The Little Blond Boy

-Diagon Alley- Chapter 1

*Draco's Point of View*

It had been years since I had last seen Harry Potter, but no matter what I did or who I did I could not get that green eyed man out of my mind. Every night that I laid down I would have the same dream; it always started with that one hot, steamy night in the astronomy tower after the war.

*Flash Back*

The war had just ended and my parents and I were sitting in the Great Hall with everyone else that had survived, and also the dead friends and family of us survivors. It was a dreadful time for everyone, my parents had confessed to me that they had not be faithful to Voldemort for some time, and they had been concerned for my wellbeing. We were sitting close together when Potter walked up, and requested a chat with me.

"What can I do for you Mr. Potter, savior of the wizarding world?" I sneered, I really did not want to see or talk to him, but I knew that to keep up my appearance and stay in good graces with him, and my family needed him to be on our side once trails started. "I would like to apologize to you for the last six years. I shouldn't have judged you, and your family so quickly. If you mother had not been worried about your safety I would not be here right now. Please accept my offered to be civil." He thrust out his hand offering to me.

I looked at it a couple seconds, and then wrapped my hand around his. The last time that I had physical contact with Potter, I had him pinned against the wall of the corridor on the fourth floor during our fifth year. I was shocked to still feel that sudden tingling feeling in my hands where our flesh touched.

Not only was it just a hand shake, he had handed me a piece of parchment. After he walked away I looked down at my hand, the corners of my mouth twitch wanting to form a smile, I shoved my hands in my pockets and turned back to my parents. We were offered a place to stay for the night at the castle, and we agreed. It was after dinner that I finally got some time to myself, and was able to read the letter that Potter had handed me.

The letter asked if I would meet him in the astronomy tower at midnight to talk. I was weary to take up the offered of joining him in such a secluded place; I wasn't worried about him trying to attack, and injury me, but I was worried that I would not be able to hold back my feelings, and confess them to him. I sucked up my doubt, and nodded to myself; I was going to meet Potter to find out why he wanted to talk to me away from other people.

My parents went to bed early, but I stayed up sitting in front of the fire thinking about tonight's meeting. At ten till midnight I left my rooms, and headed to the entrance of the astronomy tower with just a minute to spare. I ascended the and pushed open the door that lead to the upper room of the tower, the last time I had been up here I was trying to get Potter and his friends in trouble because of the dragon that Hagrid had hatched.

I stepped into the little room, it had been repaired and turned into a little sleeping room. Potter was sitting on a sofa in front of a roaring fire. "Come in Draco. Thank you for coming." I walked in and perched myself stiffly on an arm chair next to the sofa.

The first parts of our conversation were very tense, neither of us sure how to act around the other without fighting or being rude. I finally relaxed when I realized that Harry had a very dry sense of humor that went well with mine. We talked, and even laughed for a while before Harry went silent.

"Draco…" He looked up at me, got up, and walked over to me. He grabbed my arms, haled me up, and then pressed his mouth to mine. The tingle that had started when we shook hands became a full blown fire as soon as his lips touched mine. He pulled back from my lips, kissing over my jaw line heading for my ear. "I want you Draco." His breath whispered against my lobe, and made me shiver in delight. I couldn't hold back any longer, and I knew that I had to have him.

*End of Flash Back*

That night was the best night I had ever had. It was beautiful and heartbreaking. We both knew that once we left the tower that we would never had the chance to do it again, we both had duties that were more important than a simple crush. I couldn't get that night out of my head, and the memory played over and over no matter who I slept with, none of them reached the level that Harry was at. Even though I couldn't admit it then, and it was still hard now I knew that I was in love with him, and still was.

Not long after the Death Eater trails, and the funerals of his loved ones Potter disappeared. His name, and face still appeared in the Prophet but it was all speculation on where the Man-Who-Conquered had went off to. I had finally became an Unspeakable working closely with the Auror department when Dark Arts cases came up, and because of my position I used all of the tactics I knew of to find out any information about Potter from Weasley and Granger, but none of them would give me what I wanted and needed.

Pansy and her husband, Blaise were the only people that knew what happened that night. Every time I brought a new man home it was her that reminded me that Potter was the reason that I couldn't commit myself to. It was all that green-eyed man's fault.

Three years later I was walking around Diagon Alley with a very pregnant Pansy when I saw him. He had stepped out of Florish and Blotts book store smiling, I stopped in my step, and it shocked looked up to see what I was looking at, and then looked back at me smiling.

"Why don't we go talk to him, and see what he's been up to the last three years?" Pansy said dragging me closer to the man that I loved. As we got closer I started to notice that even though it looked like he hadn't changed I could see that he was different, but still had the slight curl at the base of his neck, the little dimples at the corners of his smiling mouth, and that sparkle was exactly the same when he was happy.

We were about five feet from him when a little boy ran out of the store, and right into his arms. He turned to walk down the sidewalk when he saw us standing in front on him, a small pink flush overcame his face, but he continued to smile. "Hello Draco, Pansy. It is such a nice surprise to see you."

"Dada, who they?" The little boy asked. Harry leaned in and whispered something in the little boys' ear, his smile got brighter. "Scorpius this is Draco Malfoy, and Pansy Parkinson." Pansy smiled. "Actually it's not Parkinson anymore its Zabini. Blaise and I got married last year." Harry smiled. "Congratulations on your marriage and your upcoming motherhood. I would like to introduce you to my son, this is Scorpius." Harry set the boy down, and he walked over shook my hand, and then kissed the back of Pansy's' like a gentleman. Pansy bend down as far as she could get to look him in the face.

"Oh wow! You are so cute and very polite. Such a gentleman, your father taught you well." Pansy said smiling brightly at him. "Tank you ma'ma." He tried to say, and turning back to Harry asking to be picked up. "It has been really good seeing both of you, but we must be going. We have an appointment with some family, but I would like to hear from you Draco. Feel free to owl me any time." Harry said, picking up the small boy and stepping around us.

He had turned the corner heading toward the Weasley's joke shop before I said anything to Pansy. "Oh his son was so cute, wasn't he Draco/" I smiled at her. "He has a kid Pans. Has he moved on?" I was shocked, and sad, and a bit confused about what to do with my feelings.

"Draco. Did you not have your eyes open? He is blond, with green eyes, was named after a constellation, and looked to be about three years old." I was getting really confused now. "Oh Merlin, Draco! He is your kid!" I was shocked when she said that, but it made my mind start to work. "Send him an owl in a couple days, ask to meet him for lunch somewhere, and get to know him again. And no I didn't look like he had moved on, he flushed when he saw you, and I didn't see any other man or women with him, so I say you're safe." Pansy said dragging me down the street toward the Leaky Cauldron for lunch.