Chapter 13: Thor's Return

Chapter Text

"Darcy?" Jane questioned, a book a familiar book in her hand, a book Darcy had just been writing in. "What is this?"

"A note-book?" Darcy answered wishing she wasn't having this conversation.

"With mathematical equations I can't even read?" Jane said. "Darcy, I know this is yours, I've seen you writing in it all week."

Darcy didn't say anything.

"What's going on?"

"I'm kinda, really smart." Darcy said sheepishly.

"I got that." Jane said holding the book up before flipping through it. "What language is this even?"

"Sanskrit," Darcy said. "Most of what I needed couldn't be translated."

"They are moving…."

"Simple spell, it couldn't be a linear equation, there were too many variables." Darcy said candidly.

Jane only grabbed hold of the book tighter as if contemplating something before she rose the book smacking Darcy with it.

"This whole time you were acting like a dunce when you could have been help!" Yelled Jane between hits.

"I help; I make sure you're alive to do the science!" Darcy said ducking for cover.

"Not what I meant and you know it!" Jane said, walking around her equipment..

"Are you going to slop hitting me or do I need to invest in an Iron suit?" Darcy asked.

"I don't know; are you hiding anything else that I should know?" Jane asked.

"Well Thor is in Asgard to hopefully save Loki… Oh, and Agent hand, is my mother." Darcy said pondering how Thor was going to save Loki, but she was only smacked again.

"What?" Jane said looked like her, her eye twitching.

"You should get that looked at." Darcy said gesturing to Jane's twitch.


"What, I answered your question?"

Jane finally calmed down dropping the note-book, putting her head on the wall beside her. "What's the equation for?"

Darcy didn't say anything.

"Darcy?" Jane whispered.

"The Aether." Darcy confessed. "Figured I would see why it didn't kill me. It should have Jane, I should be dead."


"During the convergence; I stumbled upon it, and it attacked me." Darcy said grabbing a chair. "It shot out towards me but I used the convergence to my advantage. Somehow a small piece of the Aether merged with me; I'm trying to figure out how that was possible."

"This is why you have been running around like a lunatic for the past few days?" Jane asked, but Darcy only looked away. "It's not the Aether that is bothering you, is it?"

"When did you get so intuitive?" Darcy joked.

"It's what I did when Thor left the first time." Jane admitted. "I just had more ice cream in-between science."

"That is true, but you fell for the superhero." Darcy said without thinking, and if Jane heard her she didn't acknowledge that she did.

Didn't take long for everything to go back to normal, Darcy didn't know why she hadn't told Jane sooner, she hadn't expected that she would tell Jane everything, even though she hadn't, but it was most of it –if condensed. She almost jumped out of her skin when she saw Thor, alone, with no Loki at his side. Without thinking she sprinted over to Thor checking for any sign that Loki was masking his presence.

"He isn't here Lady Darcy." Thor said. "Father has forbidden him from leaving, not that he had wished to come."

Darcy stepped back as if slapped.

"Did he say anything." Darcy asked, her voice clipped.

"No." Darcy nodded.


"Loki was pardoned, but he must still pay for his crimes, he will stay on Asgard." Thor said sadly.

"He thinks I've betrayed him doesn't he." Thor didn't answer. "I can't say I blame him."

"Loki, I once believed that nothing could cage him, and then he was sent to the dungeons." Thor paused. "However he is no longer in a cell and Asgard has many secrets."

"Why are you helping me?" Darcy questioned.

"My brother has many faces, many of which I have never known, many I still do not know. However with you he shows a face I do whe" Thor said looking at Jane.

Darcy raised her eyebrow at that, giving Thor a knowing smirk.

"I see you have been in my brother's presence too long, you have adopted his expressions." Jested Thor.

"So, how are we going to save him?" Darcy asked.

"Oh, no, I'm not saving my brother; if memory serves you are the one that started this." Thor said leaving her in favour of Jane.

"But I can't go to Asgard…" but she could and she smiled.