Thank you for taking the time to read my story; I urge you to read my profile to offer come insight on why and how I chose to write this the way I have.

Full Summary: The death of a parent can be hard, even for the strongest boy in the world. Four years after the Cell Games, and fifteen year old Son Gohan's story really begins. Followed headlong into his mid-teens by his best friend Lime Lao, the young saiyan juggles school, his appearance's as The Gold Fighter, and being suffocated by the rest of the Z-Fighter's whilst attempting to have a normal social life. All seems easy enough were it not for that troublesome Videl Satan, along with a shocking discovery that even a boy genius like Gohan had not foreseen. If that wasn't all he needed, a threat is headed towards Earth, with intent of awakening an ancient evil. The fight for the universe is suddenly at hand, and Gohan must make the choice to fight again. But be warned young halfling, things may not quite appear as what they seem. (AU)

Disclaimer: I do not own any aspect of the Dragonball franchise. I do however, own the creation of my OC Son Gokuto.


Thousands of Years Before Age, The Sacred Realm of the Kai's

The realm of the Otherworld was an unfathomable concept for any mere mortal yet to pass over to it's dimension. Though many stories and ideals were shared across time and throughout generations; their ideas of heaven, hell and purgatory, gods, angels and demons were a far cry from the reality that actually was. Far from the reaches of space and time, it was a dimension of its own uniqueness and vastness. For many souls awaiting their judgement, it was purely a sight to behold.

Some, more lucky entities, that had achieved true greatness in their lives; whether it be protecting a planet, fighting fierce battles or devoting their lives to the care of others, would be able to keep their bodies after death. These souls would go on to train with other warriors of their likeness for the remainder of their afterlife, on a planet high above the treacherous Snake Way; one of the greatest honours that King Yemma could bestow.

Yet true judgement could not only lie with King Yemma; the red skinned deity's duties could only stretch as far as heaven and hell, his decision clear, precise and final at the time of a soul's ruling. Complex matters; such as maintaining a balance between good and evil, between light and darkness and more importantly, destruction and creation were left to beings of a superior calibre.

To some, the legends of Gods such as these were just that; a legend, knowledge of celestial entity's stretching only as far as the Grand Kai himself. However, as the line at the check in station grew longer and the deceased warriors trained above the clouds; the last remaining God of Creation appeared in front of an ancient temple, deep within the depths of a most sacred realm.

He gasped, his legs beginning to buckle under his own weight. He had light purple skin that was bruised and bloodied; his ceremonial garb torn and burnt in places. His white mohawk was flecked with blood; beetle black eyes shining with tears that he had yet to let fall.

There was a stillness in the air, accompanied by the usual peacefulness of the planet that was surrounded by lush green fields and sparkling springs of water. The violet sky above was patterned by numerous moons, its atmosphere still and warming; having no notion of day or night. The temple itself sat atop of a twisting cliff face, with stone flagged steps embedded into the rock; leading up to the gleaming white structure.

The lonely Kai swayed on the spot before stumbling towards the temple entrance. He threw open the large mahogany door with the last of his strength; a loud clang resounding around the stone walls of the temple. A long wooden table stood at its centre, along with eight chairs surrounding it. Parchment, books and strange looking artefacts strewn around them carelessly, as if someone had gotten them out in a hurry. Scrolls; inscribed with ancient languages, sat atop the empty chairs that would otherwise be filled were it not for the unfortunate events that had so recently transpired.

Grunting in pain, the purple skinned deity collapsed into a chair closest to the head of the table; where a pair of golden tipping scales sat, clinking and whirring as it tilted heavily to the left. The Kai sighed hopelessly, his ragged breathing reverberating off the temple walls as he pulled a scroll hastily from beneath him; giving it a reproachful look before throwing it on the ground.

"Superb job you did there Supreme Kai, really top notch," a sarcastic voice cut through the air.

The Supreme Kai jumped a mile, his chair tipping violently backwards as he looked with horror towards his three unwanted visitors.

The deity that had spoken stood in the centre of his peers, his midnight blue eyes fixated on the quivering Kai. He wore long robes of black and teal over his lean frame. His ears were large and pointed at the tip, as were his sharp fangs that protruded from his lips in an intimidating fashion. His hair was the deepest of black, and reached his waist in elegant waves.

