I say that?" Azula inquires with a quizzical expression.

"The beginning of senior year. When we got back together. You said I was worth fighting for. And nobody forgets Azula Shinohai saying you're worth fighting for."

"Ty Lee, shut up and kiss me."

Her wife obliges.


The baby comes the next day, in the late afternoon.

"Avengers Assemble!" cries out Toph from the sofa, water breaking, contractions minutes apart.

Her boyfriend, the adoptive parents, and the big sister snap into action at the speed of light.

Aang calls the doctor, Azula notifies her family, Ty Lee somehow manages to get Bunny and Toph composed enough to leave.

They make it to the hospital, miraculously.


Four hours into Toph's curse word ridden labor, the invited family members arrive.

"Mai, thank God!" wails Ty Lee, running forward to embrace her mother-in-law slash best friend since childhood. Mai steps back as Valerie wails in shock.

"We don't have to see any of the gross stuff, right? Having Valerie was enough for a lifetime for me," asks Mai as she comforts her daughter.

Ty Lee shakes her head, still smiling. "Toph only wants Aang, me and Azula in the room."


"Valerie, you're going to have a new niece to play with," coos Ty Lee to the baby girl.

Valerie smiles back.

Meanwhile, Ozai is in the midst of restraining his daughter from punching the wall.

"I know this time is stressful for you but you are a Shinohai and you are going to behave like one."

She seems about to calm down before Ursa walks in clutching a balloon and a gift bag for the baby. Azula clenches her fist and Ozai grabs her by the shoulder.

"Perhaps you should go help out the blind girl and her useless boyfriend in the delivery room."

She does not argue.


As Ty Lee keeps the family entertained and updated on events outside, Azula paces in the hospital room as Toph grits her teeth and groans with each contraction.

Azula freezes in place when Aang yelps in agony.

"Toph, you almost broke my arm off!"

"You deserve it! You did this to me!"

Aang blinks. "Okay, that's fair. A little harsh."

"Shut up and wait in the corner!" orders Toph.

He listens. Azula opens the door and glares at the nurse's station.

"Can someone get this girl some damned drugs!" shouts Azula.

Toph cracks a smile through her pain. She knew she liked this one.


The moment Azula first holds Zoey is the one moment in which she has never been touched so deeply in her entire life. It feels like everything in her changed, like gravity shifted, something truly indescribable. It is the best moment of her life.

Ty Lee resting her arm on Azula's back to gaze at the baby with her comes as a close second.


The delivery room is crowded now that the madness of labor ended. Ty Lee's parents coo over the baby that Azula holds. Aang rests his head on Toph's chest as she drifts asleep in the hospital bed. Ursa and Ozai stand as far apart from each other as they can. Mai and Ty Lee linger close to Azula with Zoey in her arms. Azulon and Ilah stand at the door, overseeing the scene.

"Perhaps this is an inopportune moment but I have news," says Azulon. "At the beginning of the next business quarter, I am deciding which of my children or grandchildren will take my place as CEO of the Shinohai empire."

"Of everything?" asks Ozai.


Azula pauses for a moment, looking up from her wife and her baby and her teenage miscreant roomies. This could be it. This could be her chance for true, unadulterated greatness.

But as the conversation breaks out, the baby softly grasps her silky raven hair.

No longer paying any mind to Azulon's announcement, Azula softly smiles down at the gentle face and mint green eyes of Zoey Ilah Shinohai.

A/N: RollerYogaDisco won the prize! Zoey was the name I decided on but it was really hard because everyone had such great ideas. Anyway, thank you for sticking with this story for so long and waiting so long for this chapter. I appreciate y'all so much and I hope you're enjoying the show.