The other God, had skin the colour of the whitest of snow; obsidian eyes and short blue hair. His traditional garb hung around his waist, leaving his muscled torso bare. He did not make a sound, merely stared at the Kai with a stoic expression.

"Rumley that is no way to speak to the Grand Supreme now," the tallest of the trio said smoothly. He had flawless teal skin and, like the Kai, sported white hair atop his head, though his was curled elegantly into a tip at the front. Long, black and maroon robes adorned his frame and he held a tall sceptre in his right hand; along with a blue ring that hung around his neck. His thin lips drew into a small smile as he addressed the young Kai.

"Please Whis," the Kai said groggily, "It's just Supreme. I am not worthy of my elder's title."

"Well at least he's not completely stupid," scoffed Rumley, yet was ignored by his fellow God's.

The air was thick with tension, and seemed to penetrate through the stillness inside the temple. Suddenly, a sharp bang echoed through the temple hall; along with a quick scurry of feet. Another flung himself through the doors; he had long white hair and his traditional dress was just as ripped and bloodied as the Kai. He gasped, his beetle black eyes settling on his superior before he skidded to his knees in front of him.

"M-master!" he cried desperately, tears in his eyes, "It is done. I've done it, the monster is hidden; now please, let me heal you, let me-!"

"Kibito," Supreme Kai mustered calmly, stopping his assistants healing hands, "Where did you hide it?"

"A small planet," Kibito breathed, "Still in it's infancy; in the Northern Quadrant."

"Ah, excellent," Whis chirped, causing Kibito to jolt in surprise. It seemed he had only just noticed the presence of the Destruction God's. "Buu is sealed."

"Let's hope its for good this time," Rumley said through gritted teeth, "I wouldn't want to be brought out of my own hibernation for this again."

The white skinned male grunted, "Hard to believe he was once one of us."

"Yes Synt; the very first in fact," Whis said thoughtfully, "Still, it is curious how a wizard like Bibidi was able to not only awaken him, but control him. Majin magic certainly is powerful."

"Indeed," observed Synt, "But that does pose the question of the wizard's son…"

"Babidi is not as powerful as his father," the Kai said boldly, "He has not the means or the knowledge of how to release Buu from his prison."

"Oh? And you're quite sure of that are you East Kai?" Rumley seethed, "How can we trust your judgement when the Southern Quadrant is in ruins?!"

"You were lucky that Whis' student destroyed your Super Saiyan before he took the entire universe with him!" Synt growled, "The creation of your so called 'warrior' race was not authorised!"

"B-But I had no choice!" The Kai exclaimed desperately.

"Master, your injuries!" Kibito cried, yet his superior ignored him.

"Buu, or rather; Majin Buu was on a complete rampage! The likes of which you nor I have ever seen!" The purple skinned deity puffed, "Creating the Saiyan's was my last hope to take Buu down once and for all!"

"Before you realised what you had done and woke us up to clear your up your mess!" Rumley seethed, "I've never see the Southern Quadrant in such a dire state! Super Saiyan indeed!"

The Kai said nothing; instead, allowed his assistant to push him back into his seat. A soft yellow glow erupted from the red-skinned deity's palms, the Kai's wounds gradually beginning to disappear.

Whis coughed politely, turning to his fellow God's, "Come now, it was commendable that the Saiyan was able to achieve such a form. He did kill the wizard and disable Buu so much so that he was able to be sealed in a prison."

The pair grumbled, averting their eyes away from the blue-skinned deity.

"Besides," Whis continued, his thin lips twitching, "This argument is pointless when there are more pressing matters to address. Buu has been defeated, the Super Saiyan destroyed and Bibidi is no more; and yet… the scales are still unbalanced."

They froze; Rumley and Synt stared at Whis, their eyes flickering between him and the whirring scales on the table. Then, in a flash; Rumley launched himself at Whis, and with a battle cry that shook the temple, so did Synt.

But Whis was prepared; he span on his heel in one swift movement, allowing Synt to pass under his arm before he brought his elbow down in one heavy blow. With a sickening crack, Synt's spine snapped from the impact and he slumped to the floor in a heap.

Rumley howled in desperation, swinging his fists towards the God in rapid succession. Whis ducked and swooped out of harms way. Rumley attacked again, baring his fanged teeth before he suddenly stopped. Large eyes widening, he choked; blood expelled from his mouth caused by the end of Whis' sceptre piercing straight through his abdomen.

With a cool expression, Whis allowed the deity to slip to the ground before pulling out his sceptre in one fluid movement and wiped the pole clean on his garb. "Ah, thats better," he quirked, admiring the scales that slowly tipped to balance.

The Supreme Kai could hardly believe his eyes, "W-Whis! What did you-?!"

"They would have only have done the same to me," Whis stated calmly, "And I cannot just abandon Lord Beerus when he is still in training. Would be rather rude of me, wouldn't you say?."

Kibito shuddered, as blood seeped onto the tiled floor and pooled underneath his feet.

"A-and where is Lord Beerus if you don't mind mine asking?" The Kai asked wearily, the thought just coming to mind, "I haven't seen him since he left the battle."

"Sleeping," Whis informed with a smile, "I wouldn't want to wake him up until he's calmed down. I must say he was frightfully agitated that he had to destroy the Super Saiyan outright. So blinded by his anger, the saiyan I mean, and that power! Extraordinary, and yet such a waste!"

Supreme Kai dipped his head, "I-I didn't think what could happen. He drew on everything around him to transform; I could never have predicted that he obtained Bibidi's-!"

"All in the past, good Kai," Whis interrupted calmly, holding a hand up to silence him, "All in the past. But I must ask, what is the future of your Saiyan's? Can you be sure that another transformation like this does not occur?"

"The power of the super saiyan comes in response to a need, not a desire," he breathed, "If there comes a need for a super saiyan again, than one will appear; though I doubt anywhere near as strong as-"

"Well that certainly makes life interesting," Whis chuckled, "To think they may even be able to rival the Icen race with their potential."

The Supreme Kai and Kibito didn't laugh, but their gaze hardened.

"Don't worry yourself so Supreme Kai," said Whis, catching onto their gloomy expressions, "His race lives on, which is what you wanted isn't it?"

The Kai nodded, "I couldn't have had them destroyed too. I owe it to them."

"The only solace you've gained it seems," the destroyer God said smoothly.

The Kai sighed averting his eyes to the floor; "I just can't believe he's gone."

"A great warrior, but a necessity we needed to take none the less," Whis agreed stiffly, "An awesome power like that could not be contained in such a form, though I'm sure his soul will not be wasted."

Supreme Kai gave him a quizzical stare, yet Whis swiftly continued; "So I presume you will take on the responsibilities of your fallen comrades?"

The Kai nodded, "I-I know I am young and inexperienced, but after Buu slaughtered them, I owe it to them all. I must see to it that the universe runs as they would have wanted it."

Whis chortled, "There will come a time where I will step down and become a mere assistant to Lord Beerus. My successor may have a bit of a temper but he still has a lot to learn; but none the less, mistakes are there to be made. The young must replace the old as it were."

The creation God said nothing, signalling to Whis that it was time to take his leave.

"Excellent," Whis smiled pleasantly, "On that note, I'll leave you and your assistant Kibito here to it. It looks like you've got your work cut out for you."

Leaving the Kai and Kibito behind with pained expressions; the destroyer span happily on his heel and made his way to the temple doors, stepping brightly over the fallen bodies of his kin. Stopping suddenly, a thought just occurring, the deity looked back with a curious expression, "A question Kibito; the planet where Buu is hidden, what was it's name?"

"Oh," The assistant jumped, looking rather embarrassed that he had not mentioned it before, "Earth, my Lord Whis; it's name is Earth."

"Lovely," Whis smiled, "Now, if you'll excuse me there is a delectable looking dish on planet Zorn that I've had my eye on since the beginning of the battle!"

"Er… Whis?" Supreme Kai called, wincing slightly and stopping the deity in his tracks, "I'm afraid that the Super Saiyan destroyed that planet when he transformed into a golden…great ape…Sir."

"Ah," said Whis with disappointment, "Fiddlesticks